My mother-in-law doesn't respect me as a parent: Advice?

I bet this “mom” is singing a different toon when rent is due. 3 years. LOL

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For starters after three years you should of had your own house already your husband should of already got a house for you and your sounds like your husband ain’t trying to leave mommy house and he ain’t manning up to his responsibilities that he has to do for you and his children.yiu obviously need to put your foot down and may have to leave your husband…your husband sounds like a nogood husband and as far as your mother in law goes you have to put her in check .your husband and your mother in law are both wrong disrespecting you and they are also teaching your children to wrong disrespect you and they are mentally damaging your children …you and your children need to leave there


You and your children need to leave there and get away from that Nogood crazy old lady .and you need to talk to your husband about divorce him cause obviously he is not being a good husband to you .and he is not being a good father to your children …your nogood husband is wrong disrespecting you and he is wrong letting his nogood mother wrong disrespect you and he is wrong letting his nogood mother wrong teach your children to wrong disrespect you .your nogood husband is very disrespectful wrong letting his nogood mother very disrespectful wrong interfere in yours and your husband relationship yours and your husband marriage yours and your husband family of your husband you and your kids . YOURS AND YOUR HUSBAND BUSINESS…your husband should rightfully always put you yours and his relationship yours and his marriage and his own family of you and his kids rightfully always number one first to him .but your nogood husband is very disrespectful wrong putting his mommy very disrespectful wrong first to him …you need to take your children and leave there and get away from both of them for your sake and for your children sake .and obviously you need to divorce your nogood husband

Living with them is the problem . Can’t respect someone not standing on thier own two feet.


Leave and let her realize there is boundaries .

Move! In three years you should have been able to save and do that already honestly.


Well, so that’s actually considered abuse if someone threatens to kill themselves if you leave. You need someone who’s qualified to help you with that scenario such as a therapist who specializes in that kind of behavior. I would seek appropriate help for yourself immediately. That’s not okay for someone to do to you. Not respecting your boundaries is one thing but then it’s escalating to another animal entirely. You are right to think it’s wrong and to ask for help. Getting professional help is key.


what i would do is get help for the mother in law - so she can understand that what she is doing is wrong ! if that don’t work than it would be best for you to move out - so u can raise your son the way u see fit ! the grandson is not your mother in laws child . so do yourself a favor and try the above first - if doesn’t work out - than i would move out-amen to u and your family gl-

Just move out . You’re in her home and she sees you can’t stand on your own 2 feet but you want some authority ? You’re an adult. You’ve started a family. So start adulting


You really need to find away to move out if taxes come that’s the perfect time I wouldn’t care if it was to a camper to start with as it’s not against the law as long as u have power water and everything a home would have like bathroom fridge ect. You could put one on a rv lot for a little of nothing every month I’ve done this before it’s a start if she is threatening harm even if it’s just to herself that’s really unhealthy for the child and if she is undermining you that’s also unhealthy you need to put your foot down to hubby and tell him or you need to move out on your own with child

Wooooow toxic as…… definitely time to get your gear together and get your own place. Blackmailing won’t make it better and she needs to see that. To put that much reliant on someone else over your own life is disgusting in my eyes. She needs to go see someone.

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First off if you haven’t saved money in over 3 years you need to get your priorities in line. That’s the problem with people today. They use their family then cry when something doesn’t go their way! I have had it with this new generation and thinking they can control other people. Go find a place if you’re that unhappy and don’t make her miserable!


Does she expect you to live with her forever. Save up and move out. While your under her roof she van use the whole my house my rules ect. Get your own place. That’s your child you all need your own personal space

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Move out and establish boundaries. If she were to harm herself that is on HER. If she says that then get evidence and when you move out call the psych ward to put her on a 72hr hold. Put boundaries in place and also ask that before she can spend time she get professional help. If she is willing to hurt herself over you moving out who is to say what else she might decide to do. Maybe even hurt you or your children.

After 3 years y’all haven’t been able to afford your own place? You and baby dad need to get it together as adults and just leave…she’s not gonna respect you, no amount of communication is gonna change her…


That’s a SERIOUS threat of harming herself , and her saying that to anyone is awful, I lost a very close family member to suicide last year, she needs to seek help ASAP just for the mere fact she thinks ok to KEEP saying it! I know things are hard but try your best to save every penny and get away from her

We can’t control other people. If she doesn’t want to respect you or your boundaries then maybe limit contact out in commons areas with her. Idk what your living situation is… like if your in a basement or room… but limit contact with her. Or stand up for yourself and tell your child what you originally stated the first time.

Def move out. And sounds like your partner needs to be more supportive of you & be on your team.

She needs mental help.

Nothing you say is going to change anything. Move out or you basically will continue dealing with it

Time to grow up and get your own place. You are living with a person who is a master at emotional blackmail. She’s not going to respect you or your wishes while living under her roof because she doesn’t have to. You can’t let her mental defects hold you hostage. It’s time for you to get out of this unhealthy environment and you need to do whatever it takes to make this happen. Get a job if you don’t have one. If hubby isn’t making enough to support you then he needs to get a side hustle until he can. You both need to work together to get out of there.

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I just told my MIL that I’m my sons mother not her, so back off. She used to always do the opposite of what I would tell my son. In the end, I got sick of it and told her what’s up, and financially stable or not. I think its time you left.

She needs mental help asap. Even if she is just saying that to guilt you into saying. It’s a serious comment I lost my mom and brother from suicide

Your in a hard spot I feel for you. Your mil probably believes it’s her home so her rules and as a grandma she’s suppose to spoil and give in. Unfortunately this doesn’t work when sharing the same space. She’s becoming to attached to her grand child. You really need to find a small place of your own. Good luck

Your in her house, your spouse to follow her rules. If you don’t like it then get your own place.