My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?

Prayers coming your way. Prayers for your younger child to get better; prayers for your baby to be healthy and prayers for you to be able to handle these stresses of life! I had 4 children so I know what it is like…

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Sounds like you need to just lay on the couch and snuggle that little boy. Make him some chicken noodle soup and watch Disney movies. Just enjoy him, even sick, bc soon you won’t have time for just the two of you. Sincerely a mom with a 21 yr old, a 17 yr old and a 3 yr old.


Do all the above and make sure you don’t get pregnant again. Assess what you might want your life to look like in the future. Give yourself a break.


I’m actually pretty astonished at some of this comment section. This mother is probably so overwhelmed and full of hormones and probably feels like she’s losing her mind and is getting bashed in the comment because she seems to needed someplace guilt free to vent. She never once said she wasn’t taking care of her sick baby but she said she was frustrated she was having to bring a new baby into a house were a sickness is. Every single mother would be terrified to bring their new baby into that she has every single right to be considered and frustrated about this. Maybe some words of encouragement to ease her mind, advice on how to make her baby feel better, moral support for this woman. How sad are these comments.


I’m in the same boat, and hadn’t even thought about it to that extent. My precious 4 year old said a push pop made her feel better. She will also get some Zyrtec tonight when she goes to bed. Luckily no fever here, just a yucky cold. Everything will be ok.


Those are covid symptoms. See a Dr, get a test for you and the child, ask for help from friends or family.


New baby doesn’t get priority over the child you currently have. Welcome to mothering more than 1 child. Sanitize, Lysol and just do the best you can. However, I promise there will be mannnny more times that you have to worry about more than one child or parents being sick all at once.


Take your child to the doctor then if they need antibiotics they will feel better and not be contagious in a couple days!!I know you’re stressing, just breathe!!


Calm down. Take your child to a Doctor to have him looked at. Say a prayer and everything will be fine.


Omg!! Really!! What is it with these young momma this day?? I had two kids that were 3 and 18 months. If one got sick I took care of them. On my own. No help. My gosh lady, it’s your child. If it’s sick take it to the doctor, pregnant or not.


Good Lord people she said in her comment she was just venting were you never stressed when you were pregnant give her a break and maybe tell her things will be OK instead of jumping down her throat


Walk away take deep breath i would say Lords Prayer that calms me and i look zt things deferentially. Keep sick child calm a bath read a book to him n both of u will calm down


:roll_eyes: A sick kid. Honestly! That’s your child, you do what you’re ment to do as a mother. You care for your child, you provide then with security and love. This post is just awful, you speak about your child like they are a huge inconvenience to you, sorry but you sound like you need to get a grip!


You take care of him/ her??? What kind of question is that. Mothers did this back in the day without all this special drs medicines. And without all this help they WANT now.


As some people have already said, take the sick child to the doctor to be checked out!


Talk to your kid about scheduling their illness to a time that better suits you.


Take him do the doctors. Maybe have him stay with family members that’s willing to take care if him and don’t mind


Most likely a virus but kids get covid sorry to say that🙏🏽


A stuffy nose and cough is one thing but the stomach pains would alert me to maybe get him tested…its diff being prego 2yrs ago compared to now covid is raging again. I think she worried about everyone in her household with everything going on into society. I pray it is a cold and nothin more someone should come and assist sibling, the father, a close cousin. For all we knw the relative could of said no sick kid at my house I mean school is back in in some states

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Sooo my 5 yr old had a cold the day before I had my youngest. I was terrified. Like, so over protective and it led to a few issues.

My best advice is teach them to wash hands, cover mouth when cough or sneeze, hold baby for short spurts. And if they get upset about it make up an excuse like “Oh baby really needs mommy rn, otherwise baby will cry.”

Women should really be more kind to each other. We do alot. We have a lot on our plates. Definitely gets overwhelmed. Hope this momma gets help.

Take a deep breath take baby to doctor pray it is not covid Or RSV its whatever else going around give your baby vitamins vitamin c get their immune up regardless what it is

My (baby) toddler was sick when I went into labor with our second baby… had to take him to a neighbors house early in the morning… hard to leave him but he did just fine and the baby never got sick when we came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Take a breather! Your sick child needs to go to the doctor to be treated… Second , take care of yourself & your unborn . Remember you are only one person & if you need help , it’s out there… Never short change your family , be there for them til the end! Good luck :crossed_fingers:! God Bless! :pray:

Happened to me. And then again when baby was around 2 months and his brother was 3. Just try to keep them away from baby. Wash hands/sanitize. It’s all you can do. Been there, don’t that lots of times. It unfortunately is what it is. Sorry this is happening

You should get your child covid tested. Yourself and family as well. It’s kids that are getting sick. Those are the symptoms. You don’t want to go into labor with covid if it can be helped.

She or Dad needs to take this little fellow to a doctor so that he will be well by the time the new born baby comes,He will be feeling a bit put out with new baby,He probably will get dehydrated if he has diarrhoea ,it wouldn’t be fair on the little man to be sick longer by not getting him to a doctor,when baby comes you will need him in good health to take care of new baby and
yourself too ,Get
help from Dad or family ,Take Care

Take a deep breath! Your putting everything together. Take care your little boy and give him water. Rest and get fever If your baby is born keep them separate will be praying for you! Enjoy your family they grow very fast

Spend the time between now and when you deliver helping your child get better. This is a scary time for this child, and they need you more than ever.

I’m not going to judge you the way all these others are. I get it, a mom of 4 and being pregnant can make us feel more overwhelmed than normal. Just wash your hands frequently, little ones get sick a lot and I bet it’s nothing major. My son had a 103.2 fever when I went in to have my 4th. The pediatrician said not to worry. I breast fed which was a big help. Ask someone for help if you need it. If there is no help -just take a deep breath and exhale. It will be okay.

I don’t mean to sound insensitive but pull yourself together! Your child is sick and he needs you!! Have you taken him to the dr? Do you know what he has? Does he respond to medication? So many questions. My daughter is pregnant and her 1 year old just had RSV. Your kids are going to get sick!

I feel your frustration mom, kids can pick the worst time to get sick !!! Feel free to vent and don’t read the nasty replies !!! I hope you have family close or good friends to help you out. Hope your child feels better soon and the best of luck with the birth of your new baby. :star::clap::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think your kid needs some prunes must have poopy stuck in the belly. And cough well medicine do not give water after your washing the medicine off of throat . But for stomach if you like go to the doctor instead. 2 days tops your kid should be better good luck

My first child was very sick when I went into labor & had my 2nd baby. All went ok. First boy was still sick when I got home new born never picked it up all was good.

Boy!! Some really shitty comments here! I feel you, but you and kids will be fine​:mask: Make sure to get enough rest and take care of yourself first, or you will be no good to anyone. Is the 5 year old dad around? He could help you out at the moment​:heart: Be kind to yourself…:heavy_heart_exclamation:

Everything will be fine. Being pregnant and having a little one at home sick makes you worry. I would have him checked out by a doctor just incase. And snuggle up and watch movies. You need your rest also. New babys are pretty much pliable. Just keep his hands clean. I’m sure all of you will be just fine. I had my first to kids close together There a year and a half apart.
Sit back and enjoy the crazy ride of having two littles.

A cold lasts roughly 7 days. Take care of your child. OC medication as directed for comfort. Push fluids. Eat a good diet…chicken soup helps. Rest. Wash hands frequently.

Nothing you can do but go with the flow. Remember young children tend to recover quite quickly. As for labour, there are no guarantees, you might take another two weeks! Don’t panic, you’ll get through it. Breastfeed your newborn, that will help him/ her cope with any infection .

Teaching him to cough into his elbow is great advice. He should wash his hands frequently and so should you. Give him plenty of fluids in small amounts if his tummy will tolerate it. Sleep when he sleeps. Wear a mask and if his symptoms get worse or he develops a high fever, head to the Dr.

It will be okay. When I had my daughter my 18 mo. old son had the chicken pox. (years ago obviously) You will be fine. Hope your son has a speedy recovery.

Sorry the “kid” and his sibling are going to pass crap back and forth to each other for at least the next 15 years. Get up and take care of who is here right now namely your sick child. What do you think you are going to do when both are sick throwing up? Get it together mommy. This ain’t no party this is the life of a mother. Get used to it

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It seems a lot and overwhelming but your little baby will be just fine he is born with a full set of things that keep him from getting sick and your other little baby will probably be getting better by that time too if he has the sniffles it doesn’t matter the baby won’t be affected

Oh please this is a child who needs a kind, loving mother at this time. Nature gave you immunity. Take care of your sick child.

My 19 month old was sick and got me sick just before going into labour, but other than coughing during contractions it wasn’t too bad. The worst part was recovering from the emergency cesarean with a cough! But I certainly didn’t let any of that stop me caring for my eldest and getting her healthy and giving her all the cuddles. Yes my newborn came home with a sick mum and sister and all that happened was she got a big congested - there’s nasal sprays and those snot suckers tools - bubs is 4 weeks today and all better. Plus if your eldest is only getting sick today why not jump on board with some vitamins, hydralyte, water and get on top of it before sickness fully sets in?

I breastfed because it helps the baby to what ever infections you have been exposed to. The first colostrum really is helpful for your baby. Wipe items down and wash hands often.I loved the older child put them to bed gave them soup and liquids like Gatorade. If running fever Children’s Tylenol . Sometimes they sat on the couch with a comfy blanket and pillow and watched movies. Stressing only depletes your immune system. My friend gave me good advise if it is not true yet don’t stress.

Of course you can avoid getting sick and your newborn getting sick. The following is how nurses in the hospital prevent catching their patients’ illnesses, or spreading illness from one patient to another. You can do the same at home.
Wash your hands frequently!
every time you touch your son’s face and/or hands;
before you eat or touch your face. Wipe/wash your son’s hands and face frequently and thoroughly especially if he gets a runny nose.
If he’s coughing a lot, YOU wear a mask.
Don’t share sips of drinks or bites of food, spoons or forks.
Follow the same precautions when the baby comes home, especially wash your hands EVERY time before you touch your baby. If you start to feel sick, wear a mask. When you want to let your son hold baby for the first time, he must wash his hands with soap and wear a mask. If you follow all this religiously, you won’t get sick.

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You sound very resentful toward your “kid”. Put on your big girl pants and take your child to the doctor like any normal parent would.

It’s called motherhood nothing goes the way we plan, your all hormonal right now but all will work out, Good luck and God Bless your growing family

How about your " child ". Take a deep breath…this is life. You should have made sure about the care of your firstborn, sick or not. Don’t panic. Slow down and settle down. There are parents, friends, hopefully some father figure…just call and ask for help or reassurance. They can’t read your mind…call.

Put your big girl panties on, your about to be a mother of two, grow up and figure out what you need to. Most babies I have heard (maybe wives tail) have kind of an immunity for few weeks, I had two babies at the same time and every time I took them for a checkup they ended up sick from some kid in the dr office. No they weren’t twins. So use your head and figure out what is going to work for you

It’s called parenting. Take him to the doctor. Just because your due to have a baby any day doesn’t mean you ignore what’s going on with your other child. Your tired of it now wait till the other baby comes. Things happen it’s not like your son can control getting sick

I’ll be praying for you and your sweet babies. Try to ignore all the negative comments on here. Some folks just don’t know how to be compassionate towards others in hard times. Facts are we have no idea what you have been through already and what your current situation is and frankly that’s none of anybody else’s business. If your having a hard time, call someone you trust to ask for help. If your older baby needs to go to get checked out, take them, if you think you can handle the symptoms at home then do that. But definitely try to keep calm and chill out. Ask the Lord for help, can’t ever go wrong there. I’ll be praying for you.

Dear Mama! I’ve been there. Today I have two beautiful grown daughters. There were more up days than down. Take a deep breath and center yourself. Put your focus on you and your sick child at this time. When the time comes, ask for help. You will get through this. :heart:

Newborns have natural immunity for the first few weeks to months. Breast milk also produces antibodies. Ask your doctor for advice

I’m sorry where are yall getting that she wants to abandon her 5 year old ? I didn’t get that at all. She’s venting. She’s overwhelmed and scared. Sheesh

I reread…she never said she was annoyed at her child for being sick. Annoyed at the whole situation. And who wouldn’t be???

Yall suck ass

Mothers have brought newborns home to sick siblings for centuries. Get a grip… take your child to a dr. and stop fretting.

Take your child to the doctor and get some immune boosters for all of you. Air purifier also helps. Keep disinfecting. And wear a mask at home to help.

Bad timing of or sure. Do you have anyone who could help you out? Who is caring for your child when you go to the hospital? It sounds like you are scared.

Sometimes our babies are born disabled and require care. I had 2. Just hold them. Be there. This will pass. Sick kids are a gift to teach us love and care. It is hard in the midst of it all.

Walk a mile in her shoes before you judge! Even though you don’t have to consult a doctor for every ailment, with a new baby on the way and Covid rearing it’s ugly head again, it sounds pretty appropriate to me!

Get used to it honey! Kids get sick, normally not at the same time. Keep your “kid”'s hands washed, give him meds, Dr if necessary, keep your house clean and if he is still sick when the baby comes home, have the sick child stay with grandma or keep the baby away from big brother until he is well. But unless it’s more than a standard cold all of you should be fine.

When I had just delivered my first child my father in law was sick. My doctor told him not to worry about being around the baby. The exposure would help to build a stronger immune system. (Must have worked because the baby never really got sick)

Poor baby it sounds like you need some TLC. Call your Mom maybe she can help out while you’re going thru this “temporary “ crisis. In the meantime your sick 5 year most definitely needs some TLC from you. It will make you both feel better. Remember new born babies are a lot tougher than they look. Call your child’s Dr. if you think he or she is sick enough. They is no better time than now to learn how to be a family.

Baby will be late trust give 5 year old lots of water vit c and flush it out keep warm dont panic baby s often come late

I had the stomach flu as did my husband. Dr said infants are pretty tough. baby Brian was indeed tough.

Call your pediatrician.
Have list of child’s temperature and all symptoms to tell office on phone.
Ask for appointment .
*Explain your situation.
Know you don’t feel your best right now, but this situation isn’t anyone’s fault…
Your little one at home isn’t feeling the best either.
Good luck, momma, you can do this.

I love reading these posts, but I would NEVER ask for suggestions/opinions/help from anyone here. So cruel and so much negativity. This woman posted that she just needed to vent. Does anyone know what that means anymore? Ma’am I’m sending up prayers for your. Pm me if you need to just truly vent.

I am sure it is stressful with you about to give birth and I understand that you dont want to get sick or make your newborn sick, but your 5 year old is your child too. Imagine how he feels. Perhaps you have a relative like your parents or your husbands parents or a neighbor who could help you by watching your sick little one. He needs care too.

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Don’t you have a mom or grandma that could help?


Call the child’s pediatrician alot of calls can be done by facetime. Check with the office to see if the child needs to be seen or if the Dr. can do it facetime.

Also there are over the counter medications that a pharmacist can help you with. Hope you get the solution your wanting.

Mama. You are not by any means alone. You have a baby on the way but you also have a child that needs you. Give your child some love, soup and plenty of liquids. They will be fine and you and your baby will be fine

the baby will be fine it has your immunities for a while just try and keep kiddo feeling okay and maybe take a vit c just as precaution for u not to get sick

This is funny your kids only going To be sick for a few I’m pretty sure that’s what our immune system is for.

Damn, with how mad/frustrated your coming off its like your 5 year old child got sick on purpose, besides going to the doctor as mentioned numerous times already, just be a mom, make him comfortable. Your about to have another child which in its self is a big event but your 5 years life is also going to be changing in a drastic way. If you have someone around you that could help then ask for help. Otherwise just breathe, love and care for him and take it one day at a time. Also remember people have it a lot worse and have gone through a lot worse while going through labor so be thankful your 5 year old most likely has a cold/flu and nothing permanently serious or traumatic, count your blessings

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Good lord! A stuffy nose?! Lol. Wait till all 3 of you have diarrhea and projectile vomiting. It gets much harder, not easier, at all. You have to toughen up and roll with the punches.

Does your kid have a temp? You may want to get a covid test to be safe. Better safe then sorry

Wow, that totally triggered my PTSD of when my mom would completely ignore and neglected. Please love your child and take care of him

First of all
Stop saying “this kid”
Make sure he doesn’t touch babies face or hands only feet
Which should be done sick or not
Don’t make your child feel like he did anything wrong
He picked up germ somewhere

Priorities is what it’s called.

  1. Get young master to the doctor.
  2. Keep him warm, Vic’s vapour rub him,
    Medicate if doctor has given him antibiotics.
  3. Don’t panic don’t stress
  4. What plans did you have for him when you go into labour, with dad, with nan, with friend.
  5. Make sure all is in hand if you happen to go into labour for your sons care.
  6. Remember even though your due to have another baby those standing with you still need caring n loving.
  7. Love n care can be stretched 10 fold. If mr 5 yo is sick help him, tell him what he needs to do n expect if you go into hospital, he is important as well.
  8. Mr 5yo cannot care for himself you still have to care for him do so with a kind unstressed heart n soul.

Dr 1st, they make childrens tums for stomach aches sold at walmart. Pedialyte body armor drinks. Make food packed with nutrients and kick that cold out momma. I know its stressful mom life has no breaks :pensive: steam baths and air purifier to help with the air quality to help breathing will be good for when u bring baby home too

Wait… plans getting ruined by a child? Welcome to parenthood?? Whats she going to do when she has that 2nd kid and something comes up lol wow

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Your poor little 5 year old! Don’t you worry about how he is feeling? I don’t know but you sound like a terrible mother

Get over yourself. Take your baby to the doctor and get him some meds. Speak with a grandparent and see if they can spend time with them. Get the clorox wipes and lysol and start cleaning around the house. My God be a parent and stop playing the woe is me.

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Can’t believe All the nasty remarks on here. Compassion please. Walk in her shoes for a minute. She is just frustrated after 9 months.

Learn how to roll with life’s punches kid parents don’t get breaks

Be the mommy your 5 yr old needs. Everything else will fall into place. I’m actually shocked you even felt compelled to ask.

I had the flu when my son was born. And he did not get sick. I had an emergency c-section. Spent 3 days in hospital. Take care of your child. Get them to the doctor. Then let whoever watching them(while in delivery)know they are sick.

I was sick when I went into labor with my baby and it was awful! Then my newborn was sick for the first 2 weeks of her life, it was absolutely horrible :sob:

Let family watch him for awhile. I would keep my grandbabies if my daughter or daughter-in-law was sick She wouldn’t have to ask.

You need to hire a nanny, so someone can look after your 5 y.o child while you worry about your labor coming up… Stay calm mommy! And stay hydrated !:kissing_heart:

Hope the venting made you feel better. Welcome to motherhood. This too shall pass.

Ask for help! And your son! Should be taken care of!

That is a must!

Get a hold of yourself. If going into labor now or soon - you need to have someone come in - be aware he/ she is sick and tend the fort.

Child first - of course. Keep your distance but be loving and carrying. Of course-

Maybe the baby will be 2 weeks late. Don’t worry until it happens. I have 4 kids. Be flexible

I’ve got 2 sick kiddos right now. Life happens. You just do the best that you can.

Honey, I got rotavirus when I was pregnant with my 3rd child. So did my husband, and 2 older children. You will survive.

Really not much you can do.but your babies immune system is pretty good at birth. You need to go make sure your other child doesn’t have something like covid. And maybe he or she needs meds. You will have two chosen to rake care of and that starts before birth . If he is sick when you come home. Make sure he doesn’t go into the babies room till he is better and you will need to wash hands ect taking care of the baby. Even masking when in the babies room. Its really not that bad. Overwhelming yes but you can do it.

If you’re struggling with one child how in the hell are you going to cope with two. Get your shit together woman or get your tubes tied

Get your kiddo and yourself on immunity drops immediately. They will shorten any sickness. And don’t worry too much. Especially if you’re breastfeeding because anything you have come in contact with your body makes natural immunities to it. So baby will be more protected. Also you can try to pump out like half an ounce once your milk comes in around day 3-4 and put into syringe and have your 5 yr old drink it. It’d definitely help 5 yr olds immune system too. Also elderberry is really great for immunity and so is honey.

I am sorry you feel this needed to be asked but unfortunately that comes with having multiple children. I pray you find the help you need with your children. Even if you are due any day now he is gonna be with someone else for at least 2 to 3 days anyways by that time who knows it may have passed but who ever is watching your 5 yr old maybe they can disinfect and clean the house while waiting you and baby’s arrival home. But at the end of the day hon. Your 5 yr old needs you to be his mom and be there for him or her. Please don’t abandon him. He is just not feeling well he needs his mom