My man turned me down when I asked to be intimate: Advice?

Communicate with him…there may be other ways.


Some men are weird about sex with pregnant women.

If he said no one time ever, I wouldn’t think anything of it. If he keeps saying no that’s a different story


I’m 6 months pregnant and my sex drive flew sky high … every one EVERYONE is aloud to say no to sex he may not be on the mood… it happens women are NOT the only ones who are aloud to say no

Maybe since that’s what he is used to since you usually only have it 1-2 times a week is why he is okay with it.

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It’s the pregnant smell


I’m sorry but even married no means no. Coming from a woman who hates sex. Some people just can’t get into it all the time. It’s a struggle believe me. But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love/want you. Some people just don’t get urges and can’t force themselves to want it!

You said your content 1-2 times a week…now 8 months along your all lets go! Maybe hes not so comfortable with this…add in he could be tired wants to enjoy the you time before baby comes…or nervous of the whole pregnancy thing men well as woman sex can bring on labor…just go relax and chill in a month or you will be wanting to just chill and enjoy the company…its all good!! Dont invest alot of thought into his no…

I mean you were ok having sex just once or twice a week before. I think it’s a guy thing when it comes to pregnancy. He’s probably afraid to hurt the baby

I had this issue when I was about to pop with my daughter. I got really upset, and expressed how I felt. Then he explained to me his feelings. He said he was afraid he was going to hurt the baby, or me. Like he felt like he was going to poke her in the head or something :rofl: after that convo, we ended up doing it and I had my daughter was here 24 hours later.


I was like this but my husband always wanted it no matter what! My water broke after having sex (thank god.) But I was veryyyy pregnant.
Now…:joy: I don’t want it at all and I’m content with that :joy: him on the other hand, he wants it ALL​:clap:t3: THE :clap:t3: TIME. I’m like “go find you another one” I ain’t doing this everyday of my life. I bend over, he wants it, I change my hair band, he wants it. I’m alone for 5 seconds…he wants it. You get the gizz. Some men don’t want to because it weirds them out or they really don’t want to hurt the baby. Which I don’t think they can :woman_shrugging:t2: Talk about it? Ask him questions on this topic. Try to get some answers. You have to communicate to have a healthy relationship!

My guy is 26, and he doesn’t really bug me for sex unless it’s really needed because he knows I’ll most likely turn him down due to not being in the mood, so he’ll do his thing to help him sleep or get off

Maybe He just wasn’t in the mood I wouldn’t worry get yourself a toy and handle what you need to

People who can think any age of a guy matters as a reason to make it seem like a problem when they say no to sex or anything might need some better thinking cause if you guys are use to doing it only twice a week or even more if he wasn’t in the mood once why make it a Facebook thing and not just talk to him

My husband is 51, we have five kids and still have sex every day, but that’s always been the case, even during pregnancy. It’s likely he’s worried about hurting you or baby. Explain to him that, unless your doctor says otherwise, it’s perfectly normal and safe.

Just like a woman has the right to say no. I man also has the right to say no to. He could of been tired or just not in the mood. Perfectly normal.


Ask if he would help you get off in other ways. Be creative

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I haven’t had sex in over a month. It’s like his sex drive is gone. I’m also about 8 months pregnant

My boyfriend loves being intimate but my drive had always been low. And he also knows ive been in a lot of pain lately down there from being pregnant. Im currently 25 weeks and miss it so much!!

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I would just Masterbate. Do it right in the side of him . This may make him think twice. Then again he may just enjoy watching and be content. It is hurtful to be turned down and I would feel the same way at 24 you would think he would want it 24/7 but some men (a select few) don’t mind not having it so often. I have had to get use to it when my hubby was even a little younger than that but it is what it is. If he don’t wanna play momma can do it all by myself. Get use to knowing how to please yourself if he can’t perform as often as you need. He loves you he just may be extra tired


Maybe he’s afraid of it right now :rofl:

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I feel like if women can go ehhh not tonight i have a headache bs excuse men should too lol


Some men feel awkward having sex with their lady when they’re pregnant. My boyfriend didn’t wanna have sex from the time I was about 6 months on til after my 6 week appointment. I wouldn’t take it personally. He may just be afraid he’s gonna hurt you or the baby. . Yvf always said he didn’t wanna hit our son in the head :roll_eyes::rofl::rofl:

He might be afraid that he would hurt you or the baby I know some men get a little worried about doing that


Maybe because your preg. Men are like that sometimes, they think that they are going to damage the baby or something weird like that


He dont want to hit the baby in the head with his head


Toys in the bedside table get the job done when needed. :wink:


Likeeee, pregnant or not, a guy can not be in the mood to do it and that’s totally okay.
Idk what is wrong with people, you’re in a relationship and having his baby, he is clearly attracted to you and loves you. He didn’t want to do it (for whatever reason) one time…get over it and do it yourself if you’re that in the mood?


He just didn’t wanna do it. It’s not a big deal. It likely has nothing to do with you. He just wasn’t in the mood. Chill.


Probably giving you a taste of your own medicine🤷:face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Some guys get turned OFF with a pregnant woman


My husband wouldn’t have sex with me from 3 months on of my pregnancy when my belly started to show. He loved my belly and told me how much I was beautiful and sexy to him but he was too scared to try to have sex he didn’t wanna chance hurting our baby. And then until 3 months pp we didn’t have sex because I ripped from front to back giving birth and he was afraid he’d rip me. I think you’re just being too sensitive.

My partner has a high sex drive me on the other hand I don’t so half the time he asks I say no just because I’m no in the moad and I’m exhausted 247

Men are allowed to say no too. You admitted to not always wanting it, he doesn’t need to either.


Maybe he was tired :rofl: It happens


Perfectly normal on both counts. Sometimes factors like stress, anxiety etc. Just greatly decrease our drive, sometimes it’s due to illness physical or mental. It’s natural to feel displeasure with being turned down but that doesn’t mean you should take it personal. Now can someone tell me why this page keeps showing up on my feed?


Girl what you’re being overly sensitive. If the roles were reversed and this was a male complaining about his partner not wanting sex, he’d be jumped on and told she’s allowed to say no. He’s allowed to say no and not be in the mood

Men have a right to say no also. I think you’re reading a lot into it. One to two times a week seems totally normal, not sure what the concern is.


Some men feel weird having sex when they know there’s a nearly full grown baby in your belly.

Some of these comments are weird af. You realize men can say no just like women, right? Saying men want to 24/7 is just stereotyping. Dont be insecure or immature because he said no.


Maybe he just didn’t feel like it …its aloud lol
Men are often scared that the baby …or mom… Will be hurt in the later stages.
You’re hormonal…hes terrified


I was the exact same way. Had to have it every day, some times twice in one day. He couldn’t keep up with me. Lol. He still love’s you and you are probably making him raw which hurts and makes him sore. Time to take care of yourself and go get some toys. Not the same but it will help you in the long run.

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You came for advice because of ONE time… girl go find a hobby… paint the baby room or something.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My man turned me down when I asked to be intimate: Advice? - Mamas Uncut


I’ve not had sex for past 4 months so think yourself lucky, my partner even lives with me :rofl::rofl: I’m 36+2 and it’s just been uncomfortable for me, and it’s also uncomfortable for my partner too, communication is key, also, try and get yourself off if he ain’t doing it lol, I wouldn’t think too much of it if you only been nocked back once

I would say you’re being a tad sensitive. While we are going through the physical and emotional changes of pregnancy and impending motherhood we sometimes forget our men are experiencing changes as well. While we may not see them physically and even dismiss them emotionally, they are. My husband and I have been married 10 years and have 3 beautiful babies. As I got closer to the end of each pregnancy I could see a change in him. He was in fact preparing for seeing the woman he loves give birth to his child and all the pain and potential outcomes that labor and delivery includes. So take into account that he too may feel stressed, excited, anxious, scared even for what your guys next chapter is.


I understand you’re pregnant and hormonal but you’ve just explained how you’ve "never been one to have sex all the time " and i expect your partner accepted that right? Well now it’s your turn to try and understand him. It goes both ways.


He could possibly be experiencing sympathy symptoms of the pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my youngest son, our roommate got morning sickness for me. So maybe it’s a similar situation like that?

I think in a weird way they think they might hurt the baby, you being so far along. I don’t know if this is your first one with him, but that may be the reason.


Question it but don’t over question it to the point of fighting for no reason. He could have possibly not been in the mood which is best case. So then go buy some toys, they’re awesome. Or it could have been my situation. Which was the worst-case scenario.

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He wasn’t in the mood at that time. Accept and go use a toy for a while or flick the bean(as American Pie said all those years ago).

Hormonal and he could be stressed. My husband was weird about sex when I was pregnant not because he didn’t think I was beautiful but because he was actually worried about what would happen to the baby :sweat_smile: … there were some pouty nights on my end for sure. Just talk about your needs together :heart:


Just think how he has felt every-time you’ve rejected him. Sometimes people aren’t In The mood. Your reading to much into it

For some men the closer you get to your due date they often worry they may hurt baby. Is all new for them aswell so try chatting with him about it :slight_smile:

He just wasn’t in the mood :woman_shrugging:t2:. I tell my husband no all the time. But I also DON’T tell him no often. If it’s not something that’s gradually becoming super common, I wouldn’t think into it too much. Men feel like shit, are stressed out, and can be “just not in the mood” too.

When I was pregnant my husband made it clear together in my 3rd trimester he’s not harassing me in any way he was so worried abt the baby

I mean, if you were okay with it for 3 years he can be too. He has the right to say no if he’s not in the mood. Plus if he’s told you no one time, I think you’re overthinking it


Hormones suck, but at the end of the day, he’s allowed to say no. I understand the frustration, but if the tables were turned, how would you feel if he was pushing you to have sex when you didn’t want to? I say invest in some toys for when he’s not in the mood.


He is scared of hurting the baby have your tell him its ok

Just like we should normalize saying NO to our husband when he wants it and we don’t, we should also normalize when a man just don’t want to. He said no and that is totally OK. If you don’t want to you say NO right??? Learn to accept it just like he does. Take care of things on your own and just respect his wishes


I find it strange that you just now care that he only wants it so little when that’s what y’all have been doing for years lol. You’re being unreasonable. Get a toy.


My man quit having sex with me at 8 months because he was afraid we’d hurt the baby. I literally cried when he told me no

Many men of all ages dont want sex all the time. Let’s normalize men saying no when they dont feel like sex. It’s ok. He has a right to say no.

No means no. Get over it. Stop questioning it.


Not that big of a deal

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He’s used to it :woman_shrugging: men can say no too.


People say no sometimes. :woman_shrugging:

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My ex had a hard time touching me at the end of my pregnancy from fear of it breaking my water and making me go into preterm labor to the point he could t get it up. I went into preterm labor anyway. Males don’t always want sex either just like females don’t always want it. Get a good dildo. :woman_shrugging:t2::smirk:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My man turned me down when I asked to be intimate: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

You’re 8 months pregnant love, he’s probably worried sexight put you into early Labor. If this is the first time he’s ever turned you down, it’s more than likely because of how far you are. I’m sure he still loves you, you’re carrying his baby.

Low sex drive, completely normal. He’s probably just being honest, doesn’t mean he’s not into you anymore.

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So you say you’re “perfectly content having sex 1 or 2 times a week” but the ask “how he can be okay having sex once a week”? Seems abit like double standards and an over-reaction. Have you ever turned him down for sex when he’s wanted it? It works both ways. It can’t be purely on your terms, has to be mutual. Like other have said, your pregnancy may well be playing a big part in it, but it doesn’t mean he’s not into you.


Talk to him about it

Could always offer the back door… maybe he is scared to “hurt” the baby.

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It is what is it, either accept your man or dont. Some people dont want all the lovey dovey shit. Doesnt mean he doesn’t care about you

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I think maybe the fact you’re 8 months pregnant is a major factor in this? Like no disrespect but I don’t think having sex whilst your baby is pretty much knocking on the door is in any way sexy or appealing at all.


Could be because you’re pregnant. If it was a issue beforehand you should talk to him! Be open with your partner.

I mean you’re pregnant as hell maybe that plays into it


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My man turned me down when I asked to be intimate: Advice? - Mamas Uncut


I got very hormonal towards the second half of my first pregnancy, I’m 21 weeks with my second and it’s happening again lol… nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you or anything, but you could definitely talk to him and see how he’s feeling.


You’re hormonal & overthinking it. Men are human beings & aren’t always in the mood. Just like women. He’s your partner not a stud horse. Talk to him about it if it really bothers you that much.


He’s probably worried about the baby. Talk to him. My bf tunes me down too when I got big while pregnant cause he didn’t want to hurt the baby cause I was close to my due date. But I talked to him and he got over that. Good luck hun!


1-2 times a week is great ! Some men get a bit funny towards the end of pregnancy and have worries and concerns involving the baby. Have a talk to him about it


Talk to him about it. Communication is the key to a happy relationship. He may just feel uncomfortable with you being so far advanced in your pregnancy. Good luck


Talk to him honey. Communication is key. Sometimes assuming how he feels can make things worse. Maybe he has a very valid reason you haven’t thought of? Dont get yourself down about it until you’ve talked it out. If he doesn’t respond with an open and honest conversation maybe then you can question his authenticity and start to worry about other things he might be doing, but don’t let yourself go down that negative pathway before you need to :green_heart:


Yes you’re hormonal, relax and just wait till he wants to have sex. You can’t force him. Should he find that something is wrong with you when you aren’t in the mood? It goes both ways. We get tired, we feel achy, we feel exhausted and beat, and sometimes we just don’t want to have sex, it is what it is


A doctor told me that the last month is a critical time. Sex can cause premature labor.


Some people just don’t have a super high sex drive, it’s not anyone’s fault or in any way abnormal - everyone is different.


1-2x/Wk while pg !! I didn’t want to be touched that way while pg (or the 6m after birth either). Not everyone is raring to go 24/7 … talk to him, he could be declining bc he doesn’t want to jump start labor. That means he’s thinking of you first and foremost :heart:


This isn’t meant disrespectfully, but it could be because you’re pregnant. It may make him feel weird doing the deed. Or he could be stressed and that’s affecting him.


Respect people’s boundaries as you expect them to respect yours. Maybe have a chat with him on how you feel as he may also be feeling a way and hasn’t expressed himself


This is what consent is all about.


Yes …you are being hormonal and extremely sensitive , but you have every right to be …your 8 months pregnant for heavens sake !!! It’s possible that your man is afraid of hurting you or the baby during sex, so give him a break if he says no . You can always satisfy yourself manually or with a vibrator…and in your case you might want to stock up on batteries ! Good luck !


Ew. Ew. Ew. Do not give that men the old antiquated fucked up stereotype that “all men want sex” don’t be sexist and don’t hold double standards.


Its a mixture of the 1st time you’ve been turned down, pregnancy hormones, and at 8 months we’re feeling a little bit like a beached whale, or at least I was, after gaining 100 .lbs, and starting out at 110.lbs.
Our hormones especially the last few months make us super horny all the time, and this is about the time our baby Daddy is really becoming aware that this is really happening, and a lot of guys start to worry about hurting the baby during sex, plus our bulging belly is a giant reminder that we’re about to become his childs Mommy.
All these things combined, as well as their own worries about finances, and being a Dad soon, can put a damper on a guys libido big time
Plus Ive found their tends to be 2 kinds of reaction to an overly pregnant partner, many are very turned on by their partners new pre-baby look, as well as the new improved bustline, and in sync with Momma’s reved up libido, and unfortunately some are just not. Whether its a fear of dislodging the little guy, or hurting them, or the stress of the impending changes to your lives, or something else, its not you or definitely them.
Id first try to talk to him and make sure its not a fear of hurting the baby during sex, and maybe mention this is a time when women are even more interested, it cant hurt but dont push it either.
Just like we women at times, their will be periods when were just not feelng it for whatever reason, and men have a right to say no too. No one should feel pressured into anything, but maybe give it a few days and plan a nice dinner, and put on something a little special, and again dont push, but see if he picks up on your interest.
Some men dont have as strong of a sex drive as many do at that age, their quite happy with once or twice a week. And actually once or twice a week sounds like heaven to many of us older and married for years, with kids running around and working all day, then coming home and working some more, it tends to taper to once or twice a month more often or not!
Couples sex drive’s go thru periods when they just are not insync, for whatever reason, you find ways to adjust, and maybe compromise, its gonna happen at times, get used to it.
But I wouldnt take it personally, its more likely it has nothing to do with you, and as I said, guys have every right to say no,too.
Their will be times when you will too, and very likely in the not too distant future, for example after being up all night a few times in a week with a teething baby, and if you’ve already gone back to work, and trying to stay on top of the house, laundry, cooking and shopping, a few missed nights of sleep with an unconsolable child in severe pain, is enough to make you want to slug Dad if he even suggests something so stupid at that time, but they do! Lol
Your life and everything in your world is about to be turned upside down very shortly, in a good way, I get this is a first for you, and its not great timing either, but this is about to become your new theme, so its time to get used to things not going the way your accustomed to, this is a new reality.
Like I said, your best option is to wait till your calm, and can have a talk with him, and maybe try to feel him out about any worries he might have, and reassure him its ok, and even good for a healthy pregnancy to have sex right up till the end, and us Mom’s who have been way over due delivering, can tell you its even helpful in safely getting things going, as a peds nurse I can tell you when you orgasm you can release small amounts of pitocin, thats what they give you to induce labor, so its not unheard of for a obgyn to send an over due Mom home and suggest a romantic evening, rather than be induced.
Also he needs to know he can tell you he’s not in the mood, for whatever reason, without being made to feel guilty, or creating drama, please it would be a mistake to take this personally, Its very likely it has nothing to do with you, seriously.
And showing a man he can tell you how he really feels, no matter what, will make you just that much more attractive to him, when a man feels like his woman understands him, and he can speak freely without risking a lot of drama, their the woman guys arent about to let get away, they’re the keepers!
Stay calm, and try to talk to him, you got this!


Could be he wasn’t in the mood (I know shocker men are not sex robots though some people already in comments think he must be a cheater or something or otherwise couldn’t say no), or maybe he’s afraid to hurt the baby…

You would have to talk to him though.


So my sex drive is super high and I love my boyfriend who was in the army. When I met him at work I assumed because he was an dirty vet that he was a brut and wanted sex all the time. Now that we live together it’s once a week.

I work with all guys and a couple of them said that when you have a wife and a bestdriend at home and the sex is great you need less of it since he’s happy in all departments.


Don’t worry about it. It sucks that your hormones are making you like that, and noone likes being turned down… but people are allowed to just not be in the mood.
Also the amount of people who are saying “just go down on him, touch him anyway, etc.” Is absolutely appalling. That is assault.


“If the bar is only open nine months of the decade, you drink until you puke”.

-Allan Harper


Does he accept when you just say no?? Probably does and gets on with life. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill