Pee on a test infront of her and ask her when she’s due. Lol. No, but fr she’s being incredibly rude.
people are just so uneducated and rude–it takes a full year to recover from a normal birth, longer for complicated ones. No one should ever expect a new mom to go back to where she was before pregnancy (some people are just blessed with the genetics to bounce back quickly or the older women have totally forgotten what it was like)
Set some boundaries. I have similar experiences with my family and I finally said “my weight and shape aren’t an appropriate topic, please stop talking about it now and don’t bring it up in the future” and you’re not responsible for how she reacts to that
How insensitive and mean. What is wrong with people to comment on other people’s weight gain or weight loss. And especially so when the person recently had a baby! That is so offensive.
Women often don’t fully recover abdominally for a full year. That’s why physicians require you to wait a year before carrying. Some women develop separated abdominals, or an excess of skin. You also retain water weight and hormones for a full year postpartum. This is all natural; also uncomfortable to talk about for some women.
Tell her you can eventually lose weight if you choose to, but her judgmental attitude seems to be a long term problem.
It can take well over a year to lose the pregnancy weight. Don’t throw stuff out now as eventually you may lose it and need your clothes. I was the same but after a Yr I’d lost 4 stone after starting jogging at home.
Tell people to f off if they mention it. You’ve not long had a baby
Tell her you don’t have to prove anything to her
You know what? My son, he’s my youngest, I only had 2. The day I got out of the hospital my aunt mentioned that I looked bigger than before I got pregnant. My mom told her to mind her own business. Years later my brother in-law mentioned something about my weight and laughed. I said " you know what Mark? I’m fat you’re ugly and I can diet!"
After your baby is six months, go have a complete physical done. Have them check your thyroid levels, PCOS, and any other issues. I became hypothyroid after my daughter was born and never knew until two years later. If she still makes a big deal out of your weight, just stop talking and seeing her. Sooner or later she will get the hint.
I’d make it clear to her that not everyone bounces back. I didn’t loose a damn thing until my son was 18 months and I was exercising and everything! Now I’m 1year PP and still holding baby weight from the surrogate baby I delivered. My MIL keeps asking are we pregnant, no b*tch we will let ya know is always my response
I’m fat and my youngest is 16. Between baby weight and COVID stress people need to understand. 3 months later is harsh to have any expectations. Just tell her your fat and her son still loves you
How rude!!.. It takes 9 months to make a baby so easily takes 9 months or more to get back to what you feel comfortable with… Ignore her rudeness!!
Pregnancy can set off thyroid issues. Or progress them. That was my experience. I didnt bounce back. Theres hyper hypo. Graves and hashimotos. Maybe more.
This is disgusting, I’ve never understood why anyone thinks it’s appropriate to talk about someone’s size. I would tell her once firmly that no, you’re not pregnant and you would appreciate it if she would stop talking about your weight. If she says anything else, have your husband talk to her. That’s so rude and inappropriate.
How stressful people are so mean. U literally had a baby 3 months ago, why can’t ppl just stop shaming and focus on the little blessing u brought into the world
Personally that’s none of her business. You just had a life pushed out of your body 3 months ago! Not all women bounce back right away. And to get yout body back to “normal” takes a year, your hormones are all over the place right now. Your body has to have time to adjust. I’d tell her to stop bringing it up, your not worried about and she for sure shouldn’t be worried about your body in that way. All that matters is you’re healthy and so is the baby.
How unbelievably insensitive people can be. Not all people are the same. Can’t we just learn to love the inner person without commenting of the other shell. Don’t let the judgment of others affect you. One day at a time. You just do you and be your unique special self. People who judge others on what’s outside are people you don’t want around.
It’s inappropriate for ANYONE to be commenting on your weight that much. Period. I would mention it next time she says something. Just a nice reminder that your weight shouldn’t be mentioned, as it’s impolite.
Honestly I’m sure I would have put my foot down already about that. I’m too sensitive about it
From now on just smile and say we will see when she says your pregnant. You have told the truth and she hasn’t listened so now let her get excited for nothing.
How uncomfortable for you and inappropriate for her to say. Shame on her. Don’t even answer her. Just keep changing the subject. And your husband better be speaking to her about her behavior.
My mil and hubby’s family is the same way. I ignore it. Or just say “nope, just fat” " nope, just a food baby" tell them you got your tubes tired while still in the hospital or say " can you wait until my body bounces back from the last baby before you start asking about the next? maybe they’re excited for a big family?
I am sorry but why do you put up with this negativity in your life and YOUR husband needs to deal with his mother. I hope you have talked with him and asked for his support.
Weed out the negativity we have ENOUGH to handle. You are great— be strong!
Hello it’s a quarantine time we have all gained a few. We have enough stress as it is your weight shouldn’t be one. Tell them being quarantine and staying home with a new baby 3 months is still new you have enough to deal with leave your weight alone.
I’m 52 I have five kids worked in a daycare and I will tell you this. After baby 1 you don’t always go back to your starting size. Hormones aren’t always skinny ones. Baby2 is going to be different and the whole experience is different. Hormones do what they gonna do. Drink water to stay hydrated. Eat when you need. Ignore the weight thing
Most really don’t need to be saying anything to anyone cause we all fall short somewhere
I say you need to be healthy for the babies. You need to be happy with yourself. The you in the real not the mirrors. Tell mil you’ll loose weight when she quits meddling. Invest in your family and let others worry about themselves. Big hugg honey and remember God picked you to be those babies mom cause you were the best for them.
I’ve had four babies it takes me at least a year to lose any weight no matter how hard I try must just be how my body works worry about you and your babies no one else matters
That’s awful and she should know better. It’s harder after the second child to lose it. Maybe someone needs to tell her to shut her mouth. Be good to yourself stay healthy. You will lose the weight. And if you don’t tell her what’s on your mind.
I finaly lost my baby wieghtand my son is 32 years old. Tell her she needs to back off. I am sorry you have to deal with her rudeness
I used to be told that it was a shame I was fat because I had a pretty face. It hurt. I lost the weight when I was in the right frame of mind and have distanced myself from all those who were a negative influence in my life. I’ve lost 5 stone and my mental health is better than it’s ever been. It’s nobody’s business what size you are etc. Just do you. Aslong as your child is being cared for and is loved then that’s all she needs to worry about. In-laws suck!!!
I would have a one on one with her. I think sometimes we just have to speak the truth! You just had a baby!!! Embraces your curves! I will tell you from experience that after the second child it’s much harder to loss weight! Hang in there mama!
I’ve had 3 kids 2 of which were c-sections. My stomach is round no matter how much I weigh and no I’m no where near what I was before I had kids. I feel ya. I look pregnant but really I’m just fat
I feel ya girl!! Pre pregnancy I was fairly thin. 5.2 and only 135lb. A curvy figure with great muscular strength. I gained 80lb during my first pregnancy and lost NOTHING after birth!
I worked so hard for years! Finally getting down to 173 and then we got pregnant again lol… after our 2nd was born, again I lost nothing and my weight went up to 243! No matter how hard I worked…
Our 2nd is now 3 and over the last year I’ve learned that I’m allergic to mammal meat and their products. So I’m on a pescatarian diet, omitting anything with dairy. And so far I’ve lost 60lb.
Get a T-shirt made that says “I’m fat not pregnant” then ask her if she likes you/respects you/thinks you’re a good mother to her grandchildren etc . When she says yes tell her you find her comment hurtful and would appreciate it if she would stop
With my first I lost my weight in a month, eight years later I had my second. He’s 9 months old and I’ve yet to lose my weight. If it bothers you I’d just politely tell her.
All the ladies on here saying they are treated this way is killing me! No one absolutely no one has any right to body shame another human being! We are all so beautiful in our own luscious ways!! Big hugs to each of you! You are bigger and better then these people and their comments!
Almost a year after my second son I’m finally back down to a decent weight and fitting back into my normal clothes! Give it time!! Especially If you’re in your thirties like me, our bodies start slowing down on metabolism, etc. If your husband supports you and the rest of your family does then you need to be a sass right back to her! Don’t let her walk over you!
Commenting about someone’s weight and looks is rude. Don’t let her bully you like that. Set a boundary by reminding her that it’s none of her business. Hugs…
Not that it’s anyone’s business but pregnancy belly sometimes stays a little while after birth
Just sit down and tell her clearly of how her these thoughts affect u and this will inturn affect the baby. Tell her that being a woman u expect her to support u in this journey and not these comments which will just damage the relationship further. Have a clear and open conversation
I still look pregnant after giving birth 18 weeks ago, tell her to mind her own business your weight will go when it wants to. As long as your looking after yourself it’s none of her business
I’m 8 months postpartum and i am the biggest i have ever been in my life . I am lucky because no one has said anything (i only really see my husband and kids anyway since I’m working at home ) but nobody should be body shaming . it’s been a rough year
As a women she should know it’s not easy to hop back or lose weight it’s nobody’s business plus if people get skinny they talk crap if your are bigger as well people need to mind there business they are never happy . Plus does she have a bomb body ? Or who Is she to judge
Hunny don’t beat yourself up for having trouble losing the weight is hard specially having 2+ kids to tend to and your tired, on my second it took me so long lose the extra weight just tell them to mind their business your husband has to let her know also to be respectful towards you and to keep her comments to yourself
Ugh people need to leave moms alone .are mom bods are hot let it go in one ear and out the other.she. needs to leave you alone
I had a lot of issues when I gave birth, I didn’t get back into my clothes until I was 8 month pp. I didn’t care what anyone said because I’m a big girl anyway. I just tell them I’m more worried about my kids than my body
It always takes longer the second time to lose weight I dont know a single female that can lose weight fast in a healthy way after a second kid. I’d tell her to shove or if she that concerned ask her if she’s willing to pay for your gym membership and provide free daycare while you go to the gym and sit the hottubs
I’m big and I’m trying to have a diet but my MIL insists that I don’t need a diet because I breastfeed my baby. It’s been a year but I keep gaining weight.
What a c***!! Tell her to mind her own business. Or, next time she says something, tell her that her son still wants it so her opinion doesn’t matter
Wrap up a negative pregnancy test, and tell her the comments are starting to hurt your feelings. That if and when you choose to have another one, there’s no reason you would lie about it.
Just relax.Enjoy your baby.Stop worrying about what your mil thinks . Keep busy with your life and it will come right off.
Dude, I had that happen after my first. Someone asked if I had another one in there and I said no I’m just fat.
Ignore her, I know it’s hard, try and drink water and rest when you can. Easier said than done I know, but this has been a rough year and her being rude isn’t going to make it better. Didn’t her mother teach her if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all?
Bodies dont “bounce back” to where they were before pregnancy. You grew a whole human. It’s 100% normal to be “rounder” than you were before you got pregnant. I probably would end up saying something g like hey I can fix my roundness with diet and exercise, but how do you purpose fixing the ugliness in your heart that makes you think its ok to make a new mother insecure about her new body?
Are you happy? If yes carry on hun. Tell her to mind her business. Tell her how her view is making you feel. X
If you decide to lose weight do it for yourself not anyone else
My youngest is a whole decade old and I JUST NOW got down to my pre-FIRST CHILD weight. Seriously everyone who wants to comment on others weight can just go kick rocks.
Give yourself time. Don’t pay any attention to what negative things people say, especially a mil. Mil can be cruel, especially when they’re jealous.
Mina always talks about how much m losing and I haven’t lost a pound I have no idea why she is stuck on my weight either
Your husband should stand up for you and tell her to mind her own damn business that’s what happens when you have kids it’s not easy to lose weight after having a baby
Tell them ALL to kiss your Ass! Buy new clothes that fit your body. Remember that it took you almost a year to gain the weight and it will most likely take you longer to lose it, if you ever do. Be happy, be a mommy, do your own thing in your own time.
I’m so sorry people are treating you this way!! That’s just wrong! You need to put your foot down & don’t allow ppl to talk to you that way. Keep your head up sweetie
Just be straight with her and tell her to shut her mouth, if she continues your husband should tell her…
It took me till I had my 3rd (3 yrs) to lose all the weights from my 2nd and thats only cause I threw it all up
I haven’t lost the baby weight either and my son is 23 years old
Tell her to stop? Be a little more secure with who you are?
Tell hubby to tell her to knock it off.
Where is your husband? He needs to stand up to her!
Don’t hide ntn at all babydoll you’re beautiful just the way you are give it some time to shed the pregnant weight if it doesn’t go anywhere oh well they’ll be ok you are loved all the way from Texas I’m big round & it’s been 5 years since I had my son I love me through & through and don’t care who doesn’t I love to eat & im gonna continue to eat
Maybe you go pregnancy induced cushings disease it happened to me
Have you been tested for pcos?
I’d ask them why your weight is any of their business. And your husband needs to address his mother and tell her to butt out.
Tell her it doesn’t stop her son from bet she’ll hush up
Tell you nonyafucking business. You gave her grandchildren. And the only person you need to please is your husband.
Tell them to mind their damn business … u do you n just love urself. Do stuff just for you for ur own happiness
Tell them all where to go and dont pay them no mind. Dont let their negativity bring you down
I am still fat after 17 yrs old. I tell I am fat but I am curvy and eff off. I have 4 kids.
Ew my ex MIL did the same thing to me. I bit my tongue… and now I dont have to.
MIL needs to mind her own!
Tell her it’s none of her damn business… If you were pregnant or overweight… If a baby comes then yay… Until then shut your f’n mouth… Thanks
Girl screw them let that muffin top hang out!!! Be comfortable with yourself your beautiful!!!
Oh you’ll lose it. Then they’ll say you’re to skinny
Lol my family has learned not to stay things like this to me or in front of me. I’ve told them unless I sit on your face or you pay all my bills you can shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.
I would find whatever makes her self conscious and I’d hammer it home till she got the idea that treating someone like that is wrong. Sometimes you have to bully a bully.
Tell her to mind her own business. She’s old and she can’t hide THAT!
Why do these rude ass people think it’s okay to comment on anyone’s weight?!
You need to tell your MIL that her mouth gained weight to shut the F up…
It is not her business
Tell her to F@#$ off
I guess she will see in 9 months
Wth?? Screw her judgemental ass. You just grew a freaking baby inside you! Ur tired af when they are that age? Going to have to set some clear boundaries and tell her none of her business and to f off.
Tell her to mind her own business!!
Ladies, you are not fat, you have fat! There is a difference!
My youngest is 2. I gained so much weight from BC and depression meds. I hate how I look and people keep asking me when I’m due
I have an almost 3 month old and im in the same boat…
What’s her address, I’d be happy to stop by and slap her into tomorrow!
Well when I gave birth to my 1st. It hadn’t been not 24hrs and I was still in hospital. I was wearing a robe and got up to use the restroom. My own mother said. Wow your stomach is still same size. Looks like you haven’t had the baby. They need to make sure there isn’t another one in there because when I had you my stomach went flat in a few hours and blah blah blah.
I lost and didn’t really look pregnant with all my pregnancies, but with the last I gained weight after giving birth. I was 130 when I gave birth and now am way more than that. She’s 20 and I never cared, but people in my family did say things all the time.
just tell everybody to mind their own business that if you don’t care how you look or how much you gain weight then they shouldn’t have to csre either.
I don’t know I don’t know when it became the thing to tell people how they look or how they act or how they talk is improper or not to their satisfaction.
You know suck it up, you’re making excuses you’re pissed at her because she mentioned it and because you know you’re fat,I was on your side until you came out with the excuse of coronavirus stress.put your child in a carriage and take him for a walk stop coming up with excuses
Omg f*** everyone! 3 1/2 months ago??? You’re so okay sweetie!!! Don’t throw anything away except all that negativity!!
Tell her that her soul is ugly!