My kid is sick and I'm about to have a baby, what should I do?

That is nothing. I got the mumps after having my baby. I still got up and took care of her.

Is there someone in family like partner, mother, sister, aunt, or close trusted friend that can help you with your child. Take to doctors, make some healthy soup, help with household chores, or something?? to take some pressure off you so you can go into labour & hospital without stress??

Vitamins! Give yourself and your child a multivitamin or extra vitamin C.push fluids. When you are at home put a pot of water on to steam. Keep it steaming or use humidifier but remember to turn off burner if you leave the house

Make sure your older child is checked out by a doctor. Breastfeed your new baby, at least to get the colostrum, but preferably longer. If you get sick, the baby will get antibodies through your milk.

Take a breath this is all part of mommy hood. warm bath for son,chicken soup and vice on his chest if he feels sick gravol will calm his tummy and help him sleep ,in the day Dr told me starch helps tummy so cracked, pasta

Antibodies are transferred via placental transfer and by breast milk. Just try good hand washing for the toddler and some social distancing.

I hear the frustration in your words. Take a few moments, get angry, cry, and the re-analyze the situations. It will all work out.

Bet you wished you didn’t write this post huh ! Your 5 year old doesn’t understand that you are overwhelmed and it’s not his fault he is getting sick. Put him on the couch with his favourite blankie or cuddly or toy put tv on and organise yourself for the time being. Keep baby and him at a distance if you feel that bad about your 5 year old being sick and probably feeling unloved . You are going to have to deal with it sooner or later and probably sooner would be best. Don’t sit around all day nursing your baby when it’s born and look after the 5 yr old too and rest in between and you will get there . Got on top of sick child now don’t wait till child is really sick. Colds are going around everywhere at the moment. Breath woman breath !

Try to quit worrying about what hasn’t happened yet…work on getting the little sick one well concentrate on that…baby isn’t here yet :blue_heart::blue_heart:

Venting is a good thing! I sure hope you have a support system to help you !! Seeing a doctor for your 5 year old sounds like a good idea. Hang in there mama!

Please ask for help from families and friends. You can’t do this alone. Your sick kid, and baby on the way are first priorities; quite a dillemma. First hand, breath… so you can think straight. :heart:

You can take care of both. Wash your hands between taking care of the sick little one and new baby. Don’t let them cuddle until he is feeling better. You have time if you have family and friends that should be willing to help out too. If not you can do this. You have a lot of years ahead of you when they will get sick.

If the toddler is old enough and has worn a mask before tell her that whenever she’s around the baby she has to wear a mask. And if Mom and Dad wear one too it won’t seem weird

I gave birth to my first child in the hospital, the day I was going home I got the flu and had to spend 5 days in the hospital until my temp was down 24 hours. They still brought my baby to me to feed and change her diaper.

Get used to it because it is called being a parent and tending to the one who is sick.

I’m not a mother but some of the comments on here are disgusting they poor woman only asked for some advice not for criticism. Of course she loves the child she has now but understandably is concerned about her new born too. Some of you should be ashamed of yourself to downgrade someone for asking for advice SMH

Congrats on new baby. Take 5 yr old to dr or urgent care to be sure he isn’t contagious. Do you have someone there who can take care of him you will need that when baby comes

So when the “new” priority comes and the first child feels left out, are you going to get mad over that too?

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Honestly kids get sick momma. You know this but I’m sure your hormones are raging and you are a ball of emotions but honestly you are about to have 2 kids and that means twice the illnesses. You gotta take care of your sick child they get sick and get over it quick. You can’t say for sure he will still be sick when you give birth and even if he is that’s motherhood at it’s finest. You need to just relax and realize this isn’t really you it’s your pregnant emotions throwing you all over the place. Others think your insensitive but I think your overwhelmed and it will get better

If you get sick then your antibodies will pass through to the placenta and help protect your baby, if baby is born then your antibodies will pass through to your breastmilk.

Pray that God is taking you through it all a Blessing. Gods gift is the children. Think God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. Trust in God.

I’m a nurse. Get your five-year-old tested for covid with a PCR test.

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We all know any one can can get a virus or sickness any day. Try not to stress. You have already been ex posed anyway . This is temporary but your little one still needs your security and love .

Welcome to motherhood. That 5 year old needs you now.

Where is the Father of either one of these children or her relatives and close friend or friends…she needs some support…and she needs to reach out to somebody…NOW!!!

Oh to be a Mother !
Just take your older child to the Doctor and try and get you now child better.
I don’t know if you are about to give birth right this minute , but just like EVERYTHING has to be disinfected for the Covid , disinfect for the " new " baby! .
You should be able to have every sanitized for the baby’s arrival .
And with any luck , your child should be on the road to recovery by the time you give birth.

Breast feed the newborn; the baby will get antibodies from you and stay healthy.

Just send a Thank You Note to China and the Democrats. Praying it just allergies with your 5 year old. Sending prayer and Congrats on your new baby.

Can family help to look after sick child if you have baby before it gets better

Can someone step up and help with the sick kid? Sanitize everything. Get sick kid to DR ASAP. Also call yours.

It’s being a Parent/ mother sounds like you are a single parent with no father around take him to the Dr. It will be less stress on you.the 3 hrs. This was posted you could have gone to Dr. And been home by now

Try 7 kids lady and 1 one way 16 months apart no family to help you can make it if you try i did and wouldnt have traded places with no one

Take a deep breath wash your hands frequently everything is going to be :+1:t2: ok

Its called motherhood welcome to it.

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The name is a child not a kid .Get your husband or partner to help out !

Dear Mommy. We have all been there at some point. It feels like there is too much on your plate. The stress of having a new baby can be overwhelming. You are excited, but so very tired of being pregnant. You are worried about your sick little one. And you are worried about exposing a new baby to any illness. You feel stretched to the limit. The good news is that you don’t need to do it alone. Ask a loved one to help you out. Birthing that baby is definitely your task, but ask a loved one to step in and give you a hand the your sick little one. And remember, you can do this.

Lol welcome to parenthood. Can a family member help? Where is the father?

So you will abuse your older child over one who isn’t born yet


First, get child to doctor to make sure it’s not COVID-19. Doctor can advise on how to keep newborn safe.

I am sorry your 5 yr old is sick. You need to take him/her to the doctor to help him/her get better faster. Being a mother to the children you have already doesn’t stop when you are about to give birth to another one. Do what you can to get this one well so when you have the new born you can take care of both. I know you may not have meant to sound the way we all took it but you did. Hell! I drove myself to the hospital in labor but I made sure my daughter that was 5 yrs old was being taken care of first.

I take it you don’t have any family to help you do you have a husband to help you or a father to the child if you belong to a church there’s always people in a church that will help you

Your lack of concern and sympathy for your five year old child - especially during Covid - is kind of surprising.

That is the life of a will learn not to put your self first they are always first I matter what.suck it up buttercup.

With Covid most doctors won’t you sick. My mom’s doctor asked her what she had. Really um your the doctor remember. That being said do your best mommy you got this.

Pretty much unless your delivering at home little one will be :100: better. Just remember though, you want big sis or bro to love the baby, be careful how you act now.

You should take the sick child to the doctor for evaluation and then think about the coming baby in the mean time call on God for help

Baby will be just fine i have 5 kids and brought a few newborns home with sick kids just use common sense

Sometimes I wonder if half the fertile people should even have kids.

It’s called life. If the baby’s born healthy exposing it to its sibling will help it grow.

By the way newborns have passive immunity for six weeks after they are born

What kind of mom are you get your kid some medicine. He wont kissing the baby. Worry about the one home get him better or to the doctor.

And, this, THIS is called PARENTING. It WILL happen many, many times.


It honestly sounds as though this mom is really frustrated. The sad reality is that this will only get worse once the new little one arrives. Kids require a lot of attention and care. Is there not someone else available to help out? Are you giving your 5 year old meds. to keep the cold from getting worse? If you nip it in the bud now your 5 year old might not get as sick. Is there anyone who can keep your little one until they feel better? I know that her hormones are all over the place but our children don’t ask to be here.

Is there anyone that can help you? Take your child to the doctor and relax.

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Can’t your husband/partner help?


Wow, this happens to all of us! Think of all the military wives out there who have no one to rely on, single parents. women in crisis. Suck it up!

Take good care of your child.He needs you right now.Lots of snuggles.Thats what being a mom is all about.Be a big girl and dont worry about the new baby.He’ll come when he’s ready and you can handle it as you should.Take him to his Dr.if need be.

Give him , warm drinks and take him to the doctor so that once you deliver you both rejoice to see the new baby.
Others give birth having 3 kids, 4, 3 and 2 you complaining of one who’s five. God help you

You will survive, I had 3 kids with chicken pox when I gave birth to my 4th child

Unfortunately these things happen. But it’ll pass and you, your child & baby will be okay try not to stress.

Take him to the doctor there’s a litt 24 hour bug going around better to be safe then sorry for all 3 of you

Maybe you husband or grandmother can help out, temporarily.

I feel sorry for the CHILD you have and the one you are about to bring into this world!!

Pray over your child with faith God said you can speak to it and it’s has to go in Jesus name you have to believe

Do not take any medication without talking with doctor.

It’s called life! Where’s your husband, or at least the child’s father? Your mother? Family member?

Any family, friends, neighbors who can help you out?

What don’t kill ya, makes ya stronger. We women know that, and know full well why we are strong.

You seem much more concerned about yourself and your new baby than you are about your child.

Does “kid” have a name? Where is you husband???

Take your child to get tested.


What about your poor baby who is sick??

Rub the bottom of their feet with Vick’s & keep socks on them . Several times a day.

Well I’m a granny and my grandchildren are forever bringing something home from school n making me sick :woman_facepalming: I’m their sitter if home from school etc, I tease them :rofl: I’m not going to look after you? I don’t want to get sick? Of course every time I do :woman_facepalming::rofl: be lost without them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::gift_heart: now your her mother, love that dear little girl of yours with everything you’ve got :mending_heart:

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Ask somebody for help. Where is the father?

Give child at home children’s Tylenol once every 6 hours

Just asking, what are you going to do when the baby is sick, and the 5yr old isn’t?

Everyone in your home try to wear masks. Call Dr to explain your child’s symptoms.

It will be ok :heart:
Take care of your sick child and make sure to take care of yourself.
I think this happened to me everytime I had a baby.
You got this.:heart::heart::heart:

I live in orting. How can I help?

Where is the father? Grandparents? Can’t they help you?

That Was Rage Hormone Speaking Loudly I Heard It Didn’t You


Lysol wipes to wipe down restroom…lysol spray to spray air in each room…practice hand sanitizer and washing hands. Big dose of love and encouragement…c

Don’t you have family that can help you?

:heart::bouquet::rainbow::pray:t2: This too shall pass. Before you know it your kids will be all grown up, it happens in a blink of an eye. Deep breaths my dear.

You are doing great :+1:calpol + vicks relax both of you with hot drinks + cuddles(mask on for you) call family friends for help. It’s normal how you are feeling as all mammues know

Give her a break!!! She said that she is just venting. I feel for you, where do you live

Folks, shes just venting. She never said she didnt want her kid… give her som compassion and let her vent

Sad, but maybe your husband can help by caring for the 5yr old until he gets better. I don’t know your situation, you need some help now. God will provide. Have faith

We don’t need to judge.
She’s asking for help….
We are not walking her walk .

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Sorry but it’s a thing called life. You’re a mom. Moms can deal with anything! :heart:

Think of poor child no feeling well .poor u

Nurse the newborn, he or she will have a better immune system :heart:

I would love to help if you want it all depends where you live

Let the toddler stay with grandma as a nice little surprise vacation.
Her favorite Grandma of course

Get someone to take the child to the doctor and get medication. Family or best friend to help with care . Simple

Be a parent kids get sick. Take your kid to dr and take care of him. Its a part of life

Hey mom!
Do you have family that can help you ? I understand you are overwhelmed its hard to have a sick baby. Like I said do you have family here
Do you have a husband.that can help. Are. Maybe a friend.

Poor sick kid. Child is maybe needing a little tlc.

Omg, welcome to parenthood to more than one child! Get it together :frowning: