My mother in law keeps mentioning my weight: Just needing to vent

Omg f*** everyone! 3 1/2 months ago??? You’re so okay sweetie!!! Don’t throw anything away except all that negativity!! :blue_heart:

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Fuck that bitch. Everyone is different. You have babies to raise, not some fucking bitch’s judgement on what is acceptable for a new mom. Fuck her. You do you. You’re great.

I still got my big belly
My boy is 10
I cop shit from stranger s all the time
Asking when baby due.
People are nasty creatures. Just stand up to her be straight to the point with her. Or else she will just continue too taunt you. By ignoring the situation your allowing her to continue . It hard i know.
Ask your husband to have a word with her.
If you have a partner.
Don’t let it continues :blush::smiling_face:

Tell her to stfu & stop being sensitive & up ur ass about shot she don’t know anything about

Some people get too comfortable with the mouth sometimes and they think they could tell you anything,that’s is very hurtful especially if you just gave birth 3 1/2 month away . I still carry weight from my son and that was 17 years ago.I remember once 4 months after giving birth to my son somebody asked me when was my due date I came home that night and cried and cried. I recently saw that person .i just loss 60 pounds and they timing couldn’t be better Karma is a bitch ,and I was able to asked that same question I hope she goes home and cry like I did 17 years ago

Fucking rude!!! 3.5 months isn’t enough time to lose baby weight… shit the first 2+ months you’re still healing and bonding with your baby! F#%k her!!

That’s horrible! I’m sorry your MIL is in an inconsiderate twat

It sucks that as women we gotta always worry about how we look in front of our own family! I got a glimpse of that yesterday & ever since I’m like “ugh I’m fat & nasty!” Then again I’m like fck that! Who cares what others say or think! This is us!! We’ve had babies, we’re getting older, our bodies change & that’s part of life!! Fck what others think!!!

Tell her to go fuck herself?

Tell her that yes you are pregnant :walking_woman::walking_woman:

My daughter is 14 and I still haven’t lost all the weight :woman_shrugging: my weight fluctuates quite a bit but at the end of the day, my husband loves me for me and all my chunk. If that was my MIL I’d be having a serious heart to heart with her and tell her to mind her own damn business and words of encouragement go a lot further than negative Nancy shit

I’m sorry but ya gotta grow some thick skin…lmao…I get “teased” constantly about my weight I’m short so its noticable when I gain a few lbs…but let me tell you. The person that dishes this kind of stuff cant take a serving of there own meal.

My mom calls me fat, so now shes dubbed ‘old lady’, I get one of these :fu: and she gets :rofl:.

Yes were that type of family. If someone is gonna talk shit they better be ready for a comeback. :facepunch:

There is literally a condition where your belly keeps the pregnant shape. I forget what it is now tho but I have a preggo belly hard and everything. Im a bitch so no one says shit

Tell the Monster In Law to go fuck herself, along with anyone else making you self conscious of your body!! You were given the ability to bring life into the world. Cut them off. Your peace means more then their bullshit opinions. Merry Christmas.

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Get her told silly moo

Have your husband tell her to STFU

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I would ask her “Why is it so important to you that I be thin?” She is the one with the character flaw. Put it back on her.

Go buy yourself that new wardrobe and make yourself feel better. Either accept yourself for your beautiful self or do something about it, as my therapist said to me. I chose to do something about it, and she also warned, it could make/break my marriage too…he had control over me as long as my self-esteem was low with my weight, well it broke it. Tell them, it is what it is, it’s so rude for people to say such things! I hated it, sometimes I found myself hitting them back…eye for an eye thing. Then I didn’t like that part of me, chose to take higher road…ignored. Just say, you think what you want…I have stated the facts.
Love yourself…enjoy your newborn and life. Do what makes you happy!

You Have Nothing To Prove To Her Or Anybody Else! Eat That Extra Piece Of Chicken Cause That’s Your Business! Be A Mother In Law & Not A Well Fitness Advisor.

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No offense to anybody but I straight up tell her to fuck off and leave you alone

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Mouthshut… is what she needs to do.
She needs to mind her own business :astonished::zipper_mouth_face:.
I am sorry she has said these things. Don’t mind her.

Tell her categorically you’re NOT pregnant, then tell her there are so many things worse than being fat! Like being cruel, or thoughtless, or insensitive, or snide, or judgemental, or entitled or interfering…
If she then asks you if you are referring to her, shrug and say “I wasn’t… but if the cap fits…”
She’ll shut up real quick!

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Id say politely w a smile that your weight isnt her business and if she cant say anything nice that she cant come over or something to that effect.

Women? Why cant we just look after each other and stop being bitchy? You have recently given birth, give yourself time to live in your new body, stuff your mil. You dont need to be worrying about your figure, just look after yourself and your baby. You two are all that matter.


I’ve had in laws comment on my weight, I had a chubby belly. It used to bug me, but now I’ve told them that my weight is my business and to mind their business. Body shaming of any kind is not cool. Don’t let her get to you…

Your weight is your business not hers you will lose it on your own time

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That’s horrible you just gave birth and second baby weight is not easy to loose.

Tell her to piss of and stick her nose back where it belongs x

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It’s none of her business! That being said your OB can check your thyroid levels to make sure everything is ok. Thyroid can affect your weight as in loss or gain.

Sorry but fuuuck her. She shouldn’t make any comments about your body.


Your husband needs to put her in her place and he doesn’t then you should


Sorry she is being a dick. If you wanted to be an ass right back, you could always take a pregnancy test and gift it to her to prove your point (not that you owe any proof to anyone).

So rude. It isn’t easy to lose that baby weight. Don’t be hard on yourself it’s only been three months. Some people have some nerve. Years ago I wore a dress to a family get together. I never wear dresses and I felt good. And my husbands aunt told me your dress would look good if you didn’t have that tummy. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Ask her ( and anyone else with a comment ) " are you trying to hurt my feelings ?"

Lord she is rude af.

Id tell her to f off but thats just me. I had 3 kids in less than 3 year with my husband and im probably now 80 pounds heavier than before our 1st :frowning: I just can’t seem to lose any of the weight. No one says anything tho I think they know better lol

Girl, it took me a year and a half to lose my baby weight and I worked my ass off. Nothing is the same for a good year. Tell her to back tf off.

I carry my weight like a skinny pregnant woman. I’m tired of people asking me if I’m pregnant, like no I just have a fat belly.

If my mother in law made any comment about my weight I’d be telling her where she can shove her opinions.
It is NEVER okay to say something about ANYONES weight.
You need to set her in her damn place. For lack of better terms . . What a f**ing bich!

Fuck them fuck everyone… I just gave birth and altho im thin I gained 40lbs …and can’t get rid of my kangaroo pouch…atleast my man still thinks I’m sexy …im just tryna be happy without worrying abt how my body looks now …you could use those same type of comments on her till she understands what sheez doing to you

Stick a cookie in your mouth right in front of her and walk away. No words just walk

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Jeez your baby is only 3months old. Tell everyone to F off! Assholes. You will lose it when you are ready to!

You can lose weight but she will always be a bitch

Tell her to fuck off with her round mouth
Rude bitch

Unless you suffocate her son sitting on his face it’s really not her concern :woman_shrugging:t2:


If someone is rude to you, you have every right to stand up for yourself. Tell her to kindly fuck off. Ask her if her crows feet and stress lines came from worrying about other peoples’ appearances.

Your uterus is still shrinking. Tell her to shut the fuck up and suck a dick. Or better yet ask her is shes pregnant because she looks round… lol

Oh bless your heart :disappointed: don’t put pressure on yourself i know that’s easier said than done, but having a baby is a big deal! I think because it happens so often people forget how much of a big thing having a baby achually is, as beautiful as it is it changes alot of womens bodys so so much. It’s normal and if you want to loose the weight it should be entirely your choice and in your own time. If you can probably just say to her I am not pregnant ive just gained weight from this pregnancy which I would appreciate you not keep mentioning as its beginning to offend me. She should then respect you and shut up and if not then you shouldn’t be as polite! It’s very rude and uncalled for.

I’d ask the bitch for a bucket, drop ya dax pee on a stick and give it to her :smile: that should shut her up!!!

Throw everything out and buy a new wardrobe. Tell mil to mind her own boss and embrace your beautiful, strong amazing new body.
Sending all my love

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It’s no one else business how much u weigh…we all know when we are heavy. When u get ready to lose weight do it for u. We know its healthier not to be heavy. So do it for u and your own self esteem

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That is awful! I can’t believe some people and their audacity! I’m a little heavier than I should be but no one in my life points it out! The one person who did, is no longer a part of my life! I don’t need that negativity and condescension in my life. I am who and what I am at this point and to hell with everyone else and their opinions!! Nicely let her know that you are uncomfortable with the way she is speaking to you, then, as said above, not be so nice afterwards. It’s not her business to be butting into your life and degrading you over your weight!! She needs to show you some respect and if she can’t, then she doesn’t deserve a place in your life. Maybe your so could say something since it’s his mother, he should be sticking up for you regardless!! Good luck mama!!:heart:

Omg how horrible. I’m sorry your going through that. Tell your husband to check his mother before you have to.

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Tell her she has an ugly soul and it is showing… then end it with atleast I can loose weight that face looks like it’s staying for you though :roll_eyes:
I don’t care who you are it is none of their business to comment on anyone’s weight.

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Girl fuck your MIL!!!

Tell her to think about what she is saying. How would she like it if you made a snide comment about her like that time and time again. If she thinks your pregnant tell well fine don’t believe me I guess in 9 months you will find out who is right.

Tell her straight up shes being rude asf and to cut it tf out or you wont be back…you dont jave to deal with that crap

Girl u just Had a baby three months ago she’s rude AF for saying something even the doctors will tell u it can take a year at least sometimes longer for body’s to go back to normal after pregnancy and sometimes they are never like they were before we have kids don’t let anyone make u feel bad about yourself u did the most beautiful thing u had a baby give yourself a break and some time enjoy your baby your body will get back to normal

Never let no one stress you out or say negative about you some people unhappy because they want someone unhappy with them .turn death ear to negative .the more negative you hear it will become part of you.

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With my older children I gained 35lb after I had them lol. I always gained very little while pregnant. It’s just what it is. She can F off. It’s your body.

Same… 8 weeks post partum here & everyone is soooo amused that my belly is still round. Well I’m not, my feelings are hurt enough over it without everyone I know bringing it up. Hopefully I won’t stay this way long but they should really keep their opinions to theirselves. Have your husband speak up & tell her to shut her face, mine has come to my defense a couple of times now & even though I know the comments are accurate it feels good to hear him say they’re not! Love & hugs to you💙

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Oh my god. The last thing on my mind with a newborn was my weight… getting a shower was enough of a challenge.
Enjoy this part, you’ve just cooked and delivered another little human - you deserve to enjoy it!!
Sleep, eat and do what you need to do to survive!!


It always takes a little longer to shed extra pounds after a second birth. Don’t stress around it. Say yes mother I know and it will come off in time. And your son loves me reguardless. Mom. Good luck.

Tell her to mind her own f’ing weight. And if she’s really under your skin, take her in the bathroom and pee on a stick infront of her. If she’s going to be horrid, you make her as uncomfortable as you are. Stay strong, Mamma. And maybe you should go treat yourself to some new clothes. Take some time for YOU for a change.

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I’m sorry this is happening to you. Know that you are wonderful the way you are. I am perfectly plump myself and that’s okay! I’m a good mom and a dedicated wife. I take time for myself and I surround myself with genuine friends. Learn to love yourself and your new round look and others will do the same.

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That’s not okay. Your husband should be the one to say something to his mom. Even if you wEre pregnant it’s no ones damn business. I had a friend came into the hospital the day I gave birth to my first and asked why I still looked pregnant people don’t understand it took 9MONTHS to grow an entire human it’s gonna take some time to go back and even then our bodies are forever changed.

It takes us 40 weeks or 10 months to get there so give yourself a break and relax. If it’s meant to it will come off and if not get new clothes. You just gave yourself the greatest gift again. Your beautiful whatever size and people need to back off of telling you some of these things.

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Just ignore her! Mine used to compare herself initially and I totally ignored her then she started saying like how thin she is as compared to me… I told her you see it that way coz you wear loose clothing and I wear snug but she wouldn’t have it! Unfortunately she hurt her knees and needed knee brace and I had one of mine handy, I offered her mine… she came bk saying ohh I can’t even get it over my calves :joy::joy: I said I wonder why!! Offered to buy her the next size… even that couldn’t get over her knees… so bought her XL which was still too tight… I just looked at her and said next sizes are all plus… :crazy_face: she got the hint and never again mentioned that I was bigger/fatter than her :woman_shrugging:t2:

The second baby always gets ya. Plus its covid people are so rude. Your body is trying to heal and everything takes time. Momma you had two babies it will come off eventually and you dont need the extra stress. Sometimes we have to cut negative right out till they can learn to be positive! I would tell my husband he better check his family before I do! Stay strong momma its okay to snap and blame it on hormones :smirk::face_with_hand_over_mouth:!

I use to get that and finally just started replying with no I’m not pregnant are you… even to the men didnt care to be honest.

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Its good that you decided to vent. Cuz trust me you could never convince her girl. Standing in support of you. Nobody is allowed to body shame you. You decide what your weight should be.

What you do is get real quiet and real close to mil so that she feels slightly uncomfortable. You wait a moment or two and then you very quietly say- “I’m fat AND your son still likes to stick his dick inside me. That’s all you need to know. Now get out before I tell you you’ll never see my children again.”

My mother and mother in law always have something to say about my weight. I had three babies and my youngest is 4. I still haven’t lost all of the weight. I’m just thick I’m ok with it :black_heart: who cares what they say

My husband’s whole family made a similar comment when I wore a flowy dress to a family event. My son is almost 3 and I have never lost the weight, it’s the most frustrating thing in the world

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I gained 60 lbs after giving birth so I know how you feel. It really sucks because you feel differently after giving birth. First I would tell your husband how you feel then ask him to talk to her. If it doesn’t stop, just straight up tell her Yes I’m bigger now it’s not your body it’s mine. If you have a problem, just tell me. Don’t tell it go on for years because I let a different problem go on for years now and now they are like what’s wrong with you??

Don’t worry about it I gained more weight after pregnancy from nursing than I did pregnant only thing I could do is maintain weight with diets and gymn I just bought new clothes. Now that he is 2 I am slowly losing weight lost 18lbs this year. Sometimes its just hormones and that is without diet or exercise now lol.

Your husband should stick up for you but I would see a doctor to see if you have thyroid issues. I started thriving to lose the weight and it has help with exercise. It has also helped with my energy.

Tell her to f*#koff and mind her own business. Just no need to be rude like that, u just had a baby, congratulations on that too x I would be livid with her if it was me

It takes almost a year to put the weight on, it should take that to be healthy taking it off. Tell her to kick rocks. Losing baby weight is hard.

Mama you just had a baby. And those first months it’s hard to get a shower much less worrying about dieting and exercising. I would tell her that I don’t appreciate the comments about my weight and how round I look. You’re a beautiful no matter what.

Hey hun let them think what they want, let your body heal and eventually u will lose. Focus on bby whch is your first priority. Your mil can take some chill pill and chillax :person_shrugging::roll_eyes:

I had people commenting up to a year after I had my girl. She’s 8, I’m still round. After about the third time I would look them dead in the eye and say… “are you trying to tell me I am FAT? Cause believe me these comments make me feel like it!”
…awkward silence…
Those people never asked again.

Mamas hold weight after birth it’s a hedge against infection and blood loss. You hold more fat to breast feed your baby, too. You are not a balloon you dont just expell the kid and deflate.

I really love all the health references people are making and the positive suggestions for getting your levels checked and all that stuff I definitely recommend that. It’s good to rule out any other medical complications. I also understand the effects of stress and depression and all that stuff and everybody reacts differently. But I just want somebody to say you can kiss my ass and keep your opinion to yourself! Or maybe am I just that girl in the room. Why do you give a fat rat’s ass about what somebody thinks about your body. Someone who’s connected to you by your spouse. If your spouse is worried about that that’s different but if he’s not worried about a girl keep it moving and tell her to go mind hers. But also go to the PCP.

Very rude! Your husband should have dealt with his mother a long time ago.

You don’t need to explain anything to anyone. Anyone that says anything to you is ignorant. Retort with " are you losing your hair? Or my, your hair is really getting gray"

Tell her to mind her own damn business. And your husband needs to get his mother straight, that is not right

Girl you just had a baby. The weight will come off, it takes time. And say to mil, yeah I am just to keep her mouth shut… congratulations on the baby…

It took 9 months to put on. Next time she says anything say nice talk and walk off

You don’t owe an explaination to anyone, live your life not by the opinion of others.

Yell " no im just fat" that shut a lot of people up in my family.

You’re a mama! Ignore the haters and embrace your new body. Do some shopping, find what makes you happy and confidant. New clothes are great!

This this is mean , ride and disprespectful in all ways wow :flushed: I can’t believe how people are this is sad and very upsetting

Tell her to Stay in Her Own Lane & don’t worry about you

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Im pregnant for couple good years now, my bby walk straight into university.

Tell her she has alot you wish you could change on her too but it’s her body lol

Who cares??? Raise beautiful, confident children and tell the rest to piss off…

She shouldn’t be mentioning it at all . It’s your body and some women do not bounce back like others . Please do not let her get to you , I know that’s easier said then done … but you JUST had a baby ! Give yourself some credit :heart:

Tell her to mind her own business. If she wants to think you’re pregnant, let her. It won’t take long to realize you’re not… I had my baby 3 years ago, and I weigh 50 pounds more :joy: no one dares mention it, because I can be a snake in the grass.