My mother in law keeps making comments about my weight: Advice?

Does she mean it harmlessly and is trying to bond with you and it’s just her thing so she doesn’t know how else to bond???

You’re not he is just not willing to stick up for you

Next time, tell her to go burger King & eat a chip or two :joy:don’t ever feel down xx you don’t sound that heavy and if u are happy don’t worry x

tell her stopp and start telling her she is to skinney skin and bone . her bones is rattling as she walk then have a talk with your h/b . i would never tolarate my mom make comets to my wife even if it is the throught, if that herts her feeling.

She’s mad! Tell her to mind her own business. And, if she’s offended, let her know that she’s being offensive.

Your husband is being a mommies boy. Beneeds to man-up and tell his mother to back off.

Speak up for yourself.
You are not obligated to spend time with someone who doesn’t respect or accept you. :heartpulse:
Set healthy and distance boundries.


Your happy in your own body, dont let her make you feel insecure, that insecurity comes from her image of herself, say thankyou and let her know you are happy the way you are

tell mother in law that you didn’t ask for her opinion. but be nice-ish about it. losing weight isn’t for everyone. neither is dieting. if she wants to kill herself with that crap, let her. be yourself and stop letting her bully you.

Tell her maybe she should gain weight.


Really… is it possible the mil doesnt have a life maybe attempting to bond with u??? Otherwise move on from it

Your husband is setting himself up for an appointment in divorce court.

5’8 200 is hefty. She isn’t being rude about & even offered to help you through your lifestyle change. Learn to take criticism like an adult.

Call her out in front of family. That should shut that down. If not, remind your significant other who they share a bed with and how easily that can stop :joy:

Wouldn’t hurt to workout with her.

Turn the tables. Ask her if she’d like to eat with you, as she’s so thin & could do with some weight gain !! :rofl::joy:

Next time she would make a remark I would tell her that her son doesn’t mind buttering my biscuits. :smirk::tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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Talk about how great your sex life is any time the topic comes up.


Tell her u will eat her hopefully shuts her up sad how ppl are like that I’ve been losing weight doing it on my own just take Ur time try not to listen

I would tell her I am happy with myself and if wants to join my Eat what I want club She’s Free to join lol

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Unless Your MotherInLaw Is A F*King Fireman, Ready To Throw You Over Their Shoulder And Carry You Down 3 Flights Of Stairs, Then It’s None Of Her, Or Anyone Else’s Business, How Much You, Or Anyone Else Weighs! The Clothes Labels Don’t Say, “Sized For Someone Who Weighs…”. Tell Her She Is A Negative Influence And A Detriment To Your Children’s Well Being!! You Are The M.O.T.H.E.R.!! Keep Your Children Away From Her!! I Bet She Doesn’t Think About Your ‘Weight’ Anymore, But Rather, The ‘Weight’ Of Your Power!!

Tell her the truth, that you are just fine with the weight you’re at, and could she please pass the fucking donuts!

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I wouldn’t take it well at all I would probably let her have !

Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy.

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I would have to tell her off! Sorry but I am happy with my body!

Virtual hugs. I am sorry she is making you feel that way.

Have you told her how it makes you feel communication is key

She is possibly just concerned for your health. I would chat with her.

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Say with a smile, I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Then walk away.

5’8" and you weigh a deuce😳… I’d listen to the mother-in-law and drop about 60 pounds…

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Be blunt. Tell her she is now being offensive.

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Maybe that is her way of trying to spend quality time with you.

Tell her you appreciate her concern but you will work at your own pace. Good luck!

I was wondering if she is perfect ignore her ignorance

Be happy with your body and tell her that

Survive. Losing weight is about the hardest thing in this world to do!

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Nothing be happy with who you are and be a good person and if she keeps making comments punch her in the face. You’re not fat. But she definitely will have a black eye

Start feeding her amazing dessert s

just tell her and anyone else she is skinny ad a bean pole.

She may just think that being skinny is healthy and is trying to take care of you. She probably doesn’t mean any harm, and if she does, so what.
Exercise is always a healthy thing whether skinny or medium or large. It’s not negative.

There must be a book you can purchase her for how to leave people and their weight alone… Miss manners probably has a book that discusses that could be subtle because there are so many other great tips there for how to be a decent person… gift it to her… And highlight the section that pertains to you… While you’re at it you might get a book for setting boundaries and feeling comfortable letting people know that you aren’t comfortable with them discussing anything whatsoever about your personal physical self.

Talk to her on her own tell her how you feel

This is not about your mother in law, it’s about your relationship with your husband. Just hold your head high if you are comfortable with your weight and do not take it negatively. Just be happy. Simple things can destroy positive relationships. If your husband doesn’t have a problem with you, actually that’s all that matters.

If he feels you are over reacting or not, it’s his job to hear you and put an end to it. Gaslighting at its finest. Stop going to places where you don’t feel comfortable. Tell her to put in a few pounds.

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Stop visiting you do not need to be around toxic people

Tell her to mind her own business

I respond w. Not all skinny people are attractive. I was blessed w a good face unlike some. Usually shuts em.up

Tell her…your son likes it…end of discussion…period.

I’d say two conversations need to happen, one with your partner and one with the in-law. Your partner should support you and it doesn’t seem like they see an issue there. The in-law needs to be told you’re happy where you are, please stop asking. You could be polite at first but firm, more if it’s needed.

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Don’t go around her…you don’t have to listen leave the room. Don’t fight…

Tell her your man likes it :crazy_face:

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Tell her to mind her own business and to Take a :pill: pill Stay far away from her she is evil

You are an adult and she needs to understand that. Sit down with her and explain to her that you don’t need, want or ask for her help in regards to your weight, and that you are perfectly capable of dealing with your weight yourself. Thank her for her concern and tell her it ends.

She doesn’t like you,why worry

Just ignore what she says she will always do it no matter what it will only put a wedge between you and your husband. Be the adult if you are comfortable with yourself thats all that matters. I understand my mil was a horrible person but I just knew it was her problem not mine and kept peace in the family.

Don’t start a fight, but tell her it bothers you.

Put your mother in law in her place. And down side is it will put your husband is a weird spot. U will A, get her to back off, or B you may find out your husband thinks the same as his mom. My mother in-law did the same thing to me b4 having babies, and it got really bad after I had my babies. And flat out freaked out on her.( Feel kinda bad but needed to happen) I flat out told her to " quite making me feel bad about myself one month after having my second son, and that her some loves me for me not my waist size" and my husband backed me up. And not once has she ever mentioned my weight again. But I do realize that it could have ended a very different way. So talk to your husband first. Then put her in her place.

Speak up and tell her exactly what you told us.

Tell her firmly, but nicely that her concern isn’t at all necessary. Tell her that you are happy with the way you look.

You tell him either he can agree with you or he can step out of your life you do not need to deal with that kind of abusive Behavior if you are fine with your weight and you don’t want to lose weight that is your business it is nobody else’s business not everybody has to be a skinny little toothpick if they don’t like it getting some exercise is great also and if you don’t want to get a divorce you should Express to the woman how she makes you feel with her words and you should also accept going at least to the gym with her if she’s going to pay for it my opinion I think working out is fun at gyms

Tell her how it makes you feel.

Tell her to mind her own business

Tell her to mind her own business and worry about her own figure problems.

She should back off at some point but I’ve lost 80lbs by choice and do feel much better. Everything is easier. I think she means well but is insensitive.

Tell her to shut up or you’ll eat her :woman_shrugging::roll_eyes::rofl:

Don’t let this woman feel entitled to hurt your feelings! If your husband won’t bring it to her attention, you need to!

Start with the questions about if she wants cheeseburgers, and chocolate cake, cookies, and pizza . . Be relentless like she is :joy:

tell her your husband married you for your good looks and charm

Be straight tell her you are fine with who you are :heart:

Ask her why she is so obsessed with your body? Why she keeps on about it. Put her on the defensive. Is she going to body shame her grandchildren?

Go off on everybody. You don’t deserve that shit and you don’t have to kiss their asses about it. They’ll get over it and stop touching that button. If they don’t you’ll know it’s time to kick some grass over that shit and move on.

YOU are the one that teaches people how to treat you and if they don’t cut them out of your life just because she is your MIL doesn’t give her any rights to be mean and disrespectful

Start making comments about her mouth/tongue… :upside_down_face:

Tell her your husband loves the handles when ur riding his face!

Tell her right out.

Perhaps the MIL is trying to bond and has bonded with others by being a « diet » or « excerise buddy ». Maybe she should be objective and ask instead of assuming?

I do want to point out that being skinny does not automatically mean that one is fit! As many have found with COVID-19, some people who were thin were obviously not 100% healthy when they became ill. Being underweight may also become a problem. There are people who are not thin who are healthy because of their active life style. Just look at some of the world’s athletes. Additionally, some people cannot lose weight due to health reasons, so it is extremely disrespectful to harp on this subject.
What has happened to manners in this modern day Society? People should learn not to make personal remarks. Just because you are family is not an excuse to be rude. Perhaps one should tell this MIL that she looks too thin and suggest they go out and have a food fest to fatten her up? How would she like that suggestion?
This husband may have grown up in this toxic kind of environment but one does not have to stand for this mentally cruel treatment. He is not a child any more and lives in his own household. He should speak with his family and put his feet down that this treatment should cease or they will be seeing less of them. No one wants toxicity in their lives. And if they do not alter their behavior, they will be cut off completely. Just imagine bringing any future children into this environment!

Tell her shut up grow some balls man

Tell her you are happy and her comments are hurtful

Husband is gaslighting you. Address that 1st, possibly thru therapy. In the meantime, directly tell your mil no

Im such an asshole… ID grab food and shovel it in my.mouth moaning about how good it is… Make her embarrassed. Fuck her and her comments. Lmao.


If you were “fine “with the way you look no one would be able to put you down ! Making comments are like “ she’s fat”or you “eating to much “ if she’s inviting you to work out with her then she’s just trying to help you out ! A simple I’m fine thanks it’s all it takes

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When ever he goes to visit, just tell him you’re busy going to the gym. End of story!

Tell her to mind her own weight and business

TELL HER YOU FIND THIS OFFENSIVE! Conversation over! No need to hear her out, she will pull the BS she was only thinking if you.

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Tell her to mind her own business

No your not over reacting tell you husband to tell her to stop

Tell your husband to stands up to his mom and tell her to shut up or you won’t go there again

After I gave birth to our 4th son on November 27th I was expected to host Christmas dinner on December 25 because I had been doing it for several years. Oh did I mention that one was a c section? Anyway I worked hard and had a beautiful table set for 18 people. My 2 year old was sick and began running a temp of 102 just as guests arrived so I put him in my big bed closer to the dinning area wheee I could check on him. I thought the house looked beautiful and the dinner was really nice. I felt proud of myself. As things were winding down my sister in law said I still looked pregnant and my MIL stopped on her way out gesturing toward my abdomen and said “have you tried a girdle? Wouldn’t it help that?”. I was much smaller after I had the baby but no, my tummy was not flat in under 30 days. Hubby only said “try to get along with them” when I complained to him. Sometimes they are just bitches and you can only feel sorry for them that they think it’s OK to say such things.

Your husband should be on your side and tell her to fuck off.

Literally just tell her it makes u feel uncomfortable. And if she doesn’t stop then drop that b**ch…

be completely straight up … next time she makes a comment or asks you if you want to work out say “I like who I am and how I look … I appreciate your asking … but now that you know I am not interested please stop commenting on my body and asking me to diet” If it happens again after that … put your foot down and tell her if it comes up again you will no longer visit … if she does it a third time … stop going.


It’s obviously her own insecurities xx get her to join body confidence,radical self love and positive vibes on here its a fab page…if your hubby grew up with it it’s not personal to you she mainly feels shit about her self😓

You really need to say you are quite happy with yourself and how you look
Don’t wait for the next comment you bring it up yourself
Tell her someone mentioned it to you who you hadn’t seen for a while and you thought how ignorant it was and say I’ll never speak to that woman again
That way you are speaking about someone else and maybe she will get the message if not don’t go but tell her why
We are all different
I remember coming out of a paper shop and bumping into an old neighbor and her first words to me were you don’t get any thinner do you
And my reply was and you are still an ignorant woman aren’t you and I walked away xxx

You need to speak your mind to her. You live with her son, not her… He will hopefully support you. Otherwise just don’t be around her after you give her your opinion on her comments. Its not her body, its yours! Some people are so damned rude and intrusive, I’m sorry you have to deal with this. On a side note she might be so ignorant to her own comments that she doesn’t realize she’s upsetting you, some people are totally unaware like that.

Tell her I rather look the way I do rather than look anorexic like you and she will shut up

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Tell her if she says it again you’ll lose 100 and some odd pounds by dropping her son :joy: no but really just ignore her. If you’d not want to be around her don’t. Kinda behavior is disgusting.

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it is important to a persons health to attain and maintain a healthy weight. Many health issues are due to being overweight. Why not use the potential bonding experience to improve yourself and your relationship with her?

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Tell her she had an issue with compulsive behaviors as well as judgemental and rude behavior. Tell her I love myself as is, and if you wsnt to join her fitness club you will let her know. You should know that psychologically people marry someone who can protect them from their opposite sex parent so feel free to set this complete boor straight

You do you… remind your husband you married him and not his mother. There should be no input from the outside on your life. Your husband needs to get a grip on reality. You married a single man, not an entire family. Either they get with the program or they could stay on thier side of the fence. I’m zero tolerance with drama …