My mom poured a cold glass of water on my daughter when she was showering: Advice?

If it was a prank that’s one thing, but if it was anything else then I would tell her not to be in the bathroom when your daughter is showering! If she can’t respect your rules, then maybe it’s time that she finds her own place, you don’t want your daughter to end up not wanting to be around her grandma, it is up to you to keep your babies safe! Goodluck mommy!


Need more information on this. Don’t understand why ur daughter said it burned when you said it was cold water (2) was ur mom playing a joke on her? (3) why is she being mean to ur daughter? (4) does ur daughter get along with Gma or is she just saying stuff? (5) sit down and have a talk with mamma tell her how you feel (6) if things don’t change tell her she needs to go get help or she’s back out on the streets


Cold water burned? I don’t think it’s something you should kick your mom out but assuming maybe other things may have happened? Now if you’re mom is not showing any signs of improvement towards using drugs… like is she saving so she can move out? It’s a tuff one but either way you gotta do what’s best for your daughter

Sounds like at this point you are looking for reasons to kick her out? That’s definitely just a prank. If I did that to my 10yr old , depending on her mood, she’d laugh but if she’d just thrown a fit or got mad or in trouble, she’d cry. 10yr olds are weird with emotions I swear.


Here’s my thing #1 at 10 years old she’s entitled to her privacy. NOBODY need be in there.#2 IF this was a prank simply apologize and say that don’t respond with she deserved it. #3 She sounds unstable to me and given her history…no sorry my child comes FIRST.


Shes gotta go that’s crazy and you have an obligation to keep your children safe and them living with an unpredictable person who you cannot trust is unsafe. Your mom or not she’s gotta go. Before it gets worse

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Your kids come first. If someone is causing danger or harm either physical or mental or emotional then they either correct the behavior or leave. You don’t poke holes in your boat to accommodate someone who wants to sink.
Sounds harsh but people have to choose to kick addiction and choose to change for positive and until they do can cause A Lot of irreparable damage to a kid.

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Just drop kick her and get it over with :sunglasses::kiss:

I did that to my boyfriend this morning lol cold water then flushed toilet :woman_shrugging::grin:


I’m pretty sure that was just a prank lol


I do it to my boyfriend lol if thats the reason you need to kick her out cuz shes a problem. Hey go for it. I been in the position with someone thats become a pain. Butttt make sure that legally… You can do it.

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oh my lord :woman_facepalming:t3: Dont hold her past agianst her. My family and I have always thrown cold water on each other for as long as i can remeber. Its seriously not that big if a deal.

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It’s just cold water? That’s no reason to kick her out. Me and my family used to prank each other all the time pouring buckets of cold water on each other! Heck mom even drug the hose up the stairs to spray my dad :joy:


As soon as I started reading this I instantly think it was a joke. People so this as a joke all the time. I feel like your daughter is over exaggerating for whatever reason. Your mom was playing with her :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Is Grandma sick? How old are we talking? Maybe playing a joke. 10 is a drama stage, but I don’t think cold water could have burnt her. Have a heart to heart with Grandma.


She sounds abusive. She needs to go somewhere. Make sure she is safe and all but always put your child first.


I used to do that to my brother who was under ten. If it’s for play let her have fun. Don’t want your kid to grow up sensitive lol but if it really is to be spiteful to your child who’s to say she won’t take it further. If my mother was nasty and disconnected from my kids and messing with them in any way I’d kick her out.

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:joy::joy::joy: god people are cry baby little snowflakes these day 🤦 go to your safe places and cry a river my mommy was trying to play around and prank my daughter boo who im gonna kick her out smfh. Get real this is a prank that’s been around for so long im sure your mom just didn’t realize how big of babies you’d be about it :unamused:


Wtf… she sounds like she just left the crazy shack. Kick her out. She’s grown she can figure out her own living situation

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Haha shoot my mom would spray my son when he was acting out of hand and we couldn’t redirect him it actually was funny and we all got a laugh out of it

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Id sit her down and explain family respect…next time…out

That’s abuse. Put her out unless she admits she’s wrong and shows remorse.

We used to dump a pitcher of ice water on each other growing up as a joke, I don’t see how that would burn, unless you shower stupidly hot then it feels some weird… I don’t know the full circumstances, but please don’t kick your mom out over one joke… but maybe having a talk and setting some clear boundaries might be a start


I believe it could’ve been a prank. Also, you need to have a talk with your mom and your daughter. Ask your mom was it a prank/joke, shouldn’t be asking strangers if you should kick out your mom because your 10 year old says so, we don’t know what goes on in your house. You only have one mom, do you want it be one of the memories you have with your mom to be of you kicking your mom out because she possibly pulled a prank on your daughter/ her granddaughter and your 10 year old and strangers told you to kick out your mom. :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow:something is wrong with that! Oh and how does cold water burn. I had this done to me and I’ve done it to my mom. I refuse to let my kids tell me what to do about my parents, especially that!

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I used to do this to my boyfriend as a prank… I would NEVER do it to a child. And the fact she didn’t do it as a joke… Worries me. I know it’s hard but I would not tolerate that behavior. Mother or not- YOURE the parent now. You need to defend your child, and your child needs to know you have their backs.

At 10, nobody should be entering a bathroom prank or not. Privacy is important at that age.

Clearly this hasn’t. Been the first time they have done something to upset the daughter.


Kick the bitch out. Abusive asshole. Clearly did it for her own amusement.

Poor cold water on her when she is in the shower!

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I do this to my children. Boyfriend. Ex.


If cold water burned your daughter while she was showering maybe it had been blessed with HOLY water… Sounds like your daughter is a lil demon to me


This isnt a joke! She is just a bitch and is jealous of ur daughter. She doesnt deserve to live in ur home and make ur daughter unhappy. Should that child go to school and report it, you all will be in hit water!!!

Your mom said your kid deserved it? Soumds like she did it to be mean or try to harm her. I would kick her out before she does something worse. She sounds childish. Some people just arent right, and drugs weather it be past or present can really mess a persons mind up. She may even be jelous of your baby.


I’ve done it to my own kids and my husband, it’s not a big deal. Learn to pick your battles.


Was she doing it to be a bitch or was she playing a joke and the daughter reacted badly instead of laughing it off?

BTW my mother moved my grandmother out of the house to guard my sisters. I was living out of the house then. I went to borrow a garment bag, which was on a high shelf. When I pulled it down, I also pulled an ice pick down that I didn’t see. It landed between my feet and stuck in the wooden floor.
My mom said that was the third or fourth ice pick that was found in the house since my grandmother moved.
My sisters were ten and six at the time. I was ten and fourteen years older them.
You are the adult, the guardian of your child.


Just like they say"fuk d police" then it “fuk yo mama” my child happiness comes first. She did it on purpose as she then told you that ur child deserves it! Gtfoh!!!


If it was just a prank, “she deserved it”, should not have been said, she needs to go.


Kids are always first. Send mom to a nursing home

If you’re uncomfortable with your mother there, show her the door. It’s your daughters home before your mother. Your daughter is 10 and should feel comfortable and care free in her own home, your mother is a guest who’s clearly stepping on toes.


How cold was it that it burned her?
Mom out your poor girl

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She sounds a lil coocoo to do that to a child to unstable to be around kids


well we never did this as a prank …we all had our privacy in the bathroom…maybe you should sit and talk to your mom about these issues that your worried about ans see happens …if your mom pranks continues then contact her doctor tell him about your concerns…good luck

I have done this to my daughter to get her out of the 120 minute shower. Yes I timed. But maybe your mom had a reason. Maybe they are in a pranking war. Maybe your daughter did a prank too. Talk to them both face to face. If none of the above is true tell your mom that after this any more pain caused to your daughter will result in her on the street. Plain and simple


My first question is what other type of issues has your mother caused?
You’re not wrong for kicking her out at all. She’s a full blown adult who knows better. Just because she’s family doesn’t mean you have to put up with stuff like that.
At the end of the day your family and their well being comes first then others.


Really you would kick your mom out over a cup of cold water. We used to swim in a spring you had to get out every 15 min or you would turn blue.
I also wouldn’t think twice about going into the bathroom with one of my girls. They do it to me all the time.
We are all girls.
What kind of other problems because this would definitely not grounds for kicking her out.
Is it natural growing pains of having grandma there? Can you and her sit down and establish some rules and she needs to understand if ahw continues to cause problems then changes will need to be made in livining arrangements.

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Kick her out and kick her ass

Try a mother shed out back

I actually lol’d at this… I have done this, we all got a good laugh… It didnt burn her. Shes being dramatic. Your mom was trying to have fun, make her laugh.


You could always see how mom feels about cold water being dumped on her while showering. If Mom laughs she’s a prankster. If Mom flips and gets angry say can we agree no one likes this crap. Sometimes people only learn through personal experience.

I don’t like pranks so I don’t dish them out. I personally would just say stay out of the bathroom while my child is in there. Also set some boundaries about your home. Mom, I’m trying to help you out but you gotta help me out and learn to respect each person’s personality and boundaries.


In no way is pouring cold water on someone abuse are you freaking serious. Ask any real Abuse victim.
Stop throwing that word around.


Get her out now. Your daughter comes first. Now if this was the first time she did something you might be able to just talk it out. But since she’s always been a problem, it’s time for her to go.


Seriously what is wrong with her to do such nasty things to a 10yo child!
I would kick her out, it’s NOT your obligation to house and help your MOTHER either.


For all we know your child is a bratt that needs her ass whipped

Wtf…who would let someone do that to their child. Kick her ass out.

I would throw her out. The bathroom is private space. Your kids do not deserve to be terrorized in their home.


Wow that’s kind of weird she would do that. Yeah I’d go with your gut.


Look I’ve let my daughter and her family move in for a yr, I’ve recently let my mom move in for a bit. Rule number it is my home! Respect my home, our ways, our stuff, or you are out, I do not care who you are. Talk to your mom set the ground rule if she dont like it say see ya. That roof is yours.

Oh no. I was brought up in a Christian home…to respect your parents but my Mom who hated my little girl went off one day yelling within a inch of my daughter’s face if she had touched her I would’ve decked my Mom


I would of kicked her the fuck out! My kids come before anyone in my life they are my world and anyone hurt them in anyways if be hurting them! So kick her , there are many financial aids out there that could help her. It’s not your obligations to house your mother. It’s your obligations to your children and their safety x :heart:

If she has been causing problems then you have the right to kick her out

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I would watch h poo w the daughter interacts with her grandmother but watch very carefully without showing you are doing this! Id like to know more about the situation before i would decide! Is child acting out with said grandma or is it initiated by grandma! You of couse love them both but check out both behaviors before giving up!


I’d kick her out. your kids comes before your parents. I know my mom wouldn’t do that to my babies, but if she did, she’s be out the next second. Though now, I don’t even let mine watch my girls because of how she acts.

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Your child is not able to be independent. Your mother is. Kick her the fuck out. And I mean like… don’t read this comments and be like “ehhhh I’ll give her another chance.” No. Protect your child.

I dont think you have posted enough info. Did you speak to both tohmgether and ask what’s going on? Could be many things, but if it comes down to your mom just being mean, then absolutely kick her out immediately. That will F your daughter up quickly if its for no reason.

If course, if they are doing things to each other tell them both no injuring each other and move on :slightly_smiling_face:

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How did the cold water burn her skin? Is it a scientific thing? (I am really asking this,yes)

So many unauthorized questions!! Was she playing a joke or maybe she wanted revenge?? Must know more before giving my expert advice :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t know if i should laugh or feel srry its a tough one we always did this as a joke but I mean we were kids & she’s a grown ass woman & how the hell did it burn seems like ur kid is being a little dramatic :joy: what’s a family without a little hazing lmao idk if ur mom is just being a bully I wouldn’t just kick her out I’d whoop that ass 4real

Yep gotta go. Your house not hers… Your child not hers…


I wouldnt even be on facebook asking a bunch of strangers what would be best.
I would have already thrown mommy dearest and all her sh*t out my door and have my locks changed.


Kick your mom your mom is grown adult she shouldn’t have done that

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You’re moms trying to stop your daughter from developing the same stick tjat you clearly have up your a$$ … A cup of cold water does not burn …your daughter is dramatic…i feel sorry for your mom


Not enough information. Sounds like a joke or her playing around. K would speak to her about bathroom privacy but cold water isn’t going to hurt anyone sounds like your daughter is being being dramatic.


Y’all are cold hearted as fuck. We used to throw tennis balls at each other in the shower, and dump cold water on one another on the regular, it doesn’t burn, you’re being a psycho and you’re daughters being dramatic, it may sting a bit if the water she was showering in was like scalding hot, but yeah relax.

i feel like she was jo king, trying to have fun… ive done this to my boyfriend :woman_shrugging:

I’d sit them both down and talk calmly. Perhaps your mom was playing a prank. Don’t jump to conclusions before you CALMLY TALK TO BOTH together

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I would of grabbed a huge cup filled it to the top threw it at her… why did I do it… cuz u deserved it… now gtfo… my kids come first sorry mom…

Sorry but your mom has got to go

I would unleash my crazy side and do the ice bucket challenge on her a$$ and tell her to clean up the mess and be gone by morning😊

Yout child should not feel uncomfortable in her own home💁

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Cold water isn’t that big of a deal stop being so dramatic. It didn’t burn. However why would you move a drug addict into your house? You’re so worked up about cold water but you’ve put your kid in danger. I don’t understand your priorities.


Your daughter comes first, always. If this isn’t the first incident and you say your mother keeps causing problems kick her out. You have obviously started your own family now and if your mom is bringing toxic vibes into it, you have no reason to have to put up with that unless she’s willing to change then she’s gotta go.

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Kick her out, your child needs to feel safe and secure and know mama has her back :heart:

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Kick her out, you can’t help people like that

You sound more worried abour cold water instead of the druggie you moved in :roll_eyes:

Your daughter is 10. There is no reason your mom should have been in the bathroom with her. I’d throw her out for that alone.


Dump water on her while she’s sleeping

Are you sure it was water, if it burnt her skin? I’d be furious anyway…

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Whats the rest of the story… not enough info…
We still do this to each other as jokes BUT is that what happened? Or something else? Trying to help her makes it seem like she is still doing stuff she shouldnt be…

I’d say that is absolutely ridiculous for a grown woman to do something like that to a child and then have the nerve to say she deserved it. There are some major issues there and sounds like mom needs to learn some boundaries! Good luck

She would be done. I’d personally have my daughter to tell her to get out if she so wished. What she did was uncalled for. If she says she deserved it. No. She didn’t. She’s 10yrs old. She’s a child. Adults aren’t supposed to be mean to children.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Uhm? What? What else has she done for no reason? This is odd

If she has no place to go then keep your daughter away from her there is no way my mom or mother in law would do that to my kid at all

Dude I think you all need to chill out on the woman. It was a glass of cold water. Chill out. Jesus


By the sounds of it your daughter’s a little bit of a drama queen so she poured a glass of cold water it may have made her mad because she did not have to act like this and it sounds like the Apple did not fall far from the tree you are looking for an excuse to kick your mom out you need to talk it out so you don’t end on bad terms if you want her out you need to tell her that things just aren’t working out on your end that be kind the only have one mom


Wth really !! My brother , dad and mom all used to joke around and play and sneak in the bathroom and pour cold water and run. Your daughter wasn’t burned she’s being a cry baby cause your coddling her.


On one hand, y’all know you should rinse with cold water to close the pours and it’s healthier for the hair.
But also, she would have explained that. There’s got to be more information, but I understand if that was your “should this be my last straw?”
With this much info, all we’ve got to go on is instantly hating your mom and wanting your daughter to feel better

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Sounds like your mom may have a mental illness to me. She may need an evaluation of some sort and an awful lot of therapy. Might be why she has drug problems to cope. She may need to live in some sort of facility like assisted living or something.


It’s a common prank to do to people we(hubs and I) have done it to each other and to our kids and our kids have done it. I guess it’s to each his own. I certainly wouldnt make a big deal out of it.


Have your daughter throw a cup of flower on your mom while she showers. I’d say it’s fair game :woman_shrugging:t2:


This sounds twisted. And like it could get out of hand quickly. Your mom or not, throw her out. Your kid comes first, she deserves to be comfortable in her own home.


And for everyone saying she’s a drama queen, it’s not about the cup of water, it’s the odd behavior and taunting a child. And the drug issues which don’t just go away, you can NOT HELP someone like that who doesn’t want to help themselves.