My MIL is being to open with my son: Advice?

Yeaaaaa… that is 100% a sign you need to leave immediately. Potty training doesn’t require locked doors.


I really wonder if some of the questions are real. Do you really have to ask advise on this? Come one :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:

Get him out of there, that is wrong on so many levels!!

I’d say she’s a sicko and disallow it

I think you are very right to be concerned. This is not normal.

People on here are all drama, all day. :roll_eyes:
OP has written out the facts as she sees them. People are forgetting they are getting a one sided story, filled with bias.
Now, does that mean that MIL isn’t being shady? Not at all. But for everyone saying “call the cops she’s molesting him”, because of… what? The fact that the boy saw her naked? Has he not seen his mother naked? If so, is she molesting him? If not, maybe that’s part of the mother’s problem.
Could it be that PJ time is just a convenient time of day for MIL to get time with him? Could it be she locks the door because she’s afraid he will run out when she’s mid-change and leave the door wide open? She may not care if he sees her naked, but perhaps she doesn’t feel the whole house needs to see it. Too many people confuse nudity and sex. Too many people jump to conclusions.
My advice is, don’t overreact, but calmly tell her the whole thing makes you uncomfortable, and that she needs to get ready for bed on her own, and then invite the child to hang out with her after. Simple as that.
Y’all need to sit tf down. Could you imagine what terrible things people would think if they got a 10 second glimpse into your life? lol


Locks the doors!!! That’s a red alert!!! :rotating_light:

Immediate start asking questions and get that boy away from her!

No no no no no no no. There’s a hell of a lot more going on then just getting changed. I change in front of my son, but I would NEVER let him get close enough to see the color of my vagina. YOU are his MOTHER. He looks to YOU to protect him! Tell her that what she’s doing is inappropriate and that if it doesn’t stop, you’ll move out on your own and call the police. Shit, I’d call the police and get your baby checked out anyway just to make sure.

Tell her you don’t want her to be doing that any more and you feel uncomfortable with the situation. She needs to respect that and not fight you over it. Remember his your child and you have every right to say something as his mother. Personally I wouldn’t even be asking I would be letting it known how uncomfortable That situating is for you.

NO! Just no!
Tell her “I’m not comfortable with that, I don’t think it’s appropriate!”

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Call the cops and make a report on her. Get the hell out of the house with your child. If your husband has an issue with ANY of this … then he needs to go too. This is not good at all


you need to keep her away from him locking the doors is a huge red flag i bet other things are happening or are going to happen get him and yourself to safety!!! for fucks sake what the hell is wrong with this woman

WTF!!! Absolutley not! I’d be like, look lady he’s saying things I don’t need him to know about yet. No more weird “naked sessions” with you

He doesn’t need to know about grandma’s lady parts. Because he knows it’s black is disturbing on so many levels.

Follow your intuition.


That’s super creepy in my opinion


Y would you at all allow that


You’re supposed to protect your child from shit like that

Call the fucking cops

Locking the door!?!? RED FLAG! Is your call not hers put your foot down!


It Really sounds like your child could being sexually abused. :anguished:being victim myself sounds REALLY high chance .


If you feel that something is up your a mom … Go by your instincts

My MIL NEVER locks any doors with our children. She never shows them any of her body parts & leaves that type of subject to us even when we were living with her… that’s just wrong & sounds like she might have something really wrong with her. Get out of there. Quick.


Never leave your child again with her. Seems odd and out of line.

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Then move out and pay your own way :woman_facepalming:t3: shits me that mothers live with their in laws and then complain about them

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Absolutely not! Move out of that house immediately and turn her in. That is crazy insane and so many levels of inappropriate. :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:

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I don’t understand the problem. That’s your little boy. Stand the hell up and just simply say “No”
Tell her to go sit her ass down.
Shouldn’t even be an issue.
I wonder if half these posts are fake.

Id be moving to a hotel asap and contacting the law. So many red flags of a pedo


Sounds like she’s a pedifile. Get out before it gets worse.

Honestly this is heartbreaking… Ask your son what happens when she takes him potty. Take it from there. Also, assert yourself into the picture. Say NO I AM TAKING HIM POTTY. Set boundaries. Make it clear that you feel uncomfortable with this. (To your MIL not your son. None of this is his fault.)


I agree she sounds like a female pedo

Sorry but what??? Family members are the number one people who end up molesting a child, something may not be happening but there’s also a high chance that there could be something happening

Why would you even question if if your child said that? That’s would have been an absolute red flag and I would have went to her straight from there and left.

Whoever the admin is here I hope you gave this ladys name to child protection services so someone can check on her child if the only thing she’s going to do is post on facebook asking for advice and not take care of the situation. These are serious red flags that need to be investigated no child that’s almost 3 should be curious about there sexuality. No chil that young should ever be locked inside a room with an adult to get undressed. I’m all for being open. With your kids and sexuality but this behavior is the behavior of someone who is trying to hide something. You only lock doors when you don’t want someone to enter or someone to exit. That’s litterly the fucking use of a lock. There’s no excuse. Shame on whoever let this status be put up especially if they didn’t report this post to cps. I’m sickened. Even if she’s not abusing him that’s still highly inappropriate and should be looked into and be the topic of conversation with a CPS worker. This is in no way ok. If this ladys not going to stand up for her kid then someone else NEEDS to. Fucking sick.

Something is definitely up… Stand your ground… Protect your baby!!!

Nope. Nope.Nope. sounds like a sexual predator. Keep her ass away from ur kid

Is this an actual serious post?