So my ex fiance was the reason I lost custody of my oldest daughter. I ended up agreeing to an open adoption so they let me have full custody of my youngest daughter when she was born. He tried to crash my car and went to jail for abusing me. My sister is now dating him. My sister just had left him and moved in with my mom. My mom was watching my youngest daughter while I work for the past year. My mom left my daughter alone with him and my sister. I told her I did not want my daughter around him. I went to get her yesterday and he was over the house while my daughter was there. I then found someone else to watch her for now on because I told her I didn’t want him around her. My mom is freaking out that I still have old pictures of him on my Facebook and that I’m dictating everyone’s life when all I am doing is ensuring my childs safety. She will literally never see her grand daughter again because of this man and she’s saying I’m wrong for removing my daughter from a place she says my ex is allowed to be whenever my sister wants because she now lives there. I’m her mom and regardless of my mother’s feelings on the matter it’s not about me or her it’s about my child and not taking any risks with her. She’s telling me I’m being selfish because I’m mad my sister is with my ex. Am I crazy or am I in the wrong?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mom thinks I am acting crazy because my sister is dating my ex
Shame on your mother. If she can’t respect your wishes as the child’s mother, then you are doing exactly what you should. He sounds sleazy and dangerous and not someone a grandmother should want around her children or grandchildren. I would block them and move on doing what’s best for your baby.
You all need therapy…. Wym he MADE you lose custody of your child??? That’s literally insane. Take some responsibility for your life & your children’s lives.
Yuck. I had to block my cousin and her daughter for the same reason. #trashytashy. Sorry, but you’re not selfish. My ex has also been convicted and has no guardianship of our child. If your family knows this it’s disgusting. Cut them off and never look back.
Nope. I’d cut them all off at that point. The fact your moms okay with you or your childs safety being at risk, is insanity.
I don’t think your crazy/wrong your daughters safety and well being is the number 1 priority and your her mom you requested for him not to be around her and they chose not to follow that
That’s sad that she’s gaslighting you. Continue following YOUR “mom gut”. That’s extremely toxic and not okay.
The fact your sister is even dating your ex, is disturbing alone! Jeesh.
Stay away. Stay far away. Ignore them.
Sounds like a complete sh#$ show.
Well your sister will find out the hard way! She’ll be the next one abused. She’ll try to come crying to you!
Why would your sister wanna date your ex? sounds like a bad sister to me. you’re not wrong you have say over your daughter.
Shame on your mom she should know better!
I’ve been married to my sisters ex for 14 years…everyone got over it pretty quick.
I’m sorry your mom doesn’t care about the safety of your child. You’re not in the wrong
Cut ties and let them find out for themselves.
Fk NO you are Not in The Wrong…
Your sister broke every mf code there is! Sibling code GIRL CODE etc like who tf takes their sisters ex? your sister is something else and you fwh still
this is a CRAZY story… y’all all need to take accountability at some point and seek counseling. Esp bc your mom doesn’t give a damn and clearly none of y’all RESPECT EACHOTHER AT ALL… I mean this is a sad case
you’re not in the wrong for wanting your daughter away from him but again if you get someone taken from you you can’t blame others and then not give us a back story. I can’t take your side on him making you lose your kid bc we don’t know if he did or not but the fact that your fam is against you, a lot of things aren’t adding up.
Shame on your sister for choosing to date that specific man. An ex is one thing but she chose a toxic ex who did you wrong. Also shame on your mother for not putting her grandchild and her child above a man. That’s some effed up sh*t and I’d be keeping my child away as well.
This is a show all around
Get daycare vouchers through the government and tell them all to go to hell. Or see them only when you want. You are in the right. So you do whatever you want.
Woooow, you are better off leaving them all behind.
If this dude of an ex can bounce back and date your sister wonder if he will move to your mother next or any female relatives have?
You are not the asshole
Wow… sorry you got deal with this…think your sis and him may have some mental issues honestly and your daughter doesn’t need in that!
Sounds like I’d be adopting myself a new family cause that one needs in the trash bin.
Wow you are the only one making sense.
Omg noooo baby she is in the WRONG! Especially if he went to jail for abusing you?? Um my ex is in prison for that and lemme say, normal, reasonable people of sound mind wouldn’t let their child or grandchildren be around an abuser (especially one that abused that child’s parent, wtaf) if you can, cut them out of your lives for sure. I’m sooooo sorry you have to deal with that! And this isn’t even touching on the fact that your sister is with him now! Ugh.
I cant imagine a more hurtful betrayal. Praying that God gives you the strength to heal, move on and come out on top. Shame on your mom and sister. They will obviously get theirs, because karma and your ex are both bitches.
If you have legitimate reasons for your daughter to not be around him then everyone should abide by that.
Wowwwwwww…how could a sister do that & your Mom co sign/side w/her ???
You are notttttttt in the wrong !!!
No, your not wrong. You need to protect your daughter & it sounds like that’s exactly what your doing.
What kinda sister will date her sister’s ex?,that ain’t your sister,she was always a competition,and your mom is irrelevant,do what you have to do to protect you and your daughter from toxic people.
No abuse is abuse. If he did it to you, hes not a good person and I wouldn’t want him around my kid either.
You’re under zero obligation to maintain relationships with people who have harmed you or those who enable people who have harmed you. Family included. Gone are the days where family ties mean unconditional acceptance of abusive behaviors. Cut ties.
You are not wrong. Plain and simple.
All around toxic. Learn boundaries and love them from afar. Move on, you and your kids.
You are absolutely right!
If it was me I would cut my sister and maybe even mom out of my life entirely. Talk about breaking girl code especially with her knowing your history. Shoot I’ve fought with my sister for less
What’s worse is your mom attempting to normalize the situation and trying to act like your feelings are invalid or unimportant.
Pshhhh girl bye.
Your child your rules. It’s that simple. Don’t back off.
Wow so the man tried to crash your car and went to jail for abusing you and you’re mums ok with him being with her other daughter after what he already did you to? mum of the year award
But no you do you, you put your child first, your child your rules
Nah you’re good. They are fucked up in the head if they all think that’s okay. Stand your ground.
Woah! Insane! You aren’t wrong at all, not one tiny bit
First, let me just say thats gross. I could never ever be with a man my sister or any relative had been with. 2nd, your mother is in the wrong. If she cant honor your wishes and accept your boundaries with your child whether she agrees with them or not, then she doesnt get to babysit any longer. Simple as that. If she wants to allow the man in her home whenever he wants then she should.leave woth your child before he gets there or watch your kid some where else.
Fuck her feelings… cut her off u owe her nothing
Girl fuck them. All of them!! respectfully!
Your mom and your sister sound crazy
Stick to it. Your child is your priority
Your mom and your sister are fkn nuts! F the both of them, I would remove you and your kids from that whole toxic situation. Your mom and sister are being so selfish I can’t believe it. If my sister or mom did me and my kids that way I would be done with the both of them. Wow just wow. Family is supposed to stick together and support each other, your sister is completely in the wrong and it’s not up to your mom in any way what’s so ever to tell you who can or can’t be around your children.
Your child’s safety comes first
It sounds to me like you’re doing the right thing for your child. Your sister shouldn’t be dating your ex that abused you and your mother should not be encouraging you to let your child associate with that man. There’s ones that are in the wrong you keep doing what you’re doing
Cut them all off immediately. You have nothing left to say to these people.
No your not wrong your. Mother Nd sister are low life’s for eing around himyour sister has no morels
So happy you got someone else to watch your daughter.who needs this?
What kind of sister would date her sisters ex ? No U doing the right thing girl
You need to protect your daughter. You are right in this situation!!!
You’re not wrong at all!! Stick to your guns!
Nope not crazy. I’m glad you’re putting your daughter safety over everything. He’s got your mom and sister brainwashed right now and it’ll eventually come to light to them but they’ll both have to hit rock bottom to see it just like you had to.
They need to haul their blinded heads out of their damn asses! You are not in the wrong girl!
You need to get a whole new family
Yours is too toxic
I’d tell your sister ‘enjoy rhe taste of my bishhh’
Block,delete, improve your life
You are 100% on the right!!! Go get a restraining order against all 3 of them! Protect that little girl!
Your mom is crazy. Shame in her. Take care of you and your daughter.
I’ll be your new sister. Lol. I can’t even imagine how hard this must be but momma, you are 1,000% NOT wrong. You decide who your child is around. Period. Either your mother and sister respect that or they can stay gone too.
Sometimes we have to love ppl from a distance. You do whatever you need to do for your childs safety. Period.
Full. Stop.
If your sister eants your sloppy 2nd’s, wish her well and cut all ties. It’s hard to walk away from a family you know and love. That said, it doesn’t make it ok to be disrespected like that.
No you aren’t crazy. They lack the understanding of respect and boundaries.
Sounds like he is still trying to hurt you. I’m sorry. Toxic is toxic, you get to chose to keep your daughter safe regardless of your mother’s feelings. Sending love
Girllll your sister AND mother are foul asf, Period!!! Likee there are lines you just do not cross and they’ve cleared over damn near everyone of them!! This is just sad and they’re wrong…
Nope! Your mother is a huge part of the problem here….I’m so sorry you have to see an abuser with your sister and feel you have to defend yourself even further…
Get as far away as possible for the safety of yourself and your children.
Wow you’re sister is wrong . So sorry praying for you and healing! Let them be. With family like that who needs them! I been away from my family since 98 . 1 time I have had family to visit. I learned family isn’t real! Just live your life and be happy. Without them seems like a good idea.
Dude what the fuck. Your sister is a twat. I’d remove yourself and your child from that environment completely. Blood doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful. Puke all around! Your mother should respect your boundaries & the fact that she let that goof in her house shows she’s also a basket case. Wash your hands with them, set boundaries and follow through. Fuck those people, they don’t deserve you.
Sounds Iike an episode of Dr Phil. You’re family needs help.
No, you’re absolutely correct that you removed your daughter from his presence. If your mom insists on letting him continue to be there then you have every right to find someone else to take care of your daughter. You’re her protector and you’re doing what is necessary to protect her.
I completely agree with you and don’t blame you for removing your daughter from that situation!
I have a similar dynamic. My MIL used to watch my kids some. My SIL isn’t allowed around my kids. She continued to let my SIL around my kids and said “it’s her house she can have who she wants there”. So now she doesn’t see my kids and hasn’t in months. My kids, my rules.
Your mother and sister are both wrong and you are right
My sisters would never. Honey stick to your guns. She is wrong. I am so sorry protect yourself and your daughter.
Why don’t you have your oldest daughter??? Why because of him? You adopted out your oldest because of him?
Take your daughter and stay away from all of those toxic people!
Just a FYI for the sister. If he’s abused your sister he will abuse you. Once a abuser always a abuser the cycle doesn’t stop
Your Mom is SO wrong.
Your sister is ridiculous.
You are NOT crazy!!!
You need to protect your daughter. You are her mother it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
He’s your ex
Let your sister have him!
You need to follow your gut instinct. If you think it’s a bad situation then you do what’s best for both your child and yourself.
Do what you have to do to protect your own
Protect your child, you are not acting crazy. you are a good mother.
I would never speak to my mom or my sister again. How did your ex wind up with your other daughter if he went to jail for abusing you ?
I can’t believe your sister is with him, knowing what he did to you.
You are 100% correct. Cut them all out of your life.
Wow , so wrong of your sister to date your ex …Especially with him being an abuser …What on earth would possess her to do such a thing…You need to do what you need to protect yourself and daughter…What a toxic situation !!
I couldn’t even finish reading this post, and not bc I’m a too good, better than you whatever. All i saw in the first half…who cares about anyone else. As long as YOU are providing and taking are of your child as YOU should…then anyone else is irrelevant. Period.
You’re not crazy. If your mom is allowing this man around your kid after knowing what he’s done, cut her out completely. Same with your sister. She can fuck up her own life and catch his hands bc she knows what he did to you, it’s her choice.
Keep your baby safe and get away from all the toxic people. If they don’t comprehend why he is your ex and want to be around him then they are not worth being around for you and your daughter
You are correct. Your Mom and sister are so.messed up. Don’t they care about you and all you’ve been through because of this monster.
Nope you are 1000% right as a mom we protect our children from anyone no matter who it is.
You are 100% in the right, its your kid, what you say goes and if people don’t like it, oh fucking well.
Your mom is wrong in my view, I am on your side with this issue. I’d cut off with my sister too if I were in this situation. She’s toxic and your mom is enabling her bad behavior.
You are 100% right, sister is terrible
There is supposed to be a girl code a sister code that do not date the ex !!
Im still confused about your ex and giving up your oldest child. Was he the father of that child. Who has that child now
I think they are all crazy…the man crashed your car and abused you to the point where he went to jail causing you to lose custody of your child (their niece and grandchildren) …… and your SISTER is dating him and your mother is okay with a man like that in her home???..…what the hell is wrong with them. You are doing the right thing protecting your daughter, clearly neither of them have that childs best interest at heart…let alone their own best interest. Men like that do not change and it’s really sad your sister would date him knowing how he treats women. Gross.