My mother-in-law forces my kids to go to church: Advice?

My nephew spent the weekend at my house one time,and on Sunday we all got up for Church,he told me that he didn’t go to Church anymore,and I said to him…You do when you are at my house,because I’m not missing Church for anyone…

WOW!!!What do you all think goes on at Church


I wouldn’t feel any way about it.
What’s it hurting?
Would you be mad if she “forced” then to go to Walmart so she could shop every night?

Going to church isn’t forcing them to being religious it is simply taking them to a place.


Won’t hurt them and they might even learn something.


Find a new babysitter


Find another sitter :woman_shrugging:t6:


When at grandma’s ya do what granma says.


If they’re watching your children it’s not up to the child or you respectfully it’s up to the sitter if you don’t like it you should make other arrangements…


Well …. They are at their house, so she should take them whenever they go , what is the point of them taking your kids back to your house on their way to the church , that makes no sense, because then you should just leave them there if they are going to be alone anyway.


If am watching anyone’s kids they are going where am going and if their parents don’t like it then come get your kids mis. How can going to church harm them?


Sounds to me like she deserve the Grandma of the Year Award!!!


If they are toddlers and under they have to go we’re they go because they are supper small , if they are ages 8 or 10 and above then I mean they can just tell her they don’t wan to go , and they can stay home , other then that does are her rules at her house if she doesn’t wan anyone to be alone at her house then they have to go we’re she goes her house her rules .

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Or scoop them on your way home from work

Well if your in laws go to church during the hours they keep your kids and you don’t want to leave them alone, then to church they go!! Parents are so picky and down right stupid sometimes.


Do they also take them to the grocery store with them if they need to go when your kids are there?
I mean, they are going so of course they’re taking your kids with them. As you said, they can’t be left alone. So you’re wanting them to skip church because they’re babysitting your kids for free?

Find a new sitter if you’re that annoyed by it but expect to pay out the ass. Trust me there are worse things for kids than going to youth group and being around kids their own age and having a snack lol

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Hell no…no kids no matter the age should be forced to attend any religious function…my mother in law would not see my kids until she agreed not to do it maybe they have a friend they could visit on those nights who’s parents wouldn’t mind


Just be Grateful that you have a grandparent who is involved an keeps your children for you an be quiet!!! If Church is the your concern imagine what your children could be doing if left unsupervised?!?!


It never hurt anyone to go to Church. Incourage them to like it. GOD is what Kuds and Adults need


Find someone else to watch them. I never allowed religion near my child. Plan a time for them to visit the kids when they are not going to church. And make it clear they are to keep their religion to themselves.


Take an Ativan and chill out, it’s church. They can take what they want from it, it absolutely does not mean they have to believe it. But really, it’s not hurting them. Lord Jesus help me😂


Babysit your own kids then.


Grammal will not be around forever someday when those children are older they will look back and remember. There will be fond memories some silly stories some funny jokes and hopefully a little gratitude that they have those memories to cling to when they need it


If you’re okay with them being home alone and not going to church then why can’t they stay home alone period? Think about it! Go read your question and really think about what you said because it sounds kinda selfish to me seems like you need the free childcare when it’s convenient to you ! You should be grateful to have an amazing mother in law that cares and trying to plant that seed an instill in them what every child needs which is Jesus! Not to mention FREE childcare…


Get over it. If you want someone to watch your teenagers then you need to understand that where they go your teenagers have to go. If you don’t like it then hire a babysitter to watch the teens. It’s that simple


Not wrong at all. Maybe get a new sitter for Saturday nights


So should she stop going to church to take care of your kids? Or leave them alone at her house? Going to church with their grandmother isn’t “choosing” a religion, it’s going where the baby sitter is going. Easiest solution for you is pay some one to stay overnight with them.


Personally…I’d be fine with it…kids just don’t like it cause they think it’s boring…not listings to the word…that’s why they go to Sunday school :person_facepalming::person_facepalming: if he’d just listen.he might learn something…


Find a different sitter If it bothers you that bad.


So your in laws are doing you a favor and your mad because they are taking your kids to church? What do you expect your in laws to do? Miss church because of your kids?


Tell your husband to speak up, better still you tell them and say the children don’t want to go, don’t let them force church on them, they are his parents he isn’t a child his children and you are his priority now . They are 13 you say I’m sure that is old enough to stay home while they go church

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They are 13, it IS legal for them to be home alone. Trust your kids or it’s their rules when they’re there. They don’t HAVE to watch your “kids” that are actually teenagers


I would find someone else to watch the kids. If your MIL can’t respect you and your husband’s wishes then she doesn’t have to watch the kids. All she would have to do is drop the kids off before church. Your post says that you work nights. I assume that you are home before church starts in the morning.


No one should force any type of religion on anyone else no matter if you’re family or not.


If u don’t like it find someone else to babysit or change shifts so u both have separate shifts. Idk why ur making a huge deal! Is she watching them free? If it’s that bad for you pay someone to watch them then!


For me and my house. We shall serve the lord. Be thankful you have a mil that loves your babies enough to take them to church


When i was younger i hated going to church just because with my mamaws religion we had to wear skirts. N i hated dresses n skirts back then. But when i got older n on my own i was thankful my mamaw had me go. Id give anything to go to church with my mamaw just one more time. But if u dont like it then id just find a new babysitter.


I can almost bet I know what religion lol I was forced to go as well

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They are doing you a favor and you want them to stop their lifes too?? Come on… Pay someone else to watch them…


Get a sitter. When they’re with your in laws, they have to go where they go. You can’t expect them to not go to accommodate you…


If that’s the “worst” that she does…. Be grateful. It could be a lot worse. You could have a MIL that chooses drugs over her grandchildren.

They’ll make their own decision when they’re older but for now what does it hurt? They can make new friends there too. It’s not a bad thing just because you and your spouse doesn’t believe.


Church is good for then teaches them great values since she’s keeping them I don’t blame her they would go where I go.


I and SO were raised religious and decided not to with our kids. That being said if my grandma has them - they go. That’s her rule for her watching them - if I really felt that upset about it, I’d get someone else to watch them :woman_shrugging:t4:. Not rocket science imo


What do you not like about going to church all they do is teach about Christ bible says deny me one day I will deny you I’m not trying to be mean


Nothing wrong with that, I mean you act like she’s taking them to some frikkn evil cult where they sing weird shit and do weird dances​:joy::joy: if your kids have no problem with going to church then you need to stop complaining and be happy you have FREE sitters instead of coming out your pocket!!! Church is good, they need some spiritual learning anyways​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:

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Good for the gparents


It’s absolutely fine to leave 13 year olds home alone at long as there is a man’s of being able to contact someone in an emergency… Also, you’re the parents. Quit allowing the grandparents to trample over your decisions.

How are they suppose to choose a religion if you have zero intention of exposing them to it? If you don’t want them to go, than pick them up from your in laws before they head out, or meet them at the church ahead of time. Ultimately, you’re the one who has to put a stop to it. Chances are, your husband was in the same situation as them as a child. You could also find someone else to watch them. I myself was “forced” to go to Church as a child. I hated it at as teen. Not because I hated church, but because I am not a morning person and would’ve much rather stayed in bed. As an adult, I look back on it and have great memories.


Here’s My ? To U & to them?
Why Don’t they like to go?
U Don’t like their church? U Don’t like going? Do U or have U ever taken them ?
I loved that my Mom took them Every Sunday when she kept them overnight/brought home after! We’d sleep in :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Than when we were home ~ we’d take them /go to brunch after
Always felt it was a Part of … upbringing •

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Well, your feelings are valid…as their mother…however, you knew they went to church before you asked her to watch them…so either find someone else to watch them on those nights, or stop griping about it!


Religion is a very personal choice. I would either tell her to stop bringing them, or find someone else. No one, not even teenagers, should be forced to be indoctrinated by religion unless they are seeking it.
Also, I’m a Christian. Organized religion is garbage.

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They’re 13. You work nights. Pick them up after work. Obviously it’s the weekend since church is usually on Sunday morning.


Your in-laws are there to keep your kids safe overnight, so what if they take them to church? They aren’t forcing your kids to convert, or forcing them to live by their religious laws and beliefs, it’s maybe an hour a day once a week? You can always find someone else to watch your kids, or find someone else to watch them during the day when they normally go to church, or you or your husband can get a different job so your kids don’t need to go sleep over their grandparents house. You’re entitled to feel how you want, but this isn’t an actual problem. It’s something you just don’t like, and it doesn’t even have to happen. You chose them to watch your kids. Out of all the possible options that’s what you chose. You can choose differently.


You trying to force your in-laws to change their beliefs to watch your kids for free…# LOL…# Hire a sitter


I laugh at this. First off. It wont kill them. Send. What teen wants to do ANYTHING other then sit on there phones. 3 they probably NEED. Church. And 4… For all yall in the back (pew. Lol) the adult rather parent grandparent or whoever IS ON CHARGE of CHILD (under 18) has final say on what CHIKD does. That means if grand parents watch yoyr kids. Grandparents have final say where kids go… Get over it and move on. Id rather have my teens in church then at home.


I don’t see how this is a problem? If you don’t like it find a different babysitter? It’s important that people know about other religions and cultures. That’s how we learn and eventually decide for ourselves what we want in life. If we are informed we are educated 


Then don’t send them to the grandparents :woman_shrugging:t3: their house their rules. Good for them


Yes they are wrong! No one should force religion on anyone! It’s gross!


How will they pick to be religious if they are not taken to church? This is very sad to me. So many kids are going to go to hell because of their parents choices


I’d just pick them up from their house on Sunday mornings before church starts.


Why are you so upset that they are made to go to church? I’m sure they’re made to go other places they don’t want to go. It may do them good
Sounds like you may need to go some yourself.


Leave them to be in this world alone without God and you still better be on your hands and knees praying to God they become good people and husband’s and wives and parents!!! Especially in this day and time. Idk which religion you are talking about so maybe I shouldn’t have said all this. I’m sure it’s not far from though


No one should force their religion on another person ever, people do lead perfectly wonderful lives without religion


I would get a sitter. And I also would have a conversation that your kids get to pick which religion they want to follow out of the 4600 available.

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You’re not wrong for being irritated. I would be disgusted with someone purposely going against mine and my child’s wishes. You have every right to have an issue with anyone pushing any religion on your child. Put your foot down now because it will only get worse. People like that will never respect your boundaries. Don’t let your children be brainwashed. Protect them from that.

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Pay for a sitter…learning what is out there isnt bad they can decide better with informed knowledge…

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I think if they’re staying with them, then the kids go where they go. It’s no different than if they’d go to a store or restaurant with them. Church just happens to be something you are against for whatever reason. And if your in laws feel it’s an important decision to make to go while they’re with them, then I’d let them. No harm done except you making it a bigger deal :slightly_smiling_face: like not meaning that in a negative way either, it just doesn’t hurt them at all so it’s fine. :two_hearts:


I am 100000% percent a Christian but by no means should anyone force church upon anyone. That will push them further away from god and may even make them never pick a religion


Be thankful, they could learn something for eternity! Look into it, it’s out of this world!


Have them drop the kids off before church

they believe what they believe and you can have the convo with your kids about making their own decision.
However, if you need their help, know that they will fit that into their lives - they won’t stop going just because of your kids and will take them if they’re with them.

so find a sitter, or let your kids know that it’s their decision if they want to believe in church or not but they gotta go if she takes them.

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Church won’t hurt them… they could be going to worse places.


Learning about God,and prayer won’t hurt your kids,and maybe actually help them in their teen years to make better decisions later.When they get older,they can decide if Church is something they want to keep in their lives,but for now let your in laws influence them,if it makes them happy.They feel it’s their duty as grandparents to raise them up in church,since you and your husband arent.They won’t be around forever,let it go.Im catholic,my kids were baptized and raised catholic,and they were made to go to church,until they were older teens,15 or so.They have strong beliefs,and sent their kids to church studies,Bible school,and church activities,but didn’t force church.My adult children and grandchildren are all well rounded and I believe alot of their character was formed from those years they were made to go to church,even though they don’t go now.I ,myself don’t go to church as I used to,but I pray daily.


An hour of church won’t hurt them but forcing anything is never the way to go. It’s not worth a fight to me BUT I get the frustration.


Well you work nights and you don’t feel comfortable leaving your children alone. So you leave him with family that you know go to church every Sunday which also probably do not feel comfortable leaving your children home alone what are they supposed to do. Do you expect your inlaws to not do their routine with their religion just because they have their grandkids cause that’s not fair to ask.


You should at least let me explore and take them there. It’s also jut making memories for them too.

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I’d like to invite you to check out my group! It’s creation was designed to provide a safe place for women and mothers (and dads are welcome too :hugs:) to be part of a very supportive community of compassionate, loving and beautiful human beings! We are a private group because our number one priority is to provide a safe space for our members to support and love each other. We accept all beautiful beings to join us as we spread Love to everyone we can reach! We have no tolerance for demeaning treatment towards others or disrespect.

There’s so much hatred in this world that we committed to provide this community to support and love all who need or want to be part of it :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heartbeat::heartbeat::face_holding_back_tears::sparkling_heart::innocent:

We are stronger together :muscle::two_hearts:

In my state a kid can stay home legally at 9 years old, check your laws my teens are good at home we have cameras other check in methods to stay in touch

I would find someone else for those days. I would feel the same way. There is no “your feelings are valid, but…” no. Lol. I would get someone to sit with them since your in-laws can’t respect your boundaries. I grew up in the religion and have religion trauma from it being shoved down my throat when I voiced that I didn’t want to go. I was called out in front of my whole youth group for not wanting to be there and humiliated.


Find another place for them to stay


Either get a sitter or someone else to watch the kids.

They may not feel comfortable dropping the kids and leaving them without adult supervision like yourself.

Yes, they shouldn’t force them to go. I would ask if there is a way the kids could sit in the car or do something else close by while they are at Church.

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Kids dont need religion shoved down their throats. I would put my foot down period!!!


I mean you just said you can’t leave them alone but then said she won’t drop them off? Or are you home by that time? Is she actually trying to force them or is she just going to church and doesn’t want to leave them home alone.


If you feel they’re too immature to stay home alone, they’re probably going because the in-laws like to go and they’re caring for your children during that time. Should they not go just cuz they’re doing you a favor? That’s unfair. I make my kids go to church. They live with me, follow my rules. They dont go if they’re not home. If they choose not to as an adult, l I’ll still support them. Until then, suck it up. :woman_shrugging: if you’re that concerned, you could always find different child care.

I’ve never :-1: nderstood people that say they will let their kids choose religion or not. If they don’t have a foundation they have nothing to fall back on. Are u really against spirituality & morals?


You could ask them to leave them home at their house alone. But then that would also be a problem with you so at some point you’re gonna have to decide.

If they won’t drop them off before you either have to let it happen, adjust your work schedules or have someone else be at the house at night

Edited to add: Not a church goer here and do not agree with forcing religion on people. You just dont seem to have much options


If you don’t agree with what a sitter is doing with your child then get a new sitter. Personally, I’d rather have my kids at church than stuck in front of a phone or TV screen.


It would partly depend on how jerky they were about shoving it down their throats.

It would also depend on what denomination it was. Ie, if it was culty and shaming and gross, helllllllnah.

It’s not going to hurt them.


It is pretty awful they take your children somewhere where they are taught, love, compassion, forgiveness…like what are they thinking!!! Probably better to take them to the local downtown riots where they are burning down cities, shooting…learning racism…
Sounds like your MIL is horrible! Uff! In the way times are today…sounds like you need to join them.


Alot more kids needs church these days. Sometimes kids just got to do things they don’t want to. Trust me this isn’t the worst thing they could be forced to do. Get another sitter if you can’t deal with it


A child should not have a choice in the situation, if the grandparents are going and want to go, if you or kids don’t like it, pay a baby sitter.


If you don’t want them taking the kids to church, find a different sitter, while I don’t agree with forcing kids to go, I also don’t find it right to not allow adults to go if they want


Theres no way on this planet I would ever force my kids to go to church. Not a chance. Its supposed to be an individuals choice.


Well your kids can’t be interested in something if they do not go… Sounds like you have never given your kids a choice, you just didn’t take them so now they are uncomfortable in a situation you have denied them… It takes time and consistency to become comfortable and interested in a new situation… You do not force kids if it has always been a way of life… Your kids will be fine and probably 1000% better if they continue to go with their grandparents… It would be awesome if you and your spouse attended also…


Maybe pay a babysitter. See how much money they want for babysitting. I bet you will change your mind quickly. Your are unappreciative and you refuse to let your kids know about God. Your basically a narcissist person


They’re your children . Not there’s

If you don’t like it stop complaining and get a new sitter. No one is forcing you to leave your kids with them. Seriously. You know they don’t want to go and you keep sending them over there knowing whats gonna happen. So…take responsibility for it yourself


There are worse places they could be. Maybe if they hear about love compassion and kindness enough it may sink in and they will grown to not hate going to church. They learn from the parent. So maybe uYou could join them


You can feel however you want but being exposed to religious ideas isn’t a bad thing. I think people should have some idea about Jesus or God as they usually decide much later if that works for them or not. I don’t see the big deal. What do you really think? Is it because you don’t feel particularly religious so you don’t know what to think? Let them go and if they don’t like it they will let you know.

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I would let my in-laws take my kids to church. I would discuss those particular beliefs with the kids and see if that particular denomination is in line with what you believe. If not, find someone else to watch your kids. If the belief system is not out of line, let them continue going. Part of what is wrong with this country is a lack of beliefs about what’s right. Nothing they are taught at church is going to hurt them. In fact, it may sink in and make them make better choices and be better to the people around them. The morals in this country are sadly lacking these days. Part of the problem is that nobody is teaching their children the values that they can learn at church. I promise, it won’t hurt them at all.

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