Tell her she has all the rest of the boys named Earl and the baby will have the family name which is your husband’s last name. You can name YOUR baby any name you want. Your husband ( Earl ) needs to tell his mother to back off.
In the end its up to u and dad . You do not have to be name your son family names so what if it in the family.
No… just no. That’s your kid, you name him. Let her be mad… life is too short for that nonsense…
It’s very simple. Don’t. Birth the baby. Fill out the birth certificate and don’t put Earl. You don’t have to go back and forth with her…
Don’t name your son Earl .
Is your husbands name Earl?
Flat say no. Period. The name is off the table. Tell him neither of you is birthing MIL’s child. She can make suggestions but she has no say.
Who carried the baby 9 months you or the busy body???
Your child. Your choice. Tell her to pound sand.
Sorry but why would you want your MIL at the birth of your baby I couldn’t think of anything worse.
It’s your baby and you call him what you want and make sure that your husband is on board.
Do what you want, it’s your baby.
I said NO this is my baby not yours:sparkles:
She won’t live long enough to be mad forever! Your kid, name them whatever you want! Period.
Your child your name don’t feel guilty about it
Pick your own name…just don’t ever expect her to babysit…keep her out of your hospital room when you have it. Hubby either sides with you or…too bad
You need a real deal conversation with your husband, his response is to agree and get her off your back, if you’re mother in law is that overbearing now imagine when the baby is born,you’re husband needs to check her immediately
My son personally called me and said that this was their baby and not to interfere. I was actually proud of him. I didn’t realize I was being pushy.
I’m laughing only because… my hubby insisted on a 4th generation name for his 1st son. I used it as a middle name. Not a fan of the name but it meant something to him. In fact, kinda hate the name. Fortunately we never use it. Only for documents, important stuff. My son is Rylan “Murphy” Moore. MIL’s opinion is irrelevant. You decide with your partner. Period
That’s crazy. I’m so glad my husband and I are on the same page about using family names. No family names are used with any of our children. No hard feelings towards our families but they’re our children.
You do what you want that is your child not hers. You and your husband need to get on the same page too or it will build up some resentments. What does he want? Is there a compromise like middle name? Earl this day and age is rough so I feel you. In my husband’s family they had an everyone having an R middle name and I refused. I don’t have an R middle name so what is the big deal? My family and wishes should be incorporated as well since they get the last name. One name in my perspective is enough but would compromise on middle. In the end we picked something different and his parents were great with it and his Mom actually admitted to hating it too and was glad I stuck to my guns on that one. I hope things get better for you but this sounds like a MIL who has some issues herself if she can’t accept not everyone will want to or be forced into a tradition. Your husband should be on your side as a united front against mom no matter what you 2 choose together. He picked you as his partner and you are the mother of that baby. You should be respected as such.
This is your baby and you get get to name him. Just tell her, respectfully but firmly, that you are not naming him Earl and that no matter how she feels about it, that’s the way it is. Then make sure that your husband is not giving her a different answer when you’re not around, in order to stay on her good side. You should not have to go through life calling him a name that you don’t love, just because it’s a family tradition.
It’s your baby your rules don’t forget that !!
Good luck with the MIL she needs to be put in the check you don’t need to kiss no one’s you know what
Listen, with all due respect…this is your baby coming and this is your family now. You raise your child the best you can and know. It is YOUR journey, and at the end of your life, you will have to answer to your child, not her. She won’t even be around come then. Give your child his or her own name. Period. You are the Queen of YOUR castle. Tell her to thank you but no thank you and that you already have a name picked out. Stand firm and don’t lose control.
My late mother was like this too! Family names ran so deep that all the kids have two middle names so she could give us all a family name. I legally dropped my second middle name. I pushed back hard and did not use any when my son was born. She passed before my daughter was born but she would’ve been so pissed about me not using family names on her too. Do you, boo. If she wants a relationship with you or your kids, she’ll get over it.
Well you’re husband isn’t being an adult is he. Go with his mom to get her off your back isn’t an adult answer. That’s passive aggressive. You know this is your child and she’s only the grandparent and can only suggest names. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if you told her you named him Earl but legally you put whatever name the 2 of you chose on the paperwork. Or just tell her no. She might get mad and she won’t talk to you for awhile. Wouldn’t that be nice? This isn’t her child. It’s up to all the parents of the timebto keep a family name going. I didn’t keep my families name going. I hate it. Will not.
If you really don’t like the name don’t name your baby it. I had no say in my first born name. Like none. And I can’t stand it. I actually hate his name. Don’t be like me and stand up for yourself. Traditions can be broken and new ones can be made.
Oh hell no I’m sorry but I’d get a new husband Jk but no he should be telling her no. Not you. I’d have nipped that shit in the bud.
Start setting your boundaries about your baby now. If you let her get away with naming the baby something you don’t prefer then just imagine all the other things she’ll try getting away with after you have the baby and then when he’s a toddler/ preschooler/ elementary or middle schooler etc. Boundaries are important to have.
ITS NOT HER CHILD ! My oldest got his dads full name he’s the III and I wish everyday that I hadn’t done that!
You gonna have to address this now. If you give her her way she will be like this forever.
Tell her this is my baby and we are not naming him Earl so
I wouldn’t. Nope. He’s his own person and it’s your child. Name it what you want to.
It’s your child and you can name it what you want. Be respectful and tell her that you appreciate her suggestions but that your husband and you chose to name your child something different! She cannot force you to name him you fill out the information for the birth certificate.
Name him what YOU want! She is NOT his mother nor his dad. She wasn’t there when he was made and shouldn’t be the one to name him. She will either get over it or she won’t. That part is up to her. Throw it in as him middle name perhaps, but he is YOUR son not hers. Follow your heart my friend!
If you don’t like it don’t use it. It is not her child and your husband needs to tell his mother to back off. When the baby is born make sure you inform the staff that earl is not the babies name
I cant imagine wanting to throw up in your own mouth saying a name a hundred times a day that you werent interested in and bullied into using, tell her and your husband the battlefield is gonna be way larger than the name if they dont back off (name him Leather)
I would thank her kindly and explain that you appreciate and value the history of the name. Maybe you can opt for a mild name. If not then I would explain that just like she had a choice you guys also do. My X had a PLA initial thing going for all boys but I knew if I had one, I wasn’t doing it. Each member is allowed to have there “wants” but only the parents get to make that finial decision
You should definitely name him Earl, it’s a family name after all. She should also be there when you give birth and make sure she calls all the shots like if you’re able to get pain meds, epidural, if it’s taking too long for her to meet the new Earl then let her decide if it’s better to get a C-section instead. I mean after all it’s better to get her off your back, right?! Oh and make sure that if you don’t want to get baby circumcised but she does then let them cut in to your baby bc she thinks it’s best. In case you couldn’t tell I am being sarcastic! Do not let her start bullying you or else you will be miserable and unhappy. If your husband doesn’t want to stand up to her then you need to do this for your baby or it will continue and it will get worse. Tell her “Thank you for your suggestion, I really appreciate it.” When it’s time for baby, do not call her until your baby arrives and you’ve named him. Let the nurses know who you want in the delivery room they will do the dirty work for you and keep her out(in case she gets a heads up y’all are headed to the hospital). Do not let your husband in on any of your plans to keep her out bc he may give her a heads up and you don’t want that drama unfolding while you should be at peace and focusing on more important matters like getting to meet your sweet baby boy! Make sure you let the nurse know YOU and only you will be the one filling out all paperwork. Just in case MIL’s reach or influence is that “great” with her son and he fills out the name portion for you. This is just my advice and what I would do. Do with it what you will. I hope all goes well during L&D and that both you and baby are happy and healthy. Congratulations! Sending Good vibes your way.
I don’t understand why this is even an issue you simply ignore it and move forward with what you want to name (your child) especially if she’s being rude and stressing you about it like you said. You don’t need that type of negativity.
Name the kid w/e you want. Your the parent not her. She isn’t the one who is gonna carry it for 9 months and then give birth to it. As for the husband he sounds like a pushover and if he is not gonna stand by you and always says just do it then this marriage isn’t gonna last.
Tell her no. And then say if you can’t respect that I’ll block you on all forms of social media and you will not be allowed in my home till you learn to respect my boundaries. And also you will not be allowed at the house. Because I want a stress free environment cause that what is best for me and the baby.
I would name my child what the heck I want to. I would also prepare myself for her to treat my child different as well. Ppl get on my neeeeeeeeerves!!! It makes you just wanna kick on ppl. Humans make me sick!!!
Do not do it that sounds like an old man’s name. Let alone is an ugly ass name. She could be mad all she wants if she wants an earl she can go push out another baby and name it that. 
Ha ha my ex mil wanted me to name my daughter after her or what she wanted. Even after she was born she wanted me to change it. Well now she’s 16 and doesn’t really even talk to that grandmother. It’s really quite sad. You do you, don’t worry about those inlaws.
Why would you think you’d have to disappoint yourself and your own child by naming him what your Mother-in-law wants his name to be? Stay mindful that it’s Her family member named Earl and not yours. Hopefully your marriage will last a lifetime but if it doesn’t then you’ll be even More disappointed. So do what’s happiest for your child. Don’t let the MIL control you.
Lmao tell her Earl not name him that say it in pirate to her🤣 you’re a grown up name your child a great name you love. She already named hers.
It’s your baby NOT hers. You can make your BABY whatever you want. Good grief grow a backbone and stand up for yourself and tell her under no circumstance will you name your child earl nor is she allowed at the hospital and if she shows up at the hospital while you’re in labor or giving birth or afterwards that you’ll ask the hospital to keep her out of your room at all x… like seriously don’t let no man nor his mom tell you what to name your child. Your husband only planted the seed but he ain’t the one growing the baby nor is he the one pushing it out so
My first son was named after his dad. I put II not Jr. But nobody even knows his first name because we’ve always called him by his middle name. He just turned 45.
Nope your child, your choice you fill out the paperwork. Unless by some chance they are gestational with your child it’s your call period.
Name your child want you want it’s yours. Your carrying him for 9 mos & going to give birth not her.
It’s between you and hubby not you and mil. I couldn’t even give the child earl for a middle name. Just say thanks for the name advice & when he’s born give him the name you want. Hubby needs to grow a pair
Your baby, your choice!
She has a son and obviously had the opportunity.
Do NOT let her ( or your husband) to bully you into this.
You name your baby whatever you want. Hubby should have say too but not if it’s just because he’s just being a pushover with his mom.
Tell her “you got to name your babies & I’m going to name mine”. Perhaps offer to use Earl as a middle name as a compromise.
As an aside: how confusing & stupid to have a family where all the boys are named Earl.
Get a dog and name it Earl.
All my kids have some sort of family name. We picked at random. Had everyone’s first and middle names going back 4 generations. My eldest is Kellie Jean her first name is my aunts middle name, her middle is her grandmother’s first. My second Knox Thomas, I liked Knox and Thomas is my uncles middle name. My third Axl Jones, once again I liked Axl and Jones is my grandmother’s maiden name. They all have cool names and they’re all “family” names.
Tell her that you have given the name some thought. But thats not what you want to name your baby. And to stop talking about it. That you going to name your baby what you want to. And i would not tell her when you go into labor. Or going to the hospital until after the baby is born. Tell the nurses you don’t want anyone else in the delivery room. Goog luck. And stand your ground.
No dont do it to get her off ur back. I dated a guy named earl and he was made fun of so much and he didn’t have a middle name. It was sad like I got so much crap for dating a guy named earl. Its your child you are birthing him and you are the mother. Put your foot down if she gets mad she gets mad its not her choice
Ummmm absolutely not. That would be the day when someone bullied me into choosing my child’s name!
you and your husband, the parents, should always name your children. The parents come first in anything relating to their children. And Grandparents should come afterwards.
Tell her to another another baby then lol. It’s your child name him whatever you want. That child has to live with that name forever & if you don’t like the name don’t be bullied I to it. Your husband also needs to back you up here if your both on board with this. If & only if you wanted to compromise (which I personally would not) it could always be a 2nd middle name?
You should play the Dixie Chicks song “goodbye Earl” anytime she is over
Maybe you should tell her you will, just to get her off your back, and then of course when you fill out the paperwork for his official name write down what you and your husband want to name him. The men all have the same last name, so idk why “Earl” is so important!
Your kid. Your decision. You need to tell your husband he needs to back you. Maybe as a middle name, but only if you really want it to be.
Compromise maybe middle or second middle. God bless
“Thanks for the suggestion. It’s not a name we will be choosing and I won’t discuss it further.”
Your husband has to stand up to his mom.
Have your baby. Name your baby. I’d she wants to be involved with your baby she will get on board with loving whoever isn’t named earl.
Your husband has to be on your team though!
This is yours and your husband’s child, not his Mom’s. If you can incorporate it somehow great, if not, too bad. Your husband needs to stand up for what you want as it is his Mom.
Name your baby whatever you decide to name him and then get a pet- whatever it may be (dog, cat, snake, rabbit, spider, etc) and name that animal Earl lol
A lot of ppl consider their pets as their kids and you can tell your MIL you decided to name your second child (pet) Earl. Soooo technically she got what she wanted
MAYBE Go with Emmett or another E name so he has that intial but It’s your baby
All I can think of is that Dixie Chicks song about Earl If you dont know it, look it up. I would laugh in my MIL’s face if she told me to name my son that lollllll
Name your child what you want if she don’t like it oh well …she will get over it eventually…
Name your baby what you want to name him. The resentment you’ll have towards others will be real as he gets older.
Every male in my husbands family was named Clifford (first name) for generations!they all went by their middle name.
IT’S up to you and your husband. You’ve listened the her input, considered it and moved on…. End of story, period.
Nope… Every child should have their own name unless it is a name you adore… Tell hubby there is no compromise… plus, you know what happened to Earl in the Dixie Chicks song…lol
Don’t do it! Tell her to take a hike you’re picking the name and that your birthing room only allows who YOU want in there. Simple as that! If you play her game now plan on playing it the rest of your life.
Just say yes you’ll name him earl then when you give birth change the name SURPRISEEEE !
Just tell her you’re naming him Earl and then give him the name you like when he’s born. You could also stand firm in your decision and just say no.
F*&# her for real. She sounds like a real pain. Maybe this will keep her away
Name your baby what you want to, it’s your decision at the end of the day, you don’t have to tell her anything if you don’t want too, you’re the mom and your in law will be alright as she has no say in the matter because it’s her grandchild!! I do agree with you as I too dislike the name Earl
Don’t let her bully you in the name or putting it as a middle name either! Name him what you have chosen.
Your choose the name.tell mil take a chill pill. As 4 the baby’s dad.he needs 2catch a wake up.when u call Earl when u all together.then which one responds
If you don’t like it don’t do it! Maybe middle name if must but don’t be pressured when it come to your child
Tell her no. It’s your child. Now, if you want to meet her halfway…make it his middle name…it’s YOUR choice
You are the mother and will be advising on what his name will be!!! Stand your ground…now or it will be a forever “thing” with her.
So every kid in the family has the name earl…sounds like there’s plenty of Earls to me🙄 I’m sorry but that’s ur baby name it what u want
Use it as a middle name, she cannot choose your child’s name.
Your son - your name! Earl could be a middle name to keep peace in family.
Oh hell no haha. I dont care what name it is. Unless me or my partner were to choose it, no one else would have any input on the choice.
Stay firm mama! It’s your baby!
Hell nah. Your baby Your decision. She either gets over it or.doesnt.
How does your husband really feel about the name? Is he earl? Couples should decide the name not mil.
Don’t make lifelong decisions based on someone else’s opinion
You are the mother and what You decide is how it goes. Do not let your MIL intimidate or control you. Lay the law down now!! Congrats .
Absolutely not…name the baby what you like and tell her she can call him earl if she wants lol
Tell MIL to kick rocks. You and hubby get to decide names. She had her chance naming hers.
You fill out the birth certificate put the name you want on it, then they can deal with it later.
Name the baby what you want. Her opinion doesn’t really matter honestly lol Earl? Lol
Name it what you want. And no she don’t need to be there!
Name your kid what you and your husband come up with and ignore the MIL’s request
Name your baby what you want! You will regret it if you give in!
Do not name your baby Earl, lol. Why on earth would any family want all the men having the same first name?? No one would tell me what I’m naming my child.
You name that baby what YOU want. Plain and simple!