My mom begged me not to get an acestry test done: Advice?

Do it. You have the right too know. I got one done. Found out I have a sister my age. From my dad.

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Sounds like you’re adopted or she cheated


Get it. Sounds like she is trying to cover her ass.

More reason to do it. My only thought would be is that your daddy isn’t your daddy. Or that her dad isn’t really hers…


Your age is not posted, so you could be born before D N A was fully understood, get it done, there’s someone on the other end who needs to know also.


There’s obviously a secret that’s been hidden. Either you’re adopted or your dad isn’t your biological dad. Something is hidden. Just get it done and don’t tell her.


Well, since she said all that now I feel like you HAVE to get it to know what she doesn’t want you to know!


Get it done.gor you’re own sake.

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I’m getting one done because my mother will not be honest and tell me who my real dad is so I feel this on so many levels

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My ancestry just left me more confused. I wound up having a nervous breakdown because I got zero answers and none of my family would even talk to me about it. 6 months later I still don’t know where I came from or who I am.

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Oooo your dad’s not your dad!!!


There is something there. You have every right to know! My husband found 2 sisters he knew nothing about.

Keep us updated. Either she hiding who your father is. Or your adopted. Good luck.

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Either you’re possibly adopted and she never wanted you to know or your dad is not your dad. Doing it depends on you and what you’re ready to face when you find out the truth.


Sounds like its going to be a Jerry Springer moment. Do it

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Ask her to give you a better reason as to why she’s so scared of you getting it done.

Be prepared for everything you thought you knew to be different… My cousin found two siblings that even her dad (the biological father) didn’t know existed.


Hell no get it done she hiding something


Apparently their are lots of lies trying to be hidden, or what difference would it make…?

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Definitely sounds like there’s something she doesn’t want you to know!


Leave it alone. Ask her to explain.

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Either she isn’t your momma or your daddy isn’t your daddy


I would do it and discuss with her what you find if you want to, but understand that you just need to decide and consider the ramifications of including the whole family in anything you find. Is it worth it? Will it benefit anyone or yourself to air out dirty laundry? (Legitimate questions to consider… Not swaying you either way) and go from there. But family medical history is critical in many ways for you and your children and their children and such, so be prepared to find something that may be really hard to digest, but go on and find out.

Oh she’s definitely hiding something! I would never tell my son that……

My grandpa don’t want anyone doing our family tree and I really want to but I respect his wish he has been gone 38 years and I really wanna know why he don’t want us doing it .

Demand the truth or just get it done

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Honey, there’s something that she doesn’t want known!

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Your dad is not your dad. Thats what that tells you.


I would def do it !!!

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Talk to your mom. I would say either you were adopted or she’s afraid that your dad isn’t your biological dad.

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What if she was raped maybe incest? Maybe she’s scared to find out the truth herself. Doesn’t mean she cheated. :pensive:

Either your daddy isn’t your daddy, or your parents aren’t your parents :woman_shrugging:t3:


Prepare yourself to know the truth about your family tree.
Are you ready for that?


OBVIOUSLY there is something you don’t know. It may bring chaos or not. I say you do the test and keep it to yourself until you are in a place to talk
With your mom about it calmly and with understanding I’m your heart.


i would do it. You’re an adult(assuming), you have a right to know your history.
It sounds like an affair may have occurred though, or a hidden adoption, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if someone is not who you think they are.


Talk to her and ask her. Don’t do it behinds her back cos she clearly hiding something from you to protect you


If you want it get it. Just be prepared for the results. It’s not like you have to share them with anyone. Regardless of her reasons, you should also be sensitive to her feelings. Explain to her that you understand that she doesn’t want you to get it done, and though you’re not sure her reasons, reassure her that it will not change your love for her, relationship with her, or view of her…. And then KEEP your word on that, and keep the results to yourself.


Do it, then tell her what you find. You deserve to know who you really are. Not just what others tell you.


You’re either adopted or you’re not your dad’s kid and your mom’s a cheater. I would do it, but be prepared to potentially cause your parents divorce.

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Ask her why. You might be adopted.

I’d just leave well enough alone.i heard them dna tests are often way off too .

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Well, you’re either not biologically you Dad’s or Dad has other biological children out there. I can’t think of any other reason she wouldn’t want you to do this!


I would tell her to tell me or I will test and tell everyone !! Pretty simple the truth always comes out eventually when does she want everyone else to know or just you

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Your dad’s probably not your dad. Or maybe you was adopted. Either way it’s something you should know especially for health reasons. I’d do it but not be mad about any outcome because you was obviously wanted.


Get it! You don’t have to share it with anyone, but at least you’ll know.


You should get it done. I would take that as she is hiding something

Well, you have to do it now.

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It’s because someone had a child out of wedlock . She may have given up at child and afraid you would find out. . I did the ancestry and found out I had a brother . Who was six months older than my youngest sister. My advise is don’t do it . This is something my sisters and I chose not to tell our mother . My fathers son .

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Better to ask forgiveness than permission, just my opinion. Just know that it comes with risk. Are you ready to know things you will probably wish you didn’t?:woman_shrugging:


Ask her what it is she doesn’t want you to know. Tell her to be honest and if not that you’re going to do it!


You do not necessarily have to share all you find out.

I would suggest trying to get it out of her first. And on the off chance she’s going to tell you, then go ahead with the DNA because you know anyway. Chances are she isn’t ready to tell you, do get the DNA test done and don’t tell her until she’s ready to let you in on whatever secret she’s holding back on.


Maybe you where kidnapped

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Tell her to come clean you will do it anyways

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Ok so my aunt went behind my grandmas back and found her biological dad whom my grandma didn’t want her to find because she knew what was wrong. Welll she did it reached out to his family and found out he was in prison a few times all the same crime of child molestation. Broke open a huge hole and hurt my grandma because she wanted to protect my aunt. Please know these things can and do come out and can cause issues but maybe take the approach of well I would love to see this please tell me what I’m going to find or what you don’t want me to find. Adult to adult situations now. Be calm and don’t get mad of the past

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You might be not be their biological child I would get it done especially if I was told not too. That would leave me with so many questions and you know what if you were Adopted then so be it things happen and you love your parents 


Have you seen Joe dirt? Or our father on Netflix?

Welp, ya daddy aint ya daddy. :grimacing:


There have been a lot of surprises from DNA testing. It sounds like there is a story that no one knows. Be prepared for that

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I would 100% do it anyways


I would tell her you are going ahead with it if that’s what you want. However, I would ask her to be honest with you about why she has concerns before hand. She’s obviously worried about something.


Be ready for anything, Me personally -I’d want to know !!!
Best Wishes as you decide !!!


Yes I would get it done.

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Just do it and don’t tell her xx


Maybe She’s been lying to someone for a long time :woman_shrugging:t4:


There is obviously some things that are not what all think or were told. be prepared to upset the family, possible a lot. Rifts or full on fall outs. I dont think any one of us want all others to see all our little secrets but for those who may think our parents are our parents and one might not be, that may be important info for them. There could also be something other than parentage, Dna that police have that would make a link to family. has anyone in the family dont a dna test? if not it could be illegal things being hidden that will get uncovered if one of u tests. This may have nothing at all to do with you or who you think your parents are.


You need to get it done for sure!


Finding out the truth isn’t “breaking your family”. Your family already decided to do that by not telling you the truth. Lies and deceit are not ok. If you were adopted you deserve to know. If you’re not your dads she should of been honest.

I did a dna test and didn’t know much about my dad’s side. Fortunately his mother did the same website and I found her and was able to complete that side of my tree and find out so much about my mom’s side. Not to mention finding my husband is related to queen elizabeth I lol. It’s facinating and loads of fun. Very tedious though


I would still do it. Because that’s f*cked up for her to lie to you plain as day. When you get results, you don’t have to publicly put anything out there. But at the same time, kind of sounds like your dad deserved better all along.


I feel like the fact that you already know that already ruins it for you so you may as well just do the test whether or not you share it with other people would be up to you but at this point I’d wanna know what the heck she’s talking about. And from my perspective any relationships that you have with anybody that you consider your family don’t change your bond with someone doesn’t change because of a piece of paper

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Somebody been creeping!


Sometimes people have things from their past that they want left there. I know I do. Also something could potentially ruin current family situations. There’s obviously reasons why she has asked what she has. Parents have the right to their private things too.

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If someone was begging me not to get it done it would push me to Get it done sooner! Definitely go ahead and do it!!


How my niece found out her true biological father!


I would have to get it especially after heralding a big deal with it just be prepared for what you find.

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If their is a reason she don’t want you to then let her explain it to you. Why go against your mother’s wishes

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What’s done in the dark will always come to light. And she obviously has a secret. I would do it but prepare yourself for unknown truths to come out. At the end of the day though you have the right to know X


Obviously, Moms been lying about something 4 a long long time!!! Ur an adult and have the right to know your blood relatives if u want to. I did it bcuz my father’s side was missing n I needed that peace for my soul​:heart::purple_heart::blue_heart:. Good luck to u!!!

It would make most people more curious- but if you find out info you didn’t know- you are still family and she is afraid the info will hurt you, maybe

You may not like what you find out but I would get it done

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:I’d definitely do it, but she needs to be honest with you. She owes that to you now

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I would most definitely BE DOING IT!
Fuck the family. This is about you. If there is something hidden, it needs to come out. People need TO STOP keeping their families sick with secrets.

Or get it and not tell. Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t

She is disrespecting you I would get it done. If the results are hurtful counseling might help. I am sorry you have to go through this. Hugs :tulip:

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Do it…I found a whole lot out…very devastating at 1st, but now I except what I found out

GET IT DONE!!! Sounds like something she don’t want to come out. Then it will be up to you if you want it to get out.

Maybe you’re adopted? Not trying to be insensitive but maybe she’s scared you’ll seek your real parents and forget about the ones that raised you.

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I say do it. My husband’s grandmother doesn’t want him to do it either because of something from the past in the family. But honestly it’s his decision on if he wants to do it or as it’s your decision if you want to do it or not.

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She may not be 100% sure who your father is . Sometimes moms / wifes step out .


I would get it done anyway. But, prepare yourself for any scenario. Wether it be adoption, not bio father, shoot kidnapping :flushed: Still try and speak to your mom about possibilities test may give. Good luck! You deserve to know anything and everything about who you are.


Definitely sounds like there’s something that she doesn’t want known. If it were me, I’d do it anyway. You don’t have to tell her you did.

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You deserve to know the truth.

Sounds like you have a different bio dad out there

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Sounds like your adopted and they don’t want you knowing


Press your mother why

Get it done but don’t tell her but be prepared it’s probably going to knock off your feet

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That’d make me want to get it done more.


That would 100% make me want to do it! Skeletons in someone else’s closet shouldn’t be your burden to bare.


Regardless of the situation, you deserve to know your lineage.

Wow if I want to do something I’m gonna do it, this is for you. If there are skeletons in the closet, that’s not on you.

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