You ate not wrong.
This is a very sensitive and important time.
Tell the hospital she is on absolutely not allowed in until I say so list. They will keep her out.
If she can’t respect your wishes during the birth of YOUR child then you gotta cut out the toxic.
You are not wrong. Child birth is stressful enough without having someone you don’t want in there. It’s who YOU want there not anybody else. She can wait in the waiting room and meet baby when they are born. Just because she’s your mom she is not entitled to be in the room.
No mam tell her straight even if it hurts her… set boundaries and tell her you are not in control of me anymore… stand up for yourself
I’d tell the way she is reacting is the exact reason you are saying no.
Tell her you are a woman not a kid anymore and have a say who is in the room with you. you want the one who help make the baby. case closed MOM❤
It’s you and your husband’s child not your mom’s. Tel her that she may not be in the room but if she keep in won’t be in your life either! She should be ashamed of herself
Stick to your guns and don’t feel bad about it
Do what you think is best for you and the baby at the moment. Best of luck and congratulations.
She’s definitely being more than a brat you are bringing life into this world and that is stressful enough. You do not need any negative energy or anyone making you feel anything less than comfortable during the whole process. Stick to your guns and do what makes you happy. Bring that new baby into this world and to happiness with you and your husband. Forget about your mom and ALL of her childish bullshit. Honestly if she’s making you feel totally awful now then I would just try and avoid her at all costs. The stress you experience and endure affects your child as well. Just keep it light and change the subject when she starts talking about it. Be like “I already told you what I want and if you don’t have anything nice to say then just don’t say anything” and move on. Hope things get better and you have a happy and healthy delivery
No you are not wrong. This is a very special time for you and your husband. Let her keep on asking tell her if she doesn’t like it you won’t allow her to even be at the hospital. Stick to your guns no is no.
Tell her no and that if she doesn’t stop, then she won’t be allowed at the hospital either. Just because she is your mother, doesn’t give her special rights to treat you badly whatsoever. Tell the nurses and she will not be allowed in.
100% being a controlling selfish brat… my mum supports me with whatever I choose (eg me and my partner have chosen her to be my birth partner while hubby stays home with the other kids- she was shocked) and she knows it could change at any time I feel , they could swap. Definitely no pressure and support.
She’s a brat, you need to take a deep breath, stand tall, and tell her to stop behaving like a petulant 3yr old. You, and you alone decide who is with you when you deliver.
no way, i don’t want anyone besides my husband in the room. Not really wanting my vagina on display lol
Your mom is being an entitled brat. You don’t have to include anyone you don’t want to in such intimate moments of your life. My mom was there the 1st two births and for my twins it was a csection and they wouldn’t allow her back so just my husband was in there.
Keep saying no. She’s a bully so stand up to her.
Do not give in! Learn to say no to your mom, and start holding her to boundaries when she acts inappropriately! The more you say no, the more she will accept it,and after awhile she won’t ask but wait for an invitation. You’ve given in too many times, and now she is much like a spoiled child who will throw fits if they don’t get their way! If she doesn’t speak to you for awhile, consider that a reprieve/break from her! Be strong! Good luck❣️
She is the brat!!! Stick with your plan and tell the Dr/hospital what you want and not to let her in for the birth
It’s your baby have it the way you want to with who you want to
I don’t see them even allowing anyone except spouse in the room with COVID anyway. But with both of my pregnancies, the nurses always said they’d tell anyone they only allow one person back
Even if you did let her in there, most nurses/doctors would see the stress it’s bringing on you and have her escorted out, stay focused on yourself. Your body, your baby, your decision
You are not wrong it’s your choice
This is your birth experience and it is your husband’s baby too. If you want to have him only in the room she should respect your decision. This is not about her!
Your baby and it’s your family you choose who gets to be there and if you don’t want her in there that’s your right and she will just have to deal!
She sounds like she is incredibly controlling and emotionally abusive.
You are not wrong at all. It’s your choice. Don’t let her make you feel bad.
I was told the same thing. I was disappointed, but never said a word. Her wishes were her wishes. I have a good relationship with her and a wonderful bond with my grandson, my one and only grand.
Fk her. Its yr choice
She will get over it. This a special time for you and your husband.
Tell her you’ll allow anyone who was there for the conception attend the birth. That should shoot her down in flames
Keep her out of there.
You are not obligated to have toxic people in your life. Set boundaries and disconnect from those who choose to violate your boundaries. If it costs you your peace, it is too expensive.
You’re not wrong at all. You’re her daughter but that doesn’t give her the right to force you to allow her in. At the end of the day only the people you want in there will be allowed. Im sorry that she acts that way. It must be difficult to deal with that regularly let alone being pregnant and dealing with raging hormones. Protect your boundaries mama no means no. She can’t make you change your mind
So you have a narcissistic, toxic mother. No is the correct answer. Looks like your husband missed out on the births of his other children and that’s unfair to him. That’s his moment, not your mother’s. She’s pretty much stolen moments that last a lifetime. Keep saying no. If she keep treating you like garbage, cut her out completely because that’s not okay behaviour. What’s she gonna do when her grandkids tell her no?? Treat them like shit too?? Nah. Get that energy out of your life. Seriously.
Stand your ground tell her if she keeps it up she will not be able to see the baby at all this is your wish not her’s and this is your baby ask her if her mom acted like this when you were born end is story
I don’t think your wrong … your husband needs to be with you !!
Mom is definitely not being a brat…it’s pronounced BITCH. Stick to your guns. No means no. You want hubby there. If necessary, let the hospital step in to keep her away if she decides to crash the party. Learn to not let her rattle you, you have the right to decide who’s allowed. You can do this!
Ew she’s definitely being a brat. Have whoever you want there ! You’re going to be having a whole baby and it’ll already be stressful enough. She shouldn’t be adding to that in anyway.
OMG Your birth. Your baby. Your rules. Your husband. No exceptions. I would stick to my decision if I were you. Don’t feel bad about it. Don’t let her make you cry. You deserve to have your baby’s birth go exactly as you’d like. I wouldn’t let her make me feel bad. Not for one second. She doesn’t like it your way…? Oh well too sad too bad suck it up grandma it’s not about you. Tell her to go put on her big girl panties, shut her mouth and move on. She’s not the boss. You are! She only has as much power over you, your marriage, your kids, and your baby’s birth, as you let her. She can see the baby afterwards. She doesn’t need to be in the room, all up in your business. Take back your power girl! Grandma had her day. Now it’s your turn. You are the boss of you. And stop letting her make you feel bad! Don’t let her yell at you. I could care less. My mom or not, gonna yell at me over my decision?..nope I don’t think so. Then get the F*#& out of my house and my life and kiss my A$$.
I’d use Covid as an excuse and say the hospital isn’t allowing any extra people or visitors (I’m in Ohio and that’s the actual policy here).
You’re totally not wrong. Your mom should respect your labor/delivery desires and experience.
- Tell docs, hospital, etc. about your wishes so they will back you up, like telling her only one person in the delivery room is allowed, or being vague about expected delivery date.
- Have a mantra to repeat: “Mom, we’ve talked about this and you know the answer.” Repeat as nauseam. Cut the conversation every time she brings it up: hang up the phone, show her the door, get up and leave.
- Don’t tell her when you go into labor & block her calls.
- Tell the hospital staff (if you haven’t already) to keep her out. They will be your enforcers & keep her out.
- Tell her about your baby when YOU are ready.
- Get counseling to learn how to better deal with your mom.
- Work with your husband to set and enforce boundaries.
- Love her from a distance. You can stipulate that you won’t deal with her until she gets therapy for at least 6 months, with proof.
BTW, who was present when she had children? Is her mom still alive? What was she like?
Stand your ground! Your body, your baby, your choice!! I am sorry you are going through this and wish you well!
She’s unneeded stress in an already stressful time. Don’t let her in the room. Stick to your guns… and if she continues to be rude, don’t even let her in the hospital. Unconditional love doesn’t mean accommodating bullying behavior from the one person who should be kind to you and your wants. Imagine treating your child how your mom is treating you, someday.
Whether you’re being a brat or not is really irrelevant. It is your day, and an important day. It doesn’t sound like your mother respects you very much. It is time to start making decisions that are in your best interest, the interest of your immediate family, and most importantly, what makes you happy. It’s possible you’ve created a “mom monster” over the years by always letting mom have her way, so it will definitely take some time to create some new, healthy boundaries. With this said, if you always act with grace, authenticity, and kindness, and not allow mom to ruffle your feathers, you can get this relationship to a healthy level of respect for the both of you and your family.
Peace for all, and good luck with your upcoming little bundle.
Stand firm on how you feel about this. What happens if you cave and she comes in and says or does something that you don’t like then you’re gonna be miserable. Something’s so beautiful and rewarding becomes aggravating then. Stick to your guns.
I told mom’s on both sides the only people allowed in the room are people who had medical degrees and people who were in the room at time of conception. They didn’t like it, but oh well! They were allowed to stay while laboring, but then once it transitioned to delivery they were out. I also made this clear to the staff so they got to be the bad guys at the end!
First off, don’t let her make you feel that way, no one should make you cry.
Second, this is your and your man’s day, if she can’t see that she is just being a brat.
Stay strong Momma wipe those tears away and be happy
With Covid restrictions in place right now only dad can be at hospital! No family visits ! We just had grand baby in January with these restrictions! Tell mom sorry !
Tell her Covid rules will only allow one person and that will be your husband.
Girl, you are not in the wrong. Stand your ground and when you do go to have this beautiful new baby, informe all of the nursing staff, that under no condition is she to be allowed into your room, unless you allow it, and if she causes issues in the waiting area, then to have her escorted off the property. Do not back down from this. Make her know that if she continues to act in this manner, which can harm your health due to stress, then she will not be in babies future. That kind of toxic is bad for everyone. Just know that you deserve better than that and you are amazing!! Congratulations on baby!!! Be strong and many blessings on your family.
You are no wrong. It is you and your husband’s baby. She needs to know boundaries and limits. Do not let her bully you. No apologies or reason needed.
Ask her if she helped conceive the baby. When she says no, that’s when you say ,well my husband did and that’s why he’s gonna be in the room with me thats the end of it. If she keeps it up and treats you badly you can say, If you don’t like it than you can make the choice to be in my children’s lives or not, it’s up to you so respect MY decisions
It’s definitely not wrong for you to not want her there. My mother is similar and I didn’t want her at all my births she however just turned up to one of them an there was nothing I could do obviously being in labor. But if you don’t want her there you have every right not to!
She is the brat. Be sure and tell your husband, the doctor and the nurses that she is not to be in there.
Girl don’t cave! I kept telling my mom this and I caved. Literally not 15 minutes after she came in my blood pressure skyrocketed and I had to get an epidural despite wanting natural birth bc my blood pressure was at stroke level. Enjoy this time with your husband and baby! Turn your phones to do not disturb or turn off and get a cheap phone or camera for pictures if you prefer. This is your journey with your husband, not your mother’s. She had her babies the way she wanted to now it’s your turn! Congratulations and good luck! Prayers for fast and relatively easy delivery and healthy mama and baby!
Don’t tell her you’re at the hospital until the baby comes.
You need to tell her stay out it’s your husband an your day to see your baby born, your special time together don’t let her be controling my god I’ve 9 grandkids didn’t see em born but my I love them
Definitely it’s your choice and your mom should respect your wishes. Your a mom now and you decide who you want there. If she cannot respect your choice then it will impact your relationship
You can tell the nurses… They’ll make her leave… They’ll even give her an escort.
Stay strong. Your body, your birth, your choice.
She’s a brat. Your baby. You have right to have whoever u want in there.
All the more reason to keep her out. Time for firm boundaries!
Omg no, you have EVERY right to decide who you do and don’t want in the room while you push a freaking human out of yourself:woman_facepalming:t2:
People that don’t understand this are insane. Set your boundaries and stick to them!! Don’t let her make you feel bad😭
No you are not wrong. I’d be like look if you going to act like a child about this then I’m not even going to talk to you anymore till you stop bringing this up.
Either don’t tell her when it’s time and tell her after that bub is born or tell her to grow up and stand your ground
Better yet stop talking to her all together, she sounds toxic
Stand your ground she acting like a bully. The more you react to her behaviour the more she will do it. It’s your body your baby your choice let the birthing staff know you don’t want her there they will ensure that it doesn’t happen.
The only one being a brat is the grown arse woman who you call mum. Be strong, set boundaries.
BRAT! It’s not up to mummy dearest who you have in the birthing room. It’s your decision and she will just have to wait outside and get over herself. The stress of it all, that it is having on you already, is not good for you or baby. Have your hubby go in with you he will love it just as much as you do and no stress. Hope all goes well
make sure your midwife knows you dont want her in the room put it in your birth plan… dont mention it again and just let her know when you have had the baby … she should be supporting you not acting like a spoilt brat… put your foot down now and if she carries on upsetting you tell her you dont want her around while she has that attitude xxx
I had just my husband for my last baby, it’s your choice
You need to tell her if she is going to act like that, she will not allowed to see the baby when it is born. You are not a child and do not need to be talked to by your mother like that. You do not need that negativity in your life now when you are pregnant and you really dont need it when you have a newborn.
When my mom was there. Her and my fiance stood behind a curtain until I was ready for them to come in. But if you don’t feel comfortable at all… don’t let her in. Don’t let her try to control the situation. It’s your special day to bring life into this world . And the less stress the better so you have a beautiful experience.
Best of luck!
Nope you are not wrong, it’s your choice.
The only thing you’re wrong for, is allowing her to treat you that way. Put your foot down, set boundaries and tell her to grow up!
You are not wrong…The way I see it, you and hubby were the ones that created that child, so if you only want to have him there to bring your child into this world, that is your choice…. My mom was in the room with both of mine, but we are very close, and she was there through both of my pregnancies more then their dad’s were
You are not wrong !!! It’s YOUR choice who you want in the delivery room. Tell Mom to grow up and wait in the waiting room until after the birth of your baby.
I watched my first grandson being born and it was a wonderful experience. My daughter allowed me and her mother-in-law in the delivery room. But when she had her 2nd son she wanted only her and her husband in the delivery room. It was a little disappointing at first but I also had the important job of taking care of her oldest. I would not have been there out of respect for her wishes. Your mom should do the same thing.
Just calmly tell her this is my experience and I want it my way and you could definitely come and help me with the baby after the delivery she should respect that
My mother did this too with my first child. I didn’t allow her in the room I even told the hospital and security if she tried to make her way into the room to escort her from the building. When I was pregnant with my second and third child hell she didn’t even show. Set boundaries lady… positive thoughts person but your way.
No is NO it’s your baby and you have who you want at the birth
Don’t have her at the hospital at all!!!
stand your ground mamas. its about you and baby no one else if your not comfortable then your not gonna have a smooth birth
Stick with the way You Feel. Don’t worry about controlling Mom. She’ll get over it!
I can think of another word for her
Hospital rules I could only have 1 support person so I had my SO with me my mom was sad but dad gets dibs on seeing his baby born. You’re going to be a mom now time to put your feet firmly on the ground and say what’s what in regards to your little one.
Not everyone wants their mom as their support person, I didn’t. I just wanted my partner in the room. I never said anything to my mom about it I think we talked about it once and I told her it was just going to be Ryan and I and she respected that. I love my mother we aren’t the closest but I felt more comfortable with it being my partner and I. Don’t feel bad for what you want!
She’s being a brat. You need to set boundaries and tell her how she’s making you feel. If she continues and doesn’t realize what she’s doing then it’s time to limit time and access with her
Ur choice, she needs to respect your boundaries. Much love girl
Nope. She can sit in the waiting area!
Screw what your mom wants
It’s natural to want your hubby
In there with you
Tell her
She can come in after you have had bubs
Until then she can wait in the waiting room or stay home
You don’t need negative energy while your giving birth
My mom and my ex was in room with me with my first. But my mom was not on my 2nd and 3rd child. The dad was
I don’t have the greatest relationship with my mother either. I had my first child and didn’t even tell her I was at the hospital till it was over. The second time she put up this huge front how she would watch my first while I had my second. I agreed. So had her meet us at the hospital. Little did I know she also called my aunt who actually watched my first child. I notified the nurses she was not to come into the room as I was giving birth.
Low and behold when it came time she pushed her way in and everyone was so busy with, well, giving birth that no one told her to leave.
That was more than 28 years ago, and I am still pissed. It makes me angry every time I think about it.
And the fact that EVERYONE let me down. I didn’t talk to her or let her see my second child for almost a year.
Don’t allow her in. If she carrys on maybe she shouldn’t have a place in your child’s life. She’s quite selfish. And you’re not a brat.
No. Your husband should be there!
Bottom line u get to choose period. One of my nurses said make me the bad guy I’ll make sure no one gets in. U need to b totally comfortable during childbirth. Don’t give this a second thought -ur decision
It’s ur right to do what u want. Wouldn’t go around her anymore. Being upset isn’t good for u or baby
She is acting like a spoiled toddler. You tell her if she keeps it up, you’ll have her banned. Dont put up with that shit.
No you don’t have to have your mom in the delivery room. That’s your husbands right to do so. Not hers. Stick to your guns don’t let her bully you.
It is your baby and your right to have who you want. id want my bf or husband in the room it is his child not your moms so stand your grounds with her