My Marriage Is Very One-Sided and My Husband Never Supports or Spends Time with Me: Advice?


"I’m at a loss and need advice, or maybe overreacting. My husband does not want to spend time with our 18-month-old son and me. He’s a good dad to our son, plays with him here and there, holds him. Kisses, hugs. Me, on the other hand, I received none of that.

If he’s going to give attention to anyone, I’d prefer it to be our son because he deserves it. My husband comes home from work, eats, then goes straight into a different room to play video games most nights. He always says it’s only going to be for an hour, but it ends up being until he goes to bed.

He was leaving me alone with the baby all evening. I’ve told him time after time it hurts and would prefer he spent more quality time with us. But he doesn’t listen. He won’t go anywhere with us; fun things for our son to do, I either do alone or bring my mom along.

I feel alone in my marriage and unwanted. I’ve given up trying to make him spend time with us at this point.

Also, I finally was able to make my dreams come true of opening my own business I’ve dreamt of for years. I thought he’d be so happy for me and encourage me, but its the opposite. Every free moment I have is spent at the shop getting it prepared for the grand opening; he never wants to come along and help me. He has no care in the world about supporting me. As far as he’s concerned, it’s my business 100% and he wants nothing to do with it.

I’d love nothing more if he would want to be there, help make decisions, help with paperwork, taxes, etc. But I do everything alone. Not only do I do everything around the house (I literally have to ask multiple times for him to even take the trash or mow the yard, I’ve even had to do it myself when he ignores me for days) take care of our son, and now run every aspect of this business alone. I don’t know how much longer I can handle a one-sided marriage but I love him. Am I overreacting?"

RELATED QUESTION: When do you know when it’s time to walk away from a marriage?


“Darling, since you’re doing everything all by yourself anyway, throw the whole man-child away. He is a drain on your time, resources, and finances. He serves zero purpose in your life except to make you feel alone and sad. You don’t need that, neither does your little one. Sounds like you are smashing goals without his input or support and would continue to do so if he was not in your life at all. You are a Boss, Queen!”

What exactly do you love about him currently — not the Him Before, but now? Me personally? I’d rather be alone than feel alone, what’s the difference."

“You’re married to an emotionally stunted man-baby. Please go continue being amazing, just you and your son. Maybe one unsuspecting day, a real man will see your value and WANT to take out the trash, give you a beautiful yard that the three of you play in, and be proud to stand by you in love and home and business. You sound amazing.”

“You are getting nothing from him, you’ve been doing the whole marriage on your own. He is just a body walking in and out of your home, if you get no emotional commitment, cut him loose, you don’t need the baggage.”

“Honey, if you’re already doing everything alone, what do you need him for?.. added stress? I’ve been there. Kicking him out was the best decision I ever made. I was already doing everything alone and I no longer felt resentment towards him for not being an active member of my household. That was over 10 years ago and I have three girls. They’re grown now and I have a husband who helps me in every aspect of our lives. Don’t let that anger and resentment fester because your baby will sense it over time. You deserve to be happy and have someone that is invested in you as much as you are. Congrats on the new business.”

“Ask yourself this, ‘do I want this for the next 50 years?’ Of course you don’! Get rid of him. I put up with worse, and mine never grew up. You are a very capable strong woman, you don’t need to carry this extra weight, be that single mum! You can do this with your eyes closed.”

“Agreed, FYI You can love someone and not enable their behaviour. It’s called an amicable divorce.”

After fights, begging and pleading with mine - a bit of a different story but similar issues - to change, help, and be more involved I gave him a choice and he chose to leave. I asked him if he even wanted to be here with me and our baby and he said he didn’t so he left I sobbed cried about it of course I didn’t expect him to leave, but I realized I was already doing it all he was offering nothing and still taking by making me sad lonely and angry. He came back after 5 hours crying saying he didn’t know what was wrong with him and he didn’t want to leave us and he’d change, he’d made a huge mistake and loved me and our baby. And he has changed he’s a different dad and husband, but I don’t let him forget about it, if he starts getting weird again I remind him of the fact that I don’t need him I choose him, and if there comes a day again when he quits choosing us he can leave. You don’t need to feel like this, good luck momma!"

“I would go stay at family or a friend’s house and see how long it takes him to notice you are gone. Give him a taste of his own medicine and see what he does. Good luck with your new business.”

“You know I was in a marriage just like yours. I stayed married for twelve years and finally divorced him. My son was 18 months old. The only difference after my divorce was I didn’t have to worry about his dinner or when he was coming home. Take my advice tell him he has to change or get out. He may be addicted to video games.”

“If you’re going to act like a single parent, then you may as well just be a single parent.”

“Give him an ultimatum. Period. Point out what he has neglected to do and what he chooses to do instead. Tell him where he needs to step it up at and that if he doesn’t, then you and the kid will leave since he isn’t doing right by y’all.”

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Read until, “goes to play video games.”

No. You have yourself a bitch.

You are not overreacting. This was one of the major factors of my divorce. He was too involved in everything else besides me and our daughter. I would have a serious discussion because you will start to despise him and hate will grow


You arent over reacting. Sounds like he’s completely checked out and just doesn’t care. Id try counseling and if it doesn’t work or he doesn’t want to go id file and move on.


Bye. You said sometimes plays with him lol nope bye


He’s about to lose everything for a video game addiction. I would definitely talk to him about seeing a therapist


Wow. Not ok at all. So rude and no respect


Get a new one u deserve a lot better


I think you can handle this alone. I would tell him once exactly how you feel let him read this it whatever. Tell him need to change or he needs to go…


What exactly do you love about him currently, not the him Before, but now?
Me personally I’d rather be alone then feel alone, what’s the difference.


Same thing ended my marriage the first time


Darling, since you’re doing everything all by yourself anyway, throw the whole man-child away. He is a drain on your time, resources and finances. He serves zero purpose in your life except to make you feel alone and sad. You don’t need that, neither does your little one. Sounds like you are smashing goals without his input or support and would continue to do so if he was not in your life at all. You are a Boss, Queen :crown:. Xx


It sounds like he has checked out.
If it were me, I would leave this selfish man. My heart is hurting for you. You deserve quality time, help around the house, communication and most definitely support and encouragement for your business.


I usually won’t comment but I feel you deserve and need one. He is being a total dick! He is a father and he is not paying enough attention to his son. He is also neglecting you. You deserve better. My ex did that to me then when I couldn’t take it anymore punished me bad. Don’t let yourself get there, say if U won’t be there we won’t be either


He sounds like a man child

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Btw congrats on the new biz, U r kicking butt!


Just be careful with wat ever decision you make there’s men out here killing their wives and children I would just get a restraining order and move on you cut all ties you said you would explain this several times so he’s willin understand that

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I agree. I may be hard to let go. This is the father of your child. You will always love him. But a partner needs to be more like 99% more of what you’re saying. His efforts are very low and you deserve better momma. Its hard to let go of the father of your child but you need to think of your happiness too.


Happy wife. Happy life. And you ain’t happy.

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Bruh, Divorce.! If he is as bad as you make him out to be, girl do the right thing for both of you and your son. Your needs and your sons needs are as important as his

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sounds like you need to end your marriage because he’s taking you for granted and doesn’t care to change his ways honestly you shouldn’t even have to beg for attention or for someone to do what they have to do to be a happy marriage.


Definitely not over reacting. And honestly, l’d prefer to separate because at least you dont get your hopes crushed every time he ignores you.


He has an easy life :persevere:
Leave and take your beautiful baby with you, you don’t need a man to shine!!
You deserve to be loved and respected and I wish more people would see that!


Honey, if you’re doing everything yourself, then dumb the extra baggage and do it yourself… You’ll be much happier.


Similar ended my first marriage , you end up falling out if love and heading in different directions , I totally agree with the man child comment ,tell him to go live with his parents if he wants to be looked after


Not at all…
Start going out when he gets home from work and hand him the baby… He does it because you allow it


Excess baggage you already live independently leave him in your dust


Take this time to focus on you and make you and your son thrive because of it. Space is what he wants, space is what he gets and the more you show , you don’t need him… maybe it’ll show him something. If it doesn’t work… maybe it’s time to go seperate ways.

My first child’s father, did the same and thank god we were not married. But he was abusive and he left me and my daughter alone every weekend to go party at the beach and never wanted to take us to the beach and just be a family going to the beach. He used my daughter as a show off I guess and abandoned me. I tried for a few years to make us work as a family but one day I woke up and said no more I’m done. That was 12 years ago and he’s still a lonely bitter man.

If you know you deserve better. Demand it and give yourself the love you deserve! :heart:


I would advise counseling immediately . If he won’t go , YOU go alone . This will help you come to the conclusion of what to do for your future . I did this . My husband wouldn’t go . I am so thankful I went . He eventually left and I finished raising my kids and got remarried almost five years ago to an amazing man ! My previous husband was exactly like yours ! Prayers for you !


I would leave the grass alone and anything he should be doing. I would. It be so nice and start piling the garbage on his chair he plays video games on. But do only things for your self and child. Yes the house will go down hill but he may start to see what he is not doing.

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Talk to him and give him a certain amount of time to make changes. Tell him you need a man not a little game playing boy. Your son needs a Dad.


I think u just told my marriage but no for real ur not over reacting this is why me and my husband are no longer together he thinks EVERYTHING and I mean everything is more important than me and the kids


I completely understand how you feel. My husband honestly has a game addiction as well. He loves to come home after work and play COD on his phone. He used to be a lot worse about it but I had to handle it. He spent all of his time playing on his phone, instead of paying any attention to me when he was gone all day. It literally broke my heart and I felt like I was losing a connection with him. I wanted us to talk, play a game together, or literally anything as long as we were spending quality time with each other. It got to where I was so unhappy. So I had to have a serious talk with him. I talked to him about how I felt and we did argue. But over time, he realized what he was doing was wrong and he changed. Now he plays for maybe 30 minutes and the rest of the time, we do something together. It’s gotten a lot better. I would try talking to him about how you feel but make sure your serious about it. If you try to be nice about it then he’ll probably run you over and try to make you drop it. Just make sure you tell him how you feel in a serious tone so he knows you’re not playing around and if he’s the man for you, he’ll change. If he truly loves you then he’ll realize he’s wrong and try to do better. If he doesn’t and just only cares about himself then he obviously isn’t into you as much as you are him. No man should put a video game above his own wife/child. I hope this helps! I’m just giving you my experience because I know how lonely you’re feeling. But you’re situation has to be more difficult with a child involved.


You are not over reacting.
Sounds like he is putting 0 effort, in both ur marriage and being a father. If you have spoken to him about it over and over again with no improvement then sadly it’s time to throw the whole man out. Cuz that’s trash.


It almost sounds like you know what you want / have to do.

A marriage is a partnership. It’s a team! It can’t be one person taking all the time. Sure we have days where one has to give 70% and the other can only give 30%. It happens. But you can’t do it all by yourself forever. And it’s great that he loves your son. And I’m so happy he does. But you deserve to be loved too.


Maybe a compromise is in order? Say he gets video games three evenings a week after a few chores are done around the house and the other three days you get him? For parenting the child, for you getting some much needed time away (since you are doing everything on your own, you deserve that!)
Just a thought and maybe it won’t work. But maybe if it is approached in that manner, he won’t feel like your trying to take it away from him?

My first marriage ended because of some similar circumstances. We have two daughters, I was working two jobs, and doing everything at home. He worked, but he was just too tired to help me with the kids or anything, let alone any sort of physical or emotional attention from him for the health of our marriage. I put my foot down one day and I said “I’m taking a trip. I’m going to Alabama to see my friend for 5 days…” and I did that. He stayed with the kids and I went on a solo vacay. That solo vacay helped me make my decision, one of the hardest I’ve ever made, that it was over. And this was after a year of counseling. Sometimes, it just doesn’t work anymore. And it sucks. So badly. That doesn’t make you less of a mother or wife or person. You have to know you gave it everything you had, and then you can walk away knowing you made the right decision.


My last marriage was just like yours.Almost 20 years of my life wasted on a man that would say I love you but his actions did not say that.I would ask him whats wrong?why ?all the things I thought could be going on he said its nothing he likes the way things are and if I didnt then I could leave.I finally divorced him I got tired of being married to a man that refused to show me any kind of attention.Now Im married to an amazing man who does anything for me and both our kids…You dont deserve this you deserve to be happy and treated like the queen you are…Dont waste your time with a man that wont give you the love and attention your seeking…If he does love you he will hear you out and change but if hes doing nothing then that should tell you all you need to know to end it and move on.Its hard at first but the happiness you feel when you no longer gotta go through all that everyday is so worth.Then you will get all that your wanting from a marriage.Dont ever stay for sake of your child it never turns out well because your child will see everything and you dont want that.GOOD LUCK

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Nope you are not overreacting. He dies not care. He will not change. He is taking you for granted.
You deserve more. You shouldn’t have to ask for nothing from a man who truly loves you.


That’s rough. Sounds like y’all need a serious talk. Maybe sit down, no devices or tv or phones, and just hash it out. Maybe make a deal with him. Something like “Monday’s and Thursday’s can be your game nights, the rest of the time, you need to spend with your family.”

Sounds like a miserable way to be married and raise a family. Dump the dude and be happy.


He’s addicted to video games, and needs to get help. If he won’t, out to the curb. You have enough on your plate and don’t need to raise 2 children. Therapy out out!


Leave him and love yourself more

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Give him an ultimatum. Period. Point out what he has neglected to do and what he chooses to do instead. Tell him where he needs to step it up at and that if he doesn’t, then you and the kid will leave since he isn’t doing right by y’all.

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All in all you are not overreacting. But in aspect of YOUR business, I think you are. You had a dream of opening your own business. Not him. And it’s unfair to expect him to help you with your paperwork and taxes.

If you’re going to act like a single parent, then you may as well just be a single parent #sorrynotsorry


Send him packing. Your independent. That makes you strong. Sure you love him but if you love him they say you have to except them as they are…until he realizes what he has dont hold your breath. Move forward without him or continue this life style.

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U are not over reacting. Make him choose…his family or video games bc thats the culprit of your problems

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No he is going to kill your love for him it has already started I was married to a man like that and I was miserable the thing you can do go it alone hard yes but worth it I’m now married to wonderful man that is with me all the time live the life I have noe

You know I was in a marriage just like yours. I stayed married for twelve years and finally divorced him. My son was 18 months old. The only difference after my divorce was I didn’t have to worry about his dinner or when he was coming home. Take my advice tell him he has to change or get out. He may be addicted to the video games


Your going to have to communicate this to him and possibly give him an ultimatum.

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I would go stay at family or a friends house and see how long it takes him to notice you are gone. Give him a taste of his own medicine and see what he does. Good luck on your new business


After fights, begging and pleading with mine - a bit of a different story but similar issues- to change , help and be more involved I gave him a choice and he chose to leave … I asked him if he even wanted to be here with me and our baby and he said he didn’t so he left I sobbed cried about it of course I didn’t expect him to leave, but I realized I was already doing it all he was offering nothing and still taking by making me sad lonely and angry.
He came back after 5 hours crying saying he didn’t know what was wrong with him and he didn’t want to leave us and he’d change, he’d made a huge mistake and loved me and our baby. And he has changed he’s a different dad and husband, but I don’t let him forget about it, if he starts getting weird again I remind him of the fact that I don’t need him I choose him and if there comes a day again when he quits choosing us he can leave . You don’t need to feel like this , good luck momma :two_hearts:


Agreed, FYI You can love someone and not enable their behaviour. It’s called an amicable divorce.



Hide the power cord be ready to rumble.


He will not notice what you do till you stop doing it. You will realise you can do everything on your own and don’t need what little he puts in and would rather be lonely with him not there then be lonely with his sitting right next to you. And the funny thing is, he will not have a clue that the relationship is in trouble because men are so selfish.


I had almost this exact situation with video games but with drinking beer as well. All he ever did was play video games and drink beer. He wasn’t like that until recently. He hardly ever played games when I met him. I left. I hope him and his video games are happy. Instead of opening a shop, I was finishing my bachelors degree. Guess what!!? I did it on my own. I’m 1000 times happier. I didn’t realize how dark and I mean dark of a hole I was in until I left. I felt ignored and push to the side. The depression from the whole situation tore and wore me down. I tried and tried talking to him and all he did was deny🙅‍♂️ and deny. It was well I only do it after dinner. It’s only for an hour etc. but it was always hours upon hours. My advice is talk to him and I pray for the best for you! Hugs from one momma to the other. (My little was like 8 months though when I left. We also had a total of 6 together. I felt like a single mom and I didn’t sign up to be a single mom of 6! We had all the kids full time. )


You are practically a single parent anyways. Would give him an ultimatum give him a few weeks and if nothing changes go it alone he will get the kick up the ass he needs hopefully. Good luck x

Do your thing. Good luck xx :kiss:

Kick his sorry ass to the curb!! Do it now, while your young. Dont waste your life. Congrats on your business (im so jealous) im stuck in a life draining relationship with a self absorbed jerk for 7 years!!! I feel alone and spent 24/7 go live your life meet someone fall in love and forget him.

Esther Nalungwe kuno

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You sound like an amazing mom, an amazing wife , and an amazing person .
Don’t spend the rest of your life in a one sided marriage. Get yourself a partnership and choose to love yourself more than you love him.
Congratulations on your new business! Such an accomplishment.


Ask yourself this, “do I want this for the next 50 years?” Of course you dont, get rid. I put up with worse, and mine never grew up. You are a very capable strong woman, you dont need to carry this extra weight ,be that single mum you can do this with your eyes closed.


pull the plug really…love is not everything


Not sure why he’s there to be honest you’re doing it all on your own anyway and you telling him time and time again to help or take part with you and little one is falling on deaf ears tells me he’s just not interested or bothered which is a huge shame but after reading that you’ve got this on your own raising your child running a house and business I’m sorry but he’s just in the way! I’d give him one last final ultimatum!x


Honey, if you’re already doing everything alone, what do you need him for?.. added stress? I’ve been there. Kicking him out was the best decision I every made. I was already doing everything alone and I no longer felt resentment towards him for not being an active member of my household. That was over 10 years ago and I have three girls. They’re grown now and I have a husband who helps me in every aspect of our lives. Don’t let that anger and resentment fester because you’re baby will sense it over time. You deserve to be happy and have someone that is invested in you as much as you are them. Congrats on the new business.


Get rid of him if he’s that much of a deadbeat.

Only you know if your marriage is salvageable. I would consider a separation. There are many steps to take before getting a divorce. It sounds like you have irrevocably evolved spiritually and financially and have matured into a new woman, he can’t keep up. If you haven’t sat down and told him that you want to separate, do it. Tell him what you are willing to compromise and where you need him to step up before you come back. You love him and I believe that you can exhaust all avenues prior to divorce. That way if and when you do walk away, there will be no regrets. Good luck


You are getting nothing from him,you’ve been doing the whole marriage on your own.He is just a body walking in and out of your home,if you get no emotional commitment, cut him loose,you don’t need the baggage.

Autant vivre toute seule qu’àvec lui ce sera pareil

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I think there’s a local charity in your area that really needs gaming equipment… and you’re just so busy with work and the baby that you forgot to do the laundry, make dinner, or clean… :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You’re married to an emotionally stunted man-baby. Please go continue being amazing, just you and your son. Maybe one unsuspecting day, a real man will see your value and WANT to take out the trash, give you a beautiful yard that the three of you play in, and be proud to stand by you in love and home and business. You sound amazing.


I have been there before for way to many years. The only thing that made me happy was to leave because he never gonna change.

If he doesn’t see a problem with the marriage then he never will. Go to cousilling if he doesn’t want to time to pull the plug on the relationship

Not overreacting at all. Marriage is a team effort especially with children. I would recommend marriage counseling. You have every right to be upset. You deserve respect,answers and a hand here and there. It definitely sounds like this could be worked out if he is willing. Good luck :heart:


You are not overreacting. It’s one sided and you have every right to feel this way. I’m sorry :disappointed:

Is he okay? Is he depressed, maybe? I would try counseling. If he’s not willing to go with you, he obviously isn’t willing to work at this. Last resort is laying out divorce papers.


You are not over reacting at all… He needs to put more effort into you’re guys marriage. And help you out here and there with the house work. He needs to put more effort in spending some time with you as well… Maybe have you’re mom watch the baby one night so you and you’re hubby can spend time together. Or sit down with him and talk to him about how you are feeling about everything before it goes down the drain

Leave now and dont e
Waste another minute with him. Men dont change. They may for a month or 2 and then go back to old ways. Sounds like he is spoiled rotten. Tell him like it is and be tough. Sorry and I know it hurts, but you will find another love who treats u and your son right. I spent 38 yrs married to a man like yours and should have left 20 yrs earlier.


I understand your feeling. I left the father of my kids kids for reasons similar to what you are going through. I felt like I wasnt loved ot even noticed- because I wasnt a computer game. I would literally have to lift his arms and drape them over my shoulders to try and get a hug. Intimacy died years before I left, I could stand naked in front of him and his eyes stayed in his game. His kids also came second to the games. “Im playing in real time so I cant just stop!” was a phrase that made me livid. Life is in real time, jackass!!
I tried convincing him to get help for depression- he refused.
There came a point when I decided I wasnt going to let myself live in a place I dont feel valuble in. I wasnt going to let my sons grow up thinking this is what a healthy relationship is. I wanted to stand up for them and myself. It was one of the hardest yet most empowering moves Ive ever made. He sees his kids weekends but I have custody. It took time but my boys are better than ever.

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Kinda sounds like my relationship but we talked it out and I found out he’s very depressed and feels like hes just going through the motions. Good communication is the only way a relationship works and if he can’t do that with you, you’re not going to feel satisfied in your marriage. I think counseling is a great idea. It’s a way for you to talk and express your feelings with a mediator

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Ugh. This is why I hate video games. I’ve straight up told my husband that if he wants to act single he can be single. We have 3 kids and his roll as a father is just as important as my roll as their mother not just getting the water bill paid and giving all your free time to your computer. I’m sorry you are going through this.


Been there, done that and separated just over 5yrs. You and your kid/s deserve better. You deserve an equal partner and you deserve happiness. There is someone out therr that is willing to give you everything you deserve. It might take time to find that person but when you do, you will realize it was worth the wait. Trust me :wink:

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No you need to dump him. I promise you it will never change. And the more of his responsibility you take on (trash, lawn) it becomes your job. How can you possibly love someone who is using you?

He is not a husband, he is an older child of yours. And this is not normal.
Find a good moment and explain that he will lose all this if he doesn’t change.
Usually they don’t change, but maybe you are lucky. I wasn’t and got divorced.


If you have to do it by yourself… you may as well be by yourself.


You could always try removing the gaming machine. Force a reaction out of him and you will soon find out whether he’s willing to work with you or if its a lost cause.


Not overreacting, and am in a similar situation, but because of my health, he does do chores and has an extRa job too, so I know he’s busy, and only has the games to unwind. I hate that I do everything kid-related like giving baths, changing diapers, feeding etc. But I really can’t ask for much more, and figured that it’s way better since there won’t be much confusion with parenting rules. I learn to live with it🤷

Your better off without him , I got rid for the same reason and it will only get worse no matter what I did or said didn’t help either . Trust me you will be a lot happier xx

Video game and machine in the bin. If he refuses to talk or start changing put him in the bin too!!! U will burn out at this rate

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It’s sad when men don’t know that are still boys. If he wants time to play you both need to agree on how much time a week. Put your foot down tell him you need a man an adult a partner. That you want him to be that man. That you chose him to be that man. Be that man or do I need to look for someone else to be that man


Your not overreacting, I’ve been in 2 marriages both just like yours, I’ve left my second one 2 months ago and guess what? He’s spending time with someone else, if he truly wants to spend time with you he will, either put up with it or leave, I left, but I don’t have a child with him. If you are lonely in a relationship then there’s something wrong. Good luck sweety :purple_heart:

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You deserve all the things you mentioned. You are not asking for too much or overreacting. You can find a partner who does these things for you. Give him an ultimatum and follow through. Don’t be alone in your marriage for too long. You, and your child deserve more.

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No, you’re being used and neglected and taken for granted. It’s working for him so he’s not going to change. That means you better.


sounds familiar. some people just can’t give love the way you need it. they can’t speak your love language and that’s okay. but you’re settling. find you someone who is interested in everything about you and will be your biggest fan. he has no ambition or motivation. he’s content with his day to day life and sees no need for change.


no your not sounds like your marriage is over and your just wasting your time and energy . you need to realize you and your son deserve better


Run as fast as you can. Now your opening your own store and hopefully it’ll do good he’ll take everything you ever worked hard for. Them divorce papers would be in his hand before the store open. And if he doesn’t want nothing to do with you hes doing something with someone else.


Leave him if it’s that bad, you do everything anyway!!


My partner was acting the same way… I told him if I’m going to be treated as a single mother and do everything alone then we don’t need to be together… what’s the point to be treated like your single AND take care of a grown ass man and clean up after him … Not me


That’s not love and that’s certainly not marriage hun. I’m so sorry. But if he won’t work on things then you need to walk
“You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce”
You deserve better :purple_heart: