It’s okay to cut out toxic family . If you’re toxic you’re toxic and I wouldn’t put up with it . Put her in her place . Tell her she can respect you and your husbands marriage or she can kick rocks and eat dirt . Period point blank .
Shes doing it to get response from u guys. Shes mad about something
You cab snooze her for 30 days or just unfollow her on social media (stay friends but don’t see her posts)
Leave it. if you guys are good and she is not in the picture leave it be
Just leave it alone… she’s trying to stir up drama.
Block her from social media that simple
I would never speak to my MIL again if she did this.
Block or unfollow her then you won’t have to see that nonsense.
Block her and move on
Just take it with a grain of salt & or the pic. If anything itll get under her skin too
Snooze her - she’s not worth you losing peace. I love your husbands response - you are his princess. His mom sounds more like the evil stepmother (MIL)
If they have kids together then it’s no big deal . If they don’t then yeah, weird. But you can’t control what other people do. You can only control yourself, so maybe unfriend her on fb
Seriously, don’t give her the attention she seeks.
Obviously she’s unhappy with her life choices and misery loves company.
Pray for her.
Your attitude depends on how you respond
Id just comment under all of them with a current pic of you two and be like “XXX and his current girlfriend, don’t they look so happy, etc” I’m just a little petty. I see your passive aggressive behavior and I raise you slightly more aggressive passive aggressive behavior.
Honestly if it’s all high school stuff - I’d leave it. Unfortunately there’s a lot of memories there that more then likely other girls will be apart of. But I do agree with others saying she’s doing it to get a rose outta you
Started putting pictures of yiu guys together in the comments section too saying yes he was happy then, but happier now
Let it go sounds like he loves you and in the end that’s what matters.
Forgive her she doesn’t know what she is doing. Don’t let the enemy steal your joy.
Just this emoji. Nothing else. It will confuse the absolute shit out of her and be funny AF
So many MIL are like this it drives me nuts. Waste of space, time and energy. Believe me been there done that. Best response is no response I’d delete her.
She’s just being a petty little old woman. Find an embarrassing picture of her and post it saying she looks “So BeAuTiFuL!”
Why don’t you just block her and save you le self the drama. If there is no relationship between you and her and from the look of of it not even your husband, block her ass. Just because they are family doesn’t mean you have to put up with their toxicity.
My ex father in law used to do this. Until I personally turned around and told him I will never be them, get over yourself, and walked away. My husband said “she’s right that’s my queen let’s all move on”.
Either confront her a** and/or block her on social media. I mean you have the man and y’all are happy. I damn sure wouldn’t let some old bitty get up under my skin.
I’d be pretty ill too but I’ve found the unfollow button works wonders for my sanity.
I can’t say this enough… it is OKAY to cut toxic people out of your life and that includes family. If you don’t want to do that then you’re going to have to not let her get under your skin. I would comment on the pictures about how handsome your hubby was then, love the image etc. Just to irritate her.
Don’t give her the attention she’s looking for… it’s not worth your time.
This lady sounds like shes got a screw loose. I wouldnt pay her much mind.
My boyfriends whole family, talks shit about his ex then they call and talk to her. So idk what to tell you. People suck and are very disrespectful.
If it upsets you that much just block her and you won’t have to see it anymore
Ignore her. She’s pushing yr buttons n acting like she’s in Middle School.
My mother in law has pictures of my husbands ex but they have my bonus daughter in them and I would never feel any kinda way about that but my father in law has a picture of different ex of my husband’s hanging on his wall and it irks the fuck out of me for a whole lot of messy shit. I have nothing to do with his dad any more and he doesn’t either
My MIL wouldn’t ever do this. Thank god. But I’d be hella irritated so would my husband if it was the other way around. My husband would have already told his mom to take them down. But idk your whole situation but the past is the past and that’s where them pictures should be left. At least crop a chick out lmfao. (Im a pitty ) but also not 1 to let someone disrespect me. If it bothers you speak up.
It’s petty of her. Just unfollow or block her.
She is an asshole. That is messed up.
She is doing this for an REACTION…I would tell him just leave it alone…You have to NOT LET THIS BOTHER YOU…If hubby and mom don’t have a good relationship how can you have a good one with her?
No, you’re not overreacting. She’s on to something and is probably trying to hurt him for some reason. She knows that she can cause a fight because you will eventually get ticked off about it. I would do reverse psychology on her. I would love those pics and put nice comments on them. Give her a taste of her medicine. It’ll piss her off more.
Just tell her you’re glad he was happy then, and your even happier to be who he chooses now to be fulfilling his life today, with happiness.
Ha. I’d tag this crazy in every God awful pic I could find of her…wrinkled mess…double chin…Oprah arms…any of it and make sure to note it too. Fight fire with fire. Idk that blocking her would change what she’s doing. Some people need to be put in their place.
She’s being spiteful. Maybe ask the other girl to ask her to stop posting pictures
Find one of her and her ex
Stay off Facebook. Won’t see what she is posting or just block her.
Your not overreacting.
Since your husband says he is willing to address the issue with her then let him. If the behavior continues after that then block/unfriend her.
I’d just remove her off your social media and just ignore her like she does you. Then you can’t be bothered by her pettiness. Which will probably piss her off even more.
That’s freaking rude… I’d at the very least ask him to remove the tags of him in those posts/pics… If it were me personally I’d unfriend her…
this predates social media but my grandmother kept all the photos of her daughter and then son in law on her walls and when she left him and remarried grandma refused to remove the memories of what was it and was hilarious though we never called the new one uncle or stopped calling the old one uncle I guess grandma left quite the impression on us grandkids
My grandma was asked why she didn’t and she said he was always going to be family as he was the father of the shared child so she wasn’t budging. There was some other “skeletons” that no one wanted to speak of but her reason was in the end legit. When that grandson walked in he should still see “his” detached family photos.
So, I’d definitely have the husband ask her why she’s doing it if possible otherwise I’d be quite petty and just post a photo of you and husband daily saying the same “all those toads led him right to me”
How about just “unfollow” her on social media… not unfriend or block. That way you don’t see the things that she may post. Your husband is just that… YOUR husband, and he isn’t posting these things. Ignore and enjoy your family.
Block her so you don’t see it. What a horrible woman
I’d just make a posting stating that what she is doing is childish and that is if how she thinks she is going to work out her problems with her son, she’s going about it in the wrong way. And that you and her son are secure enough in your marriage to just find it pretty desperate and foolish of her to think that is going to help work things out. Get your point accross and do it in such a way that you are not necessarily attacking her, but letting people know what she is up to. Just a suggestion. Good luck.
Block her. Out of sight, out of mind.
That’s rude and disrespectful…
Be the bigger, better person and just ignore her, you have your husband!
No your not over reacting!! This needs to be addressed!! She needs to post pics of him alone, NOT with exes. Seems like she dont like you at all and she definitely has NO respect, for you!!
Post pictures of you and your husband and tag her in them.
Report her posts of the pictures as bullying. Fb will take them down eventually. And fb will not notify her it’s you. AND post even more pictures of you and YOUR husband.
Either let your hubby handle it like he offered, or block her and ignore her pettiness all together
Your mother in law is a total bitch ! Sorry- I’d sit her down & have it out with her- in front of hubby!
That is very rude and childish of her. I honestly would comment on her post with pictures of your husband and you and say" and he looks even happier with his wife" lol
You’re not overreacting. That’s disrespectful.
You should post pictures of you and your husband and tagged her in it saying how happy you guys are together
Oh good grief…
Is she never allowed to share moments & memories of their past because it might offend you??? GOH with all that.
That’s his mom, & her photos & her memories, if you don’t like looking, stay off her pages. It’s really that easy. I mean you’ve been his wife for what 8-9 years? Did you not think he had a past???
You got him, all she has is pictures. Let it go.
Comment, he’s even happier with his current partner☺️
Have your husband put his foot down and stand up for you
She’s a dick for that.
Delete her from your social media accounts
Toxic. Just if ore and boot out. Why out effort if she won’t.
take the high road & just ignore her & the posts & move on…SHE has the issue!
She sounds sad bitter & lonely.
If she’s doing it for attention don’t give it . Block her and ignore it. It sounds like there is a lot more going on then just these photos that lead you to be annoyed by it. Sometimes we’re better off without certain people.
Drop her name
I’ll go thru and comment “yikes” and "so glad that ship has sailed "
Send her a nice card on Mother’s Day & forget about it.
Eek she sounds like she’s a miserable human being. Sorry. I’d just block her personslly
She’s a trouble maker and obviously don’t like you or she wouldn’t even think about doing this. I had my ex’s mother play videos on the big screen TV of him and his ex when we there for Thansgiving dinner one year with a house full of people and show albums of pictures of him and his “cute” little family before me. Funny thing is, she warned me of what a a-hole he was in the beginning… Two face biotch…kick her to the crub…
She is doing it to get a reaction out of you ! Best revenge is to be happy ! If you and your husband our happy laugh it off ! I’d comment on a picture she posts about his ex saying oh shes so cute and I’d say "yup she sure was but he Married me ttyl
MOM ! "
They are his TEENAGE YEARS. You’ll be fine. Those people led to you. They were the ones who made him see who he didn’t want and what he wanted in a wife. You are that person. If she’s being petty, let her be childish. Don’t show her it bothers you. I’d love the pictures just to show it didn’t bother me one bit even if it did.
I think she’s little nuts myself, she is disrespecting you! That was in the past & she needs to get over it! She can post pics of him without her & yes your husband should say something & not act like “it’s no big deal” I’m sure if the tables were turned…
Ew that’s trash. No I don’t care if that’s his teen years, she could have cropped her out or scribbled over her pic if she just wanted to share the pic of her son. But to say how happy they are… that’s trash. How embarrassing for her. You got to pick your battles but I couldn’t hold my tongue on that. I’m curious if she is legitimately trying to attack or if it was a stupid move
Your husband should say something, not you. She’s likely to be more receptive if her son has the issue rather than you. It’s also less likely to have any lingering damage coming from him if she should get upset about it. It’s possibe she has the mentality that it was a long time ago and hasn’t considered that it could be hurtful to you. Without knowing what type of person she is, it’s hard for any of us to gage whether this is a sleight towards you or simply a mom sharing pictures of her teenage son.
Thoughts… his mother is grieving a loss herself ! Just try and keep moving forward ! Maybe she wasn’t happy he moved on but he is so know You have his heart she will settle and handle in her own way !
Like he said… he had to kiss a lot of toads first… in the end he’s with who he wants to be with regardless of what his mom does or says… his mom is wrong in what she is doing and obviously they don’t have the best relationship… don’t give her any energy or let her see that it bothers you…
Yes it would definitely tick me off too. Just try to remember if at one time there were relationships built there and it maybe hard for even the mother to move on. Does the mother still have a relationship with his ex? Maybe that’s why? My husband’s ex-wife(mother of 3 of his children) is still involved with certain family functions; it used to really bother me but not at all anymore. When she first became pregnant at 16 she was dropped off at his house and told that him and his family could take care of her. So from 16 until she was 30 she was in their lives, became best friends with his cousin, and they had 3 children all together. It was a rough divorce for them and a rough start for us. We’ve been together for 17 years now, and she still comes to birthdays parties, some holiday’s, funerals, and of course we have 3 kids and grandkids together now too. But although it used to irritate me and my feelings would get hurt, I also understood that at 16 his family helped finish raising her and there are strong relationships built with her. And now if she’s not at a function I ask where’s she’s at, lol.
Im soo sorry! I have a mother in law like that… He should say something to her. So disrespectful to do that to you. I could tell you a list of thing’s my mother in law has done to me. I choose not to talk to her now a days. Good luck! I know you don’t know me, but you can always message me to talk!
You are his WIFE. His gift. Mom’s his problem not yours. Don’t speak on her posts to your husband or anyone anymore. Unfriend MIL periodt. Proceed in you and hubby’s happy life. The end
Stop following her. Why put yourself through that. She is petty and childish and you’re allowing her to stress you. She’s miserable, don’t be her company. If you’re as happy as you say you are with your husband, leave it alone. Focus on your marriage. Once she sees it does not bother you she’ll stop. Don’t give her the satisfaction.
She’s a child don’t even waste your breathe. It’s like arguing with a tree. Al that matters is you and your husband
Sounds petty and jealous to me🤷🏽♀️ sounds like she thinks he’s unhappy or is upset their relationship is messed up and blames you for whatever reason. Maybe feels like it’s a good way to get to you and try to ruin your marriage.
Sounds like she sucks. Your husband barely sees her… the only thing you can do is say the serenity prayer on this one. Maybe send a nice photo of you and him together right on her timeline. Unfortunately, you have no control over her posting. Other people know that he’s broken up with his ex, and probably find it odd and off that she’s doing that. She’s showing her true colors and other people are noticing.
To not have problems both of you talk to her about it and if she keeps it up or wont talk to her own son since December then maybe take her off social media. And when she is ready to talk to yall then do that.
I cannot understand how some M.I.L are like this, I adore both my daughter in laws to be, and I just want them, and my Sons to be happy…
If she’s not getting along with him and doesn’t care to, the intentions of sharing the pictures aren’t in the right place. Sucks some people just lack basic decency.
Oh wow…the way my level of petty is set up, I’d share them and add a long caption about mental health issues. But I understand blocking her too. But blocking just seems too nice.
You can’t change how someone acts, only how you react to it. Unfollow her if you don’t want to see what she posts. Keep being happy in your marriage. #YoureWelcome
Is she friends on FB with any of his ex’s? Comment on the post of the pics about how looked back then compared to now with you! Or randomly throughout each day for several days start posting happy pics of you and hubby with cute headlines and tag mother-in-law in them until she gets the point. If she gets snappy, spiteful, rude, hateful or anything of the sort about any of it just delete her from FB.
That’s crazy. I wouldnt even react to what she puts. Just take her off the phone.
You should comment on the photo he had to kiss a few frogs to find his princess
I would ignore the posts, probably unfriend her, where I wouldn’t have to see them
Then I would ignore her too