My MIL wants to take my kids out of town but it makes me uncomfortable: Thoughts?

Follow your instincts run for the hills! No regrets!

Keep your kids with you!

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Your kids you do what’s comfortable for you.

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Go with your gut! If you ate uncomfortable dont do it!!!

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You are their parent. You make the rules. MILs follow them or too bad. Don’t let your kids go!!

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Your kids, your choice

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Keep your kids at home people r so evil now. Don’t let her intimidate u i wouldn’t even talk to them.

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Don’t second guess yourself. No is NO!

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Your kids, your rules, no exceptions. Trust your instincts.


Go with your gut feeling. Just say nope

Don’t send then with anyone you don’t trust 100% period!!! they are your children

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Trust yourself. YOU ARE THE MOM…Thats all that matters.

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Your children. Your decision if your gut says no then it’s a no. Who cares what f she gets mad. Protect your babies.

Your instincts are correct. Do not let them go please!!!

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If you’re uncomfortable, tell her no

I agree. Trust your gut. Put your foot down HARD.

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Sounds like mother intuition. Don’t send them.

If you are not comfortable, don’t.

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Your kids. Your gut. You don’t owe her anything.

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Nope dont let her they are your children you dint have to let her takr them if you dont want her too

Dont let pettiness between adults effect the kids. Sounds like an adult issue and there is no harm to the kids.

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Trust your instinct. Your kids, your rules period

They are your kids PERIOD. If your uncomfortable, don’t do it.

If you’re not comfortable with it don’t do it… go with your gut

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Trust your gut feeling…


Trust your instincts.

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Trust your gut instinct

Follow your gut on this

Trust your instincts

I say listen to your gut

Go with gut instincts

Go with ur gut don’t let them go

Listen to your gut. Period.

Trust your instincts

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You are their mom. Follow your gut. Better to offend the other women than to place your kids at risk.

ALWAYS trust your instincts!

Follow your gut instinct. Don’t let them go if feel uncomfortable about it. God given instinct.

Trust your gut!!! My MIL is shady asf!!! I don’t trust the bitch

Another thing: It doesn’t matter who they are, if they are toxic to you and/or your children then you shouldn’t allow them in your lives if you do not absolutely have to. Avoid toxic people, drama and people who you can not trust or feel comfortable having your kids around.

NO ONE is entitled to YOUR child. Family or not. Period.
You’re also allowed to say no and not explain yourself.

If your gut tells you somethings not right, ALWAYS TRUST IT. Better safe than sorry.

If you dont feel comfortable dont let them go. You’re their mom and you know best for your children

By reading your post, you didn’t go into specifics about the things that actually happened, and or dog too much on anyone…I feel you don’t have a motive other than being level headed and wanting to be fair … therefore, go with your gut and don’t feel bad. They didn’t carry them for 9 mos, or stay up with them when they were sick, or provide their care daily…you are the ultimate decision maker and as far as your ex…it’s a hard line but if you have the option to choose… exercise your right to do so comfortably!

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Your baby, your decision!! If you’re not comfortable with it, stand your ground.

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follow your gut!! you know that little voice of reason that we sometimes ignore! if you don’t feel comfortable, don’t do it.

Girl boot them out of your life they are childish and your kids don’t deserve that don’t feel guilty just bc she’s related to your kids

Trust your heart. If the relatives want to spend time with your kids have it be on your terms, with you, where you decide, for how long you decide. Spell it out ahead of time in a clear way that isn’t loaded with the emotions of the past. Go forward with the intention of building good family connections for the sake of your kids, but no one defines the terms of those visits except you.

Bottom line is… they are your children. Not hers. As long as you are acting with their best interests in mind, forget what anyone else thinks. Do what you feel is best, and safe, for your children.

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I agree you should trust your heart and not let them go however that is there grandma I would never keep my kids from there grandma but if you dont trust her alone supervised visits if she wants to visit if not oh well you tried…best of luck to you

If I were on this situation I would not feel comfortable with the entire time she had my child, without supervision. It’s a crazy world these days and I would be afraid she would do or say something to him/her out of spite for me!

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Absolutely not. Too bad if she is upset. As a new mom I am learning that you have to do what is in the best interest for your child(ren) even if it upsets others, especially in-laws. My new mom motto: You don’t like it? TOO DAMN BAD!

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I literally do not let anyone take my kids anywhere without me besides my husband who is their father. People have gotten mad about it, but I do not care because that has always been our rule and a couple people did it anyways and lied to me putting my baby in a bad situation. Those people were no longer allowed to even babysit ever again. I now never have anyone babysit unless it is my mother on a rare occasion, but it’s worth it for my children to be safe. Main reason is that if something happened to them that person would be responsible and I would probably never forgive them. So it is for protection for both my kids and that person. They are my life and I can’t just trust anyone with my life. If something happens when they are with me or their father, we would do a better job of protecting them than anyone guaranteed. They are our responsibility and children, we decide. YOU DECIDE TOO FOR YOURS. Remember that. You have your reasons as a parent to say no to things. Do not feel bad if people get upset.


Don’t trust her. I personally don’t trust my mother in law with my daughter alone and neither does my fiancé.

Trust those instincts hun no way let her take your children especially if you are feeling like this and no trust you are doing the right thing I sorry for your situation but when your hubby got locked up he lost all trust there and you need to be on guard and if the mil and other mum don’t understand your reasons then that’s their problem you do what mum does protect them

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You have the say. If you feel this way it is mothers intuition stepping in. B\go with your gut.

Listen to your doubt. Make the children available but with you as well. My child was kidnapped. My husband was kidnapped from a funeral on his fathers side. Wasn’t found for 3 long agonizing years

You MUST trust your instincts and protect your children!

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Not a chance I would let her take the kids. Don’t put yourself in an uncomfortable situation to spare somebody else’s feeling.

A mom knows best. I wouldn’t let mine go either. Our job is to protect our children.


Why is there even a second thought here? This isn’t like a “my MIL let’s my kids stay up later than I would want” nonsense. Given your MIL’s shady and disrespectful behavior, it’s a clear no. Say no and move on. If she keeps the behavior up then block her until (if) she stops.

My MIL hates me and I have decided she will never have my child without mine or my husbands supervision.
If you fear that she is fake towards you, and you worry about what could happen, DO NOT allow her to have them without your supervision.

There’s your answer. If you’re not comfortable. The answer is no!

Go with your mom instinct! If it doesn’t feel right then don’t allow her to take them.

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That’s a big no I would not trust her at all go with your gut if you have that feeling Do not let her take your children you dont know what she and the other person could do.

There are no grandparents rights in North Carolina go with your instincts do not let them go

Your gut is always right!! Follow your instincts mama!!

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Your kids your decision. Tough luck to mil or other mom.

Put your foot down. Don’t let her take them.


God gave you mothers intuition for a reason.

Don’t do it then. Go with your mommy instinct.

Always go with your gut.

No, never let her take those kids. Stay far away from her.

As far as all that goes YOU ARE MOMMA. Don’t let her take them straight up. My MIL doesn’t get my babies unless I’m 100% comfortable with it.

Say no there your kids and you don’t feel comfortable then she can go fuck her self x

Stand your ground NO means NO.

If your not comfortable just say no

No means No, they are your children.

Keep your kids close

Trust your gut. Say no.

How old are the children? How do they feel about it?If the people do not respect you they dont have the best interest of the children in their hearts. They do not have to like you or even love you but they should respect you. Take a minute to examine where you are coming from. Is it from a place of resentment and anger? Or is it a real concern for the children? . Ask your self how will this trip benefit the children? Will they benefit? What is the fear of them going? Is it a real possibility and a logical concern? Give your self some time to explore these questions. Then do what you think is in the BEST interest of the children. I let my son go to Hawaii with my ex and is new wife because I felt it may be his only chance. He was 12. I had reservations and concerns. My son wanted to go. So I let him go and it was fine. he had a great time and it was great opportunity. But I was worried the whole time. Apparently unnecessarily but that is what we as Mums do. lol Do not let your personal feelings towards these people interfere with you giving your children the best os every opportunity. As long as that opportunity is safe. Yah Bless.

If you not comfortable then stick to your guns