My mom poured a cold glass of water on my daughter when she was showering: Advice?

It prob stung being ice cold and she thought it burned. Yea. I would be furious. And when I get mad I don’t use periods and commas either. I type too fast for that. Even if it was a joke. It was a dumb stupid joke to do to a 10 year old child.


Kick her ass to the fucking curb!!! She has no right being in the bathroom with your 10yr old daughter… an further more I have had that shit done to men never found it funny! An when taking a hot shower if the water is cold enough it does feel like its burning! That bitch got to go

That is abuse and some places they will take the kids when the parents allow someone else to do it kick your mother’s ass out your kid memes more than she does

Nope. Gone. There’s homeless shelters. Kids first!!

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Some ppl on here are so rude with they’re comments… all in all your family. Sit and communicate. Talk to your mom… explain to your daughter grandma was just messing around etc… lighten up the situation not make it worse… your mom is your mom no matter what… I don’t think she’s looking to harm your child.


You are your child’s protector first and always!!! Kick your mom out!!!


Time for Mom to leave.

Cold water doesn’t burn,now you put a rubberband around the sprayer on the kitchen faucet to get her back!!! Ummmm this was normal years ago when did everyone turn so damn sensitive

Your mother is a grown woman…your child comes first. Kick mom out.


Was she just pranking ur daughter? A cold glass of water didn’t burn ur daughter. Are u sure ur not just reacting bc ur kid got upset?! We pull pranks on each other all the time in my family so this is rather normal for us.


We used to do that to each other but as pranks. If she is being malicious about it and seeing your daughter deserved it and depending on their relationship it could be time to have her leave your home your daughter is your main priority


My mum cut my hair whilst I was watching TV. Didn’t even but proud of herself she had done it. She also did other stuff out of spitefulness. She had a illness causing it

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I feel like this was a harmless prank and does not qualify as a reason to kick someone out in the cold. As kids my sisters and I would do the same thing to each other, yeah it sucked being on the receiving end but ultimately it was harmless I agree with the people who have said to have a talk with your mom and let her know you are not part of the fun crowd

If it is just this, then no, don’t kick her out. It’s an uncomfortable prank, but a harmless one.

it was probably a joke…dont be such a dramatic hardass

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I would absolutely have a problem with her pouring cold water on her for no reason. Maybe she’s on drugs again? Help her find a place to live. But she doesn’t need to walk in on your child in the shower and pour cold water on her. Who does that?

I am not sure pouring a cold glass of water is a huge deal. I mess with my son all the time and he messes with me

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If her and your daughter are constantly at war. Make her leave


But why would she? Was it a prank? Was it in nastiness?


Was it like a prank haha funny or was it to be mean? If she did it to be mean then that’s super weird.

You can’t help anyone that doesn’t want to be helped whether they have a drug problem or a mental issue they need to be able to ask for it.

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my mom and I and her best friend/roommate (a mom) and her kids (our family) used to do this! Sometimes warm water and we’d get back at each other. It was fun, we all took it as a prank. Nothing to it! Kicking out your own mom is a little too harsh and she’s your mom, your all family and your daughter is angry and telling sounds controlling, sorry. Just tell your mom about it and tell your daughter to learn to take pranks/jokes as someone may prank her one day. I have a friend who didn’t like any kind of pranks or jokes, she wasn’t any fun because she never had any of that kinda fun and everyone I know did it often it to her because she was an easy target and now she’s easier to have fun with.


I’m not very concerned about the water but if your mom has a drug problem then your first priority is your children’s safety around that person. I would personally never let anyone (family or not) into my home if I knew they had a drug problem. Check your local laws to see if you have to give her 30 days but she would most definitely be out.

Guess your momma is getting a wake up call with some ice cold water… Wanna be like that… I’ll test ya like that too


My mom and my grandma used to do this to me and my siblings when we were kids they would even bring bug bowls of ice and cold watwr and pour on us, it sounds like she was just trying to prank her… My fiance and i still do this to each other

Some of you people are just crazy. It was cold water! My parents did this to me when u was a Kid, my siblings did it, and I did it to them. It’s a ha ha got you, made you scream. People are way too sensitive. If you want your mom out make her leave, but don’t use this as the reason…


Wtf no, child comes first. Out she goes

Why was your mother even in the bathroom while your daughter was showering in the first place? She shouldn’t be.


That’s a normal prank around here. Before you flip about it, make sure it wasn’t more.


My Mum use to do that to me. Lighten up drama queen

Okay maybe it caused MINOR discomfort for like a second but it did not in fact burn her lol
I’d be more upset at your mother for violating your daughter’s privacy in the bathroom


Ummm :thinking: i think you need to encourage your mom to get some help !

I wouldn’t throw her out. But I would have a talk with her and remind my daughter to lock the bathroom door so it doesn’t happen again

Was it a prank gone wrong? Or has this type of behavior been an issue before?

Wait, a cold glass of water that burned her? Was it made with dry ice cubes? Asking for a friend?


Just go get a drug test from Walmart if she’s clean it was a harmless prank, if she’s dirty kick her out


Need more insight for a justified opinion…
But based off the facts you stated, she has been causing problems with your child, says she deserves is, she has a past and or present of drug use…
for me its plain and clear mom jas got to go
My kids deserve to feel safe in their home period

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Anyone who is toxic for your child needs to go. Just my two cents


I’d be kicking the psycho out. Mother or not. She shouldn’t even be near the child when she’s showering.
Although I wouldn’t let anyone with a known drug abuse history near my kid, either.

Girl you gotta do what is best for your family. I finally kicked my brother out for the same crap.

Why did she say she deserved it? Was she joking?

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My kid comes before anyone.

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She’d already on be the street if it were me

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Was she being mean? what did she say your daughter did to deserve it?
we need more info to give u any type of advice.



Your mom sucks. Your child is to be raised the way YOU want. She does not need childhood trauma caused my her shitty grandmother. If you keep letting her stay there, you’re enabling her unnecessary abuse.

Sounds like she tried to prank her. Not expecting that kind of outcome

Shes always causing problems with your 10 year old?? …get her out.

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A very difficult position. For me personally my children are #1 and it is not negotiable. But easier said then done. Sometimes its a struggle when it involves another family member. But they have to respect you for making the decision.

KICK HER OUT. Wtf. That isn’t even funny to do.

Why is she bothering a child while they are showering? So stupid… Tell her to knock it off. If she is always having issues with your daughter YOU need to sit her down and set boundaries. If she has an issue with it she can leave. Your child comes first and your mother should know better. Also, cold water does NOT burn, lol. I think your daughter is just over it.


My mom used to do that to me all the time as a prank


Your baby girl comes first, sometimes that’s difficult but it’s being a mom.


This is the weirdest post from OP to comments. This is literally something that happens to just about everyone I did it to my nephew 15yrs ago and my sister indeed did not kick me out she laughed so hard she couldn’t breathe. What a weird thing to get pissed over and the amount of ppl agreeing with you lmaooo… It stings, it doesn’t burn and its not even a minute… I mean yikes if I was your mom and you acted like this, I’d bounce on my own. This is crazy and one of those weird things you find on the internet and comment on to keep up with all the weird ass comments

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Why would she deserve something like that?

Yes if it were me I would ask her to leave.

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I remember one time when I was younger my mom played a prank on my aunt and mixed ice water and ketchup together and poured it on her while she was showering it was just a joke but it was hilarious no one was harmed though.
I don’t understand how cold cup of water could burn somebody’s skin I’d say that’s a bit dramatic.
But if you think she was doing it just to be mean give her a drug test and if she’s dirty kick her out she could just be trying to play around, I don’t see why that would be such a big deal but I guess my family growing up played a lot of jokes on each other

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Tough spot to be in but she needs to go. Your child comes first. Had to do this i my family.

She was joking and playing around, I understand where your daughter gets her dramatic self!!
Cold water burns ,wow!:joy:


I also have to add in all honesty I think that the water throwing would infuriate me.

If shes always causing problems id say something. But it sounds like she may have just been joking and it was taken the wrong way.

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My niece did this too my mom the other day lol GUESS WHAT MY NIECE GOT PAYBACKS FROM HER NANA! LOL :ok_hand:


Everyone saying it’s a prank: read it. Doesn’t sound like a prank. Sounds like an old bitch.

Did she do it in fun? You know 10 years olds are drama, she was getting wet in shower, whats big deal???


Time for momma to move on. You have to protect your family.

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I guess it depends of she is joking and your daughter doesnt like that…I have one that hates that…than talk to her to set boundaries and tell her to respect your daughters like and dialikes…if she is doing it in a mean way and saying she deserves it than your mom isn’t healthy to be around and you dont want to hurt your daughter emotionally or mentally by subjecting her to that


I mean, it didn’t hurt your kid. My sister and I used to do that to each other. Your mom sounds immature and I’d talk about boundaries, but you’d really kick your mom out over her pouring water on someone who was already in the shower? That’s a bit much.


We used to prank eachother like that. Lol. And cold water wont burn her skin. You are BOTH overly dramatic!:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Sounds like she was playing around 🤷
Maybe trying to be funny.
But how can cold water burn her skin. While shes in a warm shower? This sounds a little dramatic.


She was playing with her, good lord.


She would be gone. Whether you know it or not that type of behavior from your mom with your daughter is considered emotional and physical abuse. CPS could remove your daughter from your home and charge not only your mom but you. You really need to put your mom out and like the sooner than later for the good of your daughter. YOUR DAUGHTER IS AND SHOULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR MOM WHICH IS A GROWN ADULT.


How did cold water burn her it probably shocked her maybe your daughter is being dramatic if you don’t want your momma there kick her out but live with it when she is no longer alive and you wish to speak to her cause some of would love to speak to their mothers again no matter what :rage:


I’d say its a bit dramatic to say it burned her skin but it doesnt make it ok either. I mean me an my bf do it to each other as a prank all the time and it sucks but if she did it just to be mean id definitely tell her she better straighten the hell up or get out


My mom use to do the same thing to us n ive done the same to others its suppose to b a joke

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I think you need to give more context, why did she pour a glass of cold water on her? Was she pranking her? Did she just walk in on your daughter (at 10 she might not want to be interrupted)? Did she do it because she was taking something? Was she doing it because she was angry?


That age is dramatic. That is something my whole family does to each other


Everyone saying it could have been a prank, if it was just a prank she wouldn’t have said she deserved it. Why or How did she deserve it?? What warranted that? Why not say it was a prank instead of saying she deserved it? I get there are two sides but this doesn’t sound quite right. More info needed. I feel like you need to let your mother grow up so you can focus on you and your daughter. She is an adult. She had her time.


Find out what is going on before posting on social media first… no offense my hubby plays a game with my girls where he throws cold water on them, but it is just a game and the girls beg for it, it doesn’t burn, at all. I think your daughter is upset about something. My guess is, did your mom find out about something your daughter has been up to, and decided to get her back?. The fact that your daughter is crying, either signifies she knows what’s up, or had no idea. If it is the latter, then you need to have a chat with your mom. But perhaps she is truly just messing with your daughter and went too far. I feel that despite substance abuse issues in the past, you dont trust your mom. These may be well grounded fears, if she is no good let her go, but if she just made a mistake, then talk to her. I feel this is not a social media , issue, but more a you and mom issue

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Kick her out ! She has choices ! And that is abuse letting her do things to ur daughter For the sake of your faughter Kick her butt out ! Do you not see the red flags duh heres your sign just saying

Lmao! We still do that to each other in my house. I have a 10 year old and I would tell her ass to get over it and learn to laugh. Burn her skin? Really? Does it burn her skin when she swims too?
Sounds like grandma was trying to have some fun. If you want her out just tell her. No need to find any little excuse to be pissy.

Learn to take a joke :roll_eyes::sleeping::-1:


I’ve done it to my kids as a joke. How does cold water burn?


You can’t help her…kick her ass out…that’s your daughter’s home …your mom is a guest. I would personally have zero tolerance for ANY kind of aggression towards my children by a houseguest

Some of y’all don’t have a sense of humor or know what’s its like living with an ex drug user. She probably so a video of someone doing that to their child and thought “this would be funny”. Don’t get butt hurt. My step dad is 10 years clean and he does this shit to all of us kids. But we were raised to not be cry babies and actually having a sense of humor :woman_shrugging:t2: “cold water” doesn’t burn your skin

Your adult mother does nothing but keep causing problems for your child because the child “deserves it”? Nah tell her to knock it off and leave the kid alone or find elsewhere 🤷.


I don’t think the issue here is the water. It is she deserves it attitude and not apologizing for it. It is fine to prank but when party says stop it means stop. That would be the issue for me. I would talk to mom and explain that very clearly and if she doesn’t think she needs to apologize then I would have her move out

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I mean it’s usually a prank when someone does that…I’ve done it to others and others have done it to me :woman_shrugging:
If it was out of anger, then yeah there’s an issue, but usually it’s a prank. And I’m not sure how cold water can burn you…


Did you ask her if she did it playing? I know it’s not a game or even funny but people sometimes play like that. Talk to her and ask her. I wouldnt kick MY MOTHER out for playing with my kid just tell her you and your daughter don’t like those kind of games.

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I would pour it back on my mom x10…

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I remember pouring cold water on my sister when we were younger, I do it to me boyfriend now :joy:


Are you an advocate for your child? Who do you need to help – your child or your mother?
You are the adult. It is your job to love and take care of your child. It is NOT your job to take care of your mother. Now that you are an adult do the best for your child.

I’m close with my grandkids, especially my oldest granddaughter, I would never have done that, unless she was hot, and trying to cool down, but that’s me, maybe your mom thinks this is fun, only you know her and her intentions.

I’m sorry but this is borderline phsyical abuse. What could happen next time? I wouldn’t put up with it. If she has nowhere else to go, she should be more grateful of your hospitality and not cause misery to you and your family. Have a frank convo about the expectations of living in your home and if she doesn’t want to follow them, she’ll have to leave. You don’t owe her anything if she doesn’t want to follow your house rules.

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To give helpful feedback, I think this scenario is missing some key factors. 1. Your daughters personality/demeanor. Meaning, if she is an introvert or has sensory issues and this is well known. 2. Was the “prank” vicious or playful. 3. Was your mother under the influence when she did it.
As it sits, I think it’s a clash of personalities. You can decide to or decide not to continue caring for your mother in your home or perhaps seek outside resources for help. That weighs solely on you and if your family can survive it. But I personally don’t think this is a reason to kick out the woman who raised you. It doesn’t set a good example for your daughter who may have to care for you later in life.


I’ve never done that to anyone. Might accidentally flush the toilet when someone was showering but never have I thrown ice cold water on someone for no reason. My husband has a goofy sense of humor and does off the wall stuff to others all the time. Some find it funny, some don’t. She’s a child and grandma should be told not to “prank” her like that, she don’t like it or find it funny. If she continues to do it she would be asked to leave.

My sisters and I did this to each other growing up all the time, we would even do it to my mom. It was funny to us. I bet she didn’t mean any harm and was joking with her


Most people do it as a joke maybe thats what ur mom was doing, the cold water would be a shock but I cant see it burning her,


Was it to cool the hot shower water. Before you jump to conclusions , talk to your daughter alone. There may be more to the story. If Mom has no place to go talk to her. A homeless shelter ??

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Your daughter should come first

My sister and I used to dump ice water on each other when the other was taking a shower :woman_shrugging:t2: was she doing it to try to have fun and it was taken wrong?


Pranking or not no one should be in the bathroom while your daughter is showering unless she asks that person to be in there. Talk about invasion of privacy.

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Cold water can burn, especially if there’s sensory issues. There’s also an invasion of privacy and multiple other factors.

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