My kid is stealing things, help!

Get Her to do some community service. I’m sure there is some elder who needs their yard cleaned or their windows and car washed. Free of charge. After 2 houses she will learn her lesson.

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my nephew was stealing he hid what he stole as soon as my sister found out she made him take it back too the store he learned his lesson and he was grounded for 2 weeks as well

I made my daughter take the items back to the store herself and take accountability…


It depends why she’s doing it on how to solve it. It can be for fun or she’s upset or even she has no impulse control. Counseling in all these will be helpful. Just calmly ask her why you know go over hey I know it’s hard when people have things you don’t but we can talk about that you don’t have to steal or borrow without asking

Try explaining to her how people use there hard earned money and when something is taking from them it sucks. Ask her how would she like it. Like i wonder if u took something out of her rm that she uses and keep it for a few days so she can feel how it feels. Maybe something that she paid for herself. Tbh idk if that is a good idea or not but that just now popped in my head. I obviously didnt know what i was doing when mine was younger and doung this. I would always make him return it in person. But that didnt help my son at all cuz hes still doing it

O my … My son started this at that age he is now 22 with 3 theft charges did jail time and probation an he still has a problem. I have no clue how to help wish i would have reached out to people when he was young. I hope u find the help she needs. Good luck

Sounds like your giving your child a classroom expirence when she needs a firm home hand. Make her take it back. Confess what she did. Let her feel the embarrassment of having to give it back. Let her know she did wrong and what will happen if she does it again.