My mother in law keeps mentioning my weight: Just needing to vent

I gave birth to my second 3 1/2 months ago. My mil said something about me being round. (She thinks we’re pregnant again, and we’re just not telling her) I have not lost any weight; if anything, I’ve gained. She is not the only person that has said something about it to me, and I just keep telling people that I am just bigger now and I haven’t lost any weight. None of my previous clothes fit me anymore to the point I’m ready to just throw everything out and buy a whole new wardrobe. I’m just so over everyone saying stuff about my weight and trying to convince them that I’m not pregnant. She said, “there’s a difference between big round and pregnant round.” I had to tell her we’ll I’m a big round. I know she’s just thinking we’re hiding something when all I’m trying to hide is my muffin top.


Whats it got to do with your mother in law tell to mind her own business with my 3rd child ive put weight on and can’t lose it u will lose the weight when u feel ready and tell your partner his mother making u feel less and stop with the going on about your weight

Sorry tell her she looks round like she need to lose some weight!:thinking: see how she likes it.
Tell her yeah if I (you) gained weight its just more Cushing for the pushin :grin: that will shut her up!! She sounds like my mother inlaw! Old heffer​:joy::joy::rofl:

First thing, that’s hella rude. Second, it takes a year or more for your body internally to heal. Especially after a second baby it’s more noticeable. Idk how old you are, but age plays a factor too. I had my third kid at almost thirty and it’s taken the longest for my body to get back to “normal”. Where as my first two kids I was 18 and 21. 3 1/2 months is literally like you just had it

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I’m sorry that anyone feels it is their business to comment on your weight. I hope you don’t let it get you down. Merry Christmas!

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That’s rude and insensitive for others to mention your weight, for Pete’s sake you just had a baby. Give yourself a break enjoy that little blessing ,you’ll lose weight if and when you want to in your own time :smiling_face:


Tell her exactly what you just posted


Tell them all to suck a fart through a straw :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: assholes.


You are beautiful no matter what your weight. Tell her to mind her business.


“there’s a difference between being rude on accident and repeatedly being rude when you’ve already been told no!”


Iv been in a seemlier place with my ex mother-law always being horrible about the way I look and my wight and it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks your doing a great job being a new mum x

I’d piss on a stick, give it to her, and tell her to mind her damn business.


Do YOU feel you should lose weight?

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If you want to stay big …fine stay big…that’s your choice…

I had my baby a year ago and iv not lost any weight, I am planning on losing some next year but having a baby is a big thing so do what makes you happy not what makes other peoe happy. If your not bothered about your weight then that’s all that matters, but remember it takes a while for your body to go back to normal anyway, enjoy your baby and ignore everyone else. My inbox is open if you ever want a chat xx

You have to make yourself happy… Nobody can make you happy, only YOU… Its how you feel about yourself… If youre upset then try to change it…

Just incase it makes you uncomfortable because you feel like doing something arent sure how to feel more confident. Check out Brittanie Wright she’s a mom like you and me,
We both struggle with self image problems. People telling us how we should look.
She took the it more professional and seriously then I do, however ! Any mom 3.5 months out of a pregnancy. I hope you can shake it off.
We all have our recovery paths …
And good news! We’ve both started over many times…

I think you should tell her she’s being rude.


Tell her to stop fat shaming you metformin is excellent for loosing weight talk to your doctor about it

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Tell her to mind her own business.


I just want to know how this group went from boss bitch chronicles to this whatever this is

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Tell them to back off. You just had a baby, you shouldn’t have to prove anything to anyone. Find something sensitive about them and start holding a conversation about their shortcomings. They’ll back off of you with a quickness. Nobody wants to always focus on their shortcomings. Change the game. Lol


tell your mom in law to shut up

First of all ,it takes time to heal from having and making another human!!! You shouldn’t feel like you have to explain anything to anyone… F her and enjoy your baby!! It’s not easy to just shed weight especially when all your time is going into your family… shoot I had an almost 9 lb baby 14 years ago and my stomach has never gone away since then,some of us ain’t that fortunate!

You just plain tell to blow it out her ear, if she hasn’t got anything nice to say.u dont want to hear it. Good grief u just had a baby.give it time to work it off.tell your husband u choose not to.have her around shes going to be this way. U r the mother lady of the household so.speak up good luck

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If you are happy with your weight then it’s nobody’s business. Consider though that your mother in law might have good intentions and just not want to feel left out of something. (I don’t know her.). If you do want to lose weight, the right doctor can help. My husband just lost 100 pounds.

Wow - the audacity of some people blows my mind! How disgusting and disturbing that anyone thinks the have a right to comment on your weight/body/appearance at any time, let alone 3.5 months after giving birth!

Honesty, stop being polite, give her a piece of your mind and defend yourself!!

Sending love x

Its always easy to point the 1 finger at you. Little do they know 3 at pointing back at them. I remember someone thought I was pregnant and I just had my son 3 weeks prior. I felt bad then all alone. I dont know who you are. But all I know is that screw the person or people who think other wise. The only ones that matter are the people ( meaning little ones ) that no matter what you look like they will love you no matter what

Sometimes a womans body bounces right back after giving birth.
Sometimes it never goes back to the way it was pre baby. (Not saying yours wont) being pregnant can permanently change the entire way your body looks and feels. And you know what? That is OK!!!
What matters is that you are happy and healthy and love yourself and your body exactly the way it is.
Much love to you❤ enjoy your blessing and f*** everyone else.


Throw away your clothes, because once you have a baby nothing ever fits just the same again, weight or not. Toss it all and buy clothes that make you feel good.
And the common man is dead wrong about recovery, it actually takes your bod 1 whole year to recover from pregnancy and birth. She should leave you alone to heal.

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13 years later, I’ve never been able to remove the 10 kgs I gained while pregnant. I’ve learnt to live with it

Do some tummy strengthening exercise. You just had a baby… also don’t forget your pelvic floor lifts.
Tell people you have a abdominal muscle issue .look it up so you can give them the exact details. Lol they won’t ever comment again.
Buy that new wardrobe ,you have earned it…


Seriously… I’d lose it. You literally JUST had a baby. The last thing they need to do is comment about your weight… I’d do what someone else said and pee on a stick and shove it in her face and tell her to leave me the fuck alone about it now.


My ex-husbands grandfather gave me magazines with exercise and diet tips on Thanksgiving! :woman_facepalming: I had just had my second child a few months prior! :roll_eyes:
Some people are just rude and insensitive!

3 months ago? What in the hell does she expect from you? Yeah I would punch her in her loose lips…


I weigh 5lbs less than I did before getting pregnant and my grandpa said the same thing multiple times when I saw him for Christmas. Just say ok and try to let it go.

Its 3 and a half months since you had baby. A womens body can just snap back sometimes or sometimes it never goes back to way it was (not saying that be the case for you) .but the main thing is that you and baby are healthy. Love yourself just as you are. Xxx

Unless she’s a scale, ignore the references to your weight


I would be VERY direct and just say “How rude” and walk away. End of story. You do not have to tolerate that out of anyone.


Tell them they’re looking fat too and ask them how it feels


Or just tell them to fuck off and leave it at that

Your body just went through 2 births.
One was 3 and half months ago.
When I have birth to my daughter I didn’t lose any of the weight until she was 6 months. My story sounds like yours.
Tell them to stop. Tell them especially her how it makes you feel.
3 and 1/2 months is still new and fresh.
You do you mama.

I’d do a pregnancy test right in front of her, then tell her to keep her fucking opinions to herself.

Tell her she’s fat. Done.


I’d tell her to stuff it. People carry weight differently. I carry a lot of weight around my belly. Hell I FEEL pregnant sometimes even though I’m not.

Not everyone “bounces back” and that’s okay. If your husband hasn’t said anything, he really should. You deserve to have a support system, especially after having a baby. You’re mother in law is rude. That’s one of the first things I feel like you learn as a child-don’t comment on people’s weight. I’m sorry, it’s messed up. Merry Christmas.


I hate mother n laws.if your lucky enough have good one keep.her .

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My mil was staying with my husband and I for awhile when our son was a couple months old and she kept telling me I “looked” pregnant. It use to get under my skin so bad. And she kept saying it over and over even after my husband cussed her out about it. So one day she said it and I said “well you look like a toothless cow urself but u don’t hear me telling you that” and just walked away. She ended up moving out a month or so later. I swear she jinx me bc I ended up pregnant again shortly after she moved out. I just had my baby yesterday lol


Ask her when would be a good time to drop the kids off with her so you can go work out :tipping_hand_woman:


I had Irish twins and gained after and continues to carry my weight in a rounded belly - I only recently lost weight (and promptly got pregnant again :woman_facepalming:t3:)

Tell your MIL to stuff it and give yourself some grace. I do also suggest buying some clothes that you feel good in - it can help a lot!

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Yeah I’m 2 years post partum with my second and have had a hell of a time losing weight and I look pregnant. Tell her she’s being rude and abusive.

No one has any right to even mention this to you. they should worry about themselves and not you and I persist that you should say so. My son was very tiny for his age for quite a long time. This lady thought he was cute when we were on a bus one time and said oh how old is he? I told her and she looked at me with a snotty attitude and said well he’s small for his age. She was also a bigger lady and I said well you’re pretty fat for someone who thinks they can be that rude. Was that rude to say for me yes but she shut up. My son ate night and day he was just small for his age now he’s big for his age so screw that lady. I’ve learned how to handle those things way better now but still. I’m a bigger lady myself so really I shouldn’t have said that but again she shut up like she doesn’t know this kid how dare she assume anything


and if you had two kids like these people just need to shut up I mean what does she look like does she a model you know what I mean

If just say “i don’t recall asking your f*cking opinion :thinking:
Then, if she reaches for a roll, ask her if she “really” need that roll :smirk:


You just tell everybody your weight is not their concern! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:
That makes me so angry!
Woman are not supposed to even hop on a scale for non-medical reasons in the first 12 months post partum because your body takes that long to get back to normal, If there even is a normal after childbirth?!


Girl, mostly everyone gains some weight after having a baby. You don’t have to explain a damn thing to anybody.

Tell her to STFU. Why the heck do people allow themselves to be pushed around and spoken to in any type of rude way?!

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Until they’re ‘perfect’ who are they to judge. Your body carried your beautiful baby, it may not be how it was but that doesn’t mean its a bad thing. If anything, its the best thing…

Tell her to mind her own business and if she keeps bringing it up tell her if she don’t stop you’ll eat her next and then problem solved lol just trying to make ya laugh a little


After I had my son I blew up. Like the day I gave birth I was 170ish and then a few months later I was 203. I suggest you keep some of your old clothes you really like and buy new stuff that fits better. Also tell the bitch to shut up. If you were pregnant again you wouldn’t be showing yet anyway so I feel like she is just being mean. Be proud of your body for carrying your beautiful babies.

Not that I think you should or shouldnt lose wt im throwing this out as a suggestion: i have been on weight watchers for 14 months and lost 80 lbs. Its a very easy program to follow. I have seen ppl use it to lose 10 lbs and 100lbs. As for the MIL: put her in her place

Everyone that’s making comments abt ur weight is rude :flushed: idk ppl like that- you need a new circle.


That is horrible for her to say! Youre only 3.5 months pp! It took me 3 yrs to bounce back and when I lost all the weight and then of course got pregnant again.


Tell her to F**** O***F who the hell she think she is telling you how you look and if you was so what ? Is she paying your bills does she sleep with you ? Does she cook for you ? Does she shower you ? Does she drive you around ? Does she do any of for for you ? No! So tell her to sit down and eat a chew bone :bone:


Tell her to fuck off. How rude. Even if you were “hiding” another pregnancy, that’s none of her damn business until you want it to be.

I gained heaps of weight after giving birth got back up to my highest pregnancy weight both times, can be hard when you’re so tired. I lost weight when they started sleeping better around 1 year old. Your husband needs to stick up for you.


Its hard to get rid of baby weight. I am the heaviest ive ever been without being pregnant. People should have enough respect not to mention it. Get some bigger clothes, i did and feel do much better! And tell her to keep her mouth shut! No need to be rude!

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Tell them to KISS YOUR ASS!!! Your beautiful and that is all that matters!!!

Start making arrogant remarks about all of their body types too. :sleeping:


I had my third baby in august and I’m still holding on to some weight (I just had surgery Tuesday for three hernias thanks to that csection, it’s not like I’ve been able to be as active as I’d like) and I’m hearing some of the same comments. It floors me. I would NEVER say some of the things I’ve heard to my friends or family. I have no idea what to tell you about how to handle your MIL but I’m relieved to know I’m not alone :heart:

Everyone made comments about my weight immediately after childbirth too. The only difference is that my weight went the total opposite and I lost it all. I was back to 84lbs by day 3. I know it won’t make you feel any better, but it feels just as lousy to be “too thin” and have people telling you all the time that you look like you’re on drugs. My sister in law took it as far as to say I was drugging my kids too. People can be so nasty. Tell them to get fucked and keep moving.

My family always talked about me being big after having my kids. Now that I lost weight. They say I’m to skinny and must be smoking crack. So I have learned either way they are gonna talk about me regardless. It use to bother me but now it doesn’t.


Its rude to assume someone is pregnant i habe been pregnant twice and both times I got HUGE!!! but even befor I ever got pregnant I never assumed someone was pregnant just because of their belly. Everyone is built different. And unless someone is gonna come out and tell me their pregnant then I will not mention SHIT. id rather be called rude because I didnt notice. Rather than being called rude because I DID notice. But dont feel bad girly my little on is almost three come April and im just now SLOWLY Losing the weight. Maybe 10 or 15lbs. I dont check :skull_and_crossbones: as long as ur kids are healthy and your able ro care for them and yourself. Try not to beat yourself up :pleading_face::heartpulse:

I always answer people “not pregnant just fat but thank you for noticing” it sets them back that they shut up. The nerve of some people. Don’t let them see it bothers you or they might be doing it on purpose. I was always 100 lbs or less but after my 3rd child I was 140 so people always had to comment.

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Tell her where to get off. I have been big all my life. I tell people who are rude enough to mention my size that I am still trying to loose my baby fat. . my baby is 30!

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Nah, be direct with her and set her in her place! Wtf!? Thats beyond rude, thats blatantly evil. I HATE that

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Well… she sounds terrible. Although if it were me I think I’d say,” well no I’m not pregnant but maybe we could do a diet together because you look like you’ve gained some weight too.” Boom she’s super offended and she won’t ask you again :joy::roll_eyes:


Tell her what I tell my kids- we never comment on anyone’s body, ever. Repeat yourself over and over, if you have to.


It took me a year with every single one of my kids , 3 of them, to lose the baby weight. And I was in my early 20’s for 2 and I was 28 with my 3rd. Tell her to mind her business!

Tell her to mind her own business. Also your husband doesn’t say anything to his mother??


That’s so mean of them.
Dont mind them now, ignore their messages and comments so they’ll know their place.
Stay happy and bold mumma :kissing_heart:


People really shouldn’t be commenting on your weight, it’s none of their business, especially considering you just had a baby… like, wow, way to make a new mom feel good.


Have your partner say something to her. Some people are just rude and see nothing wrong with it.
Growing children does a number to us women not just physically but mentally. You would think as a mother herself she would be more thoughtful.


Tell her to fuck off and quit talking about your body. That’s the last thing you need to worry about right now. Shes a shit starter plain and simple. Set firm boundaries or quit talking to her and answering her for 2 weeks straight. Shell get the hint.

It will take you at least 9 months to lose that weight especially if you’re nursing. Don’t listen to these people honey you’ll lose it and it doesn’t matter if you do or not, your weight does not define you as a person


Tell her to stick it!! It’s none of her damn business!

You grew a human in your body chill out relax you are beautiful

That is so incredibly insensitive especially considering you just grew a baby for 9 months… tell her to stick it where the sun don’t shine. You don’t loose baby weight the day your baby is born. These comments make my blood boil!!

Some woman take a bit longer to lose the weight. Some take even LONGER if you breastfeed. (Not all woman lose weight with breastfeeding)
it’s me I’m some woman.
It sucks but was your baby born healthy? Are they thriving now? Was it worth it? HELL YES.
You do you. It’s a struggle learning to love the new you, but YOU CAN DO IT.
Everybody else can go fu€k off


I’d pee on a test and whip it at her head🤣


There’s no reason for your mil or anyone to say anything about your weight except to upset you. I’ve learned that when you keep hurtful people in your life they feel you’re giving them the right to hurt you. You can’t change them. Cut the bitch off. She doesn’t see you or your child again. It’s the only way to stop her. Otherwise it’ll get worse.

You attitude its an excuse to stay fat , i lost my pregnancy weight and fit in my old clothes within a month from delivery , no excuses


I would tell her she is being rude and needs to stop now

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I’d cuss her ass out.

Tell her it took you 9 months to make that baby, and you’re gonna take as many months as you god damn please to work that weight off. And that her telling you that you look pregnant is neither going to make you pregnant sooner, nor help you lose weight.
Also, you may have diastasis recti, and you might want to speak to your doctor about if nothing changes in the next few months. Still, it’s common (especially for tiny women with little basketball bellies) to look pregnant for 3 to 6 months after giving birth. Seriously though, I’d be like…

Sweetheart Your body needs a year to get back to normal. Weight loss gets harder with each kid, and every year you are older. Tell her she,ll be the first to know if Your preg. And ask her to stop asking. What a bitch! Good luck!

Be direct with her and tell her to shut it about your weight

I’m no help. I had this happen after my 7th because I got big and stayed big for the first time in my life. Everyone thought I was pregnant again. I wrote a huge bitchy freak out on fb telling everyone that I definitely was not pregnant and was actually in the process of trying to get my “fat uterus” removed completely and that it really hurt that I was finally at a healthy weight and people were making shit comments and making me feel awful. People finally stopped and then I found out that I am pregnant again around thanksgiving😐 needless to say I want to headbutt each person because I feel like they jinxed me. Stand your ground, freak out a little. Tell people how their shit comments are making you feel. There is ZERO reason that anyone should expect your body NOT to look pregnant still for Atleast a few months after giving birth. That’s normal to still have a pregnant looking belly for awhile after you have a baby.

Tell her: there’s a difference between wishful thinking and being a cuntmuffin…

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I was told by my BIL today if I should be eating anymore food today. I had my second baby 6months ago and the weight stuck for a little while. He kept repeating it, and I looked him in the face and said “ya know, coming from someone who is in the middle of experiencing a miscarriage with their 9week baby that really upsets me, and especially on Christmas with my two kids. Please stop.” He apologized and literally left.