My mother in law is worried CPS will show up because my son fell off the bed

Cps would go to every single house in the entire country if that were the case :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: it literally happens to all babies…


Nor unless you’re reported… Honestly they don’t have time to visit every kid that falls over, breaks a bone, bruises a knee etc… Some kids hurt themselves ALOT, don’t let you future MIL get into your head.

My daughter fell off the bed around the same age. It was noted as an accident but nothing was done.

My 10 month old twins have both rolled off the bed 2 times a piece. All 4 of those times, me or dad was right there but they have zero fear and will just dive right off the side. The only way they would call is if the Dr feels like you are not telling the truth.

No they will not show up for this. I don’t know any kid who HASNT fallen off the bed Atleast once. Even IF they did (which I’m 99.99999% sure they won’t) nothing will come of it.

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Bruises? My child has fell off the bed on to tile the most she had was a red for head from the fall.

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My son fell when he was young and cps never showed up. I would keep an eye on your mil because people paranoid like that I have seen them be the one that calls cps.

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No cps has way bigger issues to tend to. I used to work in foster care through the state and children get bumps and bruises they are kids, you should be okay

A one off incident i doubt that would happen but obviously it was an accident and you have nothing to hide so i wouldn’t worry too much…

Only if she called them


If they were concerned they would have come right then

All babies fall off the bed at some point or another. They are learning to scoot and move without assistance so it’s going to happen. Now if your baby was constantly in the hospital and your claim was he “fell off the bed” when clearly it’s other things happening then YES CPS would prob be called. This is normal. Tell Grandma to get it together.

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I’m pretty sure falling off the bed is one of the initiations into life for a baby

Happens to all of them

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No :roll_eyes: we see this all the time

If it happens often they may. Your pediatrician can tell if it’s abuse. My friends little guy did his first roll off their pub high table, he as 100% ok…mom was more shaking up than baby.

My husband fell asleep burping our 10 week on and rolled over and the baby fell off the bed and hit his head in the nightstand on the way down. We took him to the ER. The nurse told me he looked fine and it was ok because babies bounce :rofl:. She said she has 6 kids and all of them have fallen off the bed when they were infants. I had already told my husband they were gonna call CPS, but they assured me they were not and that there were no signs of actual abuse. You are allowed to have accidents with babies. Unfortunately some accidents are worse than others and some babies don’t make it. But we are all humans. It’s a pattern that they look for.

That’s ridiculous of your mother-in-law. I think almost every small child has fallen off of something when the parent just looked away for a second or two

CPS usually shows up if it’s NOT taken care of by a physician. I have a cousin who retired from CPS. Also if there is a pattern over time to the injuries.


l get paid over $165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18517 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

If you bring him to the hospital yes there is a chance they could call cps. Tho unlikely as it seems like this is common.

Also they normally only calm when they believe the parent isn’t being trulful on how the child got hurt.

Bur yah they may pop in but it will be open and closed if so

No they wont show up . This has happened to many of us mothers . I can count for sure that all my kids fell off my low level bed at some point just when they started to roll and they were tougher than any other kids they age . It shouldnt mean that you leave your kids un supervised though . But at some point they will fall to while walking and doing other things . My kids use to try to scale they cradle :joy::joy: my second boy who is now 18 . And he too used to push so much that he used to pish his head against the crib when he couldn’t go any further at 7 months as well . It will be ok once it dont become a habit

Nah… CPS shouldn’t show up over this. Falling off the bed/couch is a right of passage. It literally happens to every baby/child at some point.

CPS is extremely overloaded with cases of highly negligent parents. IF they get involved here they will be able to determine that this was in fact an accident that happens to the even the best parents. You have nothing to worry about.

Your good,if the dr.would have suspected anything hed have called them


My now 3 year old daughter fell off our bed and split her ear when she was 9 months old. I took her to the ER bc she need stitches and no CPS was called on us… this was in 2019

I’ve raised 4 kids from babies, they’ve all fallen off the bed or hurt themselves for an ER trip one way or another. CPS has never been called for it. If it’s a repeat thing then yeah, maybe but doubtful unless someone else calls on you.

they could. when my daughter came in our bed in the middle of the night and slipped and knocked off a glass of water, then landed on it. she was rushed to childrens hospital and ended up needing 2 hand surgeries and lots of PT… i fully expected at least a visit from cps… but it’s been years since, and it never happened. i was grateful, but it can happen. you never really know.

dont worry though! if your baby is safe and loved, they will dismiss it and nothing will come from it. better safe, than sorry.

That’s initiation into baby hood. Unless other things have been reported or your MIL calls them, it’s a very common occurrence.

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They will. Mine fell off the bed, and I took her to the hospital, as every parent should cause you never know. They reported me. I was not nervous since I had nothing to hide. I was cleared. Good luck.

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Your fine, all 5 of my kids fell off the bed and they’re crazy as hell still​:rofl::rofl::rofl:they won’t come unless someone called them and reported an abuse but other than that you’re fine!

No parent is perfect. Kids fall get bruises and break bones. You did what was right and there is documentation. Happy parenting

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My daughter was roughly same age when it happened with her dont worry just an accident they happen

I’m 70yrs old was always told if a child don’t roll of bed before 1yr they die


No not at all relax and don’t be hard on yourselves .this stuff happens take a breath and just love on your baby …

No my child has fallen off of the bed and they have never showed up, we got her the proper care and shes fine

It won’t happen! Baby’s fall of the bed all the time!

My sister was SUPER prone to injuries. CPS was only notified after like the fifth or sixth one. Luckily they never occurred when she was actually at home or with the same person. She was just a huge klutz :joy:. So yea. Your good.

No that’s ridiculous. Accidents happen all the time. They are not going to come

My son was in a walker I didnt close the screen door to latch, I didn’t notice until he busted open the door with the walker. He ended up going down the whole flight of porch stairs. Took him to the hospital obviously right after it happened. Has some questions asked but cps never showed up at my door. Which honestly I was worried about. Who lets their baby fall down stairs?? It happens. It happens.

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Unless the medical professionals felt like the story was suspicious, they wouldn’t notify CPS, accidents happen. If they do, just tell them the truth. I worked for CPS for 15 years and my own daughter fell off the bed. Accidents are inevitable. Why is she so paranoid though?


If the pediatrician said they were fine CPS won’t be called. It has happened to almost everyone.

If CPS was going to be involved they would have showed up at the hospital.


NO! Babies fall all the time. All 4 of mine have have


Both my kids fell off the bed it’s the baby initiation :joy: unless you are neglecting them in anyway then cps has no business

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I highly doubt it honestly

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You’re good if doctor suspected or EMTs they’d been told to bring baby in you’re good hope he heals quick.

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Nope. My son did the same back in December. He kicked off me while we were both asleep & flipped himself to his front. Took him to er, he’s fine and now 7mo old. Point is, they won’t be called unless the story changes or someone feels like something else is going on.

No they shouldn’t show up, my daughter fell off the bed when she was 2 months old and I took her to the ER right away CPS question at the hospital but nothing after that they tried to tell me a 2 month old couldn’t roll over ( my baby has always been smart) but they never did follow up

No. Accidents happen. Kids fall off things sometimes. It happens. Don’t worry about it. It’s part of parenting and it’s just life. It’s not like he was chucked off.

My son fell off the bed at 6 months and had a gnarly scabbed little nose. I was harder on myself than anyone else was.

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I’m sure you’re fine. You did everything you’re supposed to do. Kids fall down and get hurt sometimes. You can’t prevent everything. I’m sure baby is fine and your MIL needs to stop.

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No they won’t. I have 4 children and each one fell of the bed or couch at least once :sweat: they are now 10,7,2 and 2 and are healthy.


I’m in Australia so not sure how different it is but my daughter was jumping on the bed, fell and collided with the corner of the beside table. She had a horrible black eye, cuts on her eyelid and cheek and big lump and no one even commented about it from her school, doctors or anything. I was scared to leave the house with her incase people thought she was being beaten it looked so bad😅

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This same scenario happened to a friend of mine. The baby fell off the bed while the husband was there. Cps got involved and 10,000 later after an attorney and open cps investigation they didn’t lose the kids but no she’s not paranoid. She’s concerned. Give her some credit. Cps is corrupt!


Both of my children fell off the bed. My son fell out of his highchair once when his father turned away for a second to pass me something and hit on our hardwood floor. We immediately called his pediatrician. Babies fall all the time. If your child was consistently falling off the bed or other reasons to have bruises and the Dr was worried than yes they would have to report it but this was just an ACCIDENT and he immediately seeked medical. CPS has no reason to get involved

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You wouldn’t have left the doctors office if that was the case.


Nooo. Please don’t stress.
Mom to mom: my babies have fell, too!
Just in case though, research your rights when cps is involved. They aren’t saviors.

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Were I live they show up for the stupidest shit. Any one can call and report and you’re stuck dealing with them for months. My ex in laws called because when he was learning to walk he fell and busted his lip I was in hell for three months

No cps won’t show up for a singular incident. One they don’t care that much. Two there has to be multiple incident reports to even get their attention and even then they still don’t actually care. Thirdly if the Emt’s were concerned they would have taken the baby right then to the hospital and you would have been greeted by a social worker right then. Also if your doctor was concerned about it you would have been interrogated in the office and the doctor would have found ways to keep you there until they could have a social worker see you. Shit happens you just have to be more vigilant about watching him in places that he can fall off. But he’s gonna get hurt many of times as he gets older and starts moving around more. It’s a given bc he’s learning just as you are. So unless your mother in law is planning to call them you have nothing to worry about. Social services is corrupt but they only go after easy targets and ppl like you who take very good care of your child aren’t an easy target. I’ve worked for social services and have dealt with them as well. When you have a baby prematurely they give you a case worker to make sure you are aware of all the things that are available to help you. Well bc I had a baby prior and she died suddenly while still in the hospital ( she was given a vaccine before her body was capable of handling it and she became very sick) the social worker thought I resented my new baby for being here so she made it her mission to target me and I made it mine to destroy her life and her job. I succeeded and I started working with them but they are too ass backwards to work for without compromising your ethical beliefs.

CPS would have showed up to the hospital before releasing your baby. You’re fine.

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:rofl: I’m.sorry to laugh. My kid was 8weeks old and rolled off the bed (I had to pee so bad and I was alone and barely 20yrs old. It was dumb to think pillows would hold him) whacked his head on the side table and went under the bed. I took him to the ER all worried and the doctor goes ‘first time mom huh? Don’t worry, it happens to everyone’ and that was it


They know what to look for in the way of abuse. DHR would have shown up almost immediately if that had been the case. No need to worry.

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My youngest son pushed my middle son off the bed and he broke his elbow and arm and wrist. Er trip and no cps showed up. That was in 2014/2015.

No way!! My daughter fell off the bed 3-4 times when she was little. Had 3 black eyes where she fell when learning to walk and a set of stitches on her forehead where she hit the corner of the coffee table. Never once was CPS at my door.


I work in pediatrics. We only call in certain cases. You are fine. You did exactly what you are supposed to do.

This is a question that needs to be answered from people who have been in a situation where CPS was called and I can tell you right now from personal experience the only way CPS will show is if someone actually call’s I know because it happened to me 3 time’s over nothing but folks being bitter! Whenever a child is involved in any type of incident whether it is big or little, they are called but it is up to you on how you handle the situation to get them away now the upside to this situation is free child care! When they ask you if you need it TAKE IT because free child care is hard to get plus your child or any other children you have after that will be guaranteed free child care until each child reaches 13. I have experience in the CPS situation and know what to do. Whoever you are sis you can inbox me and I can give you a few tips that will help :heart::heart::heart:

My daughter fell off the bed and the couch and CPS never showed. Accidents happen.

I’ve always been told if a baby don’t fall of the bed at least once they will have bad luck there whole life.

I’m sure the only way they will show is if the doctor feels that there was neglect and or if there is a reoccurrence.
I wouldn’t stress it. My mil is the same way. Irritating af , makes me feel pretty crappy as a
Parent ) Three of my kids are nothing but bruises up and down their legs , but because they fall
Around while running around , tripping up , and so on , they are so active and always was… You’ll never get through life without a few boo boos believe me lol. Don’t stress it .

I worked for cps. If the baby was seriously injured and wouldn’t went to hospital, if the hospital thought there was a need they would’ve notified them. If the emt’s said baby was fine and so did ped(who would’ve notified also if needed) they aren’t going to show unless someone else calls them. Accidents happen. Why is she so paranoid??? That would be my question to her anytime she brings it up.


They will show up if your stupid mother in law calls them.


My son fell off more than once. You’ll be ok

No my 4 kids went through this too… your mil needs to chill, she’s trying to intimidate you…

CPS responds to report filed of suspected abuse, neglect or failure to protect. If the EMT and/or doctor suspected child abuse they most likely would have advised you or taken the baby y to the hospital and not advised you to follow up with pediatrician. If pediatrician noticed various stages of bruising (meaning some healing, new one, etc) that are inconsistent with the accident , the story changing or if they feel the baby was harmed due to neglect, they could call in and report to CPS. The fact that 911 was immediately called and you followed up with your pediatrician you showed protective capacity and met your child’s needs. On the slim chance that the accident was reported to CPS , you did everything you are supposed to. Accidents happen, it’s the repeated “accidents” with inconsistent stories and injuries that due not coincide that are worrisome and need to be investigated.

Did your MIL have a negative experience with CPS? Or does she watch your child?

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My daughter slid right off the bed at Gma’s house. Who would have thought a 3-week-old could move enough to go from the center of the bed to the floor. Fortunately, we had placed the pillows from the bed on the floor where she fell. She didn’t even cry, just looked surprised, and she grew up just fine.

If the Dr. Detected abuse CPS would have been called immediately.You wouldn’t even have left the ER.

You’re fine. As long as your story matches injury it’s usually not a problem. Kids fall :woman_shrugging:t3:… now if they examined him and he had multiple bruises or an injury that wouldn’t be cause by falling then CPS would be called. If they thought the baby was in danger the police would have been notified while the EMT was there.

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No! Babies fall off of beds sometimes, you were cleared by the emts and the pediatrician. The pediatrician is trained in knowing what signs to look for in an abused child. One of my twins rolled off the bed at around 5 months right in front of my face and I wasn’t quick enough to grab her. We went to the hospital and the pediatrician and everything was fine no cps involved. Don’t worry everything is fine!

Boy’s will be Boy’s don’t stress sweet heart it takes 3 reports from different people before they do anything

I would say that your MIL is going to call CPS. She sounds very shady to me. Why would you make a comment like that just out of the blue?? I would watch your back with her. You guys did absolutely nothing wrong.


Mine pulled a chair off my table because I was cleaning under it at 9 months… he actually had a cracked skull and blood in the ventricles of his brain and we had to be monitored at a childrens hospital. Cps didn’t come. Shit happens. And I feel like most drs can tell the difference. I would think Most abusers don’t take their kids to get help for this reason :pleading_face:

Kids fall all the time. This won’t be the first time the baby will fall. If the doctor didn’t have any concerns (and that would be due to other random bruises) you are fine.

Right Dr if.he thought would of notified them,let.her know.this to relieve her mind!

Aww lol but babies are bound to get hurt sooner then later… mine is 8 month she fell off my bed too she got a bleeding nose but only cried for about a min… and that was her second time falling off :joy: the first time she didn’t cry… lol she was sleeping I jus literally checked on her and my other daughter came out came out of her brothers room and jus laughing w her hands against her mouth :sweat_smile: baby was on the floor playing :joy::joy:

Oh lord :rofl: if CPS showed up every time my child has fallen off of things. My daughter fell off the bed once before she was a year old(similar situation but it was me not her dad). From 1yrs old to now(almost 4) she had tried to unalive herself jumping off of things, standing on edges, rollin around crazy on the bed or couch, or even just moving so much in her sleep. She’s had 2 concussions. Both very mild nothing crazy seen for a doctor for both. Kids get hurt, they fall, they hit their heads… it’s happens mama. Your MIL needs to relax a bit.

I fell down an entire flight of steps with my daughter they thought I broke her leg because I accidentally landed on her leg and thankfully she didn’t break it but cps never came, accidents happen and 9 times out of 10 they understand that, plus y’all did everything right :heartpulse: if they do show up just tell them the truth

My daughter fell off of the couch one time. We had to call the ambulance. Never had CPS called.

Girl my baby was like 6-7 months old and I had placed pillows all around her and run to pee & she rolled off the bed & I took her to the ER …
She had broke her collar bone … I was crying louder than she was …
And they never showed up at my house

Someone has to call them on you. Kids fall off the bed all the time.

I don’t think so. My 6 year old broke his arm at 8 months and I’m still not sure how!

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When my first born was little he refused to get off the couch feet first and at a pediatrician appt I mentioned it to her no matter what I did he wouldn’t go feet first and she said “let him fall… he will learn.” And so I did, and he did. So I’m pretty sure if my pediatrician told me to let mine fall off the couch for a lesson you’re fine lol

How can we as a society stay convinced CPS is more helpful than harmful when our children can’t even fall off a bed without a family member fearing CPS will come remove the children?

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MIL sounds like she’s up to something


Unless someone reports abuse they don’t respond


My son was accident prone as a toddler. In one week were were up at emergency for a split forehead (tripped and headbutted the wall), a split lip (fell off his bouncy ball thing) and bruised spine (was playing under the trampoline and his brother jumped on and landed on his head). After the 3rd visit I said to the doctor “I guess this is where you call CPS”. The Dr replied “No, because each time you brought him in they were fresh injuries. We only really worry when there are old unexplained injuries”.

Accidents happen. If anything a social worker could show up, to see if the home is baby safe. The hospital OR someone would have to report it.

They will call if there are repeated “accidents” not for one.

You called the paramedic it was addressed I’m sure they can tell he isn’t abused even if they do come they won’t do anything it will be ok no worries

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It depends how bad sometimes the hospital will make that call then see it was nothing then close case

Cps has to be called on you they don’t just show up