I don’t think it really matters at this point you were already exposed like a week ago to whatever your child has.
You’ll be in the hospital for s couple days and by then your sick kid will be fine
People are so mean!! She said she was just venting. It’s stressful at times to be a parent wish people would stop being so harsh to one another and give positive advice instead of tearing each other down over everything
Wow how selfish can you be girl your a mother deal with it there gonna be times when there both sick and then what
Your child didn’t ask to get sick either, so I hope your doing all you can to comfort he or she. As for you start taking some vitamin C or drink extra orange juice. Your immune system is much stronger than your child’s .
Because unfortunately that’s life…life doesn’t happen on our schedule. As far as being close to delivering your baby maybe you have family that can help or the baby’s Daddy but then again this won’t be the 1st or last time you have 1 sick child & 1 not & you’ll have the joy of tending to them both…honey I did it with 3 ages 5 & under, welcome to the joys of Motherhood & multiple children
I’m appreciate that you have vented at this moment that is a lot of stress to deal with mentally, emotionally and physically. I wish I was close by to baby sit so you can have space to think clearly. I write things down and jot a few solutions to the problem it helps me with anxiety.
I think some are taking this wrong. this doesnt sound to me like she is not tending to her child and or only thinking of herself. It sounds like an overwhelmed/hormonal mom who is overthinking every worst case scenario at the moment. Labor/delivery alone can be a little scary without having a second child to care for/think of in the midst of a pandemic at that. Y’all will get through it mamas, get some rest while ya can and don’t stress the what if’s❤️
Jeez tough crowd in here
Ok I just have to say this … why are some woman putting well that’s just being a mum and that’s mum life for you suck it up … please please dont you woman ever have a bad day you all better make sure yourself you are perfect she put that she just wants to vent and to be truthful she has every right to be worried because when a baby is first born the arent old enough to be vaccinated if she choose to go that way and with covid still so strong in most places like come on why do people feel it’s ok to mum shame … hey mumma I hope your feeling abit more calm with this it can be quite tough but really and truly you got this little man or little princess will have be feeling abit run down just like yourself but please make sure you still show lots of love towards them as he or she may already feel like they are being replaced with the new addition I know mine did and he had to adjust to not just one but 2 new addition but I really hope your toddler is starting to get better and is feeling abit more themselves and you have abit more reassurance that things are starting to look up … REMEMBER YOU GOT THIS SUPER MUM
Look after & care for the child that’s already here keep the place you live in disinfected & a baby who is not here yet can’t get sick. If said child is ill when newborn gets home you don’t realise that there immune systems & yours are stronger than you think. Disinfect everything your child touches snotty tissue in bin hand washing. It’s basic commen sense to do when a child is ill.
God forbid when they both get sick you’ll not know how to cope
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?
Go get your child tested for COVID. Prayers for all of you.
It’s almost fall… your newborn will get sick regardless
Take the child to the Doctor.
Definitely get him tested for Covid… all symptoms in little ones. Other than that, try and have him rest and keep him hydrated. Best of luck to you !
Get him tested. It is so unfortunate but do what’s best for you and both kiddos. Rest. Hydrate. Take care.
This is a reality of bring a parent. Kids get sick. Breastfeed if possible and you should be fine.
It’s called life… it happens. Everything will turn out okay just becareful when baby comes home for a little bit. Nothing major here just a little more work for you as a mother. I’ve done it you can too. Hopefully you can get help from family or friends.
Get your kid well then worry about the rest its called being a mother
Sorry to be blunt but that’s life xx
My toddler got sick and so did I right before giving birth and it lasted days after birth and my newborn never got sick.
Lots of hand washing, no kissing the baby on the lips while being sick.
It sucks giving birth while sick, but you got this!
Can a grandparent take him hun
I had a gastrointestinal bug when I gave birth to my first, I was in labour for 23 hours and spent that time puking constantly and shitting myself. It’s amazing what we can endure when we have no choice. You will be fine.
I would try some zarbees cough syrup with honey, warm steam showers and vicks vapor rub and a vaporizer in the room at night. Disinfectant everything you can with lysol wipes and wash hands often. Also chicken noodle soup and 7up for stomach. Hopefully it’s just a cold and will run it’s course. If it’s really bad coughing take them to the doctor, they might need breathing treatments if it’s bronchitis.
Have you considered adoption?
Treat the one that’s sick
Vick vapor rub on feet. With socks helps with congestion. And multivitamins.
That was my worse fear when I was about to deliver also
But more so my kid getting sick and me not being able to b there to care for him while I’d b In the hospital.
Just go straight to the dr
And get him tested and on medz
Praying it’s something minor
Get a humidifier with vicks for the 5yo (not for a newborn) some sani wipes for the house and toys, change their toothbrush and yours or boil them to kill excess bacteria, and do your best to still enjoy your last few days of cuddles together! You may feel terrible momma, and little one may be sick, but these are precious moments before adding another baby, just take it all in and know you can get through this
Just take the 5 yr old to the Dr and see if it is just a cold or more serious: Covid or reg flu or just an infection. Kids get sick all the time. Dont panic. Use common sense. If not Covid: just treat the little one with whatever dr suggests and take your vitamins and give the 5 yr old vitamins. But u need to know if it isCovid. . More serious precautions will need to be taken of si.
Wait till ones poorly. Gets better then other gets it. Gets well then the other child gets it again.
Get your child tested…either way everyday try to take something and wipe down where your child is at so its less likely to spread…wash your hands and face alil more …hoping for a safe delivery ND that your child gets well soon
Stop having kids? Haha totally joking. Take him to the Dr as it could be anything. Don’t jump to the conclusion it’s covid as those are symptoms for many things.
Well mayday dad could step up and help
For God’s sake! Get a grip will you! Kids get sick, mother’s deal with it. What the hell?
That’s life, people get sick! I hope your kid gets well soon! Sorry your so inconvenienced by your child being sick!
Take care of your sick kid. Priorities. Geezus.
It’s amazing the immunity babies are born with. Sorry about the sick one.
Vicks vapour rub on feet pair of socks , fluids , stop worrying not everything is Covid especially in children
Is this really a guestion?!
Why is everyone being so mean? She doesn’t want the newborn to catch what her kid has, that’s completely understandable and she said she was just venting.
I’m sorry your kids sick, maybe try some Vicks and steam.
Get you kid checked for covid
get you both elderberry gummies to boost immune health and treat cold and flu symptoms
Wow am sorry to sound horrible but ffs kids get sick welcome to parenting if it was a bad illness and I mean bad then fair enough but things really could be worse, ppl have to live each day with real problems like losing a child / teen / ect and still having to deal with day to day and go to work and deal with life because they have other children at home I honestly am sorry but be great full u have what you have and cherish it
Mother Nature has ways to sort this. I’m sure your child will be fine and will be better before u know. Hope all goes ok xxx
Dont you a mom sister aunt. To watch her?
Call the 5 yr Olds doctor and tell them what’s going on …call your doctor and do the same… try and stay calm
All children get poorly take her to the doctor’s and plenty mammy hugs and she’ll be better in no time. Don’t worry
Take care of your child like the rest of us? Where’s dad and why is he not an option? Family?
I literally coughed one of my kids out .
Take a deep breath momma take your baby to Dr and see what’s wrong baby’s are born with a strong immune system and people y all are so mean wow
Well that is life with kids. Get cleaning and sanitizing things- door knobs, any thing your child can touch. I’m sure it’s just a little bug that your child had and he’ll be over it soon. For you - be sure to get lots of rest and eat healthy and drink lots of fluids so you stay healthy. Good luck.
It’s inevitable ur child sick now or when ur baby is here. Get ur child better, ur worrying over nothing which doesn’t help ur health so first things first bring ur child’s health back to order
Take your kid to the doctor… See what they recommend to help their symptoms. Explain your concerns to your doctor! It may sound judgemental but it doesn’t seem like your kid being sick is a concern of yours… Sounds like you’re worried about you getting sick and your newborn. Treat your sick child and have the house disinfected before you come home.
My eldest had chicken poxs when I had my youngest hun and she never cought them also my dad had shingles too and she was fine… Just try and stay carm and look after the sick little one the last thing that child would want is u getting upset and angry about it they can’t help being ill hun just cuddle your baby better x
OJ, Vitamins and lots of home made soups/stews. You’ve got this Mamma
People are so rude … She sounds depressed and fed up and emotional , it might not even be about the sick child , maybe every little thing is getting on top of her
Get used to it believe me it don’t get bttr:joy:
Talk to your gp hope you all be ok and take care of yourself a stressful time
Kids get sick and you cant hold your baby in. Make sure to feed him a good diet. More veggies. Watch sugar intake.
Give your five year old some meds now.
Talk with your kid about the importance of hand washing and covering mouth/nose while sneezing. Let them know baby will be here soon and you want to be extra careful so they will not get sick as well. Explain that this is a big role of being big brother/sister, that they are mommy’s helper and this will help you. Make sure you are washing your hands often as well. Get your kid checked out and make sure you’re both taking vitamins. Sanitize the house/things your kid touches. Make a specific area where they can rest and play to have less areas to keep sanitized. You can be in control of what they touch by getting/doing things for your child. I know this is extremely stressful before birth. My step daughter had rsv when we brought home my daughter. We didn’t know until the second day she was home. We didn’t let her hold/touch baby’s things until she was better. You can breastfeed your new baby so that they get antibodies through your colostrum/breastmilk. This will help as well, even if you are sick. If you get sick I would suggest maybe wearing a mask around baby for the time being. You will already be doing extra handwashing with a new baby anyways. Try and reach out to any support system you have about helping care for your sick child. Hopefully your child will be well soon and you won’t catch anything. I wish the best for you in the coming days. You’ve got this!
This is when the saying “it takes a village” comes into play, do you have someone in the family who can help out? I would say priority #1 is ensuring your sick child is taken care of, medically and physically first. So for instance, meds as needed, plenty of rest, a mask if infected, etc.
Wow your pregnant due any day . But your kid is sick . Um woman up mom up and take care of your kid . You acting like your child planned this . And is a burden to you cause your pregnant . Take care of your sick child . Be no different if your baby was here already you’d have to take care of baby and child. You sound more like your worried about yourself. Instead of your child . Should not be spreading your legs . If you don’t know what it takes or happens when your a mom .
BREATH. This is the beginning … there will be harder battles to fight.
First world problems no one ever in this entire world has this happen oh what to do just cry about to people who have actual problems you know like no job or home that will make it better.
I have four that are sick and I’m 7 months preggo… They tell me don’t get by them because they don’t want me and the unborn sick…GUESS WHAT ?! I’m still HUGGING, HOLDING, HELPING AND LOVING THEM, because tomorrow is never promised…I love them all and I love myself.
Elderberry syrup for both of you!
Your new born will be born with your immune system. Sont worry about it
How do you think your sick child feels
Ok, try to calm down. This is not so bad. You’re just pregnant and you have a lot going on in your body. You can do this. Call your pediatrician, they help you out . Good luck. Hang in there.
Hope your baby gets better soon.hope a family member or friend could step in a help.take care…
Oh boy ! Where is your husband ?
You could always go 2 weeks over! There’s nothing you can do about it so just get on with it if you go into labour and your baby is born why your child is ill surely someone is ready on hand to have your poorly child anyway as a baby don’t give warning when they are coming! Think your just over thinking the situation chill out a bit! Kids get ill so be it if you get ill what’s a stuffy nose and cough? I don’t really class that as being “ill” tbh
Frequently washing hands and breastfeed!
Colostrum and breast milk contain antibodies called immunoglobulins. They are a certain kind of protein that allow a mother to pass immunity to her baby.
Take a deep breath momma… You got this.
And if you have to take your newborn home to your poorly child then just make sure your washing hands sanitising etc just pure common sense tbh
Take you kid to the doctor and have your baby
Give your kid medicine, make them a good chicken soup, put vapor rub on their chest. You might want to take some cold medicine yourself just to attack the symptoms early on if you do become sick. Hang in there. I know it’s stressful and you’re feeling overwhelmed, but it will be okay.
When my kiddos are feeling like that I take them a warm bath and rub rubbing alcohol on their back and bottom of their feet make sure they’re covered up like in warm jammys and socks they’ll sweat it out if it’s a cold oh and of course some warm soups to eat and keep him hydrated… but are you sure the stuffy nose isn’t from seasonal allergies?
Im 36 weeks pregnant and have had to take care of my 5.5 year old and 15 month old every day all day be they sick or not… its stressful but ur babies gonna be born and kids get sick so not much one can do but get it done. Love up on your sick one and do what u got to do. Ask for help if you can…and try to get lots of rest…go easy on yourself momma it happens
Is there no grandparents in the picture? Other relatives? People from church you trust? Someone to watch the child until better? Or if the child is sick perhaps have someone clean throughly with bleach and wash hands often.
Deep breathe mom, it will be ohk. Get some cough medz and get ahead of it and hopefully he will b ohk in a couple days
Everyone jumping on this woman yet I’m shocked at how many people take there kids to the doctor over a stuffy nose and a cough!!
Do you have any kind of support system? I totally get your thought process on this. Poor babe didnt mean to get sick. And it ALWAYS happens at the WORST time ever.
Take care of your kiddo, make a dr apt for help that way so to make sure they are getting the best care. Depending on the childs age nausea medication may help and make sure kiddo has fluids. Use vicks on the chest for congestion. Elderberry is AMAZING for everyone! Helps the immune system stay strong. Ask your obgyn if its safe for you as well and if so i suggest you and your kiddo start it. They make gummies too. Your overwhelmed and i would be too.
This too shall pass i promise. Sending
You’ve got this mama. Don’t listen to those rude comments. They’re just unhappy people and misery loves company.
Kids get sick, I hope it’s nothing serious. Don’t make your child think you don’t want to be around them just because they are sick. Stay in bed and get someone else to mind your 5 year old but explain to them why.
Take your kid to the doctor and get some medicine and see if one of your family members can watch them for a couple of days until they get to feeling better
Book PCR test for your child.You can do it online…its only telephone consultation with GP
It’s your friggin kid give them a mf hug wtaf
When I was down to my last week of pregnancy the entire house had the stomach bug. I took elderberry and drank emergenc. I bleached and sprayed lysol everyday. The baby came home and was fine.
Sounds like a common cold. Kids get sick babies get sick. I think your over reacting a little what would you have done if your kid was sick and baby was already here?? Single working mum to 5 kids here and kids get colds and sniffles baby will be fine 5 year old will be fine and you will be fine!!!
Sometimes you just have to start over
The day I took my second child home from the hospital after giving birth, I had my 5yr old in emerg for strep throat…newborn babies have a fantastic immune system, especially if you are breast feeding. It’s great to keep the distance between them until your child feels better but I wouldn’t stress too much.
You will likely be just fine with your prenatals and your booster immune system I’m sure you most likely won’t get it. It has to be very scary tho:( maybe it’s a 24 hr thing
It happens, you have immunity, you will pass it on to your baby if you breastfeed, it will be ok.
Sadly that’s life
Kids get sick at the worst times and we’ve just got to get on with it best we can. Just keep washing those hands and wiping everything with a bleach/water solution often . Breast feed to start if you can to pass extra antibodies to baby…but they are born with our protection already installed. Dont stress mom…youve got this
Tell your kid he can’t be sick right now, and tell the baby you aren’t ready to have her. Duh.
Please don’t take your frustration out on your sick child she needs you to take care of her, its Not her fault and she would be picking up on your anger on top of feeling like crap.