My infant will only sleep when he is beign held: Advice?

Check with your pediatrician. Could be your baby is having tummy troubles and your body heat and movement soothes them. You cannot hold them constantly because you cannot rest. My daughter cried constantly and needed to be held. A swing helped considerably ( the constant movement thing). Praying for you because you have to be totally exhausted.


When my oldest started doing this,his doctor told me that as long as he was fed,dry and nothing wrong with him—let him cry—to pat him or rock the crib,but to not pick him up…it was hard doing this,but it didn’t take long for him to stop crying when he wasn’t being held…


I agree with Ms Britton’s words. Your baby is still learning. And only 6weeks! It is exhausting, I have 4 kids, and the older ones were almost the same. My little is 6months. He is a needy (spoiled as only a infant can be, and not in a bad way) baby, and does not want to fall asleep unless I am breastfeeding him, or Daddy is holding him.
He will one day grow to know that you will be near when he wakes, for now, it’s scary being out of a warm safe environment.
Take breaks, switch and tag team with dad. Enjoy a nap in a chair with your baby. And remember, you will miss this time of baby needing mom and dad.
Crying will not hurt your baby. If it’s just you for a day, and you are tired, put baby down. Allow a few minutes if crying, go and hold, repeat and wait longer in between. All will be fine.

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wrap him tight in a blanket and lay him down with a pillow behind his/her back…if he /she will have to let that happen if there are no reasons for the crying other than wanting to be mum had 8 children and she did this…left us in the pram in the garden for fresh air…its hard to let a baby cry,but it will learn …good luck…dont let baby become ill from too long a cry though

My mother always told me as long as they are clean and dry, not hungry, to let them cry. The sooner you break the habit of holding him constantly the earlier you will get it under control. It is not mean to allow them to cry, so long as they have all that I listed. Doctors agree that parents are most likely the issue, as you set a presedence by holding him do often.


I disagree he is so little he can’t make you a slave. He may have a tummy ache & being close to you your husband gives him warmth. I’ve raised 4 kids & this to shall pass. Talk to your doctor. Will he take a paci? Swaddling is good also.


Swaddling and laying your hand on him until he falls asleep. My baby did this as well I soaked it in, at about a few months old he became more independent and didn’t need to be held to fall asleep he still is okay sleeping on his own. Their whole world was living inside you, this is all new to them, most eventually become more and more independent. I believe always holding my baby when he cried or was in distress helped him be okay on his own now of I sit him down.


My son started doing this. Found out he actually had an inner ear infection! When he laid down it hurt more thus the crying. Holding him upright made him feel better. The pediatrician checked him out and found out the root of the problem!!!poor little guy.:cry:

children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep. Time flys hold your baby nothing more important


Unpopular opinion, I held my babies for as long as I could. They napped while I rocked them and slept in a bassinet at night, the crib scared them. I think it may have been too big. They are too big to rock now, so enjoy it while you can mama!


My daughter was this way. I am totally against letting them lay there and cry. Don’t do that. Your child learns love and trust by you responding to them. My daughter wouldn’t have swaddling. Her favorite thing was the bouncy seat on vibrate.


Well I agree with some of the post. He needs to learn to sleep I. His bed without being held. My daughter’s youngest was kind of like that, so she got a swaddling gown and put it on her and the she was fine. Maybe you should try the swaddling gown to see if that helps

He senses your anxiety But I rocked my child to sleep for way too long until I had to turn sideways going down the hall to put her in bed Don’t regret it Had some good moments during those rocking sessions I also went through going to bed with her until she went to sleep, until that is when the time came that I woke up and she was staring at me. Then I decided to do what was best for the entire family and if it agreed with everyone’s or anyone’s view, I just didn’t care and guess what - she sleeps very soundly now. Not going tell you how old she is but I’m 76 so you can guess this is old fashioned mothering talking.

Swaddle good, and begin to sleep train he’ll learn that he is safe my take 2-3 days momma you know his cries
He’ll rest better and so will ypu


My oldest did not sleep through the night till he was 19 months old. Wanted to be held or have some one nearby. It was exhausting. We lived in an apartment, so I couldn’t just let him scream. Cause scream he would. His brother was born when he was 20 months old. I didn’t sleep for years. I felt like I was losing my mind some days.
Make sure there’s no medical reason why he won’t sleep. Put something that smells like you next to him. I’m a mom of 4. My last two slept through the night at like a month old. Have no idea why.

If you can let him cry it out, let him. Check on him. Talk softly to him. Rub his tummy. Do that less and less over a week’s time.

Best of luck to you. That oldest baby is now 24. He has no residual affects from any of this and neither do his brothers and sister.

Best advice I ever got was listen to the advice of others. Some things may work. Some may not. It’s your baby. You’re the one that’s with him 24/7. Do what works for you, your baby, and your household.

I wish you the best.


Enjoy holding him. I agree 100% with that, but you need to find a way for him to sleep. The ear infection is something I would check on. My boys had a lot of ear infections some more than others.
My younger grandchildren would be crying and not totally settle down. I would swaddle them and then rock them to sleep and they would usually sleep when set down.
I also agree with the fact that he may be startling himself and that will wake him up. I saw that in my children if I didn’t swaddle them.

That’s the mistake most new mothers makes all the time, I was blessed and fortunate I learned early from my mother not to run and pick crying babies every time they cry. I’m the oldest of five girls and I helped took care of my younger brothers and sisters when they were little. Let them cry, it helps develop their lungs, and also let them follow your schedule, not you following theirs! Be bless and enjoy your baby because they grow up really fast and you wonder how fast time fly

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Swaddling and put the bassinet near you. The cry it out method isn’t healthy for them at this stage. My doctor didn’t recommend them to self soothe until 4 months old.


I used to pat my baby’s back or butt to put her to sleep. Do not hold the baby to put him to sleep. If he fusses you have to let him. It is very hard to do but you have too. I had soft music playing in my baby’s room as well or a musical toy.


Its very common! You arent alone…the swing and swaddling are different ideas along wi tough love–letting him cry (i couldnt do tht…lol) just keep trying til you find one tht works for you or he grows out of it. Im sure he is precious!!! Good luck!!


Do NOT put them in a swing or carseat to sleep!!! When their little heads droop down it can restrict their breathing and kill them. Make sure their bottom is clean and belly is full, swaddle them, put them to bed and let them cry. Rocking the bed gently WILL help. It wont be an immediate change but if you dont start now, you’ll never have any peace. It’s ok to hold them for a little while but not constantly. Good luck.:hugs::hugs:


At 6 wks going through growth spurt. Needs to eat frequently or increase in amount. Hold your baby build that bond. Soon baby will be trying to get out of your lap.

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Do you swaddle him firmly in a blanket? It is a wonderful secure feeling . Just wrap him up like a burrito !!!


Can you say spoiled! Every new mother’s been there! Let him cry if you are sure it’s just for attention! He will learn soon and be the better for it!

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He may be going through a growth spurt too. You may have to feed more often

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I have a Daughter now in her 30s that was that way right from the start, wasn’t comforted if not held or next to you at night. So that’s what we did but I had young teens who also help hold her to. She was always frightened if not next to someone all her life right from birth. Found out later in her life she could not retain vitamin B a genetic disorder which caused excessive stress which presented itself as fear. She was also breast feed. So sometimes it’s the nature of the baby or or something genetic or physical

I know it sounds mean and it’s hard but you have to let them cry it out. I had my first child 6 months ago and it was hard. But it’s okay to let them cry. My son loved his nuk and having his security blanket helps him sleep.

White noise also he might just be going through a developmental leap it’s when they tend to get clingy! It will end, just ride it out and read about it :slightly_smiling_face: it’s quite interesting!

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There’s a difference between letting them cry a bit until they settle and letting them scream their lungs out for an hour. My kid co-slept (at his father’s insistence and my discomfort) and he was in our bed until he was 11 years old. The only time he wasn’t is if I dragged him off our bed and put him on a bed on the floor. Start off with rocking and putting baby in a bassinet in your room. Move the bassinet away from you and move it further away each night, and rock for less time each night. Put a t-shirt that you’ve worn over the side of where the baby sleeps. You could also try playing a recording of a heartbeat. Stay present, but don’t pick up or hold. There’s a way to have a self-soothing baby and accomplish that in as gentle a way as possible. Slowly and surely. Follow your instinct. If this was working for you, you’d feel good about what you’re doing. Everyone has different methods that work for them. Don’t let anyone shame you into doing it “their way”.

Honestly in the times we r in right now…hold your baby as long as possible…let him Feel your warm and comforting arms. Me personally held my babies everytime they cried and rocked them till they zonked out and they r both well adjusted young men. Tomorrow is not promised follow your heart. All the best.

I had the same thing with my oldest son. Pediatrician said I am down and let him cry. It took a couple days, but it work. They learn to manipulate early on.

For the first 2months or so my baby was like this. He hated being swaddled so that didn’t help. I bought a cosleeper that lays on our bed and put him in it between me and his dad and that worked well.

Hold those babies as long as you can!! You blink and it’s over…slept with my preemies, all 3 for the 1st 6 months. When they finally did go into their cribs/beds they never once came in our room while they were little…once it goes away you will wish you had that time back…

I’m a first time mom too. My daughter is 14 months old now. She was like this for the longest. Try and meet all his needs and swaddle him. It will make him feel safe and like he is in your arms. Worked for me! Good luck!

Babies at this age sometimes like to cluster feed. My last one did this and I cried because I couldn’t put him down long enough to go to the bathroom and someone said this is a big growth spurt age so to feed more frequently. It worked.
You’re doing a good job momma.

Lots of mom’s have tried sleep training but you have to be a bit tough and let him cry it out…

A. He is NOT spoiled…he is too young. B. We had a similar experience, but when they woke up when I put them down, I just leaned in and patted (and begged) them back to sleep. My back suffered, but eventually it took less time. Good luck.

You might try soothing him by talking to him. I also agree with swaddling good. He may have the sensation of falling if his arms are free. If you know nothing is wrong the sound of your voice or the touch of your hand should be enough.

He probably has acid reflux most babies get it. He needs a rolled up towel under the head of his bassinet. To help keep his head elevated a little. Pediatrician told us this for my grandson he was same way! It helps! Plus we got him a noise machine with white noise and heart beat setting… And played heart beat while he slept in his bassinet. Also one thing I did when my daughter was little was to get a hot water bottle full it with hottest water you can get out of tap. lay it on bassinet and put blanket over it so bed gets nice and warm while you rocking him to sleep. Then when you lay him down pat his back for little bit of he sturs. Then he should go back to sleep if his bed is warm like your arms. I also rolled a receiving blanket and put under head and around back and placed him on his side like the way I was holding him. He slept good. Also helps to have them swaddled really good while doing this!! My grandson is now one year and he is doing it again and I went back to this way and it helps him to nap by himself without me having to hold him for two hours while he naps!

It was balance for me and my baby, only put my babies in the crib for sleep, talked read , and played with my babies, and would hold my babies, but I also did what I had to do ,cook, clean, take a break while they sat in their Carrier seat. And again only put them in their crib when it was for a nap or time for sleep. It worked beautiful. If they cried I made sure all was well ,made sure they were dry and feed . And they would fall asleep. By the time they were 9 months they slept through the night.

Swaddle him. It helps him to feel secure. He will sleep longer and without being held. They need that. And so do you. Also try a wrap holder for during the day. Frees up your hands and still keeps him close.

Have him checked out, my baby girl had acid reflux (very hard to diagnose in young babies) but with some meds and elevating the head of her cradle she slept better. But I have to say, I didn’t mind holding her! Enjoy every minute because as they get older they may not want to be snuggled (I have one that does and one that doesn’t!) I learned to do everything while holding or using a baby carrier and when I went to work my sitter did the same. I also co-slept (cradle next to the bed when little) and don’t regret a minute of it (now- at the time I jokingly questioned my sleep-deprived sanity!) :wink:

Mine did this the first 3 months…we suspected colic. Then one day he just stopped :woman_shrugging:t3: actually turned into the easiest baby to put to bed…easiest out of 4. It’s hard, be patient, he still needs time. Maybe a side sleeper bed where you can lay him down and keep a hand on him to comfort him till he doses may help.

Swaddling is a good place start. They didn’t have the neat wraps to hold the baby close to you while still being able to do things. I know many people who use them and it works wonders. My oldest slept best in his swing or with an elevated mattress. We put blankets under the head of the crib. It turned out he was allergic to his formula and once we found that out he slept better. I was blessed all my children slept through the night by 1 month. However, some needed extra attention during the day. The swing was a big helper. Some of my babies also fell asleep to the sound of the vacuum cleaner.
Good luck.
Finally, sometimes they do need to cry themselves to sleep. Start with letting him cry for 5 minutes or so and gradually increase the time. This sometimes helps both of you if you can deal with the crying until it stops. Don’t be afraid to check him, comfort him, talk to him, but just don’t pick him up.
I’ll be praying for you.

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I was a hands on mom. It’s exhausting being a mom, now I’m a nana. I snuggled them and rocked them as much as I could. They grow up and know what being loved and cherished.

It could be his formula. He may have gas. My daughter did the same thing on the formula once the doctor changed it she was good to go. If he is crying all day too, I would say something is wrong!!

My oldest was like this. It got so bad I was hallucinating from lack of sleep. We finally put him in a swing and that did the trick.

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Is he being bottle fed. If so the formula may not Agee with him. If not rock him, put him down and pat his back a few minutes. If he cries again pat his back. Unfortunately our first child is an experiment child. I have three. I think at six weeks he’s too little to let him cry for any length of time!

My son would only sleep in his swing until he was 3-4 months old. Then he would only sleep in his crib if we had multiple blankets under him to cushion him so over a few weeks I would take a blanket out at a time and now he sleeps in his crib just fine since 4-5 months. He only acts the way you described if he’s hurting or something is wrong. Not saying to do what I did just saying that’s what worked for me.

The baby learns quickly. If you pick them up as soon as they start fussing. It doesn’t take them long to learn they will get picked up immediately.

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I’m a nanny and I have been doing this for 20 years. I work with a lot of newborn babies. And usually it’s hard for the first time moms to sleep train the babies because they don’t like to hear them cry. So they tend to give up and either they end up in your bed or you end up carrying them all the time. Feed your baby use that as binding time burp the baby swaddle and put the baby down in dark quite place with white noise and it works wonders.

I was thinking maybe colic and/ or Gerd may be contributing to baby’s sleep issues… it could be other things too or maybe not anything at all except just wanting to be held (positioning of hold too), but I’d encourage you to speak with a nurse and schedule an appt with the pediatrician…just to make sure nothing is going on to contribute to it. Things can happen especially when parents are TOO sleep deprived and trying to care for baby as best they can but nothing seems to help calm baby except holding them. You can never really spoil a baby too much and of course sleep deprivation is quite common in the first few months especially…but eventually things get better and especially (I’ve learned) when routines are formed- because it’s stable and develops trust. But attachments to routines/ methods (habits) (like co-sleeping for example) can also be formed if nothing is done to introduce baby to new things. Crying is fine… and t can be tough to deal with with new parents…nut babies can cry for 10- 15 min and be okay
…it is at the 15 min mark that if they do not calm (after you’ve already fed and changed them and checked to make sure they’re okay)… that may be an indication that something else is going on and should be noted to their dr, if it is habitual. Fussiness around the same times daily / nightly- may be colic usually caused by stomach discomfort.

I held my first son a lot and often would sit in the chair in his room with him on my chest until we both fell asleep. Putting him from a warm body to a cooler crib may be what wakes your son up. The temperature change. I used a “snuggly” to carry him during the day and I could still accomplish things I needed to do. He grew out of this in time, but my husband and I enjoyed having him close to us. Maybe not for everyone. He is now 42, has a great job, is married and has an 8 year old son. We all survived!

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This might be a question of is he getting full enough to sleep…My daughter was horrible and she was a big baby but we started her on rice at 3 weeks…yep 3 weeks…not like my others. Once she ate more she slept more but was also jaundice. Does baby have colic? That may be part of it too…gripe water or a little bit of cabbage water…otherwise I agree baby may have to learn to cry it out some sadly.

Swaddle him in a blanket. I had my niece she was like a month old and her mom said she didn’t sleep for more than 2hrs I swaddled her and she slept for like 4 1/2 hrs.

You don’t have a degree in this for me I lay down let them. cry after I made sure that diaper was dry and they was feeded and they do learn from early age and pick up how get what they want do what best for you I know for me it turn out ok and I started get more things done an sleep

As a nursery nurse i know first hand how quick babies can get spoiled to rocking. We had baby swings and placenta bears we would use. It worked. We would put baby in the swing on tortoise speed and wind up bear which mimics the sound baby hears during pregnancy. Also soft low soothing music may help.

I’m the worst to ask!! My doctor use to tell me as long as their safe just walk away lol I use to sweep the patio a lot now I’m the same with my grandkids I’m a lovely pushover much luck mama

Yes I had same kind of babies all 4😳 it’s quite exhausting and frustrating because you can’t relax and letting them cry was not an option for me I just couldn’t! My save is simple and it was the only thing that afforded me some breathers! I had a swing it went back and forth or side to side and played sounds of waves etc it went pretty fast I loved this swing so much and all others did not do what this swing did for me lol I ended up replacing the motor 3 times because other swings no matter how fancy did not swing quickly enough! The swing or my arms was all baby would accept lol so for a shower I put baby Einstein dvd and put swing where baby could see and the motion would lull them into sleep while the beautiful music and colors kept his gaze! It will pass don’t panic! I know how hard it is and days are long nights longer!!

Make sure he doesn’t have something going on, acid reflux can cause pain all day if its not treated. Also, growth spurts are common around 2weeks and can last weeks. They also have one around 4 and 6weeks,They are painful. Are you still swaddling him? Most babies really do better when swaddled. Its ok to let him cry for a short time but hes still too little to lay there and scream for more than a few minutes at a time.

My baby refused to sleep anywhere else but on us until she was about 6-7 months old.


Babies like to be wrapped right at night just like they do in the hospital they feel like there being held

I nannied for someone who had this issue. She had me soothingly talk to him for 5 minutes, then I would leave the room. She had me let him fuss for increasing amounts of time (week 1 3 minutes, week 2 5 minutes, week 3 10 minutes). I set a timer, and would go sooth him some more after that time. This seemed to work pretty well with him.

I have 10 children. I took the first few months to enjoy my babies and if they wanted to be held all day I did just that. At 6 weeks babies need the comfort of mom. They are wrapped tight inside and need that feeling for a couple months. I never let my baby cry them selves to sleep. It took no more than 3 months for them to adjust. I can’t fathom leaving a new born to cry it out. All my children are adults and many have children of their own they weren’t terrors nor did they hit me. We are very close and their children are being raised the same way. They are amazing people and excellent parents. Throwing the BS flag on letting them cry themselves to sleep that young

I let my baby’s cry it out… as long as they were well taken care of and didn’t actually have a reason to cry… they were on my schedule, not the other way around LOL

BEFORE you let a baby “cry it out”, have the pediatrician check for an inner ear infection.

A suggestion from a Great-Grandmother here: swaddle baby, have music playing in the background ( I put classical music on) and if you can put a pillow or blankets rolled up next to baby with a heating pad on…it seems to comfort baby by the pressure and the heat. And if you give them a Nuk, baby should sleep. Our precious baby’s have their own schedule :heart:

I had one to do the exactly the same thing every time I laid him down he would cry I had to let him cry it out a couple nights could not take it anymore it worked !!!

“Healthy sleep habits, Healthy child” by Marc Weissbluth! I have 4 boys. My 2 youngest are twins. I did this method for all of them. The absolutely loved their beds and were all amazing sleepers! You can do it mama. Just gotta have a muster and will power.

I’m 5 years into this! First baby slept on my til almost 3 as a good nurser. Second baby is almost 2.5 and still tries to use me as a mattress. He nurses and rolls off but sometimes climbs up on me and kills my back. We are trying to find some balance.

Vibrations can actually make you sleepy try this. It also would stimulate sensory and may distract from not being held. Personally I never did the cry ot put method it just wasn’t for me. I would also swaddle to mimic the pressure of your arms around baby which is also sensory.

If medical issues have been ruled out-I’d let him cry it out.

Trying swaddling him. My experience my twin boys never done this because the day we brought them home, they stayed swaddled. Unless getting a bath or changed

My second was this way. I had to let him fuss it out. I knew his needs were met. It took time but he got to the point that he could be self soothed.

Your baby needs you – that’s it . Hold him as much as you can NOW because you will miss it Later – I promise that it won’t be forever . Some people might suggest to let your baby “cry it out” but - personally - I think that’s an awful way to do things . Imagine crying out for help and being ignored … I dunno – that’s just me . Everyone has their own way of doing things - and I don’t think that there is a right or wrong way (unless it’s abusive ) of parenting .

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I used to use a baby carrier to hold my babygirl when she was first born. She was with me and I could still do stuff i needed to do. And at night I would put a piece of clothing I wore wrapped around a boppy pillow, swaddled her and laid her on top of it. So my smell was close and the boppy felt like someone was holding her. It worked like a charm! This only happened until she was about 4 mo ths old and grew out of it.

It could be acid reflux, it could be gas. It could be what you’re feeding him whether it’s breast milk or formula and if it’s formula adjustment on it. there’s a number of reasons your 6 weeks old child could be screaming that much all day everyday and I would take him to the doctor and rule out anything wrong before doing anything else. The swings are great. The bouncy seats are great too especially the ones with the vibration. Get him checked out and go from there. My son had severe acid reflux and would projectile vomit

Try swaddling him and maybe place one of your shirts under him so he can smell your sent. Just the small of you might make him think he’s still against you… tuck it tightly in his crib or bassinet so he doesn’t wiggle it loose… good luck. I had one that was colic for almost 6 months.

Let him cry it out. I know it seems harsh but he needs to learn to soothe himself.

I have a Masters Degree in Early Childhood and have worked with the littles for 30 years and have a lot of experience. Your child is learning trust when you meet their needs by responding to their cries. Don’t let ANYONE tell you to put them down and let them cry. Unless you have reached the end of your coping skills and you need a break for your child’s safety, then it’s ok for a few minutes. If you don’t meet their needs when they cry, they will learn not to trust that you will and they will stop trying.
One way is to lay next to your baby to put them to sleep so they feel you and then slowly roll away. Then when that is working, lay down with them and place your hand on them so they feel you and slowly move away when they are asleep. Next lay in close proximity but don’t touch and slowly roll away.
You can also just snuggle them while they sleep (when you can) the laundry and dishes will wait and they only be this little once!!
YOU CANNOT SPOIL A BABY!! They are learning about trust!!


Try baby wearing…like a ergo or tula baby carrier or a wrap.that way baby feels secure and you can get things done. Dont let them cry it out. Babies need to feel secure and the wanting to be held will only last for so long so enjoy it while you can…it goes quick

get him out that bsinsr in a naby bed he will sleep i know t wenr thru it my self no more holding him

Swaddling is good. Helped mine alot when I couldn’t hold her.

Swaddling works. You can hold him swaddled and then put him down in the swaddle. He’ll still feel that connection.

My infant would wake up after she was put in her crib. We figured out the sheets were colder than my body heat and was waking her up.

Yes just let him cry for about 10 minutes and if he’s still crying go and pat him on the back and just keep this up and he will go to sleep

Place a heating pad on the bed while you are holding him. Before you place him down, remove heating pad. He misses your warmth.

My grandson had to be either held… or in a swing.

Get the bear that has a heart beat noise and lay beside the baby or they have them playing the baby lulubays on them try that with the baby to see if that will work worth a shot…

They grow up so fast, why would you want to let them cry when you can comfort him.

My son had a hard time after he was sick and thats what we had to do it works

Take a shirt you and dad smell is still on it be for wash lay baby on top he would you still holding him

We started putting our son in an ergopouch zip up swaddle.

Theyre only little for a short time. Enjoy it while it lasts. I currently have 4 wk olds sleeping on me!

He could have acid reflux. You can message his dr of your concerned about that. These are #3 and #4 for me. Things that have been savers…#1 loved a wearable carrier, #2 loved a vibrating bouncy seat, these 2 live the rockaroo swing (had to buy 2 lol - used), these 2 also fall right to sleep in a car ride, all 4 had to be swaddled at night.

Also make sure he is full. I was not able to satisfy the first to with breast milk alone and until they got a bottle they were never able to sleep for more than a couple minutes. There is no shame in supplementing if you need to, a free baby is best. We knew while in the hospital #1 needed a bottle and desire nurses pushing breast feeding, i finally demanded a bottle and he took the entire thing and then slept for hours. The rest i was wider for and they had bottles waiting for us. #3 & 4 have gotten more breat milk than the first 2 bc I’m making significantly more, but they are also supplemented, b/c they need to eat, i love content babies and their faces, and we all need sleep!

Oh and #2 needed formula for less gas. Gas could be and issue for you too preventing sleep.

In the meantime, enjoy the snuggles cus when they stay moving snubs fun by happen as much anymore!

Wear a tshirt for a few days, and then lay it out flat under the baby in his crib or wherever you’re putting him down… He will smell you and it will calm him.

Do you wrap him in a light weight blanket? Some babies really like it and it tends to help them sleep.

Try an infant swing. They fall asleep quicklyand you can easily move them to crib. It rocks at different speeds. Gentle on up.

I think you could rock him to sleep and put him down in his crib. If he wakes, let him cry for a few minutes and he’ll go back to sleep.

I’m thinking acid reflux 2! My son did that 2 and would spit up alot! Swaddle hard and have him sleep on a reflux pillow

You could try putting a shirt or something that smells like you in his bassinet and see if that helps him