Advice… don’t listen to her simple x
Name the baby whatever you want to name him your the mother
Get a new mother in law
It should be only you two
The mother has to like the baby’s name and it’s not right for force a name on him. Maybe make it a middle name?
Michael earl ,ocean earl Knox earl river earl, an the list goes .Earl as a first name never
Can you give me one good name using “Earl” that i will agree to you to use it on baby …
Name your child what YOU and your husband want.
Name YOUR baby what you like. She is not the mother.
Maybe do it as the second name to keep the peace
Tell her to get lost u our baby you can name it
Your baby, name is your choice.
If you don’t like the name don’t name your baby that. Simple.
It’s your child!!! Tell her to butt out!
It’s your baby not you MIL. Do what YOU want and choose.
Make earl his middle name
Name YOUR baby whatever you want!!!
This is what you do…name your baby whatever you want
It’s your baby name the baby u like
Name the baby what ever you want its your baby.
Name your baby you r giving birth
It is YOUR baby !
YOU created it in YOUR body.
YOU are going to be pushing it out.
YOU are going to be feeding it from YOUR body.
YOU are going to be doing 98% of the work raising it.
Tell her she’s not going to be in the room.
Tell her you’re not naming the kid earl.
Tell your husband that he should be worried about pleasing you since you’re the one that grew and is birthing and raising his kid.
Stop worrying about hurting MIL feelings when it comes to YOUR kid.
It’s your baby name it what yu want to fuck that
That’s a nooooo for me
YOUR BABY… YOUR NAME! Plain and simple… I’d be the first to tell MIL to kiss “it”, ohh, and with a smile plastered on my face!
I wouldn’t tell her when your going into delivery…My grandmother told my parents not to bring me home from hospital unless I was named after her And yes I came home with her name… You and your husband make it special and come up with a name for your son you love…
Tell her it’s your right as the parent to kindly decline that name it’s YOUR BABY
Not hers she sounds like a spoiled child
And if you don’t want her at your delivery tell her no as well she will eventually get over it
If you don’t stand up to her now your going to have all kinds of problems
Was MIL present when baby was conceived? So, why exactly does she think she gets a say in his name? And that’s exactly what I’d tell her too!
Do you want to name.him earl? Yes…then do it. No…then don’t. See how easy that really is
It is your baby and will be your child from now on. Give the child the name you love. If your mil wants another earl she can have one. If she doesn’t get over it, it is her loss.
My only advice is this is you and your husbands son! You two should figure it out together!
Name your child what you & your husband agree on & tell her she can sit in the waiting room until he is born or visit once y’all go home. Agree to disagree with the in laws and end of discussion
No , don’t do it. Besides the fact that it is an awful name!! Your MIL can stay mad.
Nope don’t let her bully you!!! Besides that name is awful.
Why are questions like this even asked? For fucks sake, it’s your kid, you don’t have to listen to your MIL
It’s your baby. That’s all I got to say…
Don’t do it . Tell her to adopt so she can have another Earl in the family
Are you married to your husband or his mother?
What? Tell her to go f herself Ypu’re birthing that baby, not her or your husband.
Nope! You push, you name
Name your baby what you choose its your baby
Easy … name your baby what you want🤷
Tell her too bad. It’s your kid, not hers.
What the hell kind of answer is that from your husband! You better stand up for yourself or that baby will be named Earl. Do not allow her there at the birth.
Your baby you and your husband’s choice after all earl is a crap name anyway
Tell her to piss off. Its your baby not hers.
Well I wanted my grandson named Wolfgang and they named him Earl You just have to remember it’s your kid and your name and whatever you want maybe you could throw a Earl in as a middle name who knows who cares give the kid a name
Just tell her no plain as day. If you’d like it as a middle name try that if not tell her to beat it
Unless that baby is coming out of her vagina, MIL doesn’t get a say.
Name your baby whatever the fuck you want.
What? Tell her to go f herself You’re birthing that baby, not her or your husband.
You name your own children… she’s had her turn. As everyone has said, don’t be bullied!
“Get Mum off your back”? Wtaf… this is your child’s name. That has to be more important than keeping Mil “happy”. She’ll get over it.
Your son is probably getting his father’s last name, that is enough compromise to satisfy even a psycho MIL. Cut ties until she gets mental health.