My mother-in-law left our wedding and is now demanding an apology: Thoughts?

No apology!!! Ever…she was in the wrong…ignore her idiot behavior…she’ll get over it.

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Bye Felicia. Making your wedding about her? No.


Nope that MIL is going to be a nightmare for the rest of your lives. Good luck.


You can apologize without apologizing for your decisions :woman_shrugging: you could say I’m sorry our wedding wasn’t what you expected or wanted. I’m sure you had imagined your sons wedding for years as he was growing up……as most parents do. But just as when you got married ;you planned it for you and your husband and I’m sure it didn’t please everyone. We are just doing the best we can with what’s best for us and it’s not our goal to hurt anyone, especially family.
Then I’d drop it and let your husband handle his mother. It’s his duty to let her know when she is over stepping her boundaries and he is navigating that very well.


Shame on her for acting that way… not her day… selfish woman

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Good for your husband!!! I wouldn’t apologize for shit lbvs

Tell her to sit down and smoke a b l u n t.

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My mother in law called me a Cword and damned me to hell so. Good your husband stood up for you.

When I complained to now now ex mother in law that my now ex husband was receiving mail from a hotel he was frequenting she asked me why I was opening his mail :woman_facepalming:t4:


Enjoy being the daughter in law :upside_down_face:

That’s called a monster in law
Best of luck

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Mine got mad at me and my husband cause we didn’t specifically ask her to bring our son (who she was babysitting) to the church for the rehearsal :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Your mother in law is a head case. Don’t you dare apologize for doing nothing wrong or it’s going to get a lot worse. Not all mother in laws are like her


Please do not apologize ever for this! This was so selfish and was so unnecessary of the mil and sil. All I can say is set some boundaries before moving ahead and if they cannot respect those boundaries then move on without them.

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Do NOT apologize for her actions!
Tell her if she can’t act like a grown up she shouldn’t be involved in grown up activities like weddings or respecting the word no. Just a heads up from my experience (never did get married but was engaged for a long time) it only gets worse until you are in front of other people then it gets tolerable but not better. Stand your ground and tell her if she wants to act like a child and get all upset because she didn’t get her way then she needs to leave whatever situation you guys are at and if she doesn’t leave and only acts more like a whiny child then you and your family leave and do not let her teach your daughter that acting like that is ok. This lady is your husbands mother and your daughters grandmother…. I’m not trying to speak bad about someone I don’t personally know but again from what I went through my ex mother in law went behind me and taught my kids to not listen to me at all. I would recommend having your husband talk to her and tell her that acting like that on your wedding day is not appropriate and by acting like that she is not setting a good example for her granddaughter. Congratulations on your wedding and good luck to you both

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Remind her she’s not entitled to anything and that she needs to get off her high horse before someone gets sick of her bs and knocks her down. Do not apologize as you did nothing wrong, if anyone should apologize it should be her but people like that never apologize because “they aren’t wrong” eventually you guys may get sick of it and cut her off, and that’s what I recommend if this continues because you don’t need that stress while trying to enjoy marriage and raising your daughter


Oh you got one oh those!!

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Be SO happy your husband is on your side and stands up to her too. It would be so much worse if he was a pansy and was a coward to her or let her act how she wanted. Welcome to the monster-in-law. Enjoy the ride. :grimacing:


She wanted the day to be about her and when it wasn’t she perceived it as an attack. That has nothing to do with you.

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Let it go. That’s on them and not you.


It’s your wedding what u want gose not whate she wants so no u don’t need to apologies and it’s your child husband wasn’t wrong it telling the sister no to taking baby he wanted to man up

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Sounds like someone didn’t get her 15 minutes of fame. Not all MIL are like this. I wouldn’t apologize…I didn’t do anything wrong. Good luck, girl!


Sounds familiar :thinking:, It may get worse, in my situation if the family causes trouble from the beginning run the other way

My dad had a quadruple by pass right before my wedding. My FIL came over to me and said “since you obviously don’t have a daddy, I will be your dad” during the father daughter dance. A few days later My FIL told my husband my and my children (not my husband’s children) were the biggest mistakes he ever made.

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Damn crazy needy in-laws are the worst. I’m sorry but unless you asked for help with your kids no one should be interfering

Step one of a narcissistic relationship. Bow down and it’ll continue… Learned that the hard way. Now we just cut them off. Pure bliss ever since


Its up to your husband to sort his mum out !
If he doesnt appologise that up to him

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No it doesn’t. She sounds toxic AF


Let her and her kid hash it out. Act as if you didn’t hear or see anything


She can keep waiting. Good luck and dont give in, make her sweat it out


It doesn’t get any better with that kind.


I think she was out of line. This is probably the first of a million things she thinks you do wrong. Stand strong. Your husband is on your side


I’m sorry you didn’t allow yourself to have a good time?!?!

Would it have been that bad to let her speak at your wedding? Or if didn’t like what she wrote talk it out so she eliminated some of it that you guys considered embarrassing? I hope my kids will allow me to speak at their wedding. If not, I will be quite hurt. Yes, I’d get over it and not sulk throughout the wedding. The whole post makes me wonder if more was going on than what is being shared here.


40 years for me it doesn’t get better it only gets worse so your husband has to stand his ground when my husband did he didn’t speak to his mother for I er twenty years…

Don’t apologise you and your husband hasn’t got nowt to apologise for . Your mother in law and your husband mum and sister are the one’s who does need to apologise to you both and don’t bow down to them both otherwise your mother in law and sister in law will win and they both will get more and more toxic and in the end they both will be definitely coming between you and your husband and they both will end up spilt up your own family unit and believe me that’s what toxic in law’s are always about so you and your husband don’t bother to apologise to neither of them as once’s you both do they will know how to get to you both and that’s when yours and your husband problems will only just started so stand your ground with them both

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They need too change mother in law’s for monster in law. They can be such ass holes. I don’t think you need to apologize for her actions. congrats on your wedding :wedding:

Wow she is so immature. Better not cater to her now or she’ll get worse and worse. I would just let her vent and say “I’ll take your opinion into consideration. Have a good day.”. .that’s not being rude and it’s not caving to her demands and dramatics.

You’ve got a doozey. It’s about her. Time to move to another state.


Nope. Does not get easier. She’s shown her face and I’d recommend moving on now.


As long as you & your hubby are on the same page. I say Family in laws over stepped, they are used to getting thier way & don’t know how to deal with being told NO! I wouldn’t apologize & wouldn’t except my hubby to either.


You both should get an apology from his family

You did right it’s your day, and that’s all that matter

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You don’t owe her anything, it’s sad how some people can’t take no for an answer. Also some people just like taking care of their own kids, I also get annoyed when people keep asking me if they can take my kid for me. I think your feelings are 1000% valid

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Nope it sure don’t- my father is over bearing nosey obnoxious doesn’t listen. Legit I have kicked him out of my house screamed at him and he comes back the next day. I say don’t do this and he says it okay so yeah I’d say it gets better but I have a father who hasn’t gotten better and actually having kids made it 100x worse.

Wow, I think it was rude on your part. She obviously wanted to be involved and wanted to treat you like family. Even if her jokes were stupid, let her have a lil enjoyment. She did everything she could to help you both out and be there for you. Basically you shunned her and I know her feelings were hurt. How would you feel if you wanted to help family or a friend and they was like YOU, absolutely not. I bet you would feel like an outcast amd feel like shit just because she wanted to be a part of something and wanted to try and make your day the best she could for you.

Congratulations on getting married. Sorry your monster in law was so horrible at your wedding her and the sister need to apologize to your and your husband

Buckle up buttercup :joy:

Sounds like you got a bad mother in law. It was your wedding. You and your get to decide who speaks and who cares for your child. So what if you didn’t get to enjoy the day as your mother in law claims. It was your decision and your wedding not hets.

Not with this one! But your husband defended his daughter and I’m sure will do you too.

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No, it won’t get better….only gets worse!!

That’s when you…… cut the b!tch off.

The more you think about her the more upset you will get. Just think of all the positives that happened that day and focus on that and give yourself happy thoughts to remember the day with. Try to avoid her as much as possiblei in future and ignore her as much as you can. Better not to answer her. Let your husband answer if need be

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It’s your now husband mother let them fight it out for you just stay clear it’s a long journey

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I would ask her has hell froze over yet

Congratulations on your marriage. Let your husband deal with his mom and his sister. It looks like he can keep them in check!

As a person going through divorce, my MIL shows up WAY too much…

If anyone deserves an apology it’s you and your husband and from her. She acted like a spoiled brat on what was supposed to be one of your happiest days. You can’t take that day back and the memory of her inappropriate behavior will always be there. She definitely deserves to give you and your husband a giant apology.

What? It’s just a couple of ill humoured jokes. Would of been fine. Sounds like they just wanted to help by taking the baby. You either have to try getting along with them or freeze them out and do life by yourselves. Just sounds like unnecessary drama to me.

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