My marriage is broken, what should I do?

Sounds like you aren’t very important to him. He sounds like a real cockhead, the type even us men don’t hang around with. Next time he offers you the door, you should take it.

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Leave, you’ll be able to find a support system.

Sounds like a narcissist. This is abuse, get out now.

I pretty much lived most of the same leave now my husband passed 4 yrs ago I never realized how much damage was done I loved him so much and put up with it all.its crazy yes I love and miss him but we were poison for each other, and I did it for 38 yrs it will take along time to feel good about my self he will bring you to feel worthless.

Get out now. You’re damaging your kids.

Honestly, if you’re able to, I’d just leave the guy. Nobody deserves all of that abuse and neglect - including your kids.

If a man told me he didn’t care if I was there or not, I would leave. How can you put such low standards on yourself and stay ? You are worth so much more than this man will give you. Saying things like that to you is abuse. It won’t get better no matter what you do. You can do it without him. Take care of yourself and good luck.

My question to you is, Was he like this before he started taking those different steroids and hormones? Because if he wasn’t acting like this before and then all of a sudden his behavior started changing due to him taking all these different hormones which gives you mood swings that could be the reason why he’s acting like that but if he’s always acted like this then girl you need to leave he’s definitely a full-blown narcissist and narcissist don’t change they don’t have it in them. The only treatment for a narcissist is talkative therapy. They have no empathy and they will never understand how you feel it’s always about them. I just left a situation similar to yours and it’s been about a month and I do regret it sometimes but then I start to think about all the shit I put up with and I realize it’s the best thing I ever did for me and my kids. Stay strong. It’s hard. But you can do it! :heart:

Its terrible relationship
Wats the reason left for u to stay?
Try to go psychology counseling maybe it help.
I had not idea how u gonna put urself together and intact in such relationship
If u wanna keep it then God is there for u always to tell all ur worries problems to not let u feel no one with u

Just leave him. Sucks to break away from what you know but sometimes you have to know when enough is enough. I speak from experience. It’s hard to start from ground zero but it pays off.

Leave. Sounds like a narcissist.

I couldn’t possibly read through all of that this late at night but when you hear if you don’t like it there’s the door maybe you should follow that cue.

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Leave …pick up yourself and your kids and get on out of that toxicity…you can do better…shit alone is better than that treatment

Doesn’t sound like a man I would want to be with. Do yourself a favor and use the door

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Can someone say roid rage? Holy fucking shit. Divorce his ass. File for full custody and make his scrub ass pay you alimony and child support.

Toxic,save urself and ur kid!

RUN! My stepdad was like this. Get out of that marraige ASAP!

Sounds like a narcissist to me! Sounds just like the father of my kids! Don’t walk, RUN !

I didn’t read the whole post but just in the first part you need to save money for a lawyer and to get out :flushed:

Take your kids and run :running_woman:t2: dont walk. Did you read this as you wrote it?

A malignant narcissistic disturbed individual…he will never change.

I didn’t even read the whole thing. I got to the point where you said he said “if you don’t know his ways, there’s the door.” And he could care less if you and your kids are there.

Why is there anything to question at that point?


Girl he’s cheating or is just a piece of sh**. I say leave.

I’m so very sorry for your pain- I think you already know that you should GET OUT asap. He’s undermining you with the kids and even your own kids notice the disparity of the situation. He’s an Ass! You deserve better.

I dont think you’re husband is being iffy. I think he’s being an a-hole. Time to go. For you and your child/ren.

Don’t stay for that shit! You deserve some one who will treat you like his equal, not his maid/childcarer etc. Leave the cunt! Let him see how hard it is once you leave for him to be a single dad to his horrible child.
How would his reaction be if you said all the things to him that he says to you, tell him your leaving, pack your shit, and go! Take your kids to your mums or a friends while you do that though. If it’s going to get ugly they shouldn’t be around it.
Don’t settle for his crap, if he doesn’t appreciate you, his not worthy of you.

You need to get you and your kids out of there. His kid also sounds the bully who influenced him

He’s telling you to leave. Do it. A man that really loves you wouldn’t tell you to “leave and don’t let the door hot your ass on the way out.” Sounds to me like he’s a dick anyway. You deserve better for you and your kid. This sounds super toxic and unhealthy. I’d leave and stay with someone while you get on your feet and get a divorce ASAP

I think you know the answer to your question I don’t like giving advise to people about their personal relationships, but I will say this I at one time was a stay at home mom and wanted for nothing but money and material things don’t guarantee happiness and I promised my self that I would never ever allow myself to rely on someone else for my well-being that way if things get tough it’s easier to walk away. I had 3 kids and we made it ok

That’s just way too much to handle. Emotional abuse leaves far worse scars than physical abuse. You don’t want your kids growing up seeing this. They need a positive male role model in their life if they are going to have one. This guy just isn’t into you anymore. Time to close this chapter in your book and heal and start anew! Good luck!

Get out. ASAP. This guy is a waster, a manipulator, an asshole, and abusive.
The testosterone/estrogen thing interests me. Why does he feel the need to take extra testosterone? Or block estrogen? I would have thought that fucking with your hormones would make you very volatile anyway, so maybe this is exacerbating the issue. If it’s so he can gym every day, why doesn’t he put more focus on healthy eating and walk/bike to work instead? A guy who is only interested in going to the gym, berating his wife and ignoring/treating his kids/step kids badly is too much of a selfish piece of work to stay with IMO.

I feel your sadness all over this post. If you can find a way to support yourself then you should leave. Make plans but no announcements, have your stuff packed and removed while he’s away, wait for him to come home so the children are not left unsupervised then take your one child and go. He’s your husband, yes, but what kind of husband is he if he treats you like that. Once you’re apart, breathe and do what you need to do to feel like a woman again, get back to being feminine instead of an unappreciated “SAHM”… see if the absence helps him remember why he chose you and why you chose him. Good luck whatever happens.

I’m am so sorry. You need to get out, for your sake and the sake of the kids. I don’t know how old you are, but you can end this mess and get a life you deserve. Its not too late.

leave that motherfucking marriage also contact your cell phone provider and get a list of all text message hes has received. start keeping logs always trust your gut. if you think something is off there deff is. also get the police involved because he’s clearly dangerous if he can chase you and rip shit out of your pockets in front of your kids he definitely has no fear of beating the shit out of you. and I really hate to say this because I don’t want to be one of those people but seriously start recording everything put little cameras in your house have it sent straight to your phone that way when you do leave him because you need to you will have all the proof you need. he will lose custody of your kids and will never have to see h again.

I’m sorry but who would stay in a relationship like that. Obviously he doesn’t love you enough if this is how he treats you. Divorce his ass and find someone who will love you and your kids unconditionally. Oh and kick him the fuck out. You keep the house

You already have your answer. If you allow your kids to be treated like this then you need to have yourself looked at as well.

This is possibly one of the worst marriages I’ve seen on this page. You really need to leave. ASAP. He’s a psychopath and a manipulative user.

Take your kids and run as fast as you can!! It will be hard at 1st but your kids are your priority, they are seeing this behaviour and it’s really not good for them!

He seems like he’s garbage. Get your kids and get out of there. Pronto.

this prick just wants a house keeper, cook, and babysitter…what is in this for you. get a job, save some money, leave and dont think about comin back…improve your self esteem and your situation. seeing you happier is the worst thing you could do to him

He showed you the door and said he doesn’t care if you snd your kids leave or not.
Where’s the confusion…??

Put you and your children first. Good luck

Run like the wind. He’s never gonna change, and you deserve better.

Leave his punk ass…c how much he needs u then

Get him to fuk and get on we ur life u don’t need shit like in ur life and treated like at

Run. Don’t walk. Count all the red flags in your post and put your knees to chest and :running_woman: the hell away from that narcissistic dbag

Move out, and move on…

You’ve married an abusive, manipulating asshole. For the sake of your children and your mental/ emotional health, leave.

If you’re asking, you already know the answer…🤷

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Oh hell - love and value yourself to leave :heart:

You should have gone long ago

Move on you deserve better he sounds like a pig

Run and don’t look back

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Save the sanity of yourself and your children and run.

LEAVE! Yall both toxic!

You deserve more. Value yourself and LEAVE!

Honestly, Why would you stay in this ?

Kunts on the roids. Fuck him off

if you love your children leave him.if you love yourself you would be gone .you deserve better but more importnt:your kids deserve better

Yea time to find someone better.

Take out the trash :wastebasket:

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Girl , u need to leave.:heart:

Get out while u can.

He is a narcissist! Divorce his ass!

RUN the other way and don’t look back!

You both sound toxic af honestly

Reading that I think you know what’s best for you and your kids. Leave. Find your own space and grow. You don’t need his bs you don’t need his negativity. You don’t need his god awful kid and ex. You don’t need him. Leave. You made a mistake. He doesn’t love or appreciate you at all. And certainly no respect. You can do better for your self. Be strong. Walk.

So many red flags I would leave for sure

Read your post like someone else wrote it and you’ll have your answer.

Get the hell out of there.

You already know the answer.

Leave… If in doubt re-read your post…

is this really what Facebook has become

Don’t walk, RUN :running_woman:

I’d get out you don’t need that it will only get worse

Jeeezeee, time to leave.

2 words … Leave Now !

Run as fast as you can … :thinking:

Why are you still there?

Leave that pieces of shit right where he had your f****d up at.
Get your kids and get out.
He’s a miserable piece of garbage and toxic af. Leave leave leave.

Leave and do NOT look back!

Get out while you can!!

What a nightmare, clearly you already know the answer.

Leave right now! You need help packing? Do you have somewhere to go? Do you have access to bank account? because I see you’re a SAHM make a bank run and get as much money as you can and LEAVE!

You are worthy of more.

Leave. This is no way to live.

Leave? Nah……RUN!!!

You already know the answer to this question.
It time to go. For a marriage to work everyone has to want it and work for. No one here is. It sounds borderline abusive. Find someone you and your kids can stay with, get a job, get on your feet then if he doesn’t do e everything to win you back. File for divorce. Life is too short to live this way. It especially bad for kids. You need to work on yourself first… women with good self esteem would not need to even ask this question… find and know your worth!
Good luck

First of all know your worth, secondly, know your childrens worth! And thirdly, one should ever be miss treated! Regardless, of what any of you are going through isn’t a reason! If speaking to him hasn’t helped then maybe its time to move forward w/your children! Don’t ever let your children see you nor have anyone emmotionally, verbally, nor physically miss treat you nor them! Good luck! I’m sure you’ve already known the answer to your own question!

Run don’t walk out that door. He sounds like the biggest asshole in more ways than one.

Surprise him with divorce papers. If your doing all the work what the hell is the point of having him around. And you’ll be in charge of your kid/kids after not other baby mommas kids.


This is teaching your children that this type relationship is ok, and it’s ok for your son to treat a woman and his kids, OR your daughter this is how she should be treated. Look at it like this- if a man was treating your daughter like he treats you, what would you tell her? For all of your health and well-being get out of this toxic roommate situation. If you would like to talk please feel free to send a friend request……I’ve been in your shoes :heart::heart:

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When I read this, I FELT this in my soul. I also read majority of the comments. Those saying “that’s easy, no question, just leave” makes me feel like those people haven’t truly been in this situation before. I mean this genuinely, but good for them. I’m happy they’ve never experienced it. But man… when you’re in a relationship involving kids with someone who is narcissistic, gaslighting, emotionally abusive, toxic, etc… it is terribly difficult to break that cycle of hell. It’s a constant roller coaster. It’s like you get sucked into all of it and desperately want to love him, for your relationship and for the kids. It’s like you don’t know if you’re coming or going & everything makes you so confused especially with him hating you one minute, and telling you he’s your soulmate the next. It’s like you know the answer, but you’re just hoping something will click with him and change. I could go on. But my point is, I understand you. I hear you. I felt this. I’ve lived this. Please don’t let your kids see him treat you like this. You wouldn’t want your daughter thinking this is acceptable to tolerate and you wouldn’t want your son acting like this is a normal way to treat a girl. This is way, way easier said than done. But deep down, as much as you don’t want it to be true… you know your answer and what the right thing to do is. Find the strength, do some soul searching, get counseling, learn to lean on yourself, research articles about others going through these same experiences, look up positive mantras that you can just look at for positivity and motivation, love/be there for your kids, and make a plan to leave. It will be difficult for awhile, but eventually you’ll find a new normal. I hope everything works out for you.


Do what’s best for you and your children Leave your the only one who can protect your Babies go and don’t ever look back. That’s a sign your kids asking why he hates you all they are watching. It’s not a healthy environment not for you or them. Please get those babies out of there and your self they need you well. Prayers for you Mama and those babies. Remember if you don’t protect them who will

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I think you know the right thing to do. You and your kids deserve better. There is a man out there that will not only treat you right but your kids also and you shouldn’t settle for less.


Um … why is this even a q?. leave omg

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Leave. Seems to me that you (and your children) would be much happier. & Safer.

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I think you already know the answer…

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Get tf out, how he treats you an your kids, an your kids seeing how he treats you an let’s his kid treat y’all, is abuse. Divorce that ungrateful b@stard

No doubt about it that chapter in your life is over! Your kids even see it so get out and go start over with your babies! Believe me you’ll be ok and feel so much better. We’ve got one life to live and please don’t choose to live it like that because your kids deserve better too! :revolving_hearts: