Find some really bad photos of her, post them
Block her then you don’t have to see it! Responding is what she is looking for.
Don’t let it bother you. Remember the song.
The only thing different, the only thing new.
I’ve got your picture, she’s got you. Tell your mother in law the opposite…
The only thing different, the only thing new.
I’ve got your son, she’s got you…
Block her and move on.
You need to post some pics saying he looks so much happier now
Delete her. Don’t feed into the negative.
Unfriend and block her, problem solved. You cannot control what someone else does on their page, but you can control if you see it. If you let everything people post on social media bother you, then what kind of life is that? Yes you can unfriend and block family if they are toxic for you. Hell she is your mil, I have unfriended and blocked my own brother before.
He said he had to KISS A FEW TOADS she’s a toad, you’re a princess
She in some way blames you for her and her son having a rift. She may very well believe that’s the person she had no issues with and wanted to see her son be with. Its passive aggressive behavior, ignore/block her. An issues arises when ole girl is trying to be in his present and not stay in the past!!! MIL’s are still women who can either be as great or petty as the next! I’m an ass, I’d post pics of him and my Mom and caption mother and son pics her off but I’m growing and trying
Block her. Problem solved.
Unfriend and block. Problem solved
Your husband should ask her not to do it and tell her it bothers him, not you. I have sons and take things much better from them than their wives. Ask him to keep you out of it, he can always say guys at work are asking questions.
Rest easy. She is jealous of your happiness. If he is not moved by it, don’t worry. The best revenge/path is to ignore it and her.
Wow… I just can’t even. My husband would be approaching his mom about her inappropriate posts, and asking her to remove them. That’s just petty and she’s clearly jealous of your relationship because she feels the need to want to put a wedge between you and your husband. Hell she really wants to put a wedge between herself and you two.
Just know that you’re happy and he’s happy!! If she’s going to be like that it doesn’t/shouldn’t matter what his mom thinks, you aren’t married to her.
Thank Goodness for that.
You’re not wrong to be insulted. She (mother n law) is being very disrespectful.
Block her & don’t entertain it. Super toxic & probably loves drama.
Just write back that it was great he saved the best for last.
I’m not surprised you’re pissed off, I would be. Your mother-in-law is disrespecting you, your husband needs to tell her to stop
Opinions count only from those who love you. She doesn’t, he does😀
She doesn’t like you. Period.
And tell ur husband to get some balls
Write her off and get on with your life. She’s toxic and trying to remove you.
No tell her to fuck of
Sara Woelk damn, we are lucky. Eh?
Do a little dig back. On the next photo where she says something like a a happy couple, respond with a remark below such as looks are deceiving as he has moved on to another gf/ Wife and now much happier
Block her on Facebook & cut ties if she’s blatantly disrespecting you and your husband in that way. That’s toxic and childish behavior neither of you need to be around I’d imagine his ex’s think she’s weird as hell for posting pictures like those when he’s clearly married and happy with YOU now. Some MILs are icky and that’s a shame, but that’s no loss on your end
Look at it this way…whoever he married she would never be good enough for your MIL but your husband loves YOU which is obviously grating on her. Yes your husband could do with having a word with his mother ‘if’ it was bothering 'him but otherwise personally I would ignore it and snooze her on FB. It’s certainly not worth even a conversation between you and your husband.
Girl, don’t worry about it. She’s just trying to get under your skin or she might not even think it will
Bother you since it’s from high school. Maybe unfollow her so you won’t see what she post
Oh honey share those pics and post say look at my handsome husband when he was a teen oh and thank you to his ex for letting him go thank you so much mom for these pictures… I know sounds a little much but I think she’s doing it to be mean. So let her know it does not bother u and he is yours now
She’s doing it on purpose, trying to come in between you two. Don’t let her win!!!
post one of her… “ look at her stuck in time” poundering of what ifs!! maybe focus on your own life Gina( Vaa is soft. Gaina!)
She’s doing it to wind you up, block her, she sounds like a horrible, jealous old bag !
Take unflattering photos of her and post those she will stop.
I would block her then you won’t see them
It’s obvious she wants your attention do not bite back but if she puts up pics just click like she will soon get pissed off I would not let that bother me just laff it off
Put photo of MIL up saying be glad you don’t have this one from he’ll.
Won’t answer her door when her son visits? Crazy…
She sounds like she has created her own reality. If your husband already has a rocky relationship with his mom she probably won’t honor his request. However I would go on her post and say yep he told me he had to kiss a few toads to find his princess.
Sounds like she’s being a baby not getting her way she either really likes her ex or trying to get under your skin better don’t let her her loss
The Mother in law is wrong and should be happy that her son is happy. She is missing out on a great relationship with her daughter in law!
Definitely provocation. Pay no mind to an instigator, they will be bitter regardless. You already won, being married to her son. So let her live in her fantasy and let her regret the time she spends living in the past instead of enjoying the present/future with you two in her life.
You really can’t force it, just pray for them.
Just ignore her and don’t give her any reaction to her posts and after awhile she will stop, because it’s not working. She wants you to react to her posts. If that doesn’t work after awhile I would block her so you don’t have to see any of it. She will come around just leave her alone. Time is on your side.
This is her issue, not yours or your husbands. Rise above it because you are his princess. It doesn’t get much better than that!! Be happy!!
Just wondering, was he married at the time you started seeing him? Sounds like she adored her daughter in law and is blaming you for the breakup. Irregardless, it is really none of her business what he does. If she loved him she would pray for him and hope for the best for him and the two of you. She can and should remain friends with his ex but not make a show of it around you.
She may stop after a while when she sees she won’t get a rise out of you.
Ignore it. She’s trying to get a reaction from you. Don’t give her the satisfaction, not worth it. Unfollow her and go on with your life. Life’s too short to let something like this to upset you.
Sounds like she’s upset about something semi current so posting pictures of back in the day when their relationship was better ?
I agree with Amanda D. And My Mom always said you catch more Flies with Honey! Let it roll off like water off a ducks back!
His Mom probably doesn’t like you, or is jealous of you and is being smart. I’d ignore her, block her on social media, and speak to her when you have to. That ex is the past…and you’re not married to his mom. F her
Just comment under every post a picture of you and him now saying and look at him with his wife look how happy he is now
Tell her to mind her business and stay out of yours… If she cares about her son she should button up her mouth…Your husband needs to have long talk and soon… Don’t let this fester up in your head as it will begin to eat u up… I have walked in your shoes with my first marriage…,and finally my ex husband went back to his first wife … they were only married 3 yrs.we were married 25 yrs… Anyway good luck on this.
IGNORE she is old and board she needs a hobby, be nice get her a cat or dog and DVDs of all the soaps of her choice. When she gets on the computer. Just start asking questions like so what happened on (chosen soap) fifty years ago?
Unfollow her. What you don’t see can’t hurt you. She obviously knows how to push your buttons. Don’t allow anyone to have power over you. No amount of pleading or explaining is going to change her behavior. You can change how you react. Let her be petty while you rise above.
Have you ever said anything to her before? Tell her how you feel …if the answer is no, put her on notice with an ultimatum on blocking her . Include an olive branch and how you would like to have her in your life. Write a letter, email or messenger. The written word sometimes resonates because they will read it over and over. A lightbulb may go on.
One letter, one olive branch. If things don’t change block her. Follow through with your words.
Now if you have said something and nothings changed. Snooze or Block her.
You are in charge of your feelings and the people you surround yourself with on FB or in person.
Block her and you won’t see the pics…
Why do you still have her on your social media? Easy way to stop it…remove her Simple
Suspiciously narcissistic. I’m glad your husband stepped up . How about blocking her on social media?
Why does he need to go over to his ex ? To spend time with her and the kids??
Stop watching her posts. Delete her from your computer. Why are YOU allowing yourself to be a victim? Grow up and get on with your life.
Just unfollow… problem solved. I had to do same with some of my siblings believe it or not… no more drama
She definitely has issues, block her! She’s toxic.
First, you need to stop calling her your mother-in-law; she is your husband’s mother - Mrs/Ms (whatever her name is). She doesn’t get to be called MIL until she changes her attitude. Next, ask your husband to speak to her on your behalf.
Whatever you do, do not have an argument/confrontation with her. That can only make matters worst. Trust me, it can get worst!
Say nothing, like the pics, really f with her head.
Delete and block her! Then you don’t have to see it’
Post pics of u and your spouse in response
You don’t have to delete her on FB. Just unfollow her that way you don’t have to see her toxic posts. Your MIL is just trying to get under your skin. By not reacting and ignoring her chances are it will bug her more if you don’t give her the reaction she is looking for. Keep her at arms distance and kill her with kindness when u have to deal with the old battle ax. That will frustrate her even more. Toxic people are not good for your health.
Tell her to stop ! It’s inappropriate & disrespectful !
Is this page now an advice column?
He needs to stop wasting his time on a toxic person. Period. You need to block her…or don’t read her Posts !!!
I would honestly just block her until she’s ready to talk. It’s so refreshing to just press the block button and be done. It’s also really nice to know that you can open you FB without getting pissed off. She’ll realize you aren’t giving her attention anymore and maybe that’ll get her to talk to you guys and maybe be able to work all this out but until then do what’s right for ur mental health and press that block button girl!
Your husband needs to put a stop to that! She sounds toxic
Wtf… that mother in law is toxic. She is doing this on purpose. Cut the bitch out. Delete, block, move on.
Mom needs to get over it. How about blocking?
Just block her you don’t need to give a reason
If I was the ex, I would want the same thing you want, for the mother to find another interest
Block her sorry ass and tell her to go to hell.
Block her … Problem solve… You can’t control other people actions…
Block her so you don’t see them
There is nothing more unattractive than a bitchy woman. Confront the old bag and tell her to knock it off.
She is toxic cut her out of your life.
Block her. She will get the point
Snooze or unfollow her.
Unfriend her so you don’t have to see it
Mom got issues block her and enjoy your life. Trust and believe what goes around comes around. She will need you and her son in a blink of an eye so do you. Enjoy life and block her and any other family members who defense her actions.
Mothers sure can be cruel.
Do you have any contact with the ex?It might make her uncomfortable to. Perhaps mom is stuck in this time a kind of dementia a time when she was a happier person?? Does the ex visit her? let it go take her off your friends list look at stuff that makes you happy
She’s a typical narcissist. She enjoys your pain. Ignore her and she’ll come around. They literally feed / feel off chaos. The absolute worst thing for a narcissist? Lack of attention. Stop paying attention and only reward good behavior with attention. Like a toddler acting out, only a narcissist thrives on conflict and control. Take it away from her. Good luck. Distance yourself as much as possible.
I guess if you can’t figure out what to do you want to be part of the dysfunction.
Tell her how much you love the pictures and thank her the witch
Porque no la mandas a la
Does she have mental or emotional issues? What does her husband and your husband think about this?
I would distance from her. Ignore her. Don’t take the bait. She doesn’t like you, and that’s because she’s small minded and hateful and probably Jealous of the love your husband has for you!Nothing wrong with you. You don’t need her toxic drama. Fill your life with healthy, respectful people.
When my Dad who was living in New Jersey and wouldn’t answer his phone or return her calls, my sister in Colorado called the police and requested they do a wellness check. Trust me, he was Very Italian, stubborn as the day is long, and he was REALLY PISSED that she did that. He never ignored a call or message from her again!
Regardless of the situation between her and your husband, this may be a wake-up call that says you and he are concerned not so much about the postings (that can be approached later), but rather
her welfare. I wish you all well.
Some people are best loved from afar… Block her off both your social media accts. We had to do that to my MIL because she says and does the most inappropriate things. If you and your husband are happy, don’t let her kill your joy.
No theres some thing wrong with her. Its disrespectful to you and your husband. He should have a conversation with her bout this since it is his mom.
She should be ashamed to be posting old pictures but she can certainly like the ex and do things with her. But… she really should take a class of etiquette and respect you and your husband NOW as a couple
Listen: Life is short. This is a very small knat in the grand scheme.
That said. I had to stoop to her level once & she then respected me & never disrespected either of us again.
Normally I would say let it go.
Sometimes you gotta let em have it!
Good luck!
My Ex mother in law always loved me! She had 4 sons and I was the 1st girl in her life. She was crushed when we divorced. We were high school age and gave her the 1 grand child. She always said I was still her daughter. Even 40 years later she would still call me.
I mean, those are her memories. I’m sure he was happy at the time. He was talking to her at the time so maybe she’s just remembering better times. Instead of feeling hurt, maybe try and figure out a way to give her new, more impactful memories. She may be looking for a response just to be able to talk to him. Maybe have him reach out and tell her that he’d love to send her some new pics for her to share.
Don’t follow your mother in law in social media. If the opportunity presents itself, let her know nicely those pics are hurtful. It’s up to her what she does with it. If you both are happy together…move in. It’s her loss if she’s trying to sabotage the relationship.