My mom expects payment for babysitting and for me to work around her schedule: Advice?

Get a sitter instead of relying on her.


You need to pay her. She is the grandma “yes” but your daughter is not her responsibility. You and your husband decided to have a child not your mom. She has raised her children and does not need nor have to raise yours. Sorry if this sounds harsh.


You need to put your daughter in child care. If you and your boyfriend are working full time and cant afford child care… you both need to see where your moneys really being put to use. Honestly.


sounds like your mum is getting the raw end of the stick, you are coming across as rude selfish and a tad bitchy like what has your mum’s relationship got to do with anything except proving you take every opportunity to have a crack at her grow up watch your own kids or arrange child or become a one-income family hmmm imagine that … I reckon your mums babysitting is looking pretty good again about now


Get a new sitter. Problem solved.


Get s 2nd job,and pay for child care. Live your life.

Just pay her more and cut the extra out. I’m sure you’re making more than $5 a day between the two of you. She’s barely making enough to get by on…I’d give my mom so much more if that’s all she asked for


Sounds like you have very poor boundaries with your narcissistic mom. I used to until I got tired of it and stood up to her. My mother also used to watch my daughter when she was younger (until I said NOPE and found other care) and expected payment. I had people tell me all the time “I can’t believe your own mom charges you to watch her grandkids” Apparently it’s not normal. But this is also the woman who charged me rent and half utilities at 18. Some people are just money hungry and it sounds like to me she’s just taking advantage of the situation because she knows you can’t afford daycare. Might as well start looking for someone else to watch her. There’s a lot of FB groups dedicated to finding childcare, search for one in your area. Don’t ever feel bad for doing what’s best for you and your child, mom or not.


Just because she’s family doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay her… you should be lucky she’s even helping


I see stories like this and I’m so thankful for my mom! Before I got married I lived with her & she NEVER asked for a penny but I would give her what I could being that I was a single parent. She would move her schedule around to help when she could (she was on a salary & didn’t have a set number of sick days so it was a little easier for her to get the time off). However now that I’m married & my husband is active duty we’re moving her to TX from GA to live with us (her idea) and the only thing we’re asking of her is to respect house rules (we’ll be asking her what her rules/boundaries are as well & setting a timeline of about how long she’ll be living with us) this way no one is upset with the situation & everyone is happy. I know not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do this but that’s why you set expectations before hand so it’s easier to avoid this happening. Now you can’t watch her pockets (within reason). If I was your mother I would expect some compassion with working with me if I have doctors/dentist/mental health appointments because depending on what days/hours you work those places aren’t open when you get off. As far as the pay sit down with her & try & come to a happy medium so everyone is happy bc daycares charge for the whole week (even if you only need them one day out the week), most charge for every minute you’re late after the end of the business day, YOU or your boyfriend would have to drop your child off and pick him/her up, & you would need to supply certain things (depending on her age) so you would need to take all of that into account as well. Now where or why she takes these road trips is none of your concern & she’s entitled to “vacation days” so long as there is communication from her & it’s not the day of (daycares close with little to no notice sometimes & you would have to figure it out).

Honestly, & I mean this in the most polite way possible you need her not the other way around. This is your child, she’s had her’s & isn’t obligated to do this (though it would be nice/ideal) you guys have to help each other because it takes a village. I’m not saying let her abuse you with how much you give her but like you said daycares cost wayyyy more than that & keep in mind again she doesn’t have to do this. You guys just need to sit down, reevaluate the terms, & go from there. Hope it gets resolved mama❤️

I have been watching my grandson for my daughter while she works for over a year now and I refuse to take any money for keeping MY own grandchild. That’s just how I feel about it but unfortunately not everyone feels the same way nowadays.


Wow so people can’t read she does pay her mom to babysit. If ur mom wants things for herself that is more then what u pay her for daycare then she needs to get a job herself. Also it doesn’t matter if ur mom causes drama get a different babysitter and completely cut ties off with ur mom she is toxic af


You need to pay her,she don’t work for free. Look at her; she’s tired n she needs help too. Don’t be selfish, she’s your mom.


Babysitting is a full time job. I don’t think you would find anybody else to watch her for 20 dollars. Pay her a decent amount and have peace of mind about your daughter. Cut out all the other stuff


Pay your mother. Childcare isn’t free. Unless your mom offers to watch her for free or for 20$ then you shouldn’t expect it. You’ll never survive without her babysitting. Have some respect and pay her what she deserves. Or go broke paying daycare. You’re the mother so it’s your job to find childcare when your mom has doctors appointments. You sound very selfish


Quality Child care is not cheap, you absolutely should not expect her to babysit full time for free.


Pay for child care then see what you can not afford, honestly pay your mom more your better off


20/40 a week is not very much to pay for I’m presuming full time childcare. I am very fortunate that my mum looks after my son 2 days a week, and doesnt ask for anything in return, as a newly single mum, we are struggling atm. But even then I like to buy her some flowers, a takeaway ect, to show my appreciation, once I get my Bill’s sorted and under control I will offer money. If you and your partner both have full time jobs, I’d be looking to pay my mum a lot more to look after my son, as she still needs food on the table and has her bills to pay aswell. I think you are being unreasonable to her, and absolutely I work around my mums appointments, and her work aswell. I work when I can, not when is convenient for me.


Put your daughter in day care and let your mom live her life.


Ew my mom does the same she charges if we leave our kids with her to take care of them I don’t take them to her

You should pay her more. Yes she’s the grandma but its not her responsibility. 40 dollars is nothing :woman_facepalming:t3:


Let’s be honest, you’re not really gonna look into daycares because you aren’t even willing to pay your MOM more than $40 :rofl: She raised you to be an independent adult & you’re here acting inconvenienced that she’s asking for a little extra for doing you a favor :joy: And your mom’s bf, married or not, isn’t your business if your kids aren’t around him. You sound like a cry baby.


When I was young with two small boys, and their dad left, my mom helped me at no charge. I barely got by even with her doing that. My mom wanted to help me in that way and she could afford to not be paid. I couldn’t have done it without her help.

Fast forward, and as much as I would love to stay home and keep my grandson now, our circumstances do not afford such.
But if I chose to, I would need to work around the parent’s jobs, express the money I need to be paid, and PRE schedule time off and doctors etc. Daycare, in whatever form, needs to be dependable. And the money needs to be agreed upon between the parties, not by us. But based on other comments, you know the going rate for standard daycare.
Now you have to decide what you want to do. Set boundaries? Pay more? Get outside help? Not change anything and stay upset? Whatever YOU decide to do.
Family is hard to deal with sometimes. Now that you are the adult, making the hard but right decision is tough.
Try talking to her and offer more money but require more reliability. Otherwise, get other childcare, budget the money and be at peace about doing what you have to do.


Pay her a fair wage, and that covers all things she feels entitled too. No more guilt, and you are free from obligation


Pay your mom for services and it should be because you want to not because she asks. If she is caring well for your child and coming to you it’s better care than any childcare facility could do you should pay her more. No one does any work for free , why would your mom do it?


This such a personal choice to charge or not to watch grandkids. I know my mother and MIL would never accept any money from me for helping out watching my kids. But I also believe that is she wants to be paid you should pay her a decent amount.


20bux r u kidding me thats a insult :rofl:


Why do you feel your mother is obligated to watch your daughter for nothing and yes 20 - 40 in gas a week is NOTHING. She didn’t lay down and make YOUR child you did. She doesn’t owe you. You owe her for making sure your child is taken care of so you CAN work. If your complaining about 20-40 a week you cant afford daycare anyway


You should pay her more. Paying anyone only $20-$40 per week for babysitting your child is insane! I paid a babysitter for date nights (3-4 hours) $40 to babysit my daughter over 15 years ago. Your mom babysitting your child is her job. Would you work for only $20-$40 per week??


Honestly she deserves to be payed its not her responsibility to take care of your child everyday, she has her own life and persona schedule so she should be compensated for the time she invests babysitting.


Omg $20-40 a week wow I get $30 a day to babysit. You’re expecting her to go around you ans pay her Nothing? Try paying a daycare or a stranger that and you won’t gave yourself childcare. That is a full time job even if it is your grandchildren.


Omg! You pay her between .50 to $1 and hour (not even because she has to use it for gas to get there) and you are complaining?? Give your head a shake. Looking after children is work. If you are expecting your Mum to just suck it up because she’s a grandmother that’s just sad. If you both work full time pay her a decent wage. Not every Grandma will work for free, its her choice and you shouldn’t expect it!


You sound like a selfish entitled brat…she doesn’t have to watch you kids for peanuts so you should work around her schedule especially when you’re only paying her $20-$40 a week. So what she doesn’t have a job and lives with your grandmother that’s none of your business. I would think that you would want to do extra things for her since she is helping you out so much.


Get a different sitter n pay that person.


Say I pay you more if you make ur appointments and other stuff around our schedule

Are you serious? You should be paying her more than that. Grandparents aren’t free babysitters


Pay her or find someone else to pay to watch your kid. Daycare isnt free sorry to burst your bubble and also someone u trust can hurt your kid too so that’s not a good excuse on y u wont put ur kid in daycare also in daycare she’ll learn stuff and know how to interact with other kids her age. Daycare isnt just kids running around playing they actually do naps lunches hands on activities teaching them stuff etc. So either pay her or quit your whining n put her in daycare

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I ask nothing. Just happy to have my grandchildren


Just bcuz we r grandmothers does mot mean we want 2 baby sit 4 free!! This is why im going back 2 work!! I have my own bills 2 pay and I gotta have an income 2. When I raised my kids I had 2 pay a sitter. Comes with the territory


Uhhhhhhhh… I don’t blame your mom. 20 or 40 bucks a week for full time babysitting.? Grandchild or not she deserves more than that.


Pay your mother and stop complaining because she’s asking for more things! Its because you oay her nothing to watch your child you brought into this world! You should go around her schedule not vice versa! And becreal you’re not going to put your child into daycare. I don’t see how people like yourself think this way; when bringing children into this world!


She wouldn’t need to be paid a lot, but maybe bit more than what you do. Work out the price of childcare and pay her half that or something . But as far as paying for everything else. No you don’t need to buy her anything…
Maybe she hasn’t had a job in a while but she can’t seriously expect your work schedule to work around her… Its not possible… If she’s watching her grandkids and has an apt, then she needs to suck it up and take the kid with her…

You sound entitled! Your mom already raised her kids and has no obligation to raise yours. If you can’t pay her more than $40 a week… I’d say $150 a week at least so she can cover her gas, food and the resentment of having an ungrateful calculating daughter :laughing: . Anyway, stop writing the book on how she’s complaining and start writing a book on how you should be Greatful that’s she’s around and helping. If you can’t afford her… Then stay home yourself and or take the kids to a daycare before your unfounded resentment grows and affects your kids also.


I am a grandmother who has babysat my grand since she was 6 weeks old. My DIL is in law enforcement and my son works long hours as well. I sometimes have her 14 hours a day. I refuse to accept payment, although they have offered… because I am financially secure enough to not need payment BUT they appreciate me and treat me with respect because they know that I don’t HAVE to do this. I work my appointments around their work schedules because in order to provide for their child, they have to both work and also because I offered my services to them before this baby was ever conceived. However, what I choose to do and who I choose to do it with is absolutely none of their business as long as it does not effect my grand child just like your mothers choice of seeing a married man out of state or living with your grandmother and driving her car is none of your business. That seems to be between your mother and your grandmother and her BF…I am not trying to be mean but if her life choices are that bothersome to you, then maybe you need to seek an alternative sitter if you can afford to, as you stated. I think maybe some clear boundaries need to be set on both sides and that communicating with her would be better than communicating ABOUT her. If there is that much tension between you guys, I’d venture to guess that it will spill over onto your child and that would be a travesty. Talk it out like adults, come to an agreement, or make the necessary changes you feel you need to. I’m sure your child is your first priority…make this about that and not about money or morals. I wish you all the best. Not only for you and your mothers relationship, but also for your child. They see and hear more than we sometimes realize they do. Best wishes ! :pray:t2:


I guess I am a minority here. I am blessed with a mom who would never take money for spending quality time with her grandkids. My sisters and I are always grateful and do other things for her since she refuses to take money from us. Maybe do part time day care when your mom has plans and then when she does have them, give her some extra cash. Try and work out a schedule with your mom if this is what you BOTH want, if not, sorry dearest, day care it is.


Either pay her appropriately or find a new babysitter…their lives don’t stop because you have a child :woman_shrugging:t3:


You can either value your mother’s time or pay out the butt for a stranger in childcare. It is alot of work to care for kiddos.


As a grandmother I babysit mine for free but some can’t afford to babysit free nor should they be expected to. I’d say sit down with your mom and come up with an amount you can both agree on


You need to do what is right for you and your family. Your mom will get over it

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Well your only paying $20-$40 a week that’s cheap. Grandmother or not she deserves more then that.


So my parents live with us but watch my 5 year old during virtual school, after school and days when there is no school. At this moment we work from home so we are all home. My parents refuse to accept payment for watching her. Now as far as me changing my schedule I work 8-5 and so does hubby. It has always been understood that of they have an appointment that we take off. I mean it is not a bad deal for us. Y’all need to sit down and talk about it.

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Firstly you’re mum deserves to be paid to watch your child! He time shouldn’t be free, she raised her kids and it is NOT her job to raise yours without being financially compensated.
But no, you shouldn’t have to pay her anything over and above the time she watches your child.
I would look for a daycare spot for your child regardless of it causing trouble between you and your mum as you need care during your work hours and if your mum isn’t willing to care for her when needed there is no point.
Secondly, your mum is a troll if she is seeing a married man!


My mom watches our kids. We pay her AND do absolutely everything she asks or needs. She raised me for 18 years and she can use the extra cash in her retirement. You’re fortunate you have someone u trust available .


I have worked in long daycare for 17 years (in Australia). My son is grown and my parents used to watch him a few days a week when he was very young. I didn’t pay mum cause she was so happy to be a grandma and loved it. I don’t think you should have to pay your mum, especially since she is at home anyway in your grandmothers house. My advice, research local daycare, even family daycare until you feel good about one and give it a try. When I become a grandma I would never ask my son for money.

Pay your mother. You except her to do it for free and work around you? No.


Speaking from a grandmothers point of view…I’d love the time with my grandkids however, on my terms and at my convenience. I raised my own by myself, and had to pay sitters when I worked. Maybe you could ask your mom to keep them part time, 2 days a week, and find another child care provider the other 3 days. Grandparents aren’t just automatically built in babysitters, they usually do have their own lives that they worked very had for and sacrificed for in the beginnings of having their own kids, careers, etc. I’m also a custodial grandparent for 2 of my grand kids, so I’m working on round 2 of raising kids. My words come from my personal experience. I hope you find a solution before it becomes a ticking time bomb.


Ummmm she is giving up her time to care for your children so you both can work! How is this even a thing? Come up with a figure you both are happy with and pay her, if she wasn’t looking after them they’d be in childcare and you’d have to pay an exuberant amount of money. If it was one off babysitting I would say no fee but its daily she deserves some type of compensation for looking after your children daily!


It’s amazing how this world went from “it takes a village”, family is important, dinner on sundays, to this disgraceful shit where grandparents demand payment to watch their grandbabies or they wanna get mad when they dont get to see them because mom and dad are too busy and tired busting ass to afford childcare. I know a lot of people are gonna get mad at this but it is not unreasonable to expect your family to be active members. That includes stepping up when your grandchild needs care so mom and dad can work. Especially if grandma is not working or doing anything productive with her time. Now a days everyone expects to be paid for being active in their family’s life. Fuck sakes enjoy the time you have with your family and not try to give them a run for their money.

Girl pay your mama more or stay home yourself. And shame on you for adding parts of her personal business that isn’t anyone else’s business. You sound spoiled. She doesn’t have to watch your child at all. Think about that.


A lot of people here support parental manipulation. If your parent isn’t being straight forward They are not helping they Are Manipulating. Boundaries are amazing and can be painful when others don’t respect them. Advice: have a sit down with your mom about expectations and costs. If this isn’t out of grandma love then create an employment plan. Also consider reaching out to mom friends about daycare help. You’d be surprised how friends can be the family we needed.


I think 100 a week is reasonable since you are saving so much on childcare. You sound ungrateful and absolutely work around her appointments and life. Go ahead and get childcare outside of grandma and in less than a months time you will see how good you got it and would probably not come off as a selfish entitled brat.


Did anyone else read this and thing THE AUDACITY​:joy::sweat_smile:. Go pay day care prices and risk someone miss treating your child ! Those are your kids not hers she has no obligation to watch YOUR KIDS ! I would atleast pay her $100 a week that’s $20 per day if she’s driving 10 minutes that’s berly enough for gas !


Get a backup for your mom to give her a break and a chance to have a social life. Maybe get someone else to take over one day a week when mom can schedule whatever she needs/wants.

Home all day with kids is tiring and relentless (especially for older people) on top of her needing time off for appointments. See if she can schedule doctors, salon, other stuff that happens during the day either early or late. That way you can use your leave to take time off at the beginning or end of the work day, and possibly make up the time, or just have her coordinate with the backup babysitter. Are you in a position to be able to work from home on occasion? And pay her more than gas money to help her out. Geez.

Did you not factor in the cost of day care/child care before you had a child? What are you going to do when you have to start paying for PTA dues, school event tickets, sports uniforms and equipment (and maybe fees), school lunches? Summer camps plus before and after care?


What would you do if something happened to your mom (god forbid!) that she couldn’t sit for you anymore?


I am sorry. I don’t mean this to sound rude, but if 20-40 dollars a week is breaking the bank for child care, you may want to consider being a stay at home mom.


She’s basically watching your kid every day for free, and your complaining about her appointments and her asking for money sometimes? Seems like you should be a little more grateful to her.


She is your mom but 40$? That’s nothing of she ask for something you should feel obligated to get it because 40$ isn’t even 10% of what a daycare would charge you for a week. She helps you help her. And if the money is that much of a issue you should just sit down and agree on a reasonable amount.


She is your mon she may need money pay her just like you would any one else wake up she is your mom


Pay her more or daycare is the alternative. You will need to honor her availability and hours the same as you would if it were a nanny or daycare.


My grandma watched my two sons and we paid her 30$ a day. We worked around her vacation and dr appts. It’s a business transaction and is work for her. Depends on the situation and what works for you and your mom


I’m lucky and my family would never charge to watch my child! I DO have her in daycare because I personally wouldn’t pay my FAMILY to watch my child :woman_shrugging: I pay 600 dollars a month so no one can I say I owe them anything or act like I owe them something!

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Um okay…I think either work around her or pay daycare prices :woman_shrugging:t4: which may not have as many dates and appointments you have to work around but I’m sure they will have a few too. I personally feel like her taking care of your child is an awesome privilege for you to have.


Mom is doing it because she loves the grandbaby. She sure isn’t doing it to get rich! You have in home day care. Maybe mom’s making you pay what she does because she doesn’t like your attitude!

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Pay your mother and stop complaining…just paying for her gas to get to your house? Are u serious? :woman_facepalming:t4:


Pay your mom for watching YOUR kid! 20-40 dollars a week is NOTHING for childcare. She doesn’t owe you that. Lord.


Wow you sound ungrateful and spiteful tbh! Just because she’s your mum doesn’t mean she’s your free donkey! You shouldn’t of had a child if you had no idea how you was going to fit the child around your life, ie work and childcare and costs of raising kids. You think childcare is expensive now, just wait until they grow up and EVERYTHING becomes way more expensive because clothes and shoes cost more as the child grows, they eat more, use more electricity etc. Didn’t think this through did ya


Paying her for child care is understandable but anything beyond that is not.


I pay my sister 150 a week to watch my son and work around her appointments.


Pay someone else during times that your mom cant do it… Welfare will even help with child care costs… And im sorry if you cant afford to pay what shes wanting then you and hubby need to work around each others hours and fend for yourselves on whos going to watch the kids…her having no job and having appointments and a life is her right shes earned it… She no longer has small kids of her own… Be glad shes doin it at all some of us didnt have anyone to watch our kids…


Pay your mom just like you would anyone else


If you are old enough to have a baby. Do what your mom did for you. .raise it yourself. Its not her job.
She is tired from raising you.


I can understand both sides, could you look into doing half nana and half daycare so nana gets a break too?


Just because she is your mom does not mean she is free childcare. She didn’t have the grandchild you did. Your responsibility not hers.


Okay so y’all are telling her that she should not only pay her to watch her kid but just give her money whenever she asks for it without having watched the kid. Also she said her mom lives with her grandma and uses her grandma’s car and watches the kid at their house which would me that her boyfriend and her also provide her food, drinks, whatever else they have at their place. I say she is paying her enough at $40


As a Mother and GRANDMOTHER, She Dosen’t have a job and lives with my Grandmother, Ummmm EXCUSE ME young Lady, She is providing TRUSTWORTHY CHILDCARE 5 days a week which IS A JOB and apparently BEING paid Pennies to do so! And the NERVE to post on social media what she is doing and whom she is doing it with is NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS! How DARE Grandma expect YOU to be Responsible for the child YOU laid down and made, or be compensated for HER TIME ! You’re post REEKS OF ENTITLEMENT Little girl, you should hit your knees and Thank God she’s your Mother, Bc I’m the ABSOLUTELY NOT Grandma that EXPECTS My children to RAISE AND PROVIDE for my grandchildren as thier Father and I did. Providing CHILDCARE is the Parents RESPONSIBLITY NOT THE GRANDPARENTS, Your BOYFRIEND needs to build you a bridge so YOU can get the Hell over YOURSELF!
This Ladies and Gentlemen is a PRIME example of WHY grandparents REFUSE to Babysit!

Pay her or find an alternative


I wish I had my family near by to help. Family is everything and so important. Being thankful for what she does and can do for you. She is your mum she deserves love and respect. Understand that your mum gives your child more then any daycare centre could. One on one time love affection and attention and your mum loves your child more then you will ever know. I am a grandmother and the love I have for my grandbabies is something I can’t put into words for me it’s different from anything I have experienced. Love your mum respect her you will never get another mum. Life is short.

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My mom babysits my kids M-F 730am-530pm. If I have a day off during the week or take vacation from my job then my mom also has those days off. We agreed I would ALWAYS pay her 600 a month no matter what but i pay her more when i can. Lately it’s been 600 and then I pay her 100 at the end of each week so 900. But sometimes I can’t pay her the extra 100 each week and she understands. I help her if she asks, like someone hit and ran her brand new car she bought. So I paid for her new tires and mirror. If my mom needs a day off for an appointment or for vacation I have no problem working around that and taking the time off or finding another babysitter. She isn’t making a liveable wage, it’s a favor to me and I feel like I should help anytime she asks and give her the time she needs off.


Day cares aren’t the bad honestly. Ask around and look at reviews. You’ll be paying more but I mean… sounds like it would be better for yall. Make sure daycare has security and great ratings

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Working parents need stable, consistent childcare. If your mother can’t provide that then pay someone who can. I never depended on relatives especially if we weren’t paying them decently (at least $100 wk). Childcare is one of the biggest expenses as a parent…you need a real plan when it comes to that. Reevaluate your budget and pay up :woman_shrugging:t4:


I feel so sorry for a lot of people in this comment. I’m so blessed to have my parents help us raise my son, I’m a nurse and work 10 hours a day, and my fiancée is a phlebotomist and works 9 hours a day. My parents love my son so much they would probably disown me if I would let a stranger babysit him. It’s not “ you shouldn’t of had a child if you can’t afford daycare”. What ever happen to it takes a village to raise a child. So many people expect a mom to do it all and that’s why we get depressed because it’s impossible to.

Anyways I think you should sit down with your mom and ask her what she would like as compensation for watching your child and go from there. :slightly_smiling_face:


Husband and I pay 300 a week for childcare for 1 kid.
Be grateful and pay your mom a decent wage.


20/40 dollars a WEEK for daycare full time?! You selfish selfish person…


Depending on where you live, you can look into daycare assistance, that’s the only way me and my husband would be able to afford it

Some of these comments are just awful. SMH


You work days and your SO work nights and that takes care of the problem. Anyone other then your mother would not take less then $60 a week and a daycare would ask for more.

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First off you should be appreciative that she helps you and is so close. Second you should just pay her a decent amount and she can buy her own needs. I understand she’s the grandmother of the child but she also isn’t a door mat and you should understand if she has appointments.


I’m with all these other mothers! I don’t even work and I pay $15 per HOUR for my sitters.
Pay her a more reasonable wage and cut out the extra spending.
But don’t expect anyone to sympathize with you because you have it good.

My parents watch him for free. HOWEVER. They arnt my sitters. They have him when they want to take him… not around my schedule… unless it is an emergency or requires doctors appointments. Even then I’ll pay gas. Treat your family better.


Find another sitter. Ask friends and family if they know of anyone. My SIL’s mom watched my LO. Reach out, cuz you arrangement is not good.

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$40 a week…Maybe up it to $80? Are you providing everything when drop the kid off or does she have to provide food,drinks,etc? If so…maybe think about dropping that stuff off too. Also, your mom should be able to say no to watching your kid. She raised her own kids. My husband’s mom would watch his sisters kids for days without getting paid ,complaining, or asking for food and stuff to be dropped off…but me…if I asked her to watch my kid while other is at school to go to dr or anything…after two hours she called constantly saying I better bring her back cigarettes and fast food for watching my kid so long. Then,I get home and my kid has peed everywhere bc pulled off an over full diaper she didn’t change the whole time and the house was a wreck bc she just laid in bed and didn’t take care of her. So now I take my kid everywhere, even to get pap smears done,and have to pay someone to watch her during times I have to get an MRI or something done bc she is almost 3 and still gets into everything. Maybe try finding a church nearby that has daycare program. Usually costs less. No longer ask your mom to babysit if don’t like what she charges.