My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?

Not a lot you can do about it … kids get ill


I had terrible pneumonia during my first labor, and my second was born a few miles away from a wildfire, I know your pain mama, no advice just sending positive vibes

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I think I maybe read this post wrong… I don’t know… but the wrong set of ppl have kids. Ur angry ur child is sick… ur angry ur bringing a baby and u doh wanna bring into the house with a sick child… are u hearing urself… u must be treating ur sick child bad I’m sure… do a TL … doh make more… no empathy for ur sick child… wow…


It’s happens. As much as we want labor, delivery, and coming home to be perfect it never really is. Just do the best you can hun. Venting is needed sometimes in those moments of just pure frustration. I get it. Hope getting it off your chest helped!


Your a mother it happens. Get over it and put your big panties on instead of complaining. Don’t spread your legs again if your gonna ****** because I’m sure your child doesn’t wanna be sick :upside_down_face: I’m sorry but you sound like a piece of s*** I really hope you take care of your sick child if not give them to someone who can


My son started having systems on my induction day with my daughter an ended up That day in the hospital with rhino virus while i was at the hospital in labor my daughter is now 11 days old an seems good an my sons all better

Shit happens. All you can do is comfort your sick child and try to keep yourself healthy. It’s not kiddo’s fault they got sick.

We have a whole fucking virus happening and you nitwits are legitimately downplaying her concern. Jesus fuck.

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It’ll happen a lot lol. When one gets sick the other will follow right behind.


I was in the same boat almost 2 years ago and I understand you just try to keep your kid away from baby​:woman_shrugging:t3: I know it can be hard but be positive about it and try not to stress over this :heart:


It’s called…“life”. Your baby will be fine.


Your kid is sick and you’re about to have a baby, what should you do? Just WOW. Here’s what you do, get your a** off FB and take care of that sick child!


You got this. Spoiler alert. Kids always get sick when you really really don’t need them to. Sanitize and keep them clean. Scoop some Vicks vapor rub in a tea light warmer helps clear the air a little. Great for stuffy noses. Which is probably causing the cough. Some warm tea or chicken broth to help with the tummy. Stay strong mama. Maybe the first time but won’t be the last. You’ll be a pro in no time.


For those saying she should not have gotten pregnant …show some compassion. Birth control of any kind is not 100%. And if you still feel bitchy. DONT COMMENT!!

Lol take care of your kid?


If your sick in labour you won’t know about it your be in to much other pain…fingers crossed its just a 24hr thing x

Have you had your 5 yr old tested for COVID?

Call a family member to come help or a friend. If they are a friend , they will help. God bless. :pray::pray:

Ahh welcome to motherhood :heart:


Honestly I would try to keep the baby away from your older child until they are feeling better. I have a newborn and a toddler and the toddler got sick about 6 weeks ago so my parents kept the baby for a few nights to minimize exposure to the illness. It’s just a sucky situation and I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and that people are being awful. The end of pregnancy is sooo hard anyways then add this, I bet you’re right on the edge. I would be!! Good luck!!!


You’re angry at a five year old for being sick. Your post sounds like you’re a whiner and I really hope you’re not taking it out on a little child.


I understand your frustration. I went through the same during my 2nd scheduled section. My son, fiance and I were all super sick. I expressed my concerns with my dr and he said unfortunately there’s not much anyone can do. He had me take some vitamin C, but please speak with your dr before taking anything bc of course everyone is different! That and if you plan to bf it will help tremendously. If not, baby will still be just fine. My daughter did get sick shortly after we brought her home but luckily babies are so resilient! You have every right to be worried mama, just the fact that you worry means you’re doing a great job! Good vibes to you during this stressful time. It’ll get better sooner than you think :purple_heart:

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You can do it! BE STRONG

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I sincerely hope your treating that poor sick child better than it sounds like you are. But I doubt it. Grow up and take care of your kid. I came home with a 1 month premie baby only to have my oldest get what we now know is covid. Oh and I had an emergency c section.


I feel you mumma! My 3yr old has been sick on and off for a month, I’ve had bad hayfever for 3 weeks, woken up and it’s way worse, and will be till baby is 3 months old. Saw doc about my son, as his started getting worse, and hes just started antibiotics for an infection, which he needs to take for a week, he was coughing so much he threw up, and only wanted me to comfort him all night, I’m due next week too, I feel like absolute crap, blocked ears, runny nose, dry cough, itchy watery eyes. If my boy is still sick when bubs arrives, he already knows to wash his hands alot, and cough into his elbow, im in NZ and we are currently in level 4 lockdown, so can’t leave the house unless it’s for food or exercise, so I have no choice but to have my boy around bubs. Also having a home birth too, also baby will get antibodies via your breastmilk. Ignore all the horrible comments, can’t believe how disgusting and judgemental people can be for you just venting and asking for advice, they shouldn’t be in this group at all, and nasty comments shouldn’t be allowed, it’s a mums group, not a shaming mums group ffs.


I had my daughter June 18th and while they were getting my vitals and stuff , they gave me a covid test. Thankfully I didn’t have covid but I did test positive for the common cold and my newborn never caught it. My 6 year old daughter and 3 year old son didn’t catch my cold either. Just disinfect stuff as much as you can and you’ll be fine.

RSV is going around. Talk to your doctor. They may want to quarantine your oldest, possibly at grandma and grandpa or aunties? Until symptoms are gone. :frowning:

I have a 4 year old whos in nursery and a 3 month old at home, she brings in every bug thats gawn :joy::joy: thats just waynes fur ye :woman_shrugging:

What is wrong with all these hateful women? Its OKAY to be angry. It’s okay to be worried. Frustrated. Emotions are okay! It’s hard being a mom and it’s OKAY to complain.

Try to take comfort that if your nursing your baby will be receiving antibodies from you. Beyond that you can just prepare! Try to have easy food ready to eat. Approved OTC meds for you! You will get through this love


U sound more concerned about yourselve than the child, kids get sick, mothers give birth in worser conditions love calm down


Test for covid and wear a mask

If u have 1 try using a ekkeybear steamer 4 child nd lemon nd honey tea some other natural remedies to try help them nd good luck wth everything

Call family or friends that can come over and help! Make sure you are still taking your prenatals and any other prescriptions. Increase hand washing and sanitizing and just try to relax. Neither you, the baby, or your 5 year old need the additional stress. It’ll only make your little one sicker and increase the chance of you getting sick. Deep breaths and do your best. You got this!!


Just tent to your little one who still needs you… don’t fret on “a couple days” till you get there.
Give the little one plenty of vitamin c and make plans for a trusted family member or friend to help care for the child just in case you do go into labor. Keep plenty of hand sanitizer around. Don’t freak out mama, this will be one of many episodes like this where you have both children and yourself to look after… get dad around to help also… good luck

Try to keep your kid in one spot. Due to Covid I would recommend seeing a pediatrician. Wipe everything down with bleach water and wash your hands and your kids hands frequently. Give orange juice, alcohol rubs, and Zarbees sell an excellent multi vitamin for children. See if you have family members that can over see your child till their feeling better. Also make sure your eating right and taking your vitamins.

Yup… same happened to me… and then they all got sick. And then the “flu” … and then my newborn got the flu. And survived… :pray:t2: just try to keep them apart. I know the feeling. Don’t let everyone drag u for being a mom… good luck.

I was sick with the flu like symptoms when I went into labor with my last born. The hospital pumped me with antibiotics during and after delivery to help fight off the infection. Crazy enough, by the time I went home with newborn I felt completely fine. I assume they pumped me with strong antibiotics. I also breast fed with the guidance and permission of hospital staff, and we didn’t experience any side effects with newborn nursing while I had antibiotics in my system.

I hope this helps in some way to lessen your worries.

Remember- stress will weaken the immune system making it more likely for you to end up sick with what your sick child has. As hard as it may be- try to stay calm and relaxed in regards to this

Ewww the people saying “get used to it”, “suck it up”, or “woman up” how can you be so mean? We are supposed to support each other! This thread makes me sad :pensive:

Umm…welcome to parenthood :woman_shrugging:t2:


Just breathe yes it’s stressful disinfect everything and if baby born make sure everyone wears masks and washes hands prior to touching baby or baby stuff

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If u can breast feed your baby Also give breast milk to your sick child. High in immunity. It will help. Especially the colostrum first few days in the breast milk.

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I feel you. Vent away! I got that stupid flu shot at 8 months pregnant and I was so sick for 2 weeks. It was so miserable…my 2nd girl was SO HARD on my body. I don’t wish that on anyone. I refuse the flu shot since then.

Have them tested for covid. Keep your distance and wipe down everything. Move them to one room of the home and wear a mask when you go in to check on them and feed them.

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First find out what your child is sick with. If it’s just the normal childhood kinda crap then just keep treating your kids with whatever you are treating. If you’re breast feeding the baby should get immunity from you

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Maybe your child can go to who was going to watch them when go are in the hospital. Call doctor to get child seen so that you don’t get sick.

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You’ve alway been exposed to the germs. Just take care of him and nurse him back to health.

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This was the least of my worries. I’d be more worried about if imma poop while pushing🥴

My daughter got a very bad upper respiratory infection a week after my son was born and we weren’t giving a prescription for her she was miserable for 2 weeks I did all I could for her while taking care of a newborn who starting a cough at 1 week being exposed. Both ended up being fine but I understand the stress and frustration of timing. It DOES NOT mean you dont feel for the sick child its just all overwhelming. You will be just fine!


This does not sounds like a mom writing that lol


Murphys law…if it can happen it will…if you can just dose both of yall with vitamin c and eat all the good foods and and drink lots of water


Go ahead and take big sibling to doc as soon as you can and let them nip it in the bud. Then by the time your home from hospital, antibiotics or meds will have it long gone


“A sick kid “ tf??? Seriously


welcome to having more than 1 kid :joy:


That’s a scary situation especially with covid out. Hopefully you can find someone to help. Good luck

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I can say so much about you but I’ll probably end up in Facebook jail, YOU don’t wanna get sick, I bet your 5 year old didn’t want to either! Just the way you said it🤬no concern for your 5 year old at all


Get over it and deal. Kids get sick.


Happens all the time!


It’s life…stuff happens. You’re going to have your hands full but you will get through it.


What a mother calling child kid sick like it’s an inconvenience to her :hot_face:


Slow Down & Breathe you got this,
God is right there. Positive thoughts, prayers coming your way Angel.


It’s going to be fine. Breast feed your baby and your baby will be fine.

Take him to a dr. Duh


Lol, get used to it now.


It’s just life. It will all be fine


By time your kid is showing symptoms you’ve already been exposed to the virus. Take some vitamin c or immune support and that’s about all you can do. It happens.


Because you had your baby during allergy and flu season. Your baby will be fine. Do not take it out on your 5 year old because it’s inconvenient for your birth plan. This sounds very shitty.

instead of complaining give him supplements to boost immunity and make him get better faster. :roll_eyes:. vitamin C &vitamin D& zinc at the very least.


Immunity…heard of it??

Can’t choose when kids get sick

It will be 100% okay. If this is concerning you to that level, take him to the doctor and see what he has. Then, If you’re still concerned by the diagnosis, wash your hands A LOT and when the baby is born, have a room he hasn’t been in ready for the baby and wait it out in the room with baby until he is better. This is the life of having more than 1 kid. It’s hard, yes, but you will always have to understand that kids get sick. And since winter is coming, I will say this. If your older child gets sick with something and the doctors say the baby will probably get it to, still try your best to keep them 100% separate and have your partner care as much as he can for the sick child. I was told my baby would get RSV, Croup, flu and all that because we were in the same home and guess what? I prevented it. So just keep it in mind. I was washing my hands A LOT and if I felt my body was dirty from them coughing, I would take a quick shower change my clothes and wash my arms and hands. Hope this helps, having multiple kids can be rough in the beginning😅

If that’s the only problem u have in ur life right now I have no words smh :roll_eyes::joy::joy:


Your obviously a dick head, im sure your 5yr old child got sick just to piss you off, idiot you dont deserve either child.

I had the same thing the last time I delivered my 3 year old and I both had a runny nose cough kinda cold. I pushed the vitamin c and drank some tea. Didn’t care I was sick during labor. It was the last thing on my mind. Newborn never got it. Maybe all the colostrum since I was already sick had inmunities to what we had, might be better if you do catch it pregnant instead of after :woman_shrugging:

little nose saline drops and zarbee cough syrup…lots of liquids and things will be ok

Everybody being such asses :joy: it’s a legit worry esp since newborns can die of a common cold :woman_shrugging:t2: don’t worry mom. It’s a legit worry but the sad part is it’s something you’ll have to try to handle one way or another. I worried like crazy when my now one year old was born I had a cold sore and somehow by the grace of god I managed to keep her from getting it from me as a newborn.

Well, once you have kids it is a chain reaction anyways, one gets sick they all get sick and it is never fun, best thing to do is up your vitamin c and zinc! Best wishes!

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You will have a sick kid and a healthy kid for the next 18 yrs. It’s a fact of life.

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I had twins last week and the night before, my 3yo had a raging temperature and slept in my arms… mummas gotta do what a mummas gotta do. I had babies and brought them home 2 days later. Lots of good foods, breastfeeding and hand washing and so far babies are fine. 3yo is still a tad snotty but otherwise ok.

Welcome to having more then one kid it will happen many times


My 2.5 year old gave my 8 week old RSV then she also gave him hand, foot and mouth. We’re doing fine. It’s apart of life. Can’t help the inevitable.

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My 2.5 year old gave my 8 week old RSV then she also gave him hand, foot and mouth. We’re doing fine. It’s apart of life. Can’t help the inevitable.

Have someone come clean the house!

This happened to me. My kids tested positive the week my baby was due! I had to do quarantined appointments at the hospital. Luckily the baby waited it out and he came after we all tested negative

You probably shouldn’t have another kid if you can’t handle your first one :woman_shrugging:t3:


Please get the little one tested for Covid and yourself as well.

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I would be worried about leaving my 5yr.old when I had to go to hospital. Not complaining!


Breastfeed! Then your baby will get antibodies to whatever your exposed to. Breast milk is full of living immune cells.


I can’t believe how many people are so hateful.

This is a valid fear and I hope the person actually asking this doesn’t feel bad about caring about her unborn baby.

Like others having said. Vitamins and boost his immune system. Make sure YOU are taking things to help support your immune system (consult your doctor) and if you are planning on nursing it will help baby to not get sick when baby is here. Breast milk is the best medicine for a lot of things, actually! It’s so beneficial


I had it happen and I brought my 4 lb baby home to 2 sick kids lol. She was fine they didn’t know any better so were all over her coughing and snot blazing.

She never got sick and she was only a couple days old.

Breast milk actually helps with antibodies to help the immune system. My daughter wasn’t breastfed she wouldn’t take it so she was on formula and still didn’t get sick

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The struggle of a mom of multiple littles! It’s hard, but you’ll make it work. We always do.


Unfortunately kids will get sick and give it to their siblings/friends. My son got RSV at 3 months, and the kids I watched (2 months and 20 months) never caught it. The kids both got HFM and my son never got it. It’s hard to prevent or even say if the little one will even get it!

We sent our daughter with her friend when our son was born but she got sick while there. We had her dropped off with our older neighbor couple who kept her for several days until we finally got home. She was not allowed to be near the baby until he was 2 weeks old. She had been symptom free at that point about 48 hours. She was allowed to come home, just stay away from her brother.

You sound selfish. Take care of your baby and stop making it about you!


Why is everyone assuming this kid has covid?? Kids get sick a lot of the time with common coughs and colds. I’m sure you, your baby and your child will be fine.


The answers on this thread are so cruel. Jesus. Gotta lotta perfect parents. Can any of you write a “how to” book for us not perfect parents? That would be awesome!

Everything will be fine mama. My son got sick around when I had my daughter. She was fine. They have been inseparable since my mom brought my son to the hospital to meet his baby sister (he was just under 2 years old when I had her) and he refused to leave the hospital without her. :sweat_smile::joy:


Yes because your five year old purposely got sick just to “mess up” your plan…:roll_eyes: you should of thought a few times over before having another one if your already freaking out about your oldest being sick with a new born in the house. kids get sick including baby’s it happens you need to mama up and take care of your oldest baby to not complain about them getting something they cannot control


I know the feeling… my mom had my three kids while I was having my fourth & one of my kids ended up with a decent fever & throwing up for 24 hours & I was terrified of coming home with a new baby & a kid with a high fever & throwing up. Luckily she managed to hold some medicine down & break her fever & within the next two days was totally fine. However, the day she came home she started with a runny nose & had a crappy cold take over. Unfortunately there really isn’t anything to do. Don’t panic yourself… the baby is gonna be exposed to germs no matter how much you don’t want them to be. Especially having another little kid. In my case, I have three other kids & two of them are going to school which means they’ll be bringing home all kinds of fun germs. Just gotta do your best to make sure everyone is washing hands & sanitize everything as much & often as possible & try to keep a little distance. I know for us we all just blew kisses to each other at bedtime instead of kissing each other (which sucks) but everyone understood & wasn’t upset about it. & I made sure hand sanitizer sat everywhere as well as reminding them if they cough or sneeze in their hand, wash them. Anytime they blew their nose, wash their hands. & then I just kept the new baby in another room entirely & just told everyone we had to wait to hold him & see him up close just till we were all better. I never ended up getting sick & neither did the baby. Within a little over a week, everyone was completely back to normal. It’s scary because babies are so small so everything feels big & scary when it comes to them but don’t hype yourself up. Hopefully he’s cleared up before you even have the baby & you’re okay as well :pray:t3::heart:

If it makes you feel any better, a friend of mine gave birth to her premature baby while she had covid & the baby ended up also having it & both of them were completely fine. Because baby was premature & had covid, he spent an extra week at the hospital in the NICU but was totally fine, they just wanted to monitor him closely & make sure all was okay but both her & baby were totally okay.

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I would suggest maybe having child checked at pediatrician, to rule out any infection, covid, have a family member help you, if she just has a cold or regular virus, have someone help you disinfect your house, keep child away from newborn as much as possible till recovered from illness, my granddaughter and her newborn lived with me, we caught the flu, continuously disinfected house, baby never caught it, lysol wipes and sprays, hand washing before touching babies bottles or holding baby, good luck :two_hearts:


Hopefully it’s just a cold! Probably because she is going to school now. It happened to us! Just give her vitamins and do the best you can to keep sanitizing everything! Also get tested for covid. That will give you a piece of mind and school won’t let her go back without a neg test.

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Life does not go as planned…
Keep your Faith…
God is Good :100:
Chin up… Smile on…
Praying that everything will turn out just fine mama… Much love with a tight hug :hugs:

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