My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

it’s her house you know why he’s there make plans to do something or move out simple as that


Get your own place and you won’t have to hear her. :woman_shrugging:t3: her house, her rules, her company. I’ll be damned if my grown child lived in my home with their spouse and the spouse tried to talk to me about how my home operates. It’s clearly a safe environment to be living there with your family. Maybe when he comes over you can run to the store so you’re not being imposed upon that she’s getting dicked down by a man you guys don’t like. She’s grown let her live her life as she sees fit.


Get your own place. You are interfering on HER, not the other way around.
It’s her house you are in you have no leg to stand on to ask her to change anything about her house or behavior .


Im with the majority. Her house :woman_shrugging: move out like most grown adults with spouses. She probably hears you having sex with her son too


Ummmmm that’s her house and if she is enthusiastic when she gets down… then so be it. Is it the fact you can hear that she is a sexual being orrrrr that she doesn’t stifle herself?
And that’s HER house and HER partner. You don’t have to like it. Seems you may be a bit in the younger side because of the wording of the post…… you and your FIANCÉ can watch TV or buy ear buds. You are in that grown woman’s home. She did her part raising kids and has one either STILL with her or BACK with her. :expressionless::expressionless: you need to move or take the time and generosity she is giving you TWO and finish some degrees and elevate your life. You aren’t even her BIRTH child! You are HER child’s partner. You don’t have a say and the fact you already spoke to a grown woman asking her to stifle her rolls in the hay is RUDE of YOU!
The entitlement and audacity is so thick with you and your “fiancé”
And I pray you two were on your own and fell on hard times not some youngsters who decided to want to get married and haven’t done squat to prepare yourselves for the real world and stacking up with his momma while you two figure out what you want to be in life …. I truly do because if you are like 19 and haven’t saved a dime and aren’t in college and such…. You are DOUBLE in the wrong!


As yucky as it is your in her house :woman_shrugging: when youre in someone else’s house…you dont get to dictate rules. In the meantime id play music loudly or tv so they know that you hear them. Maybe itll get her to be embarrassed


She’s just like the rest of us…just a little squirrel trying to get a nut.

Seriously, how long have you been mooching, I mean living there? She may be trying to run you both off. And she’s not your mother in law, you are not married. Shacking up with her child in her house is pretty disrespectful. She is grown and handling her business, obviously…she has a place to live. You should take notes.

You need to try to get a new place to live. Then we will discuss disrespect.


It’s her house so I’d either leave when he comes over or blast music.


You’re the.last thing on her mind at the time…


How is SHE being disrespectful?? Its her house. YOUR being disrespectful telling her what to do in it. Dont like it? Grow up and move out. I cant believe I seriously just read that :rofl::woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:


Move out🤷🏽‍♀️ that’s HER home. If she wants a fuck boy and have loud sex, that’s her choice.


Are you jealous? Move out! And let her live her life!


I mean it’s her house, I say work on making a plan to move out :woman_shrugging:t3: Maybe that’s her giving yall hints!


Girl. That’s HER house. I’d find something to do since she only get it once a week. Damn.


She’s disrespectful by living her life in her own house?! How entitled are you? Move out, let her live her life. Stop being a child.


Its her house if you hear it respectfully go for a walk.


It’s her house so if you don’t like it move out in all honesty. Not being rude but it’s just the truth. She can be as loud as she wants as often as she wants and doesn’t need your okay :woozy_face:


It is her house, she’s having fun, maybe it’s not ideal for you but she’s obviously enjoying it. Maybe find your own home.


You live with her. In her house. If you don’t like it, move! Pretty entitled to even complain about this.


Okay, so I see a lot of people saying move out, but that only works if you can afford to. If moving out is not an option, maybe go to a friend’s house, put some ear buds in, or run some errands.


My very best advice would be for you to move out.
You, honestly, have no room to complain


Her house, her sex. You just said he only comes over once a week, you need to plan an absence on that day.


Move out, honestly. It’s her house. Or when he comes over find yourself somewhere to go. You can’t control what she does or how loud she does it in HER house.


Move outta mommys house. She’s grown and ur in her home. U seem a bit judgemental of the whole situation. Invest in a new home or ear plugs. Either way it’s not ur business.


It’s her house :woman_shrugging: she probably wasn’t anticipating having her adult children residing in her home at this point in life while she is just tryna get that good :eggplant:


I would say get your own place. My husband and I used credit karma to help us out. We just moved from our sister in laws to a 5 acre house in the country. I would blast music or go somewhere else when her friend comes over while you are still there.


It’s her house she can have sex as loud as she wants…sounds like you need to be looking for another place instead of worrying about it :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:


You can ask her to let you know when he will be visiting so you can plan to give them privacy and go out possibly?


Move tf out. You in her house. He be laying that pipe and she is in her house. She can scream if she wants to. Sometimes you mean to be quiet but the way they hitting it …


If it’s that good maybe she can’t keep it down. It is her home she doesn’t have to be quite. Sounds like it’s time to move out.


It’s her house honestly so you should just leave when he comes over or turn up some loud music.


Turn up a movie and let her live her best life…you live in her home so you really don’t need to make complaints…she’s done raising children so, if you feel she has to be anything other than herself in her home, maybe it’s time you put your foot out there in the real world…

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This person said “we live with her” that can mean they live in her house or she lives in theirs. We don’t know any of the back story so I’m not sure why everyone is being so rude about it? We only know what this person has told us. Sure it may be her house but at the same time we don’t know the circumstances of why anyone lives with anyone. Maybe they have the jobs and she doesn’t? So they take care of things financially? Who knows the situation lol…. Be humble friends. No reason to completely blast this person :woman_facepalming:t3:

That being said… start having loud sex back :blush: it’s all of yours house at this point!

It’s HER home. She pays the bills and can do as she pleases. The fact that you have a fiance tells me you are an adult. You have two people that can easily hold jobs and pay rent. Your mom seems to be doing it on her own and putting a roof over your head. An adult that is capable of moving out on your own rather than telling a group of strangers that your mother is “disrespectful” bc she chooses to have sex with a man in her home and be loud about it. You not liking him is neither here nor there. Move out or buy yourself some ear plugs.

This is my take on the “situation”… My husband and I are loud during our fuzzy bumping time cause hey it’s awesome and can’t help it but we wait till kids are asleep and we have music playing to drown us out. Now when our kids are grown and they’re more than welcome to stay with us if need be but be fair warned we’re not gonna tone it down to please them or their significant other! Get some headphones, take a walk, go to a dinner and a movie or move out! And if their significant other ever pulled what you’re pulling I’d laugh at you and you’d be finding a new place to live! :100:
You’re MIL is grown she can do whatever and whomever she pleases period! You had no right to not only complain to her about her enjoying her sex life but also complaining on fb about it! You sound like an entitled brat! Ugh grow TF up for real!:pouting_woman:

Let mom get some good D while she can. She’s been through enough. Use it as a day to have me time and leave. Let her be. Be happy for her and stop projecting your own issues with the guy on her.

I’m gonna be on the rude side and say, unfortunately she doesn’t really have to tone down for you. My husband and I are very intimate, very frequently, and we don’t really bother to tone ourselves down when we have guests in our house. That’s one of the big benefits of having your own place🤷🏼‍♀️

Lol! It’s her house…she can be as loud as she wants to! Don’t disrespect her by living in her house, get a house of your own!!:roll_eyes::flushed:

Honestly if its her house then I feel like she should be allowed I mean y’all can always move but idk especially if she’s a grown woman having sex In Her house then what say to you got ?

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Yes move out and you won’t hear her anymore. It is her house, don’t like it, there’s the door. But I am sure you want her to leave her own home and pay money at a hotel to have “fun,” grow up, be an adult and live on your own!!

How long have you been living there and how old are yall??? If you pay rent, its definitely an issue bc there should be respect between tenants and that includes loud disturbances…If you are just a guest, I understand being annoyed, but it is her house and not your residence per say. Yall are all adults, so if the guy just comes and leaves briefly on occasion, I dont see much of ana issue. Its not like its all day and night or for long periods is it? I honestly would be looking for my own place…

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Move out u n your partner are old enough to get your own house why haven’t use? It’s her home does what she likes respect or no respect just how she is in her home :rofl:

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Entitled much? If I was her I would be having sex every in MY house, along with screaming with pleasure! Or you could grow up and see how ridiculous your acting! Omg maybe she’s ok with her “relationship “? I say to your Mother in law you go girl!

If it’s her house then… I don’t understand why it’s any of your business? Jealous because she is getting some action? Sure sounds like it.

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Maybe she’s being loud as a way of getting yous to kove out not being g hateful just a observation especially considering you’ve spoken to her about it a few times and it keeps happening

Yes. Move out of HER house and you won’t have to hear it. She is grown and if she wants some sexy time, regardless of the relationship status, LEAVE HER BE! It’s disrespectful of YOU to complain about it

YOU feel disrespected by what goes on in her room, in her house? You can’t be serious. If you are, you shouldn’t be. YOU were disrespectful by questioning your MIL’s behavior that isn’t hurting anyone in her own home. Advice would be to move out of HER house.

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Mind your business. Get out of her house. Get ya own. There’s your choices. Mom got her own, and if mom wants a booty call and Happy with it, let her live. Why not live your life in your own place​:thinking::thinking::thinking:

Well she seems happy with the arrangement and getting satisfaction on a weekly basis, good for her! Be thankful it’s not daily!

I guess you need to find another place to live. Unfortunately it is her house and you are living there. She shouldn’t have to change the way she lives bc you find it disrespectful. But the truth is, you’re being disrespectful by telling her what to do in her own house.

Maybe shes doing it on purpose.:thinking:…has that even crossed your mind?..:wink:…maybe if yall get annoyed enough yall will move out…and she can enjoy her years shes got …

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You might want to think about who’s house you in and mind your business! Go out for a drive, turn on music, go have dinner, lunch, breakfast whatever but stop thinking she should quit sex. My god your sex life must be… :woman_facepalming:

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Grow up,my adult daughter had this issue with us,were quiet and its our marital home,you have options,stop listening,put on headphones/earplugs/watch tv,go out or move out! Your in her home,you need to be more respectful.

Are you fucking kidding me? It’s. HER. HOUSE. The real issue here is why you’re so worried about her sex life. She seems to be fine with whatever arrangement they have and the dick is CLEARLY worth it, so… let this be motivation to get your own home because I’m pretty sure if it was her moving into your house to stay for awhile and she brought up the same exact issue with you and the things you do in YOUR HOME then you would be pretty pissed. The audacity, right? Right.

These responses are awful. Deal with it? Just move out? Just play music? How about people living together mutually respect one another!! What ever happened to that?!


I’m sorry but if our kids are still living with us when they’re grown… mommy and daddy are freaks and Imma get mine exactly how I want it… don’t like it? Get your own shit!

Hell I’ll be the unbiased comment. If she’s loud step up the game and you and your partner be louder. Cause maybe yall aint loud enough so time to step it up let her hear maybe she’ll quiet down or maybe have some respect and tell her here is my last 30 days of split bills after finding a place and leave let her figure out to pay all the bills etc respect should be from all parties and clearly their isnt any here

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My mama always told me God bless the child that has his own! Work hard and get your own ASAP!How you think ya man feels and it’s his mama in there bent over :woozy_face:

That’s her house so it’s not disrespectful towards you. Maybe move out if you have such a big problem with it? I mean we’re all adults and we all do it. Turn up the music or cover your ears or something. I know I’m not gonna stay quiet in my house :woman_shrugging:

It’s her house. If she’s getting it good, she ain’t thinking about you. You can move or go out.

Is it tacky? Sure, but it’s her place and it doesn’t sound like she has any intention on changing their sexual encounters.

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I wont judge as many others have on why you live with your mother as I know many things come up in life that cause hardships. But I will agree it is her house and unfortunately that means you don’t get a say in what she does. I do think that she a very disrespectful of you and your feelings though. Maybe you and your fiancé should reciprocate the action and possibly then she will understand the discomfort of it.

Its her house. Make sure your not home that day. My husband and I lived with my parents for about 2 years. This was not an issue for me but if it was I would just make sure I’m not there.

No offense, but you do live in her house. If she wants to have loud adult time, she can do that. It’s her house.

Ear plugs or ear buds for music. To be fair, it is her house. I go out of my way to be as quiet as I can be when I know there are others in my home. I’m not sure what to say about this.

Uuummmm have you ever considered your mom is still fine with having a booty call. My advice to you is MOVE OUT!!! Its not that disrespectful for her to have sex when you are home. Also its very hard to control sexual noises when the sex is amazing. Trust me i tried. Soooo yeah either be greatful you live with your mom and also be good at minding your own business or move out. Im sure she don’t appreciate you posting about her sex life on the damn internet either :wink:

I have to agree with everyone else on that. Shes a grown woman. You specifically said you live with her. If she wants to have sex and scream at the top of her lungs so be it. You’re in her home.
It would be different if she was living with you and came into your home doing such things. But she isn’t. And as for who shes doing it with I dont understand why kids these day will be grown and think they dictate who mom or dad can be with.

As you said she’s a grown woman it’s her house … Looks like you and hubby need your own house so you can be growen people and do loud growen people things in your own space . Then there’s no disrespect felt by anyone

Play some music put some ear plugs in don’t ruin her good time if she is happy with the arrangement so be it don’t make it a big deal she probably enjoys the attention and the sex let her go and enjoy herself
As long as she ain’t giving him money he ain’t stealing off her he ain’t hurting her let her enjoy it

I would find it unacceptable also, BUT, its her home. Where else can she go? Have you thought of turning these nights into date nights for you & your man, & finish your night in a B&B. Just a thought or pay for the inlaws to have the night out

If you have confronted her and spoken with her about this situation and she continues to do it then give her 30 day notice and tell her she needs to move. If she is that gullible and and is hungry for attention this is the wrong way of doing it!

Her house. Can do what she wants. Have you maybe thought of going out with your fiancé on the days he is there :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s something you can’t keep in so maybe other ways also can think of

It sounds like she’s happy no matter what you call it . Maybe u and your husband should get out if her home if y’all don’t like her friend

Leave when he comes over. Or you could move out. It is her house and her life. Stay out of it. She’s grown - up.

It’s her house… leave whenever he’s there, ( it’s only one day a week) or move. Stop bitching and be glad she lets you stay there…

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You should try living in college dorms haha. That’s all you hear :joy: the girl above me was a solid screamer. Eventually I just started cheering her on lmao. Like girl you get your rocks off! I’m proud of you.

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Best advice, get your own place. It’s her home, she has the right to do as she pleases in it. Would you want someone come into your home telling you what you can or can’t do?

Get your own place is what I would say , or ear plugs and laugh. …poor lady gets it once a week let her scream

Her home but I definitely understand what you mean. Just go outside and blast some music. Have a cocktail

You can always go for a walk when he comes over :joy:. I do not know your situation to tell you to move or anything. I would find something to do when that time comes and or get a good pair of noise canceling headphones until you guys can sort out your living arrangements. She could be more considerate knowing how inappropriate it is, maybe she’s doing it because he like it and she’s trying to please him. It’s gross yes but you never know. You guys have your space give her hers. She’s helping you guys out it’s the least you can do.

First of all, it is her house, but I still believe that is inappropriate to not care who is in the house and who can hear her no matter whose house it is. Maybe it is time that you need to look for your own place if possible? I do not know your situation nor is it any of my business. Just posing a question and not assuming you can even do that.

Move out in your own house then it will be quiet

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I read this as "My stepmom and her “buddy” :rofl::rofl: I read the entire thing thinking wtf is she doing with someone other than your dad and why are you so nonchalant about that!? Then, I read it again and realized I was reading it wrong​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:thinking: well unfortunately you will have to put up with it. Because as you have already stated you live with her. So to my understanding it is her house. If he is only coming over once a week make that a time for you to go out or put head phones on. If it is a f### buddy situation sooner or later it will come to an end. Life for you will go back to normal. But your mother in-law will be very upset try to be understanding and caring for her.

It’s her house. She can do what she wants. She’s grown and she will learn from her mistakes.

Lol move out!
It is not your place to tell her how loud to be while she has sex.

Is it her house or yours? If it’s her house, you have zero say in how loud she is. Get some ear plugs or go out for a walk. And mind your own business.

I would leave the house when her buddy comes over.

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My advice is once a week when he his over, go have you some me time. And let the woman get her some fun time. :woman_shrugging:

Pretty sure you need to learn your place. You haven’t even married her son yet. Your living in HER house. Your entitlement isn’t going to get you any respect in her family. PERIOD revenge is only gonna burn a bridge that you haven’t even began to cross. SHE is grown an can handle her own relationships even if she was bringing home a different dude every night it is not your place to say anything about it. It’s her house if she wants to raw dog in the kitchen it’s her house her porogative. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I don’t think you should be telling a grown woman what to do in her own house. If she wants to scream during sex, :clap:t2: its :clap:t2: her :clap:t2: house. I understand you’re uncomfortable with it but I dont see it as disrespectful, at all. If it was your house then I could see it but… its not. :woman_shrugging:t2: looks like you’ll have to invest in noise canceling headphones.

Her house. She can do what she wants. Be happy that you have a mother-in-law. You want it to stop? I don’t know but moving into your own place might help that. :woman_shrugging:

Personally my advice I’ve been there before with my father in law and his girl I had to explain once for them to be quiet because I payed for majority of the bills and rent on top of all the groceries for everyone and since you already told her you don’t like it you guys be loud too? Or just move I only had to explain once and told them if they don’t wanna hear us they should be quiet too. And it worked :joy:

Well first of all it’s her house. If you know why he is coming over go get your nails done or make plans. Go for dinner or lunch what ever it might be. Or move out. The fact is it is her house hunny. Good luck

That is a tough situation, because while it is her home , she probably feels she should be able to do what she wants to in it, but that’s not the case when you have others especially family members living with you. Everyone needs to be respectful of everyone else and that damn sure means not screaming at the top of your lungs while being intimate with a total stranger.

Move Out! She can do what she wants, you have nothing to say what she does or how loud she is.

Sorry but you are in her house. You and fiancé get it together and get a place of your own.

It’s her house, she can do whatever she wants. Grow up and move out. You and your fiancé should both be able to afford a place.

If you know he’s coming over, leave for a while or turn up some music loud. There’s not much you can do if it’s her house. Now if it was your house, you could simply tell her no, and if she continues then tell her she cannot stay there any longer.

Sounds like you said it’s your house and she lives with you.

Why does her booty call involve you sometimes we don’t want anything but a friend and trust if you hear anything she hears everything so who is making breakfast I bet mil