My mom thinks my boyfriend should pay the water bill even though he doesn't live here: Advice?

Your mom is Cray Cray. He pays the month after he leaves and that’s it.


not his problem at all either you pay or your mum agrees you dont have to, your boyfriend isn’t a part of it if he isn’t there


You are legally an adult now so you can be responsible for your own bills and if you don’t have money she could ask him to pay for you. I don’t think it has to do with the fact you are pregnant but the fact that you are no longer a minor and can be held responsible for yourself if that makes sense

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Parents are not supposed to profit off their children and you are in no way his responsibility. If she needs help , she should just ask not imply that you owe her .


Just pay it. Moms right. Really you should pay it.

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This isn’t about her paying the bill it’s bout her bf that doesn’t live there having to pay the bill. People need to stop being so rude. No child is a mistake regardless what age their parent got pregnant. It’s definitely not fair for him too. Get a pt one temp. Or apply for cash assistance cause you will need it yo get stuff for the baby etc.


a males view, neither of you used protection, you got prego, its both your responsibility to provide for upkeep, using school as an excuse is crap, using your Mother is crap, you and boyfriend did the deed, suck it up and stop thinking your owed anything and be glad you have a roof over your head, food to eat are many that get tossed out into the street, your Mother is giving you and the boyfriend a chance to prove your commitment to her, the baby and mostly each other


You and your boyfriend both need to be working to save up for the baby’s bills. Obviously once the baby is born you will be out of work 2-3 months so you both need to work until that point to save the hundreds of dollars it will cost to diaper and feed the baby in those months. Also, if you don’t have good insurance you could end up with 10’s of thousands in medical bills. I had a C-section and after everything was said and done it was over 50,000$. Thankfully I only had to pay 3,500$ because of my insurance but keep that in mind.

Compromise? Maybe they can split it?

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18 and still in high school= still a child and a parents responsibility, unless they’ve been emancipated

He doesn’t live there. If you are married he should provide for you, otherwise no

When that baby is born he will be responsible for child support and even now he should be helping with finances and that includes money for support, extra food and comforts so the mom can grow this baby and money to prepare for the upcoming baby who will need a crib, car seat, diapers, clothing and all sorts of other things. Think of the water bill as helping to prepare for baby and for his responsibilities as a father and you will find that he is getting off easy.

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Your an adult now in an adult relationship so yes you are now his responsibility and not your mom’s and if all she is asking is the water bill then you should be thankful cause she could want more out of y’all


Your mom is just being a mess. If I needed to pay things when I still lived at home, I would have. I contributed to groceries and things around the house even though I didn’t need to. She needs a reality check or she can tell you that you need to pay things. He’s not involved at all.


She may just need help but def not the way to go about it

Your mom she got used to that extra money in her pocket

The mom is wrong for sure.

Well little girl stand up and fulfill your own live there actually you be paying half of all the bills… grow up


This girl is still in HIGHSCHOOL!!! How many of you guys are charging your kids while they are still in school? And child support doesn’t start until the baby is actually born. Judges won’t even award it to the mother until the baby is born! I think it was commendable for him to pay it while living there but shouldn’t be expected after he is gone. Sounds like he is preparing for the birth of his baby and his responsibility as a dad while this girl’s mom is just being greedy.


She is right you are his responsibility so he should help. You were doing grown up things in your mom’s house so now she’s just continuing teaching you grown up ways…responsibility for your own actions.Tough love!


You aren’t his responsibility at all, however, your child is his responsibility so if he gives you some as some sort of child support then your responsibility is to take care of your child and pay your own way in life. Having children complicates situations, but it doesn’t mean that you can learn to deal with issues at hand and conquer everything that comes your way. Because as the saying goes where there’s a will there’s a way.

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You are not his “responsibility”. Sounds like he is doing the responsible thing for your family. But the worst thing for you is to think that he is responsible for you. Get your degree, take classes at a local community college and learn how to support yourself. You don’t want to have to depend on him to take care of you.


You are 18…its time to start figuring things out on your own…if all mom wants is the water bill paid, pay it…life is so much more expensive than a 40 dollar water bill


Get a job after school. Pay your own way. Your mom didn’t ask to take on added expenses. You should not expect her to take care of you anymore. You made a very adult decision and now have to take on the responsibility that goes with it.


You are NOT your boyfriends responsibility!!! The only thing the boyfriend owes any of you is to help with that baby. You and mom need to sit down and have a talk about who should pay what bill. But the boyfriend owes nothing!!


Our kids are still OUR responsibility until they’ve graduated high school.


Regardless of how you feel, this is your mothers house. Don’t like it then move out

Sorry, but your mom is right, you are pregnant with his child therefore, he should be helping out because you and that baby are his responsibilities, after all if your mom didn’t ALLOW you live in HER house, where would you be? Just because he is out of town does not mean those responsibilities disappear. You guys decided to be grown and do grown up things, now you BOTH have a huge responsibility to take care of.


I guess I want to know how much is the water bill running?, and is it even worth the argument and debate over? If all you have to come up with is the water bill nothing else I’d focus on that and whatever else I had to do. I’ve been on my own since I was 16 it’s not easy but I found my way :heart: and so can you. I didn’t get pregnant but I continued to hold down 2 jobs and maintain school. There is resources to help with food/daycare/health insurance and so on if that’s what you are worried about.

If you were not pregnant would she be expecting you to be responsible for household expenses while you are still in high school? Expenses related to the pregnancy should be up to you and your boyfriend. That was a choice you made. A roof over your head, food and basic necessities while you are still in school should be a parent’s responsibility. Any normal parent would consider those things their responsibility through high school.


It’s not his responsibility to pay the water bill if he’s not living in your house your mom is in the wrong

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I wish I only had to pay a water bill to live. But yes he can pay the water bill that is the cheapest bill

You aren’t but the baby is his responsibility and since u are carrying it it makes u his responsibility to


You can’t be lecturing this girl about doing “adult things” so she needs to be an adult and pay. The mother (the actual adult here) allowed this guy to live there. What the hell did she think was going on under her roof allowing a guy to live with her teenage daughter. Should this teen take some sort of responsibility? Yes. Should the boyfriend help? Yes. The baby. This mother sounds like she’s out for one thing and one thing only and that’s herself. The sooner you can get away, the better.


Tell your mom to get bent & go live with baby-daddy

Sounds like your mom is setting up future expectations that this guy will be giving her money. Time to nip that in the bud now. You are in high school and mom should be paying her water bill.

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My kids are expected to get a job at 16. School or not.
It’s when they’re young that you gotta teach them to be responsible for themselves.
Having a baby so young is hard but… you should of got a pt or temp job as soon as you found yourself pregnant!
I have 3 kids plus a step. I had my babies knowing I’d have to take care of them. I didnt finish high school but I graduated college… you have to make the best choices you can for you and your kids… besides you’re lucky he stuck around being so young. Get yourself a job!

P.s. babysitting could being in money and prepare you for what’s ahead… just saying

Your mom is in the wrong you are responsible for your own bills


Well you live there so he is paying for your water bill

He is responsible for you. If he does not want to step up now he won’t later

I wish parents were more supportive other than push overs. Yes your grown, but that doesn’t mean you stop being their responsibility. The day you leave that house & move away to start your family will be the day mom realizes she should’ve just supported you a little longer. Helped you guys save up & succeed on both your education and economically. What parent doesn’t want to see their child be successful


Umm u aren’t u bfs responsibility!! But I do understand where you’re mom is coming from.

Your mom is off base…

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I can’t believe u still live at home and don’t work!??? In school or not your need to being working paying ur own way, the boy friend is not going being paying your way always even if u are having his child! You need care of your self? Who buys all your personal things and food , do u have bills phone bill, doctor bill?? Your not his responsibility, a person 18 is responsible for them selves! You need get a job, even if it’s just after school help ur mother out!

Just remember, things could always be worse. She could be charging you rent. I know several mothers that do and have done it. There’s a whole lot more that comes with playing adult than just having sex.


My mother started making me pay for my bills at 16 when I got my first job. When I was a senior, I wanted to be out and do what I want. So my mom said I needed to start paying rent which I was gladly doing and she never said I had a curfew or anything cause I was paying my part. There is no excuse especially since you have a child on the way. I will say if you want to be doing grown up things then strap on your adult shoes cause that is what you are now.

Wow! Why should the boyfriend pay your moms water bill ? Geesshh

If this is causing you to stress its definitely not good for the baby… If your boyfriend moved away to work ,why not just pay that so you feel comfortable.You dont need the stress.He doesn’t live there but a real man would not only pay the water bill but also give for food… You eating well gives him a healthy baby…Just my thinking.

How much is the Water bill? Your 18 years old my guess is this water bill is cheaper than paying your own rent for a room or apt or home? I’m not saying he must pay it but if you decide to not have him pay it expect this bill to be on you or ask you to pay rent or leave. You 18 and basically not a kid if your pregnant now. Personally I believe this is a mess no parents allow a 17 or 18 year old daughter to allow her boyfriend to live at their home this water bill should have never been paid by him as he should have never stayed there. If you are truly a student in high school the rules should have been clear no boys in the house with you! :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

I think I’m missing the part where being pregnant automatically equates to needing to "take responsibility for actions, and pay the water bill, as if the two are related in any capacity. If she wasnt pregnant theres no doubt she wouldnt be responsible for the water bill but now that shes pregnant shes somehow responsible for it. Please someone explain to me how they are related. Is it because its water? So of it was a different bill it wouldnt count? I seriously cannot find the sense in it. The mother needs to pay her own damn bills. It was nice to have him helping her out, but he doesnt live there, hes not responsible.

If his moved out in another town for work
He would have his own bills to attire

Didn’t she say his trying to save as well so he can be more supportive for when they moves out?
Can’t the mother see this !
wouldn’t you want to support this decision as such and help them out as they could put that water money aside and move out quicker so many good reasons to look at all aspects
I think you need to sit down and talk about the pros and cons on this situation
He will never save if he had to pay other people’s bills too
Aren’t we suppose to have that support where we can go back home and try get back on our feet
Especially with today society is all about money
Legally you are your mother responsibility as your not married
Yes you are 18 now but still your mothers child you still live with her

Are you yourself on any payments could you help with a little bit of it ??

It’s not his responsibility yes it’s great that he did pay the water when he was there to help out but your mother needs to look at other aspects

Yes it now might be a bit more difficult for her as she now has to find that extra cash to pay water but remember very soon she will have to when your all out on your own feet paying your own bills

No I think your mom is wrong he doesn’t live there and you aren’t really his responsibility if you’re still living at home

if you 2 are together yes he should help most deff if u dont work… he paid b4 giving he lived in another person’s house b4 getting u pregnant. its called respect! you didnt pay any anything b4 he came around cuz u where ur mothers responsibility and not an adult… now ur are with a family so pay the damn bill like an adult!

Okay if you wasnt pregnant then your mom would still be paying the water bill until you got a job or moved out. It isnt like you are using more water because you are pregnant it would be different if your baby was born already but I would let the kids save money for the baby that is coming

It is not his responsibility to pay the water bill. If you’re still pregnant you’re only washing yourself in the shower. If you had your baby and gave him/her baths and water everyday then I could see him pitching in for the water bill?? But not paying it fully. Your mother should be paying for the water you and her both use. Not someone who no longer uses it.

You should pay it being pregnant doesnt make you unable to work unless your high risk and if your not working it is his responsibility not your parents for damn sure

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LOTS of toxic parents on this thread

After you graduate he should be paying her rent for you.

ugh! like I would ever make my kids or their boyfriends/girlfriends pay my bills, no way!

If you were my daughter…I would not charge you a penny…you need to save every single penny for this baby…I am so sick of judgemental people…please dont let people make you feel less of a person because your a pregnant teen…teenage pregnancies have been happening since the beginning of time & the shaming needs to stop…it used to be so taboo to get pregnant out of wedlock…women were often sent away & forced to give their babies up for adoption or kicked out of the house…dont listen to the shamers…learn all you can to be a good parent…whats done is done…you are a child of God & God loves you…Thank you for not doing the unthinkable out of fear of being shamed…your brave & you deserve to be respected…do whats best for your baby…try not to stress because that effects your body & your baby…maybe you could go to human resources & see what services are available to you…parenting classes…wic…Im sure there are resources from the state…thats why they are there…if your mother is already overwhelmed with bills maybe having your boyfriend chip in would actually be a greay idea for him to show an act of good faith that he is going to be a responsible parent…maybe your mom simply needs the help herself…you need to keep in mind she already raised her children…she’s not being selfish at all…so please try to find ways to help your mother as well as your baby…

That’s so stupid. Hes not "responsible " for you, shes your mother. She is. No he shouldn’t have to pay anything in her house.

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