My son is almost 7 months old. He was home with his dad when his dad turned away for 2 seconds and my son unfortunately fell off the bed. My fiancé immediately called 911, the EMTs said baby was fine and that we could stay home and to follow up with our pediatrician. So we followed up with our pediatrician and baby is completely healthy besides a few bruises. My soon to be MIL is beyond paranoid that CPS is going to show up for abuse because my son fell off the bed. Would CPS actually show up for this? My son has never been hurt before and we always call the dr when we feel like something is wrong.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My mother in law is worried CPS will show up because my son fell off the bed
They won’t show up. The ETM had nothing to call them about.
No not necessary unless the Dr felt it was something else …
It happens to the best of us, and I doubt they would show up. Pretty sure the doctor would have said something about having to report it as well. Sounds like MIL is a little paranoid.
No they won’t. It’s only if someone reports you. I’ve had it happen to my son he’s perfectly fine
Yes they will if hospital called.
Not unless they are worried more is going on than just one simple accident
Only if someone calls you. And hospitals/paramedics will only call if they suspect abuse.
Falling off a bed is an accident
CPS is entirely corrupt so it’s good she has her guard up.
They can show up however you did the right thing calling 911. When you don’t and hide it then you should worry about them. My children were overdosed at daycare and since I’ve prosecuted I keep getting false dcs claims. Usually closed out same day they’re reported.
Everyone knows baby’s roll off beds and couches on occasion. As long as you got him looked at and no serious injuries it should just fine. It happens! They’d only be called if injuries seemed inconsistent w story.
I wouldn’t worry about cps showing up it’s an accident and you took precautions to make sure he is healthy. You did nothing wrong. Accidents happen Honestly each one of my kids had rolled off the couch about that age because I turned my head for a second. Also have head their head on the corner😂
No, however I’d be questioning why she is all paranoid…
I fell asleep with my newborn on my lap. I was on the couch… he rolled off and landed on the floor. I lost my shit, called the dr and thus was my same fear. Nothing happened. I felt awful. He was weeks old and I was exhausted.
Unless the emts suspected abuse I highly doubt cps will show up.
I think this happens to every baby at some point. I wouldn’t worry about it
Need to put railings on side of the bed
If cps is called for everytime a baby falls off a bed
They’ll have a lot of babies in the system
It happens
It happens.
Glad he’s ok. Babies are quick and uncoordinated lol. Lesson learned!
It is okay if CPS comes. They exist for a reason. Accidents happen.
Unless there are other signs of abuse I highly doubt they would show up for a kid falling off the bed.
My daughter fell off the bed around that age and took her to her pediatrician, CPS never showed up at my house.
No not for accidents. Someone has to make a report. They would have said being him in not stay home.
Don’t worry about it you did the proper thing tell her to go blow her steam back up her ass where it belongs
If they do Do NOT let them in. You do not have to let them in.
No you should be fine . Does MIL have a fearsome memory related to CPS or threats of it ? I myself was traumatized by Cps so I could see why she’d be worried .
To keep from rolling off the bed we did when our kids were little
Not likely. Unless the EMTs found wounds/bruising inconsistent with what you said happened, then there’s nothing to worry about. Kids fall off beds and couches all the time.
I wouldn’t worry if the paramedics thought their was abuse involved they would I taken you back to the hospital you did everything right
CPS doesn’t even show up to the cases that need it they will toss the file in a pile and pick it up in a year and check in
My daughter fell off the bed at 4 months old, I freaked out and took her to the er and the only thing wrong was a bruised nose. Nobody thought to call cps.
Emt or Dr would have told u if they where reporting u. But I would say even if cps comes out u shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Every baby falls off the bed at some point and r fine
Accidents happen every day. CPS typically don’t just show up. They have to recieve a report about an alleged situation. If the paramedics/emt felt the situation was more than an accident they would have reported you while being treated and not just sent you on the way. I personally wouldn’t be to concerned especially if this is a one time incident. Repeated incidents is when the red flags go off
Pretty sure all of us mom’s and dad’s have had something like this happen with our babies. Accidents happen, and this is only the beginning of them… If he were being mistreated then yes, CPS would get called.
The only way that’d happen is if someone called. And the fact u guys called 911 I highly doubt it. If they do then u have the right to refuse them entry or talk to them.
No they won’t. Please stop worrying
No. Babies fall off the bed all the time.
My mom is like this as well
I mean, they could. But it’s not likely. Unless this happens multiple times, or your child is frequently injured
My 4 year old fell off the bed during the middle of the night in March and broke her elbow. We had to be life flighted and surgery and pins put in. The works. Never was I questioned or cps involved or called at all. Things happen sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about it
If they thought there was abuse they would have taken the baby to the hospital for examination
My son fell off of our bed more than a few times lol. I think it’s like a rite of passage . Accidents happen and babies just get to wiggling. No worries mama, glad he is okay.
These days you have to worry about cps over everything. It sucks but they’re completely corrupt and will slap a case on you for absolutely nothing and I say this from personal experience. I think your fine in this situation but it’s good to always be aware that stupid things like that can get you a call especially from the hospital for any infant
No, they are not going to show up for this. I’m a medic has worked on an ambulance for almost a decade. I can 99.9999% tell you that CPS was not contacted. I’ve ran more calls like this than I can count over the years. Accidents happen.
Not if the EMTs believe y’all story they won’t call. But since they seem unworried about it I’m betting they wont. Im an investigator for cps by the way
Not likely but crazier stuff has happened. If they do you don’t have to let them in and you don’t have to talk to them.
I have a history with cps it usually takes a few calls for them to investigate. If a dr or hospital calls them they will come and investigate the allegations. He seen his son fell and he called paramedics and they said the boy was fine. He did what he thought was best and got the kid checked out so I don’t see them calling and reporting you guys
The medical staff only calls Cps if there is reason to believe abuse. I work in a hospital, we don’t just call bc of a bump or bruise.
Kids are clumsy🤷 Things happen and not always necessarily intentionally. Thats why it’s called an accident. Unless they go and feel suspicious it should be fine. Kids get hurt often from their own doings. Don’t over think it
I’m pretty sure all 4 of my kids fell out of bed under 9 months old, couple of them ended up bruised but they were fine.
I feel like if your PCP and EMT didn’t call, as they are mandated reporters, CPS will not show up and if they do, you have the doctors notes to prove there is no abuse.
Unless she calls….
It happens every day at the ER I worked at. Cos is not involved unless there are injuries that don’t match up with falling off the bed.
No. Tell her to chill.
It happens! Glad baby is ok, just tell mil to stop talking
No they would have showed up already
It’s doubtful but honestly not far fetched either. I grew up with a malicious family who called cps on everything and we were always told they’d split us up (by family, not our mother who we lived with) so it’s reasonable that people are fearful of them. Sad but true. It’s doubtful though and even if they did, you saw the doctor and ER. Clearly you have nothing to hide.
Even if they do, they have to prove you’re unfit. Pediatrician should be on your side if it’s like you say it is. And you shouldn’t worry.
I mean are they even babies if they don’t fall off the bed atleast once.
No they shouldn’t show up for that!
They don’t unless someone calls them specifically & makes a complaint. No worries momma. My son had stitches 7 times before he was 10 lol! Things happen
If they were gonna call cps they would have at the hospital or when you visited your peds. Two of my kiddos rolled off the bed and couch. It’s scary but it happens
Very doubtful cause this would be considered a pure accident. Now if it’s consistently happening then yes they would. Sounds like she’s paranoid cause cps has shown up before inregards to her. Sit down with her and actually talk to her and ask why she’s so worried.
Unless there were severe injuries not consistent with a fall from a bed, I highly doubt it. And at that point, baby would’ve been hospitalized to be treated/further examined
Not unless SHE calls
Not likely unless someone calls…
My daughter fell off her bed when she was jumping when she was 2 and broke her collar bone. We took her to ER and no one showed up for that. Don’t stress mama!
They could but very most likely they won’t call. They know abuse when they see it! Good luck!
Pretty sure that’s some kinda initiation into Parenthood congrats. There’s enough suggestions here to use so good luck
I would say no, BUT, even if they do show up, they’ll quickly see that baby is loved and well cared for, so don’t worry about it. Things happen and they know that. They’re not going to take a child away from a home where he/she is clearly cared for.
No I don’t think a dr would call if there’s not serious injury and you guys took are of it right away by having him seen by a dr. I don’t think a dr would call. They only call of they suspect abuse happening and they can usually tell if there is by parents reactions, other abuse signs etc.
My son fell off my couch at 4 months old when I was 5 steps away with my back turned grabbing a diaper. I took him to the doctor immediately because his forehead was bruising and i was sent to the ER to make sure he was ok because the doctor didn’t like how the bruise was forming.
He was ok from the fall and cps never showed up. The hospital actually discovered a whole new issue with him that was unrelated to the fall and something he was born with so that’s a whole other story BUT Babies fall…. It was an honest mistake. Now If This was constantly happening and you were always bringing the baby to the doctor or the hospital for a fall can see them getting suspicious.
Idk maybe because ambulance people are mandatory. Clean your house keep food in. It’ll be ok
They might have to report it, but they don’t have to show up if there’s no concern. I’ve had an incident that needed reporting, but no one ever came. Kids fall off beds, that’s normal.
Unless she called them?! Why would she be so worried. Kids fall off the bed. Adding stress to a situation that doesn’t need it. Tell her to chill lol
No unless it’s reported, and no hospital so u should be ok
My son fell down the stairs and they weren’t called. Typically they are called if the Dr feels you’re not telling the truth, if they notice multiple visits in a certain amount of time. Kids fall and get hurt it’s part of growing up. Your MIL is just paranoid
No. Someone would have to call.
Unless she called them?! Why would she be so worried. Kids fall off the bed. Adding stress to a situation that doesn’t need it. Tell her to chill lol
They shouldn’t show up for that. Someone has to call and feel like it was meant to harm the child.
Babies are going to roll off of the bed,couch etc. I’m glad he’s okay
So let them show up and say that nothing is wrong.
Highly unlikely they will but oh well if they do.
It’s their job to make sure kids are safe and not abused. If they show up they will also have the report from EMT and the police saying the kid was fine.
I have boys. Falls, bumps and bruises happen. As long as you respond accordingly with the healthcare providers and follow up, your fine. Healthcare professionals are trained to spot injuries consistent with abuse.
No they don’t show up for that. It happeneds my son flipped off my king size bed & hit his head. To this day he still has his nickname Scootchy
They would. But they would close the case after 30-60 days bc your son is fine and you followed up.
CPS will not show up unless someone reports this. Even then, they would laugh it off.
The only way CPS will show up is if they were notified of possible child abuse. If the hospital did not say anything about it then your all good.
No they shouldn’t it’s only if they had really big concerns they would be involved but accidents happen so i doubt they will be involved
No. She’s just nuts.
Cps would have been involved at the hospital /ambulance. I don’t think you have to worry. My son fell and cps showed up with the ambulance
All babies fall off the bed at least once in their lives. There’s old wives tales about what happens if they don’t probably to make people feel better about it lol
Seems as though, your MIL is just being paranoid. Don’t worry about it this stuff happens all the time! CPS doesn’t even involve themselves in real abuse anymore. So really, don’t worry
No. They would only show up if the pediatrician thought something was suspicious
Depends on the doctor actually, my mom had cps called on her for the dumbest reasons
My son fell off the bed too. Busted his little lip. No cps. But that was in 2006.
Everbodys child has fell off the bed at least once in their life… All 4 of mine did
My son did the same thing he’s now 24 and just fine
No! Unless someone calls. And let me tell you, I have 2. I promise it won’t be his first bump. He will get bumps, bruises and scrapes.
No they don’t unless somebody files a complaint, but you shouldn’t worry
Hun, your son is not the first baby to roll off a bed or sofa… Unless yall gave the EMTs, hospital or pediatrician a reason to think it was more than just a baby rolling, everything will be ok.
I really don’t think they will show up because parents are human and little ones get hurt. He did everything right by immediately getting help. I know no one wants CPS in their lives but IF they show up just be honest and they’ll close the case.
Did he hit something on the way down, or fall onto something hard, to cause the bruises?
That was the main thing that popped into my mind.
I mean, some people who don’t know the situation can report it. If your pediatrician and the EMTs felt that abuse was going on, they are mandated reporters and you would have had a visit by now. But if they do show up, just show them the Dr reports/EMT reports that state that it was caused by a fall off the bed, that let’s face it, many a patent has had their kid roll off the bed. Show you have a clean living environment (doesn’t have to be magazine clean) that you have baby proofing done of your child is mobile and that you have appropriate food and such in stock for your child.