First are you living with your in laws?? The first thing you need to do is move out. Then when they come to your house to see your child set the rules in a nice way. Let them know it is your child and you will raise her the way you want too.
Take the baby back and say thanks but no thanks and tell your husband to get his mother in check
My question to you is why you allow it. Not a damn person is going to take my baby from me or where I put her if I don’t say it’s ok with me to do so. Put your foot down and start acting like you have a say in your baby’s life. If your SO can’t support you then think really hard about where you see this relationship going and how he is as a partner and father. What you allow is what will continue and if he can’t stand up for you you’re going to have to do it for yourself. Stop letting them walk all over you.
Take your baby back, don’t let her take her. Just tell her. No. Or u & the baby leave. Let your mother in law@ your husband live together.
Get out and/or tell everyone NO ! Thats your baby ,she has medical problems ,and should not be over fed or stressed. You are being abused by your boyfriend and his family .move in with your family OR call an abuse center and get in there housing . Your baby and you deserve so much more. If you dont stand up to these pigs you are adding to the abuse . Get out ,get a career ,make a happy ,healthy life for your baby and you. Dont look back ,your child doesnt need that for a Dad.
I’m so angry about this! And even if we did live with them and I couldn’t get them to stop I would tell them if you keep touching my child when u don’t want you to I will call the police and they can tell you to stop touching my child.
Stand up for yourself. State your boundaries and stick to them. They need to ask before feeding or holding. Living with them or not it is still your baby
This is what happens when people have babies before they have a place of their own. Get yourself a marketable skill so you can earn enough money to have your own home. I’m a great grandma and those are MY babies! I will bully my way into situations when I think I know best. It’s MY home, MY baby, and yes, daddy is MY baby too! That’s just the way it is, so move out.
Sounds like u live w his side of the family? I would look into moving for 1…and also, u need to lhk that IS your baby and just cuz u live in her house, doesnt mean she gets to raise your kid. Some changes are g2need to be made. Either u lhk and your husband backs u up…or u g2get tf outta there
Your baby comes before anyone…including your fiance. Honestly, if he wasn’t backing me, id leave. You aren’t being unreasonable at all and, honestly, his mom is acting like a baby. She is yours, not hers and should never take her from you…ever. If your fiance doesn’t want to act and treat you like a partner, than I wouldn’t marry him. You aren’t “that” daughter in law, you are a MOM and you want what’s best, you just need to find your voice
I wouldn’t be able to even handle my baby being snatched away like that! I feel for you girl. One of my fears is my baby not being with me most of the time when he’s new born😭
Go stay with your parents if possible they are disgusting
Sometimes I just can’t believe people live in situations like this. Makes my blood boil just reading it.
Sounds like yall need your own place
As hard as it will be, stand up for your baby! You’ll regret it later if you don’t. Momma and baby time is so important. You are there safe space. I bet since she was in the NICU, you already missed some of that. His mom being a grandma doesn’t trump you being a mom. Good luck!
I agree with everyone that said it’s your baby you decide, and move out anywhere even a shelter bc the bf isn’t helpful and won’t be bc he’s staying at his moms… call police if they touch baby without permission … this pissing me off as well!!!
No fuckin ma’am. Put your foot down or she will continue to walk all over you. Tell her straight up “I understand you love her, we do too. I understand you want to make sure she’s okay, but WE are her parents. WE are raising her, and we are doing a damn good job without you over parenting us. step back and let me parent.” You could throw in a couple pleases and whatnot if you want to. But something along those lines.
Why are u living with our mother inlaw? Get your act together and move out… It’s will never wk. Living with your in law…
Tell them to back the fuck off. Seriously. If you offend hem, you offend them, they’ll get over it. But that’s your child. Seriously, stand your ground and tell them to back the fuck off.
I had the very same situation happening…I moved out WITH my babies.
My mom had issues with my great grandmother trying to always keep me & take me from her. My mom said once my grandma just walked up in the house, walked straight to my room & picked me right up out of my crib while I was napping without asking. My mom said she lost it on her & cursed her out. She put her in her place & drew the line. You are going to have to stand up for your baby & let her know that you are the mother & if she doesn’t like it well too bad.
The fact that you felt the need to even go into the back story breaks my heart. You shouldn’t have to try to justify it at all. She should respect whatever boundaries you place period. This is such a common issue I hear with people taking babies away from new mothers. Momma’s, don’t feel like a bad person for setting that boudary. It is your right damn it. That is your child. No you don’t need to give a reason. “No.” Is a complete sentence. People…stop feeling like you’re entitled to someone else’s child. Just stop. Ask for permission and respect the parents wishes. Do not try and shaming the mother and say she’s worrying too much or hovering. If you do this to a mom, congratulations on sucking at being a person.
Oh hell no, No way would they be overstepping me like that… You need to grow a back bone and stand up for yourself. Put your foot down to all 3 and tell them how it is. You are her mother and unless you say so, nothing goes… otherwise take your baby and leave. Do not let them walk all over you. Bub needs a routine and a mom that will be her voice.
Your baby Your choice. Tell her how it is and get it over with . Shes gonna get mad either way so just get it all out . It’s your child either they are helpful or not . Helpful people get to stay involved not so helpful people dont .
I say oh hell no girl put your foot down.stand you ground it’s your baby and that’s that! If you don’t it won’t end! And the baby will run to them later on in life. Find another place to live! Save up!
Yall move out and it will all get better to start with. Doesn’t sound like this will ever work. You habe to stand your ground and not let her walk all over you. No one would snatch away my child with the expectation of when dad gets home of course they want time too.
This kind if makes me mad just reading it! How bloody disrespectful are they?! Seems from the post like you might live with the in laws? So that isn’t an easy situation. Is getting your own place an option?
When my mil used to be a bit overbearing, I was quite upfront and laid down rules I expected to be followed. It took a while, but I stopped going round every week. ( we used to go every single weekend) after a few weeks, I started getting visits at home and everyone was a bit more respectful.
My biggest pet hate was when my mil used to let her little dogs lick my babies face!! It drove me insane, but they were a dog family so didn’t see the issue.
I would try and sit down and have a proper conversation with your mil. Tell her how you feel about the way she is behaving. Tell her how concerned you are for your daughter’s health, and that because if her time in the hospital, you feel more comfortable having her close to you the majority of the time. Ask how she would feel if someone had snatched your partner away from her when he was a baby? Hopefully she is mature enough to have a real conversation with you. Good luck mama. Problems with the in laws are difficult! Xx
You have every right to be mad and hurt, this is your baby and you get ultimate say as to what happens with your baby. You’re going to just have to upset the Apple cart and put your foot down and remind them that this is your child and what you say goes and moving out day would be even better I am a Nana and I will never over step my granddaughter’s mother and her wishes. Next time you see them coming for the baby move, wrap around her so they can’t get her, do whatever you have to too make them back off. Don’t ask for her back, take her back if they have her and don’t back down. If Dad gets upset then oh well it might be better for you and baby to leave him there for a time and let him decide what he really wants, his mommy it his little girl.
Sounds like he is a mommas boy and will always choose her side. You gotta put your foot down now or you won’t be able to later.
Sorry but if this was my
Child , I’d be taking her and leaving. No one will ever just snatch my baby from me and my man wouldn’t be making excuses. Idc if it his mother. My baby. My rules.
Take your baby daughter and leave.!you are not married to him. Leave, Leave,Leave…(
figure out how to move…if your bf cant put you and his baby 1st…leave him there.
A 2month old should be loved and not left to settle themselves
Set boundaries
Do whats best for baby
I would be pissed. And I would leave ASAP.
Leave the fiancé with his mommy if need be. She can feed and rock his pussy ass to sleep. Ur man not having ur back about shit would make me more angry than all the stuff u just typed.
Take her back and tell the mil for calling the cops for Attempted kidnapping if she does it again
This made me mad I had to comment twice. Your fiance is a mama’s boy. That won’t change unless you move away from those people. Take your baby back with no explanations. He can suck it and so can those nasty grandmothers. Leave them and never ever look back
You need to put your foot down. If someone ever moved my child out of the way when I went to take her I’d take that baby out of their hands and leave until they got a grip on reality. That is YOUR baby. It doesn’t matter whose grandchild or whose great grandchild it is. You are the mom and they need to respect YOU.
Maybe I missed it in the post but I’m assuming you live there as well, it’s hard to live with other people. I’d figure out a way to move out.
They need to understand that you’re nurturing YOUR maternal instincts & that your baby needs YOU!! Your significant other needs to decide if he wants to be a Daddy to his little girl or go on bein a momma’s boy. If he’s comfortable continuing to be a momma’s boy then you & the baby need to leave hunny cuz it’s not going to change. Good luck!
Stand your ground mama. The total lack of respect is appalling. I would try and find new living arrangements as soon as you can. Yes she is still that babys grandmother, but I would tell her if she can’t respect your position as that babys mom and let you parent the way you choose, then she doesn’t need to be around your child until she changes her attitude. Good luck.
You have to move out. Telling people how you want to raise your child in their house ain’t gonna fly. Time to grow your own wings, dear. Tell your man to get his shit in order and move out in the next 3 months. Move to the ghetto or the sticks or where ever you need to go to afford it. He can drive an hour to work everyday. If she wants to see her grandbaby, she can watch her while you work too, but you need to move. Put up or shut up as they say.
Get your own house. Itll solve your problems
You should take your baby to your parents house.
Sounds like you’re trying to marry a little bitch not a man that stands behind his wife. Take your daughter and leave y’all can coparent…
Oh hell no!!! Speak up! This is where developing a backbone benefits you in life! That is YOUR child!!! This post made me mad.
Stand up to her. Tell her no. Dont look to him for help.
yes this post made me mad also. you need to speak up and stand your ground. you gave birth to your baby…you need to put your foot down and inforce rules!
Give me back my child now. Also no is a complete sentence your kid your choice if she doesnt get it then she doesnt see them.
Use your back bone. You got yourself a mamas boy so your gonna have to stand up for yourself on your own two feet. Stop taking shit from people, that’s your baby and time you won’t get back so if they keep snatching her away get fucking mad give them a reason to be little bitches, maybe my approach is harsh but it’ll make the message crystal clear
No one is respecting your boundaries as a mother. Tell them that.
Ahh hell fuckin nah! Tell them all to fuck off. Wouldnt bother doing it politely either. Sounds like complete twats! Its ur baby and ur partners baby. If he can not stick up for u and stick by u then clearly aint worth it! Dont let them drag you down!!! X
1st - move
If that’s not an option, tell her flat out that YOU are the child’s mother. Not her. Therefore, its your rules when it comes to YOUR child.
Well, it’s gonna be hard because your man is a mama’s boy, nut you gotta draw some boundaries. First off, don’t marry him until he shows you the respect you deserve. Second off, make it clear that if you aren’t shown the respect you deserve as the mother of your child then you will be moving out. And then if the three of them don’t straighten up and fly right then you leave.
My suggestion is when she goes to snatch her coddle her and put your hand up. Kind of like setting boundaries. Then I would softly say I really would love to hold my baby for a while.
As far as the grandmother smoking goes I would simply tell her the baby is super sensitive to second-hand smoke would you mind changing your clothes before you pick her up. Also I’d like nobody to kiss her near her mouth
Sounds like an entitled ass grandma remember it’s YOUR baby!!!
You gotta speak up for yourself. Let her know that’s your child and you and your SO both need this time to bond and cherish the time with her. Stand your ground. Don’t let her play the whole crying games and oh pitty me I need attention games. She’s a grown ass women, it isn’t appropriate how she is acting and no matter what she does you need to make her know that.
Their running over cuz they know you will let them.
I would be extremely upset as well! But it sounds like maybe you live with his mom and grandma? It’s tough bringing your own baby into that situation because the parents feel like they need to parent your child. I would just say keep trying harder to get out of that house. Then you can make your own rules. Until then you might jus have to deal with it. if there is any bright side at least they love their grand baby. But I totally understand where you are coming from and WOULD NOT be able to deal with it at all. If you do not live with them. I would suggest visits only a couple times a week outside or nap and bed times. And no smoking 100% around your baby. No second hand smoke or smoke smelling clothes.
Get your own place …
Wow…so glad I secluded us from everyone pretty much til my little girl was older except for holidays to avoid stuff like this.
Honestly you are letting her walk all over you and that baby is going to bond with her more than you if continue to do so…Feel this strongly about it then you need to tell her and not let her grab the baby from you. And she keeps snatching the baby doesn’t make sense to me because the same time that means you’re allowing it to happen…you could tell her no & walk away if she purses or hug your daughter to your chest and don’t let her take her… I would not being living with her anymore. She sounds possessive & the smoking thing can lead to SIDs…
It sounds as if you live with them. May I suggest moving out?
Id say this post would nake alot of mummys mad this is unacceptable behaviour from those grandparents. And if your fiancee cant see that then he needa a good kick up the backside wake up call. Your baby. Your decisions. If it doesnt stop move out and find ur own place.
First of all, why the heck you living with fiancés mum?
Baby needs mom more then any person in that house.There just doing that to you.What I would do is get my baby and leave all them sitting there babyless.
You gotta move as long as you live with them or them with you your always gonna have that problem and tell your man to grow some balls and defend you
And why do u live with them move out and be the best mom
Move out and tell them if they want to be a part of her life, they need to start respecting your boundaries.
You need to be firm or nothing will change.
Girl thats your baby!! I don’t care who you are, I will tell someone straight up to give my baby back!! I would put her in her place!!
You need to tell him they already had their chance to be a mother to their children so now they need to let you do the same for your one and only child, especially because of her birth and being in the nicu. It sounds like no matter what though, he’s going to take her side because like many have said above, he sounds like a momma’s boy. I think the best thing you can do is get your own place and put your foot down to her face. Tell her how SHE is hurting your feelings when she does it and while yes, she is the baby’s grandmother, YOU are her mother and you come first
Get outa there , this is only the beginning, I don’t see things changing in that household I would get away from them now and him!!
Get out of there get away from her she’s poison to all of you get a place of your own she’s going to destroy all three of you if you don’t
One no one snatches anything out of your arms or hands… you tell her thank you for offering but NO I’ll feed her, no I’ll comfort her … if she is asleep make sure she doesn’t go and wake her …idk you’ll drive yourself crazy if you don’t set boundaries.
You need to take your baby and leave. You need to get away from him and his crazy family. I’d done snap
i think they’re not intentionally going overboard…you should talk to them without accusing or judging them…tell them that u do appreciate them loving ut baby so much but that u wd like to have her to urself sometimes bcz u are the mother and wd like to bond with her as a mother too. if ur on laws dont understand it then move out or move on to set ur foot down firmly, but do give them the chance to see what theyre doing wrong and why 1st
If your having problems with how they are going to be acting with your baby in their house, then you need to move out. Only way your going ro be able to parent your child your way.
Knock the fuck out of her disrespectful ass, and him.
Otherwise go stay at your parents house, so at least they won’t be butt hurt when you want your child, if your fiancee doesn’t follow oh well his fucking lose. And maybe keep some evidence of his family doing the things that you don’t agree with and especially when they hold your daughter hostage from you.
Get your own place duh
It’s going to be hard setting boundaries living in their house and even harder without his support. It sounds like a lot of changes need to be made to get you to the place where you will feel at peace. I would start with moving.
Move out, take control.
How are you supposed to work on your maternal instincts when she’s taking control?!? Put your foot down momma! I’m sorry 
Get your own place. Even if it’s a one bed apartment. If your man wanna be a mommy’s boy he can stay there. If it’s just your house it’s just your rules. If I was in that situation I’d have clocked someone already. Everyone knows to ask me before they take my baby girl.
Grow a pair and tell her and ur fiance how its going to be, ur the mum u make the rules!
Talk about crossing boundries! Give your boyfriend a chance to stand up for you. If he won’t then you kindly do it yourself. Set boundries. They may be mad for a minute but they will respect your wishes or you can leave.
Time to take your baby and go. No way I’d stand for any of that. If your not gonna respect me and my choices as a parent then you get nothing
Just look at them and say I got this. In no offense to them but it’s your child they need to understand I know they are trying to help but just say I want to try I got this if I need help I will ask for it thank you tho for wanting to help
I hate it when people tell me what to do with my kids or try to comfort my kids when I know exactly what will make them feel better you know your kids best
Nope put your foot down tell that women she already raised her kids and you will be raising yours put a lock on your door if need be that is completely out of line and disrespectful to do to you
I agree with you. My ex mother in law treated me like I was stupid. My son got sick when he was 3 months old. I took him to the dr & he told me what to do. After a few days we went to the inlaws for Christmas. We left the baby with them while we went to my side of the family for an hour. She did just the opposite of what I told her to do & she almost killed my son. She listened to me from then on.
Very disrespectful!! You are the mama!!! Put your foot down now before it’s too late #lessonlearnedthehardway
Why is everyone telling her to out her foot down?
She needs to be putting it up their asses and her fiances
Get your own house they think there in control because you all are in there house I dare anyone to ever do that shit with one of my babies Both side of my family have so much more respect for everyone kids they over step because they think they can It time to be grown ups. M o v e
Move out or kick her out. Simple solution.
So you weren’t married when you have the baby and you’re still not married to the baby’s daddy that makes you the legal parent get your own place tell his mother There Are Rules she will follow if she can’t follow she’s not welcome in your home plain and simple Step Up Stand Up do what is right you’re the baby’s mama grandma has limitations she can’t overstep your bounds if you don’t let her
Hell to the no, f you MIL. That’s way passed personal boundries. Be in a polite manner and tell her to back off YOUR child.
Tell her bye get rid of her
Uh no way! The mother in law needs to back off and let you be the child’s mother. She has no rights to your child. The child wants the MOTHER not the mother in law. I’m so sorry you are having to deal with that. But yes definently put your foot down and tell your mother in law that she dont need to snatch the child from you.
Sounds like either you need to move out or kick her out! If neither is affordable remind her the baby is her GRANDCHILD, she needs to stop acting like it is her child.
Can i slap your husband for you. My husband makes excuses for when his family does this to me so i respond back with attitude. He doesnt make me apologize because he knows i will flip on him and he’ll get it worse.
Best advice move out! Leave your husband if he doesn’t wanna come with or stick up to his mom