Tell her no and no again. Its your choice. My mother basically forced her way into the delivery room. Doctor literally said no and she kept asking. She left while I was progressing (I was induced) then came right when I was giving birth (my aunt, being the nice person she is, called her but regretted it later). She tried to hold my hand. Took my hand off bed side while pushing to hold my hand. I said no and pulled hand away. It went okay but honestly she didn’t deserve to be here (we have a rough past and I haven’t talked to her now since 2017) and now I will forever gave that bad moment when it should have all been beautiful.
She wasn’t there to make the baby. Your husband was. Hope the birth goes smoothly and congratulations.
Hell no, you need to teach her boundaries before the baby arrives. This is the perfect excuse to start that. This is your family and your baby. She’s had her turn already. x
You are absolutely NOT WRONG. SHE IS 100%IN THE WRONG!
It’s your body and your baby, you are not in the wrong. It is also your husband’s baby and he deserves to be in the room. Tell your mom she can get over herself and stop trying to push you into doing things you don’t want to do or you can cut ties all together.
She sounds toxic as hell, so I personally would have cut ties with her already.
Be strong to hold on to the boundaries you set. Especially if your mom is controlling you have to set those boundaries for your own mind health. Think about these with your husband, set the boundaries you are going to give her in regards of the baby and your house rules when she visits and be firm.
Don’t engage when she is being immature and trying to guilt you or manipulate you. Firmly remind her you are an adult now and this is the way you are choosing to handle things for your life and your family’s.
She can disagree but if she chooses to participate in your life and your kid’s life She will need to respect you.
No your not wrong. She needs to focus on your happiness and this baby belongs to you and your husband.
Your mom is a crazy person
She’s a brat. Your body, your baby.
You’re not wrong but you need to be the same way she is with you with her. Be stern put your foot down and mean it unapologetically. I’d say “you can be okay with my decision or we can speak when you are.”
You are totally in the right to have who you want with you during delivery! My daughter just had her first baby and it broke my momma heart that I couldn’t be in with her, but I understood it was her delivery her baby her choice!
I don’t understand why it’s a huge deal to not want her there! If it’s either her or your husband, then of course I understand! Maybe it’s just how my relationship is with my mother, and you said y’all’s is not that great but maybe it would be better if you picked your battles! Also I understand that y’all’s problem might go way back and much deeper but if it’s just petty little things then why not give in a bit?
You have every right to say no. If she can’t accept that… it’s on her, not you. Don’t let it get to you
She should respect your boundaries , it’s a very special moment and you don’t want her for the birth then that’s your right ! Hopefully she will respect your wishes
My hospital only allowed 1 person so obviously it was my husband. Could you tell her its hospital policy?
Hell no you are not wrong stand your ground with her and she is acting like a rotten spoiled brat
Tell your doctor/midwife that you don’t want her in the room. Then at the hospital, tell the nurses that you don’t want her allowed in. They’ll be the assholes and not let her in or make her leave if she comes with you. She isn’t entitled to be at the birth of your child. Also with covid many hospitals are still only allowing 1 support person and a certified doula (with proper paperwork) if you have a doula. Tell your doctor what’s going on and ask if they might be willing to say it’s their policy (since she’s likely already called the hospital to verify policy there, doctors policies are a good option and are a real thing!). If you haven’t already, call the hospital and ask the birthing unit their policies on guests. Also ask if you can speak to the unit charge nurse and ask if there is any way for them to document that you don’t want your mother allowed in.
You have every right!
It is your choice and only your choice
Your decision u don’t want her deal so don’t ! Period
i think your wishes are what matter,i only wanted my husband with me during that time,she is just trying to be controlling as i see it.
Just have the Baby and ring her when he/she is born x
I dont understand parents like that. Its your pregnancy your delivery, if you dont want her in there say no.
Tell her you’re only allowed to have one person in the room bc of Covid… blame it on Covid lol
Not wrong. I wouldn’t let someone like that in the room either
You aren’t wrong if she makes a scene you can have it so she’s not allowing the room before or after so she needs to calm down a lil, anyway your husband should be in the room not her
No you are not wrong at all! This is your time not hers!
Don’t give in you have to be stress free and it’s special for you and the hubby praying for a healthy and safe delivery
Stick to what u and your husband wants it is y’all baby tell Mom to set in waiting room if she doesn’t want want to do that oh well that is her choice Congratulations on the new baby (No way Mom that’s my advice )
Warn the staff not to let her in. That’s abuse and you don’t need it.
Tell her to back her nut bus up! And to shut the f up and sit the f down. Your birth, your choice. God these parents make me mad!
You’re not wrong at all and I’m so sorry you are going through that. Shame on her. She sounds very selfish. Keep saying no. It’s your baby not hers.
don’t give in this is time for you and your husband, if she has to be there his Mom should be too
You have every right to have who ever in there let her be mad
Do not budge! Your decision, and stressing you stresses baby. Say no, and cut communication if you have to for a while. Not worth hurting kiddo just to give in to toddler temper tantrums.
She’s a brat forsure. She can feel hurt but your choice
It is your choice and your life . Live for you. Hell my daughter asked us all to wait till she got home from the hospital to meet the baby. And that was her choice
I booted everyone out (dad included) and I felt 100% right about the decision I made. No one should make you feel guilty for not wanting them in there while you give birth.
Not her delivery. Not her pregnancy. Not her baby. YOU DO YOU!!!
Your mother is a narcissist you might want to join the daughters of narcissist Facebook group. They are wonderful at supporting you and giving you ideas on how to deal with her. Put your foot down let the nurses at the hospital know she is not allowed only your husband is and just draw the line and don’t move that line. This is your baby your experience with your husband and by not allowing her to push her way in this might finally get through to her that you do have boundaries. Obviously in the past you have given in. This time you need to not give in and start a new rule moving forward of not crossing your boundaries that you set.
It is your choice, stand firm. I was there for the birth of one grandchild but not for the others. It should be between you and your husband. Tell your doctor, he can fix it.
No your husband should be in there not her.
Ask the staff to tell her there is one person allowed
She is far more than a brat, she is a NARCISSIST! You might want to do some reading on narcissistic behavior, gas lighting, how they guilt you into getting what they want and many more tactics they use. They only get worse as they age so I suggest you learn about it now and start drawing the line and yellow Rock or gray rock her if needed.
Narcissistic tendencies.
Wow. Lol you are not wrong for saying no.
Unless law enforcement, FBI, jail deputy or child caseworker(CPI) is with you then you can pick and choose who you want to be in the room with you. Usually just one person and even now since a pandemic came around again. So yeah.
She’s mentally and verbally abusing you is what she’s doing.
You are not wrong. Don’t tell her when you go into labor so you don’t have to worry about it. Stay strong. She is wrong for trying to force you. My mom said she would like to be in the room when I gave birth to my daughter. I didn’t want her to be but I didn’t have to tell her no because I had an emergency c-section. But she would have been understanding.
This is a special time for you and your husband
Stand your ground!
Ewwww no moms should not be in the room fathers only in my opinion there are parts of life others don’t need to see
I told my ex he wasn’t to be in the room with me that I just wanted my sister. Oh the arguments we had over that yet when he was told he could wait outside and be in once he was born he was ok with. Till my sister called telling him I was in labour and he was drunk so couldn’t have come if he wanted to that caused more arguments. It’s the most stressful time for you and the baby so you have every right to say who can and can’t be there. First and foremost is your husband as that’s his baby too. Keep strong and stick to your guns and she will just have to learn to deal with it.
Better cut ties with her now cause she’s start trying to control how you raise your child.
Your delivery is strictly for you and whomever you choose. Your mom is just throwing a tantrum. It’s a stressful enough time and you don’t need any extra. Maybe block her until after so you can have peace. Best of luck
YOU need to do what is best for you…
No your not wrong and if she can’t understand that than that’s her problem either she will get over it or she won’t
Nope your not she is being horrible
Say No. time for you and baby
Stand your ground! You won’t regret it. The fact that she refuses to respect your feelings and responds with such aggression tells you you’ve made the right decision.
Gaslighting at it’s finest… Stand your ground and do what’s best for you.
Stay true to yourself… if you don’t want her in the room then she stays out.
You’re running the show not your mom.
Your birth, you choose who you want with you. Mom sounds like a narcissist. It’s OK to cut people like that, including family, out of your life.
No it’s your birth your way and your husband helped make that baby. He can catch it
Nope. You should definitely have your husband there for the birth of your child. You should be as comfortable as possible, and it’s your call as to who you want. You owe her no explanation either. If you don’t set boundaries with her, she will continue to try and walk all over you.
Tell her to get GONE!!!
She’ll get over it, it’s YOUR decision, not hers. But the sounds of it, all she’ll do is stress you out in the room, and you do not need that.
No your not the daddy should be the number one person to go in
It’s your time with baby and spouse. Congrats and you just worry about you and your lil family. The mom needs to slow her role and wait til you say it’s ok for her to be there. Hugs
Honey you should have just told her because of covid restrictions you can only have your husband anyways
No. You are the one who controls everything about the birth. So if you just want your husband in there then do whatever makes you comfortable. You don’t need anyone making you uncomfortable
Pregnancy is hard enough without the extra stress, no you aren’t wrong & Mom needs to respect your wishes & set boundaries with her for your own mental well being. God bless you & may you have a safe healthy labor & delivery!!! Congratulations to you & your hubby on y’all’s baby !
Honestly it’s what u want !
It’s you having a baby and if u only want the father and u then that’s your decision and she needs to step back and support u .
Stick to your decision. Mom is trying to make your birth all about her, and it has nothing to do with her. With that type of behavior, she’d be lucky to see her grandchild if it was me.
Tell her they only allow one person in the room with you.
Don’t tell her when you go in and tell the hospital to not tell her you are there in case she shows up or calls.
Birth of your baby not hers . Don’t want her there the word is NO.
It is up to you and why would you want the chaos of her in the room with you when you give birth? Just learn to tell her no!
She’s a brat. Don’t allow her to treat you like that. It’s not good for you or your children to see her treat you like that. Sounds like you need to distance yourself from her until she grows up. She may have done that when you were a child but you are an adult and she needs to respect you.
its what u want. i dont understand why ppl want everyone and there mother in the delivery room. unless its certain circumstances, u shouldn have anyone in room with u except the dad. even if u aren with the dad at time of birth. this is a special time for u and SO/Babydad.
just my opinion on that…stand ur ground. shes being an asshole.
I would have LOVED to be in the room to see the birth of my grandbabies!!
But i respected my kids decisions on who would go in.
And I return,… it was ME , that got to change 1st diaper, 1st bath, etc. And i totally love that that has become somewhat of a tradition,… Mom/grandma will do all the 1st:heart:
Congratulations on your growing family!!!
No that should be a beautiful time for just you a d your husband yo witness the miracle of love and birth, it should be a cherish moment for just the two of you and baby
Gurl…quit being a punk…SHE AIN GOIN N ER!!! .
You can set it up to block her from coming up to your room if she keeps on starting trouble
Toxic is toxic. Regardless of their title. Don’t let her make you feel bad. Your husband should be there and she should be happy about it. If it were me, I would distance myself from her as well as the child when he/she is born
No you are not wrong! Your mother is very wrong and is acting like a spoiled child ! You don’t need the stress of a controlling mother in the delivery room!
Your very right to say no, on the day makevit very clear to her n hospital staff that only your husband is allowed in the room with you
Stand your ground. You don’t need that stress. Its your choice on who is in there with you and if its choice to not have her there then she can suck it up and deal.
It’s your day. Have only who you want. My monster in law bullied her way in.
This is your birth and you’re allowed to have anyone you feel comfortable with there!! And no one gets to have an opinion about it
Start setting the boundaries now
Tell her that it’s a private time for you and your husband. She doesn’t sound like a great support person. My mom and I have an extremely close bond and she completely understood when I wanted it to be just my husband and I (for both births).
My daughter’s matter what kind of relationship, always had me there, except one time. When she had her next child, she was so upset with herself, I wasn’t there with her first one. My youngest saw how I was, and vowed she would not give birth unless I was there. On her last child, I walked down to my other daughter’s car to get a car seat, a d while I was out, my grand popped out. I could hear her yelling at her husband, Go find my Mom
Blame Covid lol can only have 1 person
It’s YOUR medical procedure so you are the only one who decides who’s there it’s about your comfort. Birth is not a form of entertainment. I only had my husband in the room too I wasn’t interested in being on display for everyone I knew. Your mom is being childish and abusive I would block her on everything so you don’t have to deal with her you shouldn’t be under that kind of stress. I would also tell her that anytime she brings it up or says something hurtful she adds a week to the amount of time she’ll have to wait to meet the baby as it is I would put her in timeout for the remainder of your pregnancy until at least a month after you give birth because she will ruin your postpartum too.
Not wrong at all…I knew I wanted only my husband there and that was it. It’s yours and your choice alone to make!
No and make sure you don’t tell her when you’re in the hospital and wait til baby is born
Keep her out of there
You need safe, trustworthy, support. Someone who backs you up in good and bad times. And if only 1 allowed… obviously it would be your partner, baby’s Daddy. She sounds like a narcissist. He is 2nd most important in baby’s life. Not G-ma… you are right, she is way, wrong.
No , She doesn’t belong there .It should be your husband and that it.
I didn’t have my mom in there either.
She didn’t carry the baby nor will she be pushing so…
My husband was the only one I wanted and I dared anyone to try me.
Don’t care who felt bad.
Make this easy on yourself. Let the hospital staff know who you want in the room quietly. They will not allow her in and it doesnt have to be a contention between you at the present.
Let them be the bad guys for you.
Tell them you and significant other only!!!