My mom refuses to have get togethers with my in laws: Advice?

Your dad probably cares about her anger in the least. We are only forgiven as we forgive others. God help her. Pray for her. J

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I’d day respect her choices, the consequences are hers to deal with, not in a nasty way but if you can’t accommodate her , you can’t, she can choose to join the big get together or not. And u can’t really bully her for that, her decided self exclusion is probably painful enough. Unless she keeps demanding her own get together despite what you’ve said, then it should be ignored. Sometimes life gets busy, everyone has to be flexible esp when there are demanding jobs and kids involved. X

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Plan your get togethers if she does not want to come that’s on her. Don’t sweat over it. It’s her choice to be antisocial and not attend. You extended the invitation… It’s up to her

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Do not force anyone to attend something. Encourage, have a real talk with your mother, try to find the real issue. Is she an introvert, how do your in-laws treat her, what is the real reason.

My mom is exactly the same. She refuse most kinds of family celebration. What my siblings and I do is we separate our gathering with her. My mom is a widow for years now and sometimes she feels left out when she tries to get involved. Its important that we validate her feelings first because she was your family first before your husband. She may be selfish but she was just hurt.

We had a similar issue with my lovely MIL. We tricked her into having a fabulous Christmas by saying it would only be us then the whole family turned up.
I didn’t like deceiving her but the whole family made such a fuss of her that she forgave us but, sadly, it turned out to be her last Christmas.

We have the same situation.
We just have two different get togethers, for Christmas we have a get together at our place the weekend before Christmas and then a different get together at her house for Christmas, and so on.

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You tried so just don’t include her and eventually she’ll get the message

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It sounds like a serious case of anxiety to me… I dont know her… and I don’t know the details but… why not just have a day with her then? What’s the big deal? Maybe if your birthday is on the Saturday have something with her on the Sunday. Or have new years eve with your family and new years day with your mom…

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This is the thing. Your mom is a grown woman. If she doesn’t want to be apart of things then that’s her choice. You and your bother are grown and found something that works for you. Keep doing what works for you and your family. Invite your mom but if she doesn’t want to come then, that is her loss. She will eventually understand that if she wants to be apart of things then she needs to accept everyone and join in. Or she won’t and things will stay as they are. This is your mom’s issue not yours.

Compromise… Ask her to host a family get together in which she can invite anyone she wants and you will continue to have your get together’s that is free to attend. In order to compromise with this same situation when daughter had her own family was, I let the other members have their holidays but I got Halloween which was a special holiday for me and my children when they were little. There are enough holidays for everyone to pick one to host.

Let her be. She’s been that way her whole life. She has grandkids so she must not be young. Don’t spend the rest of her life trying to change her. Just concentrate on doing you and being a good person. Make time to see her and stop making it an issue. You’ll be happier.

No disrespect but it’s not all about her if she wants to get together with her family great and if she doesn’t then that’s OK too she has a choice if you really wanted to you could do something before the holiday or birthday or after it’s just her but to me if she should put her big girl panties on and do what is best for her family it is so hard on your kids when parents don’t act right it’s not OK

It’s your mom. My mom doesn’t come to our house a my house any more. I take her food and love to see her. I will not hurt my mother feelings for any thing in the world. That the only mom I have. I love my mom. My dad is not here any more. I miss him. God bless you and family.

If she doesn’t want to be there with family get together’s with the in-laws, that’s her problem. She needs to get over it.

To be honest I’m with your mum on this one. I can’t think of anything worse than getting together with in laws and family ugh. If thats being anti social then fine with me. Sometimes people just want a little bit of quality time with their own family. I actually feel quite sorry for her and can see her point entirely.
Maybe she cant stand the ex’s wife, maybe the marriage and divorce had such a bad impact on her. I was in a similar situation once and took me years to sort myself out. Try arranging just a few hours now and again to have some time with your mum. Just your mum. It will make such a difference to her.

I don’t like big groups or parties and people think I’m antisocial but I’m a introvert and also hate loud sounds and noises etc. I wouldn’t try forcing my mother into a situation that makes her unhappy due to my own selfishness. It maybe easier for you and your brother but you can always invite her over for the weekend.

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Have the get-together without her and have a small dinner with her, your brother and children, if any.

She doesn’t have to they are yours not hers I don’t with my children only at wedding s our births

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Could you split holidays. See one family for Thanksgiving and then another for Christmas type of thing?

I feel like with large families this is something that happens. When I was young we would go to 3 or 4 houses for each holiday. My sister and I absolutely hated it.

You can always plan Christmas in July. My family always talked about how fun that would be. I always figured it would lower the Holiday stress level.

Plus, I understand being bitter about the divorce. I am pretty sure that I will never get remarried because the first time of going through a divorce was extremely painful for me. Why would I want to go through that non-sense again?


She feels lonely and maybe like she doesn’t belong. It might be hard for her since your dad moved on and is happy and she’s still single. When she gets together with everyone I’m guessing she looks around and sees how happy everyone is and she misses that. Some people ( introverts) don’t like being around a crowd of people and are made to feel like they have to get in on conversation. Obviously she’s uncomfortable and probably sad about it all. Cut her a break. When my kids were small we had to go to four different houses for the holidays. We did it and everyone was happy.

As someone that worked Sundays and holidays for 25 years, I get that extra problem, but I was single and basically all the relatives lived in the same town until the next generation married and they’re all more spread out, but that doesn’t affect me in any way! My paternal grandmother hated her one daughter-in-law and my grandparents always lived on the first floor of whatever house we lived in! The other DIL came to our house to see my grandparents , but as soon as she left, my grandmother would throw her gift in the garbage! And even after my parents divorced , my dad was always over for holiday dinner( my parents had owned 2 neighboring houses and he stayed in one and we in the other)! The separation and divorce was a lot better than their marriage! I was thinking that you guys may have to plan a special “holiday” with your mother before the actual holiday , especially because of your work schedules! I don’t think your mother is going to change, but she’s an adult, not a child and needs to understand it’s not all about her and it’s not going to go back to how she remembers ! It’s hard enough to try and please everyone and see everyone on holidays! It’s changed in our family so much in the last decade+! Seems like your mother is never going to get over her feelings because she doesn’t want to! But you have to think about your kids, etc.!

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Tell her to get over it or be alone. I’m with my kids in-laws all the time and am alone and you make it work if you love your kids

I’m a anti social person so I get your mom on that part, your in laws is not her family and she shouldn’t have to go, her family is you ,her son and the people y’all married husband/wife and grandkids
Not her ex husband and his wife and their family.
And not yours partner and brother partner families.

It’s hard to do different holidays but make the time for your mom .

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Well is there a reason for her to feel this way? Have they made her feel uncomfortable? If not then it’s on her.:heart:

Anxiety is a big issue, also I will never attend a get together with my ex, he traumatized me and emotionally abused me,so I get it

I would do anything in this world to have another dinner with my Mother. If shes alone no way would I leave her out of my life on these special occasions because I didnt feel like taking half a day to spend with her & make her happy. When shes gone you’ll realize how petty the whole situation of trying to throw her in that mess of an ex & new wife, in-laws when she wants her own family to celebrate with.

Sounds like she’s bitter all around and has a horrible mindset towards things. Maybe extend the invitation and if she doesn’t come then that’s on her. You can say you tried
I mean this is just me but I wouldn’t cave or accommodate someone being so selfish

Y’all make plans & invite your mom., It is her choice to attend or not. Don’t let her guilt you into making family gatherings stressful.

I’d tell her that it’s to difficult to plan two different events when your brother and you have conflicting work schedules. So she can either attend the one get together or not at all. It’s not your job to please everyone. I go my dads advice and only worry about the people under my roof.

I dread the day I get married and have to put up a Berlin wall between my mom and dad just to make it through my wedding day. I don’t have any advice, just sympathy for you as my mother is like this as well.

Put yourself in her shoes, she has no one, maybe she feels left out. Maybe she feels she just exsists. And as long as she does want you all want, it doesn’t matter how she feels. Just a thought.

It could be a deeper problem with your mum… you said your parents have been divorced a long time … it could be whatever lead to divorce … your mum probably feels youve sided with your father so shes hurting all these years later

My mother is the same way and my dad is remarried. I told them both these are your grandkids and if you come to my house you will be cordial. They came and my dad always gave my mom a kiss on the cheek when they left. My mother is still bitter and some circumstances led me to stop speaking with her. My kids are 18 and 21 and can see her whenever they want. They go to her house to see her. She still comes to my house for Easter, thanksgiving and Christmas even birthday. I keep the peace for the kids. My dad and stepmom now live in FL. My mom always told me that my father never loved me. I would never tell my kids that.

Wow…I’m sorry that so many people assume that mom is bitter…or any other negative demeaning comments.
Unless you’ve been in her shoes….how dare anyone judge how she reacts.
Perhaps she just doesn’t want to be around so many people , maybe she’s still hurt because she hasn’t had a way to work through the divorce even after all these years.
If she’s ok with not going then what harm is there to have a small get together with her son and daughter. Less hassle that’s for sure.
Sounds like the person who has the “problem” is the daughter.
Spend time with your mom and stop all the extraneous bs.

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Perhaps she is like my mother was - just painfully shy as as I am. She nearly had a fit when we tried to arrange surprises on her significant birthdays. I learnt to accept as it got worse and even declined Christmas invites etc. It is very difficult, well near impossible, if you have this “phobia” as the feeling walking into a room of people is bery hard to explain. Have a real honest talk with your mother and perhaps you need to pick a holiday or her birthday to be for her and direct family and still leaves plenty of time with your inlaws and the whole big gang

Accept your mom for who she is. Don’t be insulted that she doesn’t want to attend extended family gatherings. Have your extended family gatherings and continue to invite her to drop by for as short or as long as she can handle. Also add some just-us family time when you can fit it into your schedule and budget, even if it’s thanks-christ-easter-mas in February

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Let her be. It’s her mess, you can’t force her to clean it up. Live your best life with your in-laws. Also spend quality time with your mom

every family has that .we do we have families all the Americas.some across the big pond…im still here…people will come .it’s their choice…besides families are not as close any more…

The way I see it is that your mom is being selfish. Just invite her, and if she shows up great! If not, oh well. She is choosing to exclude herself from family functions. It’s up to her whether she wants to miss out on those family gatherings. It sucks but that’s her choice.

Get a calendar out and make a day for your mom. You may have alot of other relatives step and in laws but just one mom. So I would do what I could to still cherish her.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one!
Cut her loose and allow her the opportunity to grow up!

Her choice.wants to be a spoiled sport then so be it.but dont let her choices ruin your having a fruiitful joyful life. Enjoy yourself.

Make your own plans… invite your mother… It’s her decision to attend. Your life doesn’t revolve around your mothers needs and wants.

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I personally get it. Not everybody is comfortable with large gatherings.

You plan what you want and if she chooooooses to not attend, that’s her prerogative.

For reasons already listed by other people, you are being too harsh on your mother.

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Because She will have to suffer the punishment for mistakes or differences you had with your in laws by way of taunts and insults

Time to lave mom out a few times and see if she likes that or change her mind

Give her a warning basically . You need to tell her to GROW UP one, and that if she is gonna be a child and not attend with people then she doesn’t need to come and y’all won’t be making another event to please her . They are her family as you married into that family and she probsly doesn’t wanna see her ex husband with his new wife as she is bitter and isn’t dating anybody . So I’d tell her , either you grow up and show up for you children and grandchildren or you won’t be involved and miss out on family get togethers :woman_shrugging:t2: guarantee she’ll change her tood real quick . She thinks she can get sway with it , maybe because you’ve done it in the past , so what’s gonna happen is you’re going to say that and she’ll say fine won’t go (she’ll hope you’ll budge) don’t budge and stay firm , and after a while she will come around

Sorry but I agree with her. They are not her family and to many bad memories


yeah just leave her out.every one will just be whispering when she gets there.cant please everyone.

You know it’s funny my bonus parents split up about 10-15 years ago and yet we still do holidays as one big family drama or no drama. When are you all gonna figure out it ain’t about you or her or him or who the hell ever. If you can’t put your difference aside than your just being petty as hell. She needs to grow up

We have two divorced n remarried grandparents n I’m the still single grandparent… the couple grandparents rotate Christmas or Thanksgivings each year … Christmas is what the kids really love cause they say they 3 Christmases :relaxed:which they coordinate their time n squeeze it in … 3 Christmas in 4-5 days … is it really too much to ask but maybe she would be very happy with Thanksgiving n sharing it the way with your family n your brothers family… I see where she’s coming from been there n completely understand …always put everything thing aside for holidays n celebrations… I’m not a social butterfly by no means but the older I get the less social I am :woman_shrugging:I get along well with all the relatives though…I’m disheartened by some of the things being said… she’s upset because of the inconvenience that’s being caused by her Mother but that’s her Mother!!! You might want to think about how many times and years you wanted or did things that was an inconvenience to her over the years of raising you?..Talk to the other families n work on things to make it happen now!! Thats your Mother and you only have one so you only have this time to get it right…you can’t turn back the hands of time once their gone!! She may be a cranky old Mom but she’s your Cranky Old Mother!!! Good Luck and God Bless !!!

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My family and my exes family (when we were together) always did holidays separate but never at my house, so I just had to bring something. Thanksgiving my family, Black Friday his. Passover - some people have seders the first 2 nights so we just did 1 night each family. Hanukkah is 8 nights so we were able to do 1 weekend night at each family no problem. Rosh Hashanah, see Passover. Yom Kippur break-fast I let his family have. Mother’s Day and a Fathers Day - 1 family brunch and 1 family dinner. Birthday party for my daughter - when my daughter was younger both sets of grandparents came. Both then and now each family has dinner with her on a weekend night and she has a friends party. Now that we are divorced it pretty much stayed the same which is great for my lo, with the exception of I get Mother’s Day and he gets Fathers Day. We both have small families with the grandparents all still married and we have 1 sibling each who had 2 kids. His family only does immediate family (max 8 ) for holidays but my family does cousins for some holidays, with max attendance around 24

That’s her choice, you just got to work around it. She will change her mind when she is ready, nothing you say or do will make any real difference. Just carry on without her.

Sometimes mom’s need alone time with her babies :hugs:


This is very sad. Pride and un forgiveness are two very bad things, that keep our blessings from flowing…:pensive::pray:t3:

Treat your mom like the child she is. Every other holiday is hers…:woman_shrugging:t3:
So she will have every other holiday to weigh out her regrets. Sounds stubborn. Sounds like God needs to show her something…:woman_shrugging:t3:

That’s just my opinion …
I’m dealing with not getting to know my , now 9 year old granddaughter, who my son fathered, before he died at the age of 21. In 2015.
It’s my granddaughters 9th birthday 7/18/21, and I threw out a happy birthday to her on FB. Knowing she won’t see it. But maybe years to come, she may look me up and know I thought of her every year…
Who does this to another?
When Jesus says to love one another as he loves us…:pensive::pray:t3:

On another note, my ex husband is one of my family members, and he’s at all our holidays. My husband now, goes fishing and barbecues with my ex. If we ever need anything, he’s here for us.

As Parents we make enough mistakes in front of our children. But loving family and yes our extended family is a blessing. We must be examples to our children.:heart::earth_americas:

She said she don’t want to so leave mom alone and just love her as she is

My dear I realize and understand that you love your mother and your father if they want to be in your life and your children’s life then they need to come to terms that when you have holidays and birthdays they can gather together and take photographs one person on one end of the family’s picture one on the other side of the family so that way they can all still be in the photograph without saying a word you love them both and you want them to be happy and so she can be with whole entire family but you cannot make them be there I understand you want them all to be there and I get that but sometimes you have to make hard decisions and you must let them understand they can be in the same room without speaking to one another and everybody can have a great time but if they don’t show up then that’s their loss not yours and they will miss out on the most wonderful times that’s all have they need to put their bitter side to rest and get on with life and start associating with you it is you and your brother must understand you cannot take away their paint but you can try to enjoy their life with you but if they choose not to attend any functions or holidays with you because of their other half that is going on with their life then you take special time explaining to that person that you love them and you want them to be there you can be sitting on the other side and give him or her some extra attention that way they don’t feel like they’re being neglected and your functions that way everybody will get along our family was in the same situations it’s time for them to grow up and be a adult and forget about what has happened in the past it’s got to look for the future so take my advice sit down with your mom and explain to her how much you love her and appreciate her and you want her to be there explain to her she could sit on the other side of the room she can also take photographs on the other side of the photograph and the other person on the other side you can still function as one family but you must take upon yourself not to feel guilty because it’s not your fault and they shouldn’t make you and your brother feel guilty about one or the other night attending if they don’t attend well that’s there going to be lost not yours or your brothers so cheer up have your holidays and your birthday give them videos that way they will know hey maybe I need to show up take photographs of them that way they can attend the party where they’re there or not so do not feel guilty about anyone not showing up because most important thing is is your Gatherings and memory so when they’re gone you can look back and say oh look that I remember when mom showed up one time I remember when dad showed up one time but it’s okay just remember the most important thing is is not to be overwhelmed with no one shows up because your heart and your brother’s heart is in a good place just know that you and your husband I’ve tried everything and if they don’t show up that’s fine to continue to make the plan keep inviting them letting them know how much do you love them and appreciate road to the show up or not it will be okay eventually they will show up pray about it and the Lord will take care of the rest God bless you and y’all take care my dear

She’s beinfg selfish I would not give in. She is bitter about her husband has new wife. So she. Is taking out on you and your Brother. I would go on with my life if she wants be there she will come

I think maybe you should except your mum’s wishes . If your dad broke her heart and she never learned to heal then seeing your dad happy with someone else would just hurt to much. They say time is a healer but in some situations it isn’t true . You heal yourself and some people don’t learn this particular skill x x good luck x x


Gather family together, is something, sorry mama I have no advice. I remember my family gathers, wasn’t good. Someone would want to fight. Crazy!!

Your mother is a sovereign being and has the right to spend her time with whomever she chooses… You can’t force her to associate with anyone for any reason… There’s always a solution you can meet her for breakfast or she can come to your house… As you leave to go and spend time with people you personally want to spend time with.


Leave her alone!!! She will be fine…don’t make an issue out of it!!! Go enjoy!!!


If she can’t join in with what you’re doing then she excluded herself.

Respect her wishes…she has that right

Offer her the chance to.come. if she doesnt want to that is up to her

Just let her come at another time.

Leave her alone maybe just maybe she don’t want to Deal with your in-laws I don’t blame her .

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Invite her to big party…
If ya see her regular…then celebrate on that day

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Wow you people are so insensitive to the mom…

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She’s going to miss out on a lot of love and family

Christmas at one family, Thanksgiving at the other.
Then flip flop the following year.

I would say …you will be missed…and go…

Sounds like you are finding excuses to disrespect ya mom sounds somewhat selfish on y’alls part

Then she misses out. Don’t let her spoil your memories

I’m sure you can find one other evening to get together with just your Mom. If she doesn’t feel comfortable around all those other people, that’s her right. She is still your Mom. Maybe the get together with her could be after Christmas, when you are not so busy. Figure it out. :two_hearts:


Let her read your post and what everyone shares.

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A conscious business behaves like a responsible citizen in its communities.

Can’t u see her side why would she

Don’t try to force her or you will loose her too.

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I have a similar situation and I wish I knew the answer!

I’d go on about my life

Plan one event and invite e try one. If your mother chooses not to attend that is her decision. Accept her decision and carry on. Sounds like she is holding you with her emotional blackmail. Don’t get drawn in to her emotional unkindness. Good luck…

You can’t force a relationship. Just have your get togethers, and she will participate or not. You’re not responsible for her happiness.

Family get togethers are important for your psyche, & sense of belonging. This is especially important for kids. I’m a better person because I grew up my blood relatives. They are awesome & fun❤️. Your mom doesn’t need to be be dictator, she needs psychiatric help. Don’t let one bad apple spoil the apple pie of life.

Don’t invite her… It’s called tough love. She’ll either see the error of her ways or she won’t… She is being childish and rude… You have to live your life without trying to make feel like you have to make everyone happy… Your job now is your family (husband and children).

My mother & father were bitter f o r e v e r after divorcing.

If it’s important to you that she come to events, work it out. Pick certain events of the year to have only your immediate families and your mother. Invite in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner… Invite just your mom to Christmas dinner. Etc.

Or you can keep doing what you’re doing and continue inviting her and see if she comes around.

You and your brother can throw her a surprise birthday party. That would be special. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Honestly dont let someone else drag you down. Those who cannot act like adults should stay home.

maybe she flat ass doesn’t like em’

Everyone is different, she will have to come to terms with dealing with in laws or miss out (which she might be totally good with)

If she’s antisocial it’s wrong to push it. If she doesn’t want to associate with certain people then it’s also wrong to push it. She’s happy doing things with u guys . Keep it that way. . Your being selfish

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Have your celebration with family then have a dinner with mom. Easy.

Invite her, if she doesn’t come, her loss.

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just leave her out, regret is crazy

I would probably just quit inviting her. She seems really selfish and immature. If she doesn’t want to come to holidays or whatever else than that is her loss.

Plan one party and invite everyone to it. Tell her that you will no longer be excluding anyone for her. Let her know she is welcome but you will not be put in the middle of her pettiness again.