My mom thinks I am acting crazy because my sister is dating my ex

If your mom knows the kind of ex he is not sure why she would want your sister with him. Remove your child from any environment you feel would be harmful to her. Build a good happy home for you and your child and let them be.


Lol mad for what , sounds like good ridden for you , and tbh if it were me I would have done the same I wouldn’t have my baby there either


You’re not crazy. I would make the same choice


They will eventually see the light. A zebra can’t change his stripes


She’s your daughter!! 100%correct


If you feel that your daughter is safest not being around him for whatever the reason might be then you do what you need to inorder to keep her away from him.
But inorder for anyone to really give you advice then we would need to know more details like how he made you loose your oldest and why you feel so strongly that your daughter shouldnt be around him. As for your sister and mother its completely wrong to not listen to you or take your feelings into consideration. If you abused you then hell most likely abuse her as well.


It sounds like you need to ditch the family. Why I’m the he’ll does anyone think it’s ok to date family exes. He obviously still is trying to be connected to you. Weird


I probably would have knocked my mom out . Period


Your mom is in the wrong all the way around…and so is your sister. They saw the abuse and the sacrifices that you had to endure and they brushed it aside. You are her mother. Your right is to protect your child from all danger…and if that includes your mom, than so be it.


Far from CRAZY!! You did the right thing. :pray:

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O well … she’s not a real mother don’t let her be the reason do you lose custody of your youngest.


How did you lose custody because of him? If he’s abusive and she knows it that she’s gonna find out for herself. Your mom is 1000% wrong. She is endangering the welfare of your daughter.


You have every right to feel the way you do.
Protect your baby.

Fuck everyone else

This totally sounds
Like a Maury povich episode

Your mom and sister are the classic definition of toxic and dysfunction. Do what is best for you and your child. Sadly there are times when some of us have to leave family alone in their madness to save our own sanity and save our peace. Much peace and love ☆


What a crazy, toxic mess. Sounds like they are all crazy and you need to cut ties, family or not. Why would your mom be okay with your sister dating your ex, let alone someone who caused her own granddaughter to be taken from you and abused you? A tiger never changes his stripes.


You do what’s best for you and your daughters safety, sometimes family is not what you need around, and at times is better alone than with said family.


Well honestly they would be out of my life for good! And why did you give up ur other child though? Was it best and what you wanted? Or you just gave up on that child?


your baby. you are correct.

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You are not crazy. sounds like you need to stay away from all of them


I wouldn’t worry about anything or anyone. But you and your daughter. That’s all that matters. Is you two nobody else.

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You are correct and your mother is wrong

Throw the whole family away, wtf :woman_facepalming:


You’re not wrong. Some mothers are just plain stupid. You’ve done the right thing & it’s sad that your mother hasn’t seen the pattern of abuse from your previous relationship with that man & wanted BETTER for your sister. Dunno how any mother would not want what’s best for their child but at least you’re standing up for yours… Your Mom isn’t standing up for hers :broken_heart:

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Protect the child first priorty

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You are not wrong. It is your job to protect your child and not to please your mother.


You do what’s right for you baby, momma :muscle:t2:
And shame on your sister I mean ex fiance :flushed: wow just :woman_facepalming:t3: but he sounds like her problem now.
I don’t blame you at all for pulling her from there . Especially when you told them your feelings about him being around her. No offense hun but your family sounds like it’s a toxic environment. Your mom could of just Said he won’t be over when she’s watching her I mean its just for when your at work so it wouldn’t be every day I’m assuming. But like I said your doing what’s best for your child and that won’t always please people but at the end of the day the most important thing is keeping her safe. I’m also sorry about your oldest child hun :pensive: :pray:t2:

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No, you aren’t crazy! You sister is though for dating him after all he put you through. He’ll do her the same way at some point. And your mom should be a litter wiser about the situation. Your sister shouldn’t have him there, just because he’s your ex!


I’d cut ties with the sister and mom.


You’re not wrong, and you do what you need to do to insure your child’s safety, and your mental health! Best of luck to you!


Yeahhh, I would 1000% cut ties with all of them. Sounds extremelyyyy toxic. Who would even date their sisters ex? That’s just weird to begin with, especially knowing he’s crazy. You did the right thing by removing your daughter from that, don’t let them make you feel negative for keeping your child safe.


Not understanding how he caused you to lose custody of one daughter but you still have the other one. Something is missing here.


Your mother and sister are in the wrong. Your child comes first


Nah you have a toxic cycle to break, and this is the first step. Good for you keeping your daughter from this nonsense. I don’t understand your mother, you’ve already lost 1 child of course you don’t want to risk losing another. How can she blame it on your ex when you’ve gone through such a trauma? You’re doing the right thing. Your daughter will have a better life.

No, you are not wrong. Get rid of his pictures and cut them all out of your life and your daughter’s life for your safety and hers. You can make family out of good friends. You don’t need that rat race!

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You are not wrong your choosing what’s best for your child

Your mom is 10000% WRONG & your sister is a POS sorry not sorry. I would cut ties with all of them asap!


Of course you’re not wrong…

Youre totally in the right. And as her mum youre putting her welfare first

You’re not wrong. Do whatever you need to do to protect your daughter,

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Ok your sister ain’t shit like for real how could someone even want peen thats been in their sister already and second your the mom you knows what’s best and they are both toxic

Your child your rules. Keep your child away
Your mother :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: for allowing someone in her home that
#1 had grandchild removed from family
Your mom will beg for the child when the loser is out of the picture

Your not wrong. Your mother and sister are wrong.

It’s your job as a parent to make sure your kids are safe and to not have them around people you know are not safe.

Your not crazy and you are not in the wrong, stick to your guns and do whats best for you and your child you are doing the right thing, Don’t let your mother put things into your head if anything your mother is the crazy one and your mother is in the wrong for going against what you want for your child

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Your mom sounds toxic. Good for you for getting your daughter out of that environment.

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If he has an abusive past, then no you are NOT wrong at all. Your first priority is YOUR child, NOT your parents or siblings. Who your sis is dating and who is or is not previously connected to YOU is immaterial. This person has actively tried to HURT you in ways that could have KILLED you and while I do not envy your mother her position being caught between two of her kids ever, she should have respected YOUR say with YOUR child, ESPECIALLY given the past history of abuse.
I also, if I was your mother, would be EXTREMELY concerned about MY child dating someone that had previously been abusive towards ANOTHER of my children and would NOT be encouraging it.

Never know what angry ex’s will get up to. Also sister’s angry with others will do stupid things too. In general you know him. Can he be trusted around his daughter?

You’re in the right. Keep your baby safe. I would completely cut off your mom and sister. Give it time, abusers have a pattern he’ll do similar to her soon enough.

Your mom and your sister are mental-don’t look back


Good for you take a stand and be proud of yourself

Not at all, you do what’s best for you and your daughter

The only person in this dynamic who will suffer is your child

Is your child in danger from the father
I totally get why you feel animosity towards your ex

But I would be sad for letting this come between you and your family

I’m not sure if your angry that your mom allows your child to have time with her dad
Or the fact that your sister is now with your ex
As we don’t know the full back story (which is none of our business)

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Toxic family. Cut them out of your lives. Move on.


Not crazy at all. Your daughter should always come first


First off your sister has violated! Wth is she even dating your ex for…even worse a ex that was toxic to you and abused you.She should be ashamed.Your mom is just as bad.smh…family aint sh*t anymore.
You did the right thing by removing your daughter from your mothers care…keep doing what you are doing by protecting yourself and your daughter from these f’dup people.


Your rules bump all the other stuff

Lines have been crossed. You are not wrong. Leave all of em alone!!!


You are right. She is wrong

I don’t care how related we are, I’m protecting my children at ALL cost. Period!


No your not crazy, the whole situation is nuts! Keep him and your sister, that has No feelings away from them!

Stand your ground mama

You are exactly right

They are wrong! You are not at all & if he abused you etc… why the hell is your MOM allowing this man to come into her home after everything he’s done to you AND your sister is most definitely wrong!! WTH :woman_facepalming:t3:


Yeah it’s time to cut your sister and mom out of your life completely. I cut out toxic family members and have been better for it.

You sound like a good mama! You’re not crazy at all.


Your mother is wrong. You did the right thing and if your mom can’t see that then yes she doesn’t get to see her grandchild. She’s a bit dramatic for sure. She needs to calm down and stop letting a known abuser around your child. YOUR child not hers.


Your child’s well-being comes first. Tell mom if she doesn’t like it so sad my call

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Your child comes before anything else in this world. If you feel she’s unsafe, it’s only right to get her out of that situation. You’re not crazy, you’re being a good mom.

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Keep soldiering on hun you are doing the right thing for you an your daughter

Throw the whole family out.

Youre not crazy at all. Everyone else is!

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Is your ex he father of you daugher? I think you are correct to keep him away from both of you!

I don’t care what the circumstances are, sisters don’t cross that line. That’s total hillbilly mentality :face_vomiting:


You aren’t wrong at all , you have to protect your daughter at all cost even if that cost you your relationship with your mom .

PS : you sister is absolutely disgusting and your mom is not much of a different, knowing what that man has done to you and still allowing him in her home is crazy .
Stay away from all of them


You’re not wrong at all. First your mother is wrong for not respecting you at all. Why would she think it’s cool for your daughter to be around him with all the things you went through with him and second what the bleep is wrong with your sister. Dating your ex is soooo wrong and then for her to be dating a guy that abused you and made you lose you first child, her niece is wrong on the so many different levels. If I was you I would go around any of them because it seems to me they’re worried about them and not what you went through with this piece of bleep

You don’t need to explain anything when it comes to the safety of your child. Save all the conversations and only talk through text if it continues. Who knows if they will call CPS on you or the police. If they continue to harass you about it get a restraining order. Your child is your first priority not them.

Forget your mom, sister and the ex!! Do what you gotta do.

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You are so in the right

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Yeah that whole thing with them forcing you to give ur oldest daughter up for adoption is messed up …they manipulated u …too bad u can’t seek a lawyer to regain custody of her also reading this kinda crap makes me mad…

You need to do whatever is necessary to keep your youngest daughter safe, and sister don’t do that to each other. Do what is best for you and your daughter, if they don’t understand that you don’t need them in your life, family or not, it just isn’t right. Be strong and stand up for you both and let them know what they are doing will not be tolerated


Run!!! The hell away from them :no_mouth::scream::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


That’s messed up. Some sister you have there. Ghost them all.


No way! keep that child away from them all! Why did his behaviour mean you lost custody of your eldest? Just asking. Anyhow with the youngest, steer clear of that house and the toxic environment.


You are not wrong. Keep your child and yourself safe. Mom and Sister are toxic for real.


Do whatever you can to keep your child safe.

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You are absolutely doing the right thing. Be strong and stand firm.

There is a saying my husband and I live by: your life is like a boat on the open ocean. Make sure all the people in it with you are paddling and not drilling holes.

Your mom is being a hole driller. Don’t let her gaslight you into thinking otherwise.


You All need consuling

I would feel the same way you are. Your in the right.

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Your child didn’t get taken because of your ex . If he had issues and u weren’t unfit and left him your child would still be with u unless u were neglectful. Why your sister and mom want this man around after he abused you is sickening and clearly I’d they don’t see an issue stay away from them


First of all I can’t imagine how weird it is for your sister to date your ex. That’s freaking gross. Also you are a great mom for putting your kid first. They will learn soon


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Smh Id dead her. Literally ghost em all


Wow. I would disown all of them


So what is your question? Keep the child away from all the creeps.

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Why did ex make you lose custody of your daughter? Was he abusing the older girl? If so, he will do It again!


Neither your child is your best interest. With everything your sister needs to open up her eyes to the full picture . Glad u r keep your baby safe

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I don’t even have to know you, to know that your ex was NOT the reason you lost custody of your oldest daughter.

You were given a caseplan by DHS, clearly you didn’t get sh*t together in order to get custody of your daughter.