My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

Well you live in her house so you can’t complain about what she does with who, when or how loud. That’s her business and her home, you’re guests. If it’s such an issue then you can move out.

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Move. Get your own place. Problem solved. Much peace and love ☆

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Wait a minute…didn’t you say that you live in HER house!?! That’s what I thought.:woman_shrugging:

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It’s her house…… if you don’t like it, leave.

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Noise cancelling headphones… It’s her house!!

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Move out, it’s her house


You feel disrespected in HER house that she’s generous enough to let you live in? NAH. She can do what she wants. Sorry about it. :woman_shrugging:t4:


I don’t think this post went the way she was thinking it would. :joy::joy::joy::joy: if she ain’t fucking on your bed/sheets, mind your business.

Move out!!! Its her house

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What a beautiful example to her son!!! I agree …… is her house but wow she doesn’t respect herself or her son . She is a PIG.


Get a white noise machine, personally I have a standing AC unit which can be used as just a fan when it’s not summer. Maybe keep letting her know you can hear her. At the end of the day you’ll have to block it out or move

Maybe give her some privacy and go out or something when he comes over.


Yeah, it’s gross but you live with her. So, you’re just going to have to move or get over it.

Well get the fuck out and let her get her cheese on.

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:speaking_head:GET YOUR OWN PLACE :bangbang::bangbang: stat​:rofl::100::ok_hand:t5::smirk:


Maybe take the hint and move out!


You could go to the library its quiet there and they have computers there so while there you could look for your own place. You geel disrespected? Are you for real?


Go out somewhere and give her some privacy in HER house :woman_shrugging:t3:


Once a week and he goes home…it works for her and it is her life and her house…so get yourself some head phones or take a walk when she has her weekly visitor…


let your MIL get some :eggplant: in her own house tf :face_with_monocle:


Move out. Its her house


Its her house listen to it or move out :joy::joy:

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Beggars can’t be choosers​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My advise to you is to move out of her house.


How much of an a-hole do you feel like?
Go for a walk, go grocery shopping.
Turn up the music.
Narrate it loudly from the next room.

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Give her a high five on your way to sign your own lease. :woman_shrugging:t3: Let Mama get it.


What can I do?

Move out. Until then, learn to me grateful that there is a roof over your head. That’s the beauty of having your own place. You have the right to dictate what happens inside of it.


Well. It’s her home. Move out.

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Move out or leave when he’s there. As you said she’s a grown woman and sounds like it’s her house :person_shrugging:

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It’s her house and like you said she is a grown woman. Maybe she’s just in it for sex too and doesn’t want a relationship. Maybe you ought to leave on the days he’s coming over. That would be the respectful thing to do.

It’s her house !:rofl: move out . It’s disrespectful of you to think she needs to change what she wants to do in her home just because she’s nice enough to allow you there . Don’t like it ? Find the door


Knock on the door and tell her you cannot hear the tv over the racket.

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P.s. if you’re not married, you don’t have a mother in law.


Its her house. She can be as loud as she damn well pleases. Lol. :joy::joy:

I mean its her house. So there’s not much you can do besides use headphones or move out.


Well if it’s her house… there is nothing you can really do about it but put up with it. Put a movie on with head phones to drown the sound out or move out

I’d only say something if there are children involved that can also hear, otherwise as long as she’s physically safe, invest in noise canceling headphones and myob until you can move out.


Go to your parents or a friend house. give them their planned alone time when he comes over.

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You live in her house. If you don’t like it, move out.

Move out n get your own place.

Give her space for personal time…like really.

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You in her house , you go get a room ! Let her get her groove back once a dam week ! You mad ?

……it’s her house. Move out.

You have some nerve! Move right on out and have the peace of quiet you want hun! :roll_eyes:


Its her house. She’s an adult. Turn up the TV or buy headphones.

You live in her house, she can be as loud as she wants. Maybe it’s on purpose so you get the hint it’s time to move on. You have 3 options 1. Move out 2. Go out the house on the nights he comes over 3. Put up and shut up, it’s very disrespectful telling her to be quiet in her own house or judge who she chooses to have there.

If you don’t like the noise then move this is her house not yours. She can do whatever she wants she is a grown woman.


mabye the sex is just that good lol :woman_shrugging: but move out or suck it up your a guest in her house

It’s her house. Nothing disrespectful about it. Tell a lie, it’s extremely disrespectful for you to keep bringing it up with her. She’s a grown woman, let her enjoy herself. If he’s only there once a week do the decent thing give her some space and leave her house so they can be alone

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Haha sorry but it’s her house.:smirk:

Maybe you should take some notes on companionship and intimacy from her because you’ve got too much free time on your hands :rofl::rofl::rofl: in the meantime get some headphones

Blast some music EVERYTIME she starts her howling. She’ll soon learn

Next time instead of having a “talk with her“ about that…just thank her for the home. Buy some ear buds. You feel disrespected? I…hope you were just playing on that part?


Really? Move your ass out. It’s her house, who gives a fuck if he’s a liar, user, etc.? You aren’t your mamas keeper. Let her learn from her mistakes and mind your damn business.

Girl, let her live! It’s her home. She can shake the fucking walls down if she pleases. Instead of being a c**k block go for a walk! Lol. You gotta be her wingman just because she sleeps with this guy doesn’t mean she is wanting a relationship. She may just want some fun.

Maybe if it’s her house you should kinda leave once a week for her to have some fun.


Its once a week in her own house :see_no_evil: if you dont like it,find somewhere else :thinking:


Move into your own place.


Go to a movie while she’s banging. It’s her house.


Its her house.
At the end of the day shes an adult, if you have an issue with the guy she is seeing then that’s something her son can bring up but trying to say what she can do in the privacy of her own home is a bit far.
Pop some headphones on or go out for a stroll.


It’s her house. Go for a walk man :woman_facepalming::running_woman:


Leave her house :woman_shrugging:t3:


Move out or put on some headphones. It’s not your house and not your rules. Do I think it would be respectful of her to be quieter sure but she doesn’t have to.


Get a place of your own…it’s disrespectful for you to be there when she wants to get it on …after all it’s her home…suck it up buttercup

How rude of her to have loud sex in her own house.
Find your own place and stop being disrespectful to a grown woman who has taken you in and wants to have sex with whomever her pleases, however she pleases, in her own home.

Move out and get your own place


Is it her hpuse ? My son would kill me lol i wouldnt live to see next date.

Move. Living with in laws is awful. Idk how many times I wanted to fight mind. I also told them that if they were to live with us again they would get the same treatment


Left out the ONLY info that matters- whose home is she fucking this guy in? If she’s at your home, it’s disrespectful (to an extent.) If she’s in her home, you’re simply uncomfortable and she isn’t disrespecting anyone.

Sorry but you are living in HER HOUSE.if you dont like it get your own house and you will not have to hear it


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

Ummmm…… it’s her house? Her rules, she can do whatever the hell she wants? :grimacing::crazy_face::sweat_smile: be grateful she’s letting you guys stay there period. If you don’t like it move out OR go out and give them private time in her own home when he comes over.

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Dude it’s her house, she could be getting dick on every surface in that house if she wasn’t helping you out. He’s not there very often so go out for a walk or something jeez.

Honestly the fact that you’re more concerned that your being “disrespected” having to listen to the woman get some orgasms in her own damn house than you are by your suspicions that he’s bad news for her is a bit disgusting. Get out of her house and stand on your own you ungrateful brat.


Yeah, I think if it’s her house there’s not an awful lot you can do about it :joy:


Her house, why should she change anything for you? She could have told you to kick rocks and figure your shit out as you are an adult… Instead she welcomed you into her home and you have the audacity to call HER rude?
Id kick you out on spot for telling me what to do in my home.

Do you think a homeless shelter would be any better?


Without sounding like a bitch you are in her home. She could keep it down but some women aren’t physically able to. I mean if you no he’s there once a week I don’t see why it’s a big deal. Stick a pair of headphones in for a while. Let her have her fun!


If it’s her home and you have a problem with it move out :shushing_face::rofl:


She is clearly giving you all the signs that it’s time for you to grow up and move out… You can’t tell a grown woman what she can and cannot do in her own home! What are you expecting? Sympathy? You’re there getting a chance to save money while living under HER roof and you want to get to set the ground rules of how you will be living? Nah-ah!!! I’m sure she kept the volume down for years when her kids were young, now this is her time to enjoy! Leave her be!!

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Her house and it’s only once a week like you said. If it’s such a big problem fo out while he is there.

Bro let her get her leg over… Its only once a week… Go for a walk for an hour while it’s happening :joy::woman_shrugging:

Its her house either get ear plugs or move out and her sex life is her business. I find it hilarious that you feel disrespected when your the 1 being disrespectful

If its only once a week perhaps make that the night where you and your fiance go out on a date and let the woman have some privacy for a few hours :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sorry buy her a muzzle or tell her to go to a hotel for it as u can hear her

It’s her house go for a weekly walk or summat when he goes. You disrespect yourself and her tbh knowing what she’s doing and sitting through it… and then to tell her in her own house. Get a weekly hobby

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Jealousy sprins to mind she is getting it and your not lol

Moving out is how I would handle it

Do it louder with her son, you idiot. She waint like that than negotiations are up for grabs

Fuck her son even louder :relieved: should make her rethink


Just here for the comments :joy::joy::joy:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law and her "buddy" are LOUD when they have adult time, what can I do?

If you can’t move out just yet, I’m sure it’s in your plans to do very soon right? Then leave when he gets there, take a long walk or something and come back in a hour or so, it should be all happy by then?


I’d be happy that she’s still living and being fulfilled. Could it be that you don’t like the man is why you’re all upset? I’d be like “Go Mom!” They sell earplugs and you’re aware when he comes over since it’s a pattern. Plan in advance for it. Also, probably a good idea to get your own house. Thinking you’re being disrespected in someone else’s house is just disrespectful. Grow up.


If she pays the bills and its her house, how about YOU put some headphones on. You might pay bills as well but if its her house, she can do what she wants. My mother and I live together, split the bills and both of us are LOUD. We both have needs, and express them differently. We respectfully put headphones on and tune it out. Its human nature. Grow up.


Maybe it’s a mutual f-buddy thing & she just told you all it was a relationship. A lot of people are saying move out. But if thats not financially possible, then cancel out the noise. Maybe run the sweeper when he’s over lmao. Or turn on some music, so the kids don’t hear.


You’re in her house, let her do what she wants. She’s literally a grown woman. I’m shocked you’ve even said anything to her.


You do live with her. I guess you could play loud music once a week.


It’s her house and her life. She’s a grown woman. If you don’t like the situation, and you’ve talked with her and nothing has changed then it is probably time to change your living situation. :woman_shrugging:


Noise cancelling headphones are about all I’ve got for you. It’s her house, so it’s her right. Either that or stay out somewhere the once per week the guy is over. Yeah it’s not pleasant or comfortable to be in that situation, and it unfortunate it’s with someone whose using her that way. But it’s not right for her to be required to perform a certain way in her own home, or fully enjoy her time there.


I mean it’s your fiancé’s moms house so you should be great full for a place to live to begin with she’s not even your mother and y’all aren’t married. I would suggest getting a sound bar and putting on movies when they are having alone time or go for a run, drive, Walgreens, a friends house ? Make it a goal to save up money and get out so y’all can be the ones to have loud sex in your house…


It’s her house and she’s adult. You aren’t being disrespected you’re being disrespectful.