My MIL wants to take my kids out of town but it makes me uncomfortable: Thoughts?

I would cut them all out of your lives. Honestly you’ll be so much better off and stress free without worrying about the 2 of them

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Don’t Ever let your kids go anywhere with her EVER

I would say sorry but I just don’t like not being with my children when your out of town an don’t feel comfortable with It it would be different if I was attending maybe if we plan better ahead of time and I attend the children will go have a great day :ok_hand:you do not have to explain anything to her !! Weather she’s in the picture or not I would stand my ground or she’s going to start pushing other things as well ! And if she’s talking shit behind that moms back you know she’s doing it to you I wouldn’t even stress play nice say no Nicely and if she continue to hound you just tell her your the mother and care taker to these children and if she can not respect that then maybe she needs to spend less time with the children tile she understand who’s mom and who’s not

Hell no. You keep your kids with you. Safe

Your kids your rules


Am I the only one who wants to know what your husband did? :woman_shrugging:t3::grimacing:


Say no, and if they dont like it thats their problem. Trust your gut.

You don’t need our opinions. Your gut knows. Protect them babies at the expense of everyone else’s feelings. Who gives a shit if shes offended- you’ve got babies to raise.

Listen to your gut if you don’t trust your mil then don’t let the kids go. They are your kids and you do what you think is best for them

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You answered your own question. That’s a big nope

Listen to your gut. And every single mom who has commented on this post. Since were all in agreement here. KEEP YOUR KIDS WITH YOU!!!

Than just say no. It’s really that simple. My FIL always wanted to take my kids when they were little for weekends down the shore. I said no. He asked why. I said they are my kids and I don’t feel comfortable being alway from them for any length of time. The end.

There your kids so you do what you think is dont need that shit .

If you’re uncomfortable with it the don’t do it. They are your kids, so whatever you say goes.

You are the mother, and if they are taking things out of proportion and not respecting your wishes then it is more of a reason to not let your children go. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad! Trust your instincts!


Your feeling are important, if you aren’t comfortable w/ it, that’s the end of the discussion!! Yell her NO!!


Don’t let her. If you don’t feel comfortable, follow your gut!


If it doesn’t feel like it would be a good situation for your kids, say no and stand by it. If they are mad about it, so what? You don’t own and are not responsible for how they feel about it. That’s on them. Your responsibility is to the safety and well being of our children, not the feelings of these adults. If you get into a corner and they are demanding reasons like it sounds like they might, tell them you don’t trust the situation to put your children in it and that your answer is no. Then close the conversation. Don’t get into the weeds of why and let them change your mind if your gut tells you absolutely no.


Definitely go with your gut instinct good luck mama


Don’t ignore your feeling. And if you don’t want someone to take your kids out of town then don’t… no one else’s opinion matters when it comes to the safety of your babies


That’s a big fat nope!

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Trust your heart! It is ok to say NO!


You said NO and thats the end of it. Stand your ground! If she brings it up again ignore her if she yells tell her I do not have to repeat myself to a adult.


If you aren’t comfortable with it, then say no. It’s okay, you can tell her no.


No fuck no lol hell nqh

If it dont feel right dont send them say no and stick to it no matter how mad they get

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Stay away from them …all of them.

You told her NO. Now leave it at that. I don’t blame you.
BUT! On the other hand these kids are all siblings who deserve the right to be together. So I would say to the MIL that although for the moment you are not comfortable with your children going out of town without you …YOU do acknowledge that the kids are siblings And maybe work on getting together so they can get to know each other and that you want all the negativity to stop before you can ever consider allowing them alone with the MIL & Ex. You have to work together & stop the bickering FOR THOSE KIDS.


You are correct if your gut tells you no listen to it you are thier mother not them

They are your kids. If you have a bad feeling don’t let them go.

Just say no!!! That is your child… not hers. She sees your kid out of the goodness of YOUR heart, not hers. Let her get pissed! So what!? You have a responsibility to your child before anybody else. You have to make sure that she is safe. It doesnt sound like she will be if she goes with them. You have seen what she says and does while you are there… what kind of crazy stuff would be happening if you were not there? That is kinda a scary thought.
Just tell them no. Let them get mad…
She will eventually get over it or she will die. One of the two will happen in time. Until then keep you child safe

Don’t ignore your feeling, if it’s because she wants them to be around there siblings maybe offer for the siblings to come stay with you if you are comfortable with that, or met them somewhere in your tiwn wrre the chimdren can all be with each ither, but if there is problems then don’t let your children go with them.

Bad mojo stay away but be fair to her an your kids ok

If you are uncomfortable there is a reason. Stick with your gut. Don’t allow her to take them anywhere alone.

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Your kids. Not theirs. You do what you feel is best.

Stand your ground don’t cow down to them your children are your responsibility and if you feel unsafe those people get a restraining order out on them …what scares me is them turning up at school and taking them from you… follow your gut feelings keep the kids away from that family .

Find a new husband …dont wait on any man who went to jail unless that dude was defending you.

Just say no and end of discussion. U owe her nothing. Their your children.

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If u feel your kids will be mistreated…dont send them…period

Say no you have other arrangements and keep your distance from her. Sounds shady to me

Say no she might take the kids then fight for custody

You said it believe in yourself mee Noo Noo

JUst look after your kids don’t let them go out of town

Say no. I would. I have.

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If you have reason to believe she would be nasty to your kids e.g. has done it before then no don’t let her xxx

Personally if I didn’t have reason to believe she would be nasty to my kids or not look after them right and say it’s a little3 holiday for example I would let them so kids didn’t miss out x

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They are your kids and she doesn’t have to like what you say. If you don’t trust her then they don’t go and you can cut her off if need be.

Depends how she treats the kids! I don’t like certain family members but still have the kids & my kids still go there! I was a bit worried at first as we’ve had beef & I thought they may of took it out on the kids but obviously they didn’t & my kids enjoyed seeing the family x

No i wouldnt let anyone take my kids away say a big no

tell her no, no matter what. and if she blows up again, cut her off. They disrespect you, they might hurt your kids, if not physically, mentally and emotionally. I wouldn’t answer their calls or open the door for them.

I don’t know why your husband in prison, but if it isn’t for protecting you from them, he’s no good either. take your kids and leave that family, idc if they are their blood. they don’t know where you draw the line and never will look for it. for your safty and your kids safty cut all ties with them.

You don’t have to let them go anywhere you don’t want to. While it’s good to foster a relationship with Grandma, this definitely sounds like a situation to avoid.

Stand your ground. Your “Mom” inner voice is telling you “NO, DON’T LET THEM GO!!” listen to it …if you don’t you could regret it later …!!

Grow a pair and put your foot down. Again share all your business to the public. Other people can’t run your family!!!

She’s the MIL, not the parent, so no don’t let her take them. That’s entirely your prerogative as a parent.
Depending on how old your kids are, ask them if they like going with their grandmother, and whether or not she’s nice to them. Consider that answer as well.
Honestly, I would just lose her number if it were myself and let her know to lose mine in the process.

I wouldn’t let her take them. I don’t blame you.

The answer is a no from me! If your uncomfortable with it don’t let her take your kids anywhere.

No, No, Nope, Not Now, Not Even. My Gut Said No!!!

YOUR KIDS YOUR RULES. Listen to your gut feeling. You didn’t say the ages of your children or his. My father was crazy protective. I certainly don’t regret it now. God bless my daddy


Unless a judge has ordered you to. Dont feel like you need to allow that . That is your baby not hers. Go with your gut
Supervision of visits would be recommended. If you feel she is shady.

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If your instincts say this is a bad situation waiting to happen - follow your instincts. Just say No.


It’s your kids, and obviously she’s proven she can’t be trusted if she’s doing shady crap to you. Don’t trust her with your kids, and don’t let her force you to change your mind or make you feel guilty about saying no. Keep the kids safe. The feeling you have is a warning about her…


As a mother in law, and a grandmother I know I personally would jump through a ring of fire to make sure that my son-in-law always feels respected and appreciated by me. Even when my daughter and he split for a bit, I invited him to every family event, bought him birthday and Christmas presents, and would hug him every time he came over. Not for 1 second do I ever want to be separated from my grandbaby due to him feeling like he can’t trust me. Nor do I want my grandbaby to feel like I don’t love her daddy. So, with that being said, I think you should trust you gut about this woman. I wouldn’t keep her from seeing the kids, but it would damn sure be on my terms and not hers.


They’re your kids. You make the rules.
However, don’t withhold them.

It’s your child and if you have a gut feeling that something possibly could go wrong, protect your child. Listen to your gut instinct. I wish I had quite a few times in my life.


Trust your instinct…your story is soo similar to mine…now my ex mom in law has messed up soo many times in the past year and I’ve forgiven her until she messed up again this year…that I know longer trusts her to even allow my children to go anywhere with her…its so unfortunate but it had to be done


if you as their mom feel uncomfortable then your feeling of NO. Is right. There your children and you don’t have to share them at all! You will be a nervous wreck all two days I’m sure.

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If she,wants to see the kids invite her to your house. I would be afraid to let her have them out of town for a,few days. If things change in the future then maybe

They are your kids, your responsibility and if I didn’t feel comfortable with her taking them somewhere (especially where there is an ex involved) I personally would not let them go! Go with your gut instinct!!


Personally I wouldnt have an issue with it as long as she has the ground rules of your wishes. But if you do not trust or if you have your reasons, you are the parent, they are your kids, your rules and your wishes should be respected.

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You are not obligated to allow it. Stand your ground. You know what is best for your kids.

Absolutely no! I don’t have children, but trust your instincts. It’s ok if all of you go somewhere together, but you are under no obligation to her. Those are your children and she may have an ulterior motive. Good luck and god bless.


Your children, your say so! Bottom line. Always go with your gut instinct. It’s the Holy Spirit guiding you! Love n prayers :two_hearts::pray:


You need as many people loving and supporting you and your children as possible. However, there is no real need for them to be going out of town with your MIL. If the older 1/2 siblings are a good influence then I would encourage their visits. I hope your MIL can reform her ways.

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Trust your gut, listen to your motherly instincts. Go with your children if not keep them home.


Trust your gut and I’m inclined to say this falls into the category of thou doth protest too much. If she is throwing such a huge fit over something that seems small it probably isn’t.

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They are your kids… She can visit as a grandmother under your terms… Not hers


They are your children, you have the final say so and another thing please please, trust your gut-feelings it will never guide you wrong, if your mother- in law cannot be trusted and is being shady time to cut her off, you donotneed all that drama. She’s being disrespectful you don’t need people that type of chaos. Your main goal is to look out for your child and your sanity. It doesn’t matter what others may say think, or feel, much love. Positive vibes 24/7 100%

Your kids your decision. If your uncomfortable then that’s that. She has no rights and you dont have to give her any excuse. Never feel guilty for protecting your family.


No way would she take my kids. Trust your feelings, your instincts.

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Always trust your instincts. If this doesn’t feel right then there is a reason. I wouldn’t worry about if it’s upsets anyone else as long as the kids are safe and happy.


Always trust your instincts! Don’t let them go. You have a bad feeling about it for a reason. Your kids… your rules…


I believe that the feeling you are having is called intuition. I believe in second chances but not at the expensive of a child. Just my thoughts. I’ll be praying for you and the situation. But again I say that feeling is INTUITION.

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They are your kids not hers. Do what you feel is best.

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Trust your first instincts . you are the mother and if you do not feel confortable then offer to let the other grandmother see them at your home or a mutual ground agreed on by both parties .

Go with your gut feeling usually there is a reason for your feelings tell her you just dont feel comfortable right now with your kids being out of town. Suggest them spending time with them close by or if you went but dont let them go with you have those feelings maybe next time. What are the kids ages


Your kids, your rules. If they have both treated you badly you can just about guarantee they will do it to your kids.


If you feel off about it, LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Having kids isn’t about appeasing others and go you for standing up for your kiddos!

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Has she expressed interest in your kids before? And now, all of a sudden, she wants to take them out of town? If she doesn’t like me, I wouldn’t trust her with my children

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They are your kids. Don’t do it if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I wouldn’t.

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your kids, your decisions, go with what you think is right for them

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Their your kids, but if you feel it’s not a good idea then it’s probably not

As a mother of 6, and a nana of 8, 8d say hell no too. You are the mom, period. And if u have ANY way if thinking someone us mean 2 ya kids, that person should be cut out if the kids lives (unsupervised)!

Something to think about good. If you don’t feel comfortable, then just say no.

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Your kids! Your decision!

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Follow your instincts. They are usually right.


Personally I think you are doing the right thing, not letting her take your kids…Protect your kids…


All that matters is you’re not comfortable. They are your kids.


Shes up set you dont want your kids away from you to hang out around a woman that you dont care for? The kids share the same dad so its ashame they cant be close but if you think its truly unsafe or she has alterior motives, you have to stick with your instincts.

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Go with your gut! She wants to see the kids do it your house!

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Instincts are there for a reason. Your kids, your rules.

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