My man is always liking twerking videos

Would it bother if you your man was constantly loving other females pics and twerking videos?
Even if you’ve spoken to him about it and he sees it as you’re being controlling and says he isn’t cheating so sees nothing wrong with it.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My man is always watching/liking twerking videos

Make one & see if he likes it🤷‍♀️


Going through and hate it! He doesn’t get anything from me if he’s been watching them specially the you g ones…he’s 52 and I don’t agree with it!!

He might be tryna learn :rofl::rofl:


Doesn’t matter what we think. If it bothers you, then it’s a boundary that needs set.


Eh idc my dude can like all the videos he wants and do whatever he wants to the vid is as long he’s not touching anyone else


For him to say it isn’t cheating is bs. That decision is between you and him. And if you have a problem with it then he needs to respect that as your partner.

Like I doubt your watching videos of men twerking and swinging there dicks around. I bet if you were he would have a problem with it tho.

If he doesn’t respect your feelings and decision on the issue then he needs to kick fucking rocks and let the door hit him where the good lord split him.

Try flip the script and see if he feels the same way?


If it upsets you then that’s a boundary you need to set with him. Some women care, some women don’t, but you’re not being controlling for having feelings about something that makes you uncomfortable.


I mean, I think I’d be fine with it. He’s not hiding it and he’s set his boundary by saying he feels like you’re trying to control him. People are humans and they’re going to look at others. It’s natural. As long as he’s keeping it at home, idc what he looks at on a phone.

I’m 34. At 24, I wouldn’t have been secure enough to think this way or say it.


More then likely you’ll get the love of a lifetime from him tonight and you’ll never cross his mind . he’ll be on replay in his memory…

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He can twerk his ass right out the door!!!

it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, because there’s a bunch of women that are okay with it, and they’ll tell you so.

BUT if you personally get uncomfortable, he should understand that and stop, because it’s something that upsets YOU. and he shouldn’t want to ever want to insult you or make you feel less… like where’s the love if he would rather look at twerking videos???


I personally don’t mind it but I be doin the same thing. I really only care about Dms

My question is this… if it’s so meaningless why can’t he stop doing it?


I think you both just need to establish clear boundaries. Be clear and direct about what bothers you and take each other’s feelings into consideration because you love and respect each other.

I was tolerant to a degree , but their were limits, first the thought , then the actions…

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it’s just a video, let it go…


As long as my husband isn’t out lying and cheating on me I don’t care that he is watching twerking videos. Trust me it’s a lot less heart break in the end. If he watches these videos and come home to touch your body then know he loves you more then cheating.


Let this one goooo… I am gunna say it… he is right … seriously no human man woman or non binary is not going to like being told what they can look at… it is controlling


I honestly wouldn’t “care” but it would hurt my feelings just for the lack of self esteem on my part (very bad eating disorder in my teens ((anorexia), then 2 pregnancies, ) however my husband knows this and doesn’t do it (to my knowledge lmao). Everything i mention to him bothering me, he usually changes to the best of his ability.

So yes. It would bother me, but his boundaries are being crossed (him thinking you’re controlling him) and you’re boundaries are also, so an open discussion is needed or it’s just going to keep happening aka bothering you.

I feel this as an incompatibly issue. Some people don’t see anything wrong with that, some do. You have to decide if this is a deal breaker. Everyone has their own boundaries and limits. You can’t change him, so can you live with it?

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This is why you need to set boundaries on what is cheating and if they don’t agree to that. Then you shouldn’t be with them.


He’s allowed to look at videos and have female friends on his facebook, as long as he isn’t emotionally cheating or physically cheating there is nothing for you to worry about! Don’t stress yourself for no reason.


Its not cheating but it is a complete lack of care for your feelings and disrespectful if you’ve communicated your feelings. What about a woman twerking has more value to him than your feeling’s.


Tbh I don’t like it and I told my man and he don’t do it but that’s a boundary that needs to be set or just make a few tour self see if he still feels the same way

Honey, you are and will be the best he can do. If he could better he would. With that being said, its natural to fantasize. If you could have channing Tatum or brad pitt eating that pussy every night…would you not? He has fantasies too. Dont fault him for being human. Self esteem is your problem. You feel belittled by his actions. Girl walk w your head held high knowing you the best he could ever do!!! We all choose the best. Natural selection. Men have been and will always be more sexual. Don’t let it get to you. He come home every night? He paying bills? Ok. He ain’t going nowhere. Do your best to fulfill his fantasies and if you cant…then he aint the one for you and vice versa.

It would bother be like badly

Eh I ask him to show me so he gets up and try’s to copy it :rofl:

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Your husbands eyes should only be fixed on his wife, if he was not willing to leave all the old things behind why did he get married? Marriage is a sacred commitment between one man and one woman.

If he likes twerking videos he can ask his own wife to make it for him and not look at other women doing it because at that moment he is fantasising about them and not his wife.

It’s not okay.
Dont let people tell you it’s okay, because after a while it’ll lead to more than just watching it on the internet. It’s a dark, deep and disturbing habit. It never ends with only him watching it on the internet.


Yea it’s disrespectful. Once they start looking they start fantasizing she next you know they’re cheating


Well you start twerking around the house so he doesn’t want to look at others, personally I’m old when it comes to love, I believe in being with someone who is meant to be only for you… but if they enjoy watching and looking at other women at the same time what’s the point, if your man let’s you look at guys, let’s you follow guys, watch sexy guy videos then it goes both ways, if your in a closed marriage both should only love eachother and look at eachother unless both agree that looking is ok, but if he is one sided and doesn’t like when you look at guys well why does he get to look at ladies all the time even twerking videos, it’s the same concept, It’s my biggest hate thing in relationships, like why admire everyone online when you can admire your own woman just as equally but also should admire her even more… guys seem to forget that they can have their women looking exactly like the chicks they admire online… if they gave the same attention as they did looking at other women to their own wives, partners, girlfriends, they will find that their partner is more than enough to look at

If you have an open relationship, your completely secure about yourself, you like looking at women or guys too, if you have new school ways of love, your thoughts on this concept will be the opposite to mine, that’s fine, everyone has different values, morals, understandings of love, different views on social media & relationships, this lady might feel uncomfortable and that’s ok or she might feel abit less admired… she’s not controlling or anything for these feelings, if it makes her feel abit down watching him admire others in these ways, that’s how she feels and that’s completely perfectly ok


“You can be on a diet, but still look at the menu.”


I mean hes not cheating, but he is openly disrespecting the fact that you find it upsetting. If you’ve expressed how it makes you feel and he is still doing it he’s shown you where your feelings lie on his list of priorities.


I think that people can be attracted to others, that’s just human nature, what I don’t think is okay is acting on that attraction (liking pics etc). If you have said it is a BOUNDARY, then it’s a boundary and should be respected. That’s it.


Just start liking sexy men’s photos :woman_shrugging:t3:


It wouldn’t bother me because I’m not insecure. :woman_shrugging:t4: Look if you spoke to him about it and he’s still doing it then just end the relationship. Try to find someone that you’re more compatible with. It’s better to find someone that you’re already on the same page with then trying to force someone to change. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Not really, we compliment men and women on a daily and if we see something each other would like we share and compliment :slight_smile: we have huge trust and it goes a long way.

How would he feel if you started watching and reacting to similar magic mike videos? Feed them the energy they give. If they don’t like it, they can get.


This is a question only you can answer because it’s different for every relationship and every person.

It bothers you that he does it and you have spoken to him about it but he chooses to keep doing it. So you now have to decide if this is a deal breaker for you and if it is then you know what comes next.
The fact that he knows you don’t appreciate it yet keeps doing it says to me that he doesn’t have as much respect for you as he should (in my opinion but obviously I don’t know him personally).
On the other hand he could literally not understand why it bothers you and really doesn’t see a big deal, remember men and women see things differently.

If you two are young say teens to mid 20s then this behavior would most likely (not always) phase out. Most men in the younger years love the women’s body in a sexual manner but as they get older they tend to mature and start appreciating the women as a whole not just as a visual excitement.


Start twerking for him so hes not watching it online :woman_shrugging:


There is nothing wrong with it unless he emotionally or sexually or physically with these women


You make a video for him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


mist men if with someone and not a player they maybe looking but thinking of you the whole time

Maybe it’s just me but u didn’t state any other issue so im just curious why are you checking his social media activities and trying to control it, I could not care less about what my husband likes on social media, he’s home he’s faithful. I hate the assumption that bcuz ur married then everything becomes controlled. He likes videos so what.


Hahaha Hahaha…seriously? Lovey if you worry bout shit like that…well, I’ll be damned

Just start watching men twerk… Problem solved🤣

Nah im just joking. No its disrespectful towards you as his wife. He is not respecting you when he watches that nonsense.


It is controling. What gives you the right to tell him he cant watch or like these vidieos. Do you not look at actors ext?


Keep the same energy with him. See how he likes it when you are drooling over guy’s like Thunder From Down Under.

How sad “I mean his not cheating so it’s fine” followers with no self control. Go send a random guy from across the world a video of u twerkin . I mean u don’t know them and well ur not insecure and just wanna show ur hot bod to other guys like the girls he watches.

Well see how quick that changes


I’m so sorry…Scum. He could at least be fake respectful and keep scrolling like other men. Hahah

Post videos of you twerkin, since he likes girls doing it have people like your video. Lol see if he’s ok with that.


Lmaoooo all you blaming her sound dried up, then the ones saying there’s isn’t anything wrong are the ones who get cheated on :woozy_face::laughing::laughing::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


It’s a value thing. Your values don’t seem to align, but especially because he doesn’t respect you, and objectives women, who objectify themselves… I’d move on. Especially if there isn’t much invested here.


i find it disrespectful i hate it so if it bothers you tell him again how it’s making u feel

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Match his disrespectful energy. Clearly he has no boundaries

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If he can’t respect your boundaries and feelings, then the problem lies with him.


I see it as your being controlling too. You can’t control what your partner likes, even if he didn’t click like he’d still be watching and liking. I don’t think it’s a big deal.


A man can see something and think it’s attractive the same way I can see someone or something I Like , but it’s the actions they chose to make provoked by the attraction. You can like something and not have to publicly say u appreciate it . I think it’s gross when men do that and just like said before try to flip it “I was just scrolling” yes and you could’ve kept scrolling no double tap no replay and it would’ve had the same effect . Sometimes you have to pick ur battles but if he doesn’t respect you then kick him to the curb sis u seem like ur values are much higher than his :kissing_heart:


My man and I just had this discussion. He deleted the women he was following/liking their videos. As he should. I didn’t see it as cheating but I found it kinda disrespectful and made me feel some type of way. If you don’t like it, he shouldn’t be doing it. He should respect your boundaries as you respect his.


This may sound petty but make yourself a TikTok if you don’t already have one and make a twerking video and share that TikTok with us ladies to make that ass go viral!!! I’m an insecure woman because my man compliments other woman before he’d even think about complimenting me. So I make “sexy” TikToks to get compliments elsewhere. If you gotta get your confidence boost from other men or woman then do it, then maybe he will change his ways when he sees how many men are liking and commenting on your stuff. :heart:

Aww sounds like little boy needs to grow up, self control is taught in kindergarten :joy:


What if he stopped “liking” them and only watched would it bother u

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I’d be on whatever app twerkin sooooo fast :rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m a petty bitch

You better get to twerking too… lol… some of us women really troublesome eno… hahahaha


I mean if you’ve told him it bothers you and he didn’t stop plus gas lighting I would say he doesn’t respect you or how you feel. I don’t see it as cheating but you’ve made it known to him that you didn’t like it. That’s what matters. While you can’t control what he likes and whatnot he can respect that you don’t like it and stop.


I’m a 42 year old woman that has been married for 20 years and I just liked a tweaking video :rofl:


I’ve been through it and I’m not cool with it. If you’re with somebody why are you looking at somebody else anyway? I literally don’t see other people when I’m with my partner. Like obviously I’m aware they’re there and they exist, but I’m not staring, checking them out, thinking they’re hot, or liking pictures/videos. My partner is the most attractive person in my eyes and I’m not looking at anybody else :woman_shrugging:t2: that shit especially hurts when the women don’t look anything like you and it’s like why tf are you even with me if that’s what you like? And for those saying “it doesn’t matter where they get the appetite as long as they come home to eat”, that shit is gross. Your man is literally getting turned on by another woman and then coming to fuck you because another woman got him that way. That shit is nasty to me. If you’re getting turned on by another woman, do not come to me to take care of you, go relieve yourself :woman_shrugging:t2:

The stuff i see half of you post on these pages, smh. My man watches porn and it hurts my feelings. My man watches videos and it makes me feel some type of way. My man does this and i don’t like it :roll_eyes:. Then be single :person_shrugging:

Um while i don’t necessarily think it’s cheating it’s real weird and lame so


My ex did that all the time and always told me I was just crazy etc… he was a huge narcissist. Never listened to me or cared how I felt. Nope nope nope.

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Doesnt bother me. However…the bigger issue is the fact he is ignoring your feelings and blaming you…RUN

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It’s dancing :woman_shrugging:t2: honestly the amount of crap on the internet that’s not that bad. If a girl dancing makes you feel insecure….that’s more a you issue then a him issue.
This is based off my impression that it’s probably a twerker that a lot of people follow. Like Lexy for instance, I follow. If it’s a chick he knows that’s different.


If it’s a boundary for you, he should respect it. Period.


Then you have a immature man

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Nope whatever as long as he’s fucking me he can do whatever

Learn how to twerk and send him ur own videos.


That’s literally all that on my boyfriends fb so I feel ya it does bother me a lil bit but he’s a guy that’s what he likes so whatever could be doing a lot worse.

I would just start liking helicopter videos.


I’m on the different scale. My husband is deployed so I obviously expect him to watch porn. I watch porn too because obviously I need to get my rocks off too. Then when we are together we watch it together.

What stood out to me when reading this is you said “My man” Doesn’t sound like he is being sneaky about it. Trust is so important in every relationship.

Can you really hate on a man for enjoying a bouncing a$$ though :joy: jk, I wouldn’t be upset about the fact he liked the videos, but I’d be upset at him for making my feelings seem invalid :woman_shrugging:

It doesn’t bother me

He does not respect you or your feelings and he isn’t going to magically start. If you are miserable with him now, things are only going to get worse. Move on.


No. But that is me.
Your relationship is whatever you two needs it to be.
Communication is key, as well as understanding your and your partner’s needs.

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Sounds likenhe has a problem…

So relationships are getting bothered by dancing? Weird :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: if you have a problem with it, why don’t you dance and see how he reacts? If not, you may find a new man later.

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Happy wife happy life.
When someone tells you how they feel about you listen.
He makes the informed decision to do this knowing the possible consequences.
Regardless of your reasonings he should not want to upset you and should want to respect you and your boundaries. It all comes down to priorities.
You are not his priority.
You should google narcissist and gaslighting.


Personally I don’t have any kinda issues with my man liking other girls videos or pics. :woman_shrugging:t4: half the time he sends em too me too and we both ooohh and aaahh at them :woman_shrugging:t4: never seen why it’s such a big deal.

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Porn stars & celebrities I don’t care about. But looking at our friends ass and over liking there photos i wouldn’t be down with that.

idc about shit like that personally but it’s the principle that he’s disrespecting the boundaries you’re setting.

Red flag, as soon as he says you’re controlling. He KNOWS you don’t like it and continues to do it and then gaslights you. Drop him. Don’t settle.


It’s trashy don’t settle for that garbage find someone who loves you not the trash on the internet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you can do much better. :kissing_heart:

Can you twerk?? If not learn to and make him a video

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He’s thinking about it
Cut him loose.

If it’s something you can’t accept then leave. But if you’re gonna Stay why post this and let strangers bash your man? Only you can decide what you wanna do in regards to your relationship :woman_shrugging:t4:


Controlling?No You want his Respect. You see a man do that he would not like it


None of what we say matters …… you don’t like it you asked him to stop, something that wouldn’t effect his life in the slightest and he refused. He don’t care about your feelings and that’s kinda gross.


How would he feel if you were always “liking” and “loving” pictures of other men? It goes both ways. He clearly doesn’t respect you. Maybe you don’t even have a problem with him watching the videos it’s just the fact that he “likes” and “loves” them which lets the female know that he does. It opens up a gateway for communication. That’s where I would draw the line.