My mother-in-law left our wedding and is now demanding an apology: Thoughts?

Too much drama for such a special day…I understand it’s your child but it sounds to me like they were only trying to help, even if it wasn’t up to your standards. It takes a village, new parents sometimes forget that. Give her the apology she wants but more as I’m sorry it turned out that way. It’s not worth tarnishing the relationship. There will be lots of more challenging moments, just keep in mind kids need their Gram’s…


Toxic mom in law, no apologies needed lol


I’m so sorry this happened on your special day!! Unfortunately some in-laws think they can do whatever they please stand your ground and hopefully she will realize she was in the wrong of not be civil and take it from there!! Congratulations to the both of you!!


I’m so over this generation of parents. :unamused::unamused: I’m sorry this happened to you. DO NOT APOLOGIZE as y’all did NOTHING wrong.


Their wedding, do what ever they want :+1:

Treat her like the child she is acting like… say “it’s ok to be mad” and move on. No action or apology needed on your end.


It don’t get better I been married almost 20 years and they see you how they want and will never change there mindset about anything


She was quite literally trying to steal your thunder. Don’t apologize.

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And it’s just the beginning, do not apologize. Stand your ground or she will continue to try and walk all over you.


I’m so grateful I have an awesome MIL, but I know there are some CRAZY ones out there. Unfortunately it probably won’t get better between y’all.

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Your at a loss with that one. Yall owe her nothing

Girl, you have a long road ahead of you if HE doesn’t handle this for you.
I postponed my wedding due to my MIL demanding to be part of the ceremony. She’s literally certified crazy. He’s going to have to be the one to deal with her but ultimately he’s going to have to let her know that your opinions matter.


This is all stupid from beginning to end all parties involved are being asses!!! Idk why u stopped her from making her “embarrassing” speech idk why dad wouldnt let sister help idk why one would leave over such a thing from one side I hear mine mine mine from the other I want I want I want yall are acting like toddlers!!!

I wouldn’t apologize. But kill her with kindness!!! Good luck

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Apology or what? It’s her that’s going to miss out on your family

My wedding. My kid. End of story. I don’t understand why people care about this crap. You want to act like a child and ahole, bye Felicia. I don’t care who you are or think you are. (and you’ll stay gone if it continues) being family does not negate how you treat people or act. I won’t have it so you’re gone.


You don’t owe her shit.

Good luck with that one lol :joy:


Amy Schumer strikes again.

Nope . This is just a little glance of what you get to deal with now with not 1 but you’ve got 2 now . Lol buck up and practice standing your ground .


Hopefully your husband stays strong! Otherwise it will get worse! You don’t owe anyone an apology, if anything, they owe you one!


My mil I call the cuntasourous I hate her with a passion when my husband deployed she did a woah is me this effect my daily life yet she hadn’t talked to him in months and told me that my kids and I would be fine it doesn’t effect us as much as her like wtf


Nope. I haven’t spoke to my MIL in 3 years. When she moved away she made sure to tell my husband ex wife goodbye but not her own son and grandkids. My husband is at his wits end with his mom and bout ready to stop talking to her as well. Sorry your dealing with that especially on your wedding day. Congrats by the way.

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Nope it will not get better :upside_down_face: sucks but it’s the truth. Talking from 8 years experience

I never had a problem with my mother-in-law. She was absolutely the best!!:heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Fuck her. We don’t talk to my mother in law because she is an ugly perdón. They choose to be that way they can deal with it.

It honestly doesn’t get better that much is forsure. Some mother in laws are just toxic asf and they been that way so long that its just who they are now. In order for her to change she’d have to admit a lifetime of wrong and She’s probably never gonna do that. Sad as that is its the truth. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks :confused: I definitely feel for you on that one. Stand your ground and know your own worth :sparkles: you don’t owe her a gotdamn thing hun. :slightly_smiling_face:


unfortunately it sounds like your problems is not beginning.

Lmao :joy: imagine wanting an apology for being a brat.

You don’t owe her anything.


Ewwwww I don’t miss those monster in law days. Good luck with her girl.


Apologize for her poor, rude behavior. That’s the only apology I’d be giving her. Something like I’m sorry you felt the need to ruin our big day and make it about you rather than us and the beginning of our family.

Sorry hate to crush your work but you Mother in Law is a narcissist. She will never change, she will only get worse. I had to cut ties with my MIL because of her narcissism. At least she offered to help with the kids, my mil doesn’t even know my kids names :joy:


Nope it doesn’t get better

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It doesn’t get any better. Run

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wow childish on your mother in laws part. I’m so glad I don’t have to put up with that drama

Wow she sounds very immature you don’t owe her anything you weren’t being rude or mean. In fact she is the one that owes you an apology yes it was your wedding and she was the one being rude.

Woooooow… Good luck with that. :grimacing: No, y’all were not wrong… MIL is a :poop: starter/stirrer obviously… Seems narcissistic imo. And childish to boot


Darling if it stars like that on that day her son gets married, that’s just the beginning.


It gets worse unfortunately


Me nor my husband have a relationship with my mother in law. She was not a very good mother to my husband growing up. The last time I saw her at the time me and my husband (boyfriend at the time) were living with her and her husband she ended up getting mad at me because I told her I needed to use the rest of our food stamps at the time for more baby formula for our infant daughter instead of giving it to her for just that month and she ended up telling my husband she didn’t want to live with me anymore. My husband hasn’t spoken to her since then. It was my fault because after me and him got together I convinced him to give his mom another chance even though his dad warned us about how she is and of course he was right.

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They die eventually…


I talk to my mother in law every day :joy: we have a GOOD relationship. I feel so bad for others that go through this stuff. I’ve just always nicely and firmly explained my boundaries and I’ve gotten more respect from people for it :woman_shrugging: you could honestly just state how y’all felt and tell her basically that she’s validated to feel some way but at the end of the day it happened and all you can do is move forward.

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Did she always hand off her kids?!

I can understand both sides. The in-laws just wanted your husband to enjoy himself at his own wedding, And he in turn just wanted to be with his child, good man,


I say good for your husband for setting boundaries with his family.

So many in-law problems could be resolved if people set their own boundaries (checked themselves) before anyone else needs to.

You, your husband, and children are a nuclear family unit. Everyone else is outside of that and doesn’t get ALL ACCESS. Sounds like mom is bent out of shape because boundaries are being set.

Is this your future? SNAP! :grimacing:


Sounds like you married into a monster of a family

You’re not the asshole love and you definitely don’t need to explain yourself. It’s your wedding and your child and whatever rules you guys have set needs to be respected by ALL parties.

You do nothing and let your husband deal with his mother!!


No! She owes you an apology and needs to stop being a controlling psycho! Good for your husband for standing up to her and respecting your wishes and your day! Many men can’t do that when it comes to their mama even when they should! She’s in the wrong.


I’ve been married 3 times. I never had awful mother in laws but I wasn’t close to the first two. My 3rd husband’s mother had passed away years before we met. His dad remarried and neither one of use really were close to this mil and she passed away. He had remarried a really wonderful woman this time and I am so blessed to have her as a mil.

So sorry you don’t have a good relationship with her. But protect your family and congratulations :balloon::tada: on your new marriage!

I completely understand wanting to help with the baby especially since it was his wedding but IMO they only push as hard as you let them. Stand firm.

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It does not get better just ensure that you and your husband are a united front against them and you’ll be annoyed by them constantly but your marriage will survive. I’m dealing with a MIL and SIL similar to this right now and my husband and I are handling them the same way.

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It’s your Wedding day your hubby should be putting you first,he should have let his family deal with this child that’s what would seem natural in my opinion,as for a toast I would have talked to her before the wedding about toning it down some short and brief,you in for a long hard relationship with her!

It’s your wedding she can get tf over it


It does not get better. Enjoy the silence while she waits for that apology


I don’t think we’re doing speeches at all. They never turn out like the movies. Every wedding I’ve ever been to the speeches are dull and way too long winded. But you did absolutely nothing wrong and you do not owe her an apology and kudos to your husband for setting those boundaries. Make sure he knows not to let his mother guilt him into an apology. This is the time to stand firm and back your actions. 


I commend your husband for his great fatherly way !! You dont owe her any explanations or apoligies!! No honey Im afraid it will keep getting worse !! She is already trying to control things!! So sad!!


My mother in law was threatening her own siblings, that me and my future husband personally invited to our wedding (his aunts and uncles) that if they If showed up, the cops would be called on them. We paid for our own wedding (as i feel people should, so that you don’t have to “answer to anyone”) i wish I could say it gets “better” but it doesn’t (atleast for me it hasn’t) she has NO respect for me not only as the wife of her son, but as the mother of her only grandchildren. She goes out of her way to do the opposite of whatever i request when it comes to my kids. And shes always bad mouthing me to all the family (i know because they all tell me, she does this with her own kids, so of course she’ll do it with me because she’s never considered me part of the “family.” I have never treated her with the same “respect” (or lack there of) that she has treated me. I was raised better than that. I always try to keep myself out of situations where I’ll need to apologize for my actions. Even though shes NEVER apologized for how awful she’s ever treated me. She’s an alcoholic and a narcissist. It’s a horrible combination.

My husband hasn’t had the best relationship with his parents. In fact he wanted to cut them out of our lives completely. I fought to keep them in our lives, because my kids deserve to have ALL their grandparents love, and to have them spoil them. My mistake. I told my husband that from here on out I’ll “respect whatever he chooses to do” when it comes to his family. I’m done fighting for something that has essentially done nothing but cause me problems.

I hope your relationship gets better from here but she sounds like she needs to be “in control” of everything just like my mil. Good luck mama! Just know you’re not alone.

P.s. my husband and I practically grew up together from the age of 12 (me) and 14 (him) we’ve been together since 2003 (this year its 19 years together) and married since 2009 (13 years) and sadly nothing has changed.


I’d never apologize and stick to your boundaries…she’s just freaking out about not “being in control”. It will likely continue in the future and don’t give in not one time.


Like sorry you’re a bitch lol

Oh the joys of the in-laws LOL

My X’s family was the same way always controlled him. She’ll need to quit pouting and know she raised a good son.

I can see her offering to take the baby, the offer was denied, so her leaving was all on her. I don’t get why she thinks she deserves an apology, but oh well, guess if she wants one, then okay… “I’m sorry that you decided on your own that you needed to throw a fit because your son wanted to take care of the baby himself. I apologize that you were immature that you demand an apology. There is your apology”. lol


Put boundaries in place. Tell her you have nothing to apologize for. It was your wedding, your child, and if she doesn’t like it she can stay away. Don’t need the negativity around anyways.


Fuuuuuck that lmao she’s being a fkn brat. Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong. Her ass can stay mad.

Alcohol involved?

It gets better.

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She should be apologizing to both of you!!!

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I’m so glad my in laws are amazing it’s my side that’s the crappy side my poor fiancé :joy::joy::joy: his family fully accepts me it’s my side who make the issues my dad refusing to come to my wedding and his entire family is refusing cause he won’t come … so barely having family from my side … my brother his wife and child and a few distant relatives I barely known from my grandmas side … side note my mom grandma and grandpa have passed away so I barely have family as it is

You have nothing to be sorry for…let her have her fit…

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Monster in law she should be so proud that her son involves in there child together sounds like like to me she needs to be center of attention. You stand your ground.


Id never talk to her again

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It can get better, but usually after many many years of getting worse first.


… don’t participate in the unhealthy interactions. you’ll have more peace. You can’t change her but you can change how you react, or engage.

He really didn’t need to say “it’s my child.” Seems he already has a perception of his mother being controlling, and his reaction adds fuel. A simple no thank you might be more helpful :slightly_smiling_face:


A wedding,family,in-laws and friends all together with an open bar.Yeah that’s always going to end badly at some point :joy:you and your husband did nothing wrong so don’t apologise and sadly yes it can get worse cos it sounds like your MIL isn’t going to let this go


l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18657 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Girl… Y’all need witsec with that family. :unamused:

Nope my mother in law my husband cut out in 2018 she has attacked me threatened my kids and tried to get us evicted. Oh and she wasn’t even at our wedding my kids didn’t meet her tell 2017 gone out of their lives in 2018 they don’t miss her at all

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Friendly reminder, you may not choose who’s in your family, but you DO get to  choose who you talk to in your family :speaking_head::tipping_hand_woman:t3:


Some mother in laws get worse and it sounds like this one will!! Sadly, Sounds like she wants to be in the spot light.


Hope you are able to move far, far away!:+1:


Nothing you’ve done calls for an apology. She’d probably make a fool of herself in front of your fam and friends anyway. Kudos to your husband who chose to look after his child. Stand your ground (stick to your guns) and don’t give her opportunity for least bit of control. She’ll eventually find her place


Please like my comment so I can come back to this post


Look what you married into…:rofl:

It’s your wedding and you have the say so! My opinion is, you don’t owe her shit! Stand your ground!

I don’t understand why they get so put out ive saw so many moan about needing to look after the little ones so j too try and not put on them or family and everyone.gets so pissy over the fact I just don’t let any if them take off with my kids for hours or days lol

I’m gonna tell you first hand with MILs it doesn’t get better just worse from what I’ve seen :joy: if there ass ain’t being kissed they’re far from happy, my MIL done something similar for our wedding except not only that but she wanted DRAMA with my crazy ass family who have no chill at our wedding. To the point tho it got so bad we wasted so much money on an after party we didn’t even get to have.

Give her the address of the local comedy club and what night is open mic then tell her to get over herself or stay pissed somewhere else


Ignore her demand for an apology. You don’t owe her anything. Sounds like she wanted to be center of attention at your wedding. Congratulations :confetti_ball::beers::clinking_glasses:

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l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18657 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

You had a lot going on that day. So your mother in law should not have even been part of it. She should’ve tried to help you rather than make it all about her


With my MIL’S, I just lived my life and would tell my husband what his mother would say. I had 1 MIL tell me she did things on purpose just to see if I would get mad. I didn’t, because she wasn’t my life, my husband and child were. She was just an extension of his family with an opinion,not worth my time. A part time visit, didn’t warrant me losing sleep over her words or feelings.


Good luck with a woman like that. I suggest something like Prozac or Xanax to be able to deal with her.

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Sometimes it does and sometimes it never does. Especially if it’s the loud mouth Mil from hell. Enjoy your marriage and life and this is a clear sign to not jump into his family dynamics too deep. Lay low and let her live her life and you live yours. Eventually she’ll get the hint to not try to bully you, if you stand your ground, or you’ll end up having to put her in her place…which is out of your business. Don’t even let her get to you or it will never end. This goes for the SIL too. Let them know up front that their not going to push you around​:bangbang: :woman_shrugging:t3:


Dear Lord a true monster in law

Lol :joy: ummmm this can NOT be the 1st time she has acted like this…. So you knew what you were marrying into… :face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face::joy:
I do have to say you married right… I like how your husband handled the situation at the wedding.
In all honesty this absolutely has nothing to do with you, it’s his mother and he needs to handle her and the situation. But in all honesty I would’ve let her made that toast and I would’ve let her embarrass herself. :woman_shrugging:t2: I kind of think you should’ve let her do the toast. Horrible jokes or not. She was the mother of the groom. I mean seriously I plan on doing a toast to both of my sons weddings when they get married. 

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Some are just like this. My first MIL was crazy…she has 2 sons, but may ex husband was the only one that had anything to do with her. She even told my ex’s aunt that she planned on picking up my 9 month old deceased son out of his casket the day of his funeral because " we wouldnt let her hold him when he was alive". My son was a micro preemie, and she was a chain smoker. We told her if she wanted to hold him she would have to refrain from smoking prior getting to the hospital and change her shirt if it had the smell of smoke. He had bad lungs and the smell took his breath away. She wouldnt comply. She only held him once, and that was because her son allowed her too against mine and the nurses wishes.
My soon to be MIL is normal, thank god. And we have a good relationship.

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I love my mother in law. We didn’t start out the greatest but now she my 2nd mom. I would be lost without her. Before I went back to work we did mom/daughter days and just had fun together. Now we both work way too much andnever get to spend time together. In my case it did get better. But it took us years

It was your day not hers.Sounds like she’s petty.I wouldn’t apologize.She’ll get over it.


Honestly I wish my MIL was like this! :frowning: She won’t even pick up my babies…

Girl set boundaries now. Don’t give in.

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