My marriage is broken, what should I do?

You wrote this and deep down you know the answer. You need to leave asap. It is not fair for your children to grow up thinking they are hated and the way he treats you is horrible. You and your children and if you have to go to a womens shelter for help.


Leave! Leave! Carry on for now and while the denying, rude, selfish masochist is at work, sort out outside support and get sorted to leave. Get stuff packed and leave. You need to stand up to him and tell him you will not be his door mat and are not responsible for HIS behaviour. Heā€™s taken the p*** for far too long and wonā€™t be anymore. Tell him what youā€™ve told us. And donā€™t look back. He is unlikely to change

WhT the hell are you still doing there? The first time he said leave, I would have been gone, it certainly isnā€™t for the great sex cause you say there isnā€™t any, Iā€™d leave him so fast his head would spin, you and your kids deserve Better! You deserve happiness and you are not happy! Go leave, file for divorce, it wonā€™t be easy, but it will be better than what you have!

Let me just say, if your kids feel that much tension and are asking you why he hates them so much then you need to leave! You need to protect your children and have them in a home
Where they know and feel loved. I feel bad for you in the situation but more so for the kids because you can leave at any time, them on the other hand canā€™t.


He is opening the door for you
Leave quietly with your and have a life

Leave. Heā€™s an abusing asshat (to put it nicely).

If your daughter came and told you her husband was treating her this way what advice would you give ??? Itā€™s probably best for your sanity & for your childrenā€™s welfare to leave or ask hubby to move out , just my opinion


Heā€™s gaslighting you. He has NPD and heā€™ll never change. You let him mistreat you. Get out before he ends up kicking you out.


Please take some time to read about the different types of domestic abuse. Take your time, plan your next moves down to a T, ask for some help from domestic abuse charities in your area. Safety plan before you have the final conversation and please, take your babies and run. Feel free to message me if you would like some more advice. I have been in a similar position with my sons father. Xxx


Oh please,
Do you really need to ask leave.
He treats you like shit and has told you numerous times to leave and doesnā€™t care for you. Why why are you still with him. Big red flags

Leave! Youā€™re just torturing yourself.

I stopped reading as soon as ā€˜fatā€™ was mentioned. Iā€™m not one that gives up easily, but leave that piece of crap. As far as his son, sounds like rhe apple didnā€™t fall far from the tree. When you correct a childā€™s behavior, that donā€™t mean you hate them. No wonder his ex left him. Maybe sheā€™s the way she is, because of thier Childrenā€™s father. Iā€™d be mad I had to still deal with him too


You need to leave that story sounds too familiarā€¦

Are you sure he isnā€™t gay? A lot of married men turn gay. They where always gay but ashamed and afraid of what people would think of them so they marry. I feel like this could be the case either that or he is bipolar with some kind of depression


Run and donā€™t look back


NPD. Figure out a good safe plan and safely get your kids and yourself out.
I know that personality too well. I went through it.
Get away, trust me, it only gets much worse.


Leave, if you donā€™t do it for yourselfā€¦ do it for your kids. You all deserve better.


If heā€™s mean to your kids why are you still there?


Donā€™t leave your home " get rid of him and his lot. there is help out there to make this happen.

Girl. Wtf. Seriously. I think you need to READ that again and ask yourself what you would tell someone else to do in that situation. Pretty sure youā€™d tell them to take the kids and gtfo of that mess. You really donā€™t need to be TOLD to leave, I feel like youā€™re waiting for someone to validate your reasons instead of making that obvious decision yourself. At this point, if you stay, youā€™re allowing him to gaslight and abuse you and your children. Grow a set and take your kids and go. Thereā€™s literally nothing for you to stay for.


LEAVE! Run with ur kids now while theyre only starting to feel unloved nd hated! Thatā€™s my advice anyway

Your husband is straight up a malignant narcissist and you need to get your job and finances in order and leave - vanish without a trace or you will never live a normal healthy safe lifestyle. RUN!!!


If this were a friend, colleague, coworker or relative-you would tell her to leave, file for separation/divorce and take care of her children. Stop looking for excuses and reasons to stay. Also, stop letting him have the power over you. Girl you can work out in your back yard, bedroom, living room, or bathroom for that matter. That part I canā€™t understand, you can include your kids and make it fun-I do and I even use my two year old for weight and hold him while I do my squats! Itā€™s possible!

ā€œGrey rock methodā€ is used for when an abuser has you in a cycle of control/abuse/manipulation and emotional abuse where you are often times made to feel helpless, insignificant and just blank like a grey rock. (Look up grey rock method) Also, being you are acutely aware of the hormone treatment and behavior changes has it always been like this and you were just overlooking it? Either way, the environment is not healthy for you or any of the children. You need to dig in and take control of your emotional and physical well being and start by contacting an attorney for a consultation. Line up a place to stay with a friend or a relative. If all else fails thereā€™s always Safehouse programs and they have counseling available for you and your children. Thereā€™s too many resources available for domestic violence victims to stay in a situation where you and your children are targets. Get OUT! I know itā€™s overwhelming and scary af when you feel trapped but thatā€™s exactly how he has control over you and thatā€™s what he is banking on to keep you locked in.


tag him in this post on your way out with the kids

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If you had to type all of this & then read itā€¦ you need to leave. Never let a fuckin man put his hands on your kids??? Sorry ass mother.

As someone in fitness it definitely sounds like heā€™s using PEDS (without your knowledge and consent) and more than likely without doctor supervision. These can very easily alter his mood, libido, and anger.
He regularly treats you and your children badly. He doesnā€™t effectively communicate and frequently threatens you with divorce. He frequently talks to other women, and doesnā€™t appreciate you.
Thereā€™s some situations in which are regular married woes and that can get better, and thereā€™s manipulation and abuse.
This unfortunately sounds like the latter. You donā€™t have to live like this. You donā€™t have to put up with this. Your children donā€™t deserve to feel this way.
Please leave. Thereā€™s so many more men and opportunities to be loved well out there. Please remember your worth and value, and be a positive example for your children. Itā€™s so much better to be alone than to be in this level of toxicity.


I stopped reading after he punishes mine but not his and he tell me he could careless whether we are hereā€¦ so whatā€™s the question because u already know u should be gone

Heā€™s a narcissist and you are just a possession to him. Get out now and donā€™t look back.

Hmmā€¦estrogen blockers for building body mass ???
His mood swings sound like heā€™s also taking steroids. ??
Gym bunny ā€¦get out before the violence starts. Youve got to protect yourself and your kids from this man . His behaviour will only get worse


Wow! Why are you and your babies are still there? Please leave him!!

U havenā€™t mentioned any positives or why your stayingā€¦ lifeā€™s too short to be miserable onwards and upwards girlfriend :revolving_hearts:


Get out ! This is child abuse on both sides. He is a narcissist! He will not change !

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If this was one of your children going through this, youā€™d tell them to leave for their own health. Take the advice, get yourself happy and well. Heā€™s a narcissist and those are dangerous.

Heā€™s abusing anabolic steroids. Thatā€™s why heā€™s taking estrogen blockers, and why heā€™s angry all the timeā€¦


Get out !!! Get as far away from him as you can. Your kids are asking why he hates them and his kids beata on yours with no repercussionsā€¦your husband is a narcissist and youā€™re not playing your role to his satisfaction. Iā€™ll validate you, take what you can pack and your kids and go, before he cripples your ability to walk away or to work. You have the answers

If you have the means and a place to go, leave now and let him wallow in his own misery. If thatā€™s not an option right away, get a job and save for the next 6 monthsā€¦as much as you canā€¦then after those 6 months, have a conversation and just bluntly ask if he wants you to go. If nothing is betterā€¦just walk away. It will hurt, but that temporary pain will be worth it and better than a lifetime of pain while still with him.

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For your safety. The kids safety. Your altogether well being is extremely at risk and you need to go.
Contact family or a friend. Pack up while heā€™s at work or at the gym, and go. Go somewhere youā€™re safe. Do not cave if he chases you down. Be prepared to call the police if necessary. He is a narcissist and he will not like being embarrassed by you leaving.
If anything, find your local ā€œsafehouseā€ and go. You CAN do this. You ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK. Do not let him make you think otherwise!! Youā€™ve got this :heart: best wishes to you.

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Your husband is an asshole. He treats your kids and yourself badly. If your kids have to continuously ask ā€œwhy he hates usā€, then itā€™s time to go. Home is supposed to be your kids safe space and itā€™s the exact opposite in your home. Start secretly saving money, get a job and make an exit plan n

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My marriage is broken, what should I do? - Mamas Uncut

Leaveā€¦protect your children from all this and his bullyā€¦hes NOT going to changeā€¦the relationship you have with your children is way more important than having a manā€¦they are precious and if your kids turn on you now because you make men more importantā€¦you will never get them or their love and trust backā€¦speaking from experience

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I agree with Jessica Dannielle Goddard , I think u answered ur own question. U deserve happiness. U deserve to be loved. U deserve to be appreciated. And so do ur children.


He sounds truely horrible and narcissistic, gaslighting is I big yes, he tells you just enough good stuff to keep you hanging on and hoping for better days again and clearly canā€™t take any responsibility for himself


Honestly in your post I think you answered your own question. Donā€™t stay with someone who doesnā€™t value , truly love and appreciate you. Mental abuse is not ok. Constantly throwing around the Divorce word is not ok. Sounds like he wants a way out but doesnā€™t want to be the bad guy and only loves you when he wants to. Youā€™re happiness matters too. No fighting in the world is worth staying in an unhappy home. If I was me and I felt that way and my kids as well. I would take his advice and not let the door hit me on the way out


I have lived some of what your going through and I can tell you itā€™s not going to change, you really need to put yourself and your kids first. Your children will end up with serious issues if you stay. If not for yourself do it for them they donā€™t deserve to be in that environment. I left 3 years ago and I didnā€™t realise until I was out of it just how much my mental health had suffered. Your better off without him.


Girl, you answered your own question. You even said there is no connection! Why stay without connection. Intimacy isnā€™t everything but itā€™s not there. When I was in your shoes and knew I was getting divorced cuz I wasnā€™t happy. The marriage just wasnā€™t gonna work out. I chose to find a job even if shitty hours for him. It was about me. Then I got my shit together and left. It hurt, he told me he loved me and didnā€™t want the divorce as I was signing the paper. However, I left. I chose me, my family my happiness. It wasnā€™t going to get better. It was going to get worse. I am happy with the life that I have built with my kids my man I have now. Walking on egg shells and having your kids see that isnā€™t healthy. Itā€™s hard to leave it really is. Find a friend thatā€™s willing to help you through it. Help you get out. Not gonna run to him and tell him everything. That helps too. However, if you choose to stay good luck. I wish you and your family nothing but a bright future.

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He is definitely gaslighting you. He sounds narcissistic. Nothing you do will ever be good enough sadly. Its time to makes plans to leave if not for you, for your kids sake.

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take the offer to leave with your kids give them the happy life you and them deserve they shouldnt feel like those they live with dont like them. being a single mum wouldnt be half as hard as it is being married to someone so manipulative and hes unfair to you.

Iā€™m so sorry for what you going through love. That was my life and I decided to walk out and I donā€™t regret it for one moment. All the best and do whatā€™s is best for your mental and emotional well being

Kick that motherfken front door down and thank that asle for showing you that you deserve better. Get that divorce and never look back. Heā€™s clearly a piece of shit and will never change. Take those precious babies and be happy. Do you girl!! Prayers it all works out for you!!

Leave its going to get worse. If not for you then your babies get out before you canā€™t heā€™s showing so many red flags that heā€™s abusive and capable of worse especially with the chasing you through the house and name calling. You need to get out soon

Go and donā€™t look back lmao. Pushover for his kid but bullies the rest of the house? No thanks

I would leave him much sooner than later and all the sweet shit he talks to you heā€™s full of shit you and your children will be much more happier without him honestly everything you spoke he will never stop and Iā€™m sure youā€™re not telling everything start packing are you available is your staff have it ready to go because he will play that stupid game not let you come get your stuff and when you leave tell them at the door hit me on my ass and it felt so good

Bail out lil lady. Just move out while heā€™s gone so thereā€™s no fight and he canā€™t belittle you. You deserve far better and someone that loves you for you and shows you that. Besides the fact I think you already know that, your babies truly believe he hates you guysā€¦ :broken_heart: no baby on this planet deserves that. And what, youā€™re just supposed to sit and watch as his kid terrorizes yours!? Nope. Stand up not just for you, but your babies too! Bail out and file for divorce. It may take time to heal, but itā€™ll be worth it and better to start the clock now. Good luck

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Youā€™ve got babies watching you. You have to make the choice for them, and whatā€™s in their best interest.

Go before this ruins your kids. Get your confidence up and move on. You donā€™t need a gym to loose weight either. Plenty of videos on YouTube for free. Take your little kids to a park and walk around the park while they play but a safe distance to watch. The ā€œbā€ or ā€œcā€ word is never ok in my home. I think you already know to leaveā€¦.

Put ur kids first and know the worth ā€¦ LEAVE

Yeahā€¦time to go. Start planning, find a place u can stay. Itā€™s gonna be hard to adapt but u will be ok. You get a new chance to start over.

Belive me they always come out the best there good with there lies there sneaky ways in every way itā€™s only when u find some one u trust love ure love and move on we could all tell our stories

You actually both deserve to be happy, we only get one chance at life so live it well. You need to sit down and decide if moving forward you can be kind to each other and make the most of life being together or if separating is more likely to bring you both more happiness in the long run.
I definitely wouldnā€™t tolerate being spoken to the way youā€™ve described, it also sounds like his chemicals are imbalanced which could explain (not justify) his reactionsā€¦.it would be good for him to open up to you about this and share if he is seeking professional help.
But overall, if nothing is going to change for the better, you need to get out as what your describing is not healthy.

Get out of there! Sounds like you and your children will be better off

Noone deserves that mental torture. Leave his sorry ass and find someone who will appreciate you and your children. Itā€™s gonna stay toxic and will effect ye all more as it drags on

Iā€™d leave and never look back!! U and ur kids deserve better

Y do you want to be with someone that doesnā€™t want to be with you?

I wouldnā€™t be askingā€¦
He said ā€œthereā€™s the doorā€ and Iā€™d use it to my advantage! But I get it too, Bc Iā€™ve been there too! Heā€™s a real jerk :woozy_face:

Next time he mentions divorce, say" Yes, I think itā€™s a great idea!" at least you wouldnā€™t have to put up with his kids and his negativity. If you donā€™t value yourself, Nobody else will either!

Didnā€™t even read the thing. Just seen your marriage is broken. Divorce

Take your babies and RUN!!! Thatā€™s the only option for you to be okay and happy! :black_heart:

Donā€™t just leave, run out that door and donā€™t look back.

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Run as fast as u can.

Cut your losses and get out now

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My marriage is broken, what should I do? - Mamas Uncut

I would definitely take some time out; also whatever ā€œestrogenā€ blocker he is taking will be effective his behaviour - I would say he is most likely on steroids and they make people assholes. Also may be why youā€™re not sexually active as it causes floppy problemsā€¦
Iā€™m sorry he is treating you and your kids like this and I would definitely walk away. If he comes back to you then you can work on things but if not you know you did the right thing.
You are strong and you are brave; listen to your heart :heart:

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Oh no hunā€¦ Leave!!! Iā€™m sorry, but it seems like heā€™s not interested at all anymore. Donā€™t put yourself through it. Why stay with a man that brings you down, a man who isnā€™t putting much effort into you and your family especially to his own kid. Iā€™m sure itā€™s hard on you, but have you got to put yourself first. Iā€™m going to be straightforward, just leave. Heā€™s telling you to go, calling you all these names, you do not need to be putting up with it. Leave! Itā€™s going to be hard, you need to learn how to be on your own again, you need to put yourself first, learn how to love yourself, and accept your body the way it is. You are strong, but you do not need to be putting up with a man or anyones abuse. This is all mental abuse. And it is not okay. I really hope you do leaveā€¦ you will be much happier when you do. You got this mamas. Know your worth, know you are more than enough. Sending you so much love and hugs :heart:


Leave gorgeous. Youā€™ll find when youā€™re on your own after a toxic relationship thatā€™s when everything starts going amazing! I got a nice house, Iā€™m studying, lost 45kgs, kids are happier and healthier, less stressed, now Iā€™m in relationship with a wonderful man. You can only go up from someone like your husband unfortunately. He cannot see the issues within himself, and can never be the man you need him to be as a result


Wow, this man does not deserve you at all. You need to leave before it gets worse sweetie. He doesnā€™t love you or respect you and your letting him think his behaviour is acceptable xx it is so hard when you have little ones but think of how they will view relationships from what they see. If you have a boy, he will think itā€™s acceptable to treat his wife the same, if you have a girl she will think thatā€™s how men treat their wives. Please leave. You will end up becoming very low self esteem will be at rock bottom. You also donā€™t need a gym to lose weight. Slimming world is amazing, and I am more than happy to talk you through it :smiley: xx

Leave for the sake of your kids and yourself .


Sounds like a wastman you leave him

Donā€™t just leaveā€¦ run!!


Please leave. You donā€™t sound happy and it doesnā€™t get better.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My marriage is broken, what should I do? - Mamas Uncut

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Love yourself enough to leave. It sounds like youā€™re doing it all on your own anyway. Get a job no matter what he says because heā€™s going to be nasty to you anyway. Once youā€™ve established a good income for yourself, move out and take your child with you. Get a good lawyer and ask for a divorce. At this point he will suddenly appear to change and say all kinds of things to get you back. Do not give in. Stand your ground and get rid of him. Go to gym and work on yourself, youā€™ll find someone who treats you right. This will take extreme willpower and if you donā€™t care enough to do it then donā€™t complain that you get treated like crap.


Staying in a relationship based on narcissism is doomed wether it be now or years down the track. You can try everything i your power to make it work but it wonā€™t because that is who they are . You will be blamed , dragged down, belittled, lied to cheated on and some how it will still be your fault . Leave now for your own sanity and self pride . Donā€™t let him drag you down anymore because it will continue


This marriage sounds shredded! Run!


Do you really need to ask?
If he treats you that badly, & in front of your kids, & says he doesnā€™t care if you all go, then why are you still there? You deserve better x


This is really sad to read, take your children and leave. They are telling you how they feel and you are feeling the same, why keep hurting yourself and your kids? It really sounds like he is having bipolar drug induced episodes that are not helping the situation.


You owe it to yourself and children to be happy. I would Never stay if I wasnā€™t happy. Life is far to short. I was in an abusive relationship for years. Still haunts me 30 years later but I learnt never to accept any sort of this behaviour of anyone YOU are worth more. Good luck. Get out the door and donā€™t look back. He will be sorry.


Sweetie go get a divorce lawyer and file first.
If the place you live at is Iā€™m your name do what I did. I packed all his shit in the u haul I rented and told him not to let door hit him in the ass on the way out. As he was leaving the locksmith came and I had all the locks changed.


This is full on domestic violence. Why would you allow your children to grow up learning this behaviour. Leave and look after you and yours. X


Girl pack your stuff and your kids and leave him to his bad kids and baby mother


How many ways should he tell you and show you that heā€™s done with the marriage? What advice could you possibly be asking for other than a lawyers name?


Heā€™s already made it clear that he doesnā€™t care about you and your kids, so listen to him. My kids and I would have been on our way out the door the minute he said he doesnā€™t care if me and my kids are there or not.


I was in a very similar situation, except with the father of my children and heā€™d tell me all the same things. Get out. You WILL find better. I left and for months he called and texted me saying he was going to kill himself if I didnt come back and trying to persuade me any way he could that I needed to stay. Dont. Get out. Get out and get yourself healthy, mentally. Read a self help book. Make friends get a night sitter for a few times a week and go to the gym. Just get out and pursue the things you want to. Dont let a narcissistic man who isnā€™t worth anything hold you or your children back from being the best you can be.


How much more invitation do you need to leave?
And how much more of a sad, unstable upbringing do you want to inflict on your kids?
They already see bullying, disrespect and narcissism on a daily basis so will think itā€™s a normal way to live.
If you dont care about your own well being, thatā€™s up to you, but please dont inflict any more on your children.


You need to take YOUR KIDS and get out now, if any of what you said is true, the kids donā€™t deserve to see their mother disrespected


Why are you still with this man? He has well and truly nailed his colours to the mast. He doesnā€™t want a reall partner, he wants a housekeeper with benefits. This is abuse. Your children are affected and you cannot allow them to grow up in this toxic environment. Be kind to yourself and do what you know you must do. It will be tough in the short term but you and your children are worth so much more. This man will not change. He will grind you into the ground, and probably your children too. Be brave, be strong. You can do this. You must.


Sounds like you already know the answerā€¦.have the courage to love yourself enough and your children to leave. We have one life, LIVE IT, DONā€™T be miserable. Plenty of people out there that you can find happiness with, but make sure you find it in yourself first. :two_hearts: Best of luck. (Coming from someone who left her toxic marriage at the age of 40 to start over) Iā€™m glad I did. My best friend taught me a valuable lesson. It was, ā€œwhen someone shows you who they really are, believe themā€ Believe himā€¦heā€™s a jacka$$


Agreed. Get out! It wonā€™t be easy at first and you will doubt your decision at the really difficult times, but donā€™t give up. Get your revenge by being the best you that you can be for yourself. You will find that you donā€™t need someone that negative and emotionally abusive. He will try to say he will change, but he wonā€™t. I have met that demon in another human. They donā€™t change for the better unfortunately.


Is he trans? Or is he just taking steroids because he goes to the gym? Iā€™m confused but that could be a reason for his behavior. If he has high testosterone or even fluctuating hormone levels it causes mood changes.


If you enjoy being mistreatedā€¦not respectedā€¦and insignificant to the relationshipā€¦your kids dont matterā€¦then continue with your relationshipā€¦but it cant be healthy for you or your childrenā€¦as far as the gymā€¦you can do exercises at homeā€¦but you deserve to have a break from the house tooā€¦your life ā€¦your decisionā€¦but i think you already know you deserve betterā€¦


For godā€™s sake please get out. Respect yourself enough to leave this horrible marriage because he clear doesnā€™t respect you and is a terrible role model for your kids. If you wonā€™t do it for yourself do it for them :pray: