My mother in law told my daughter she should NOT have a dinosaur themed bedroom: Advice?

Your house, your child, do what you want for your child, tell MIL not to go in her room, easy.

Grandma is right, let girls be girls, dinosaurs :sauropod: :t_rex: are boys theme. Sometimes older people think best… please let this not destroy your relationship


Dinosaurs have a gender? I’m confused; aren’t there make and female dinos ? Isn’t your MIL aware that’s how procreation works. She needs to get over it and stop making her old dates opinions be forced onto your child

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Give that girl some dinos :sob:

Tell your little one that there were plenty of girl Dinos just as there were boy ones so if she want a dino theme then that’s perfectly acceptable! Maybe one day she will want to be a paleontologist; shame on grandma for being close minded and confusing her.


It’s her bedroom. You tell grandma she SHOULD NOT tell her granddaughter what not to like as long as it doesn’t harm her or anyone.


Your mil is a dinosaur


Our 3 year old had a “ donuts and Dino” themed party. There are TONS of girl Dino decorations, and even if there wasn’t, WHO CARES. She’s 5. Paint the wall a plain color, get some Dino decals, curtains and a bed set, when she outgrows it, all you have to do is remove the decals and get new bedding. Easy peasy.


And explode to your husband first :rofl:

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Give her pink fucking dinos! :joy:

That’s crazy my step daughter has known every scientific dinosaur name since she was a toddler. She loves dinosaurs. Little girls can absolutely have dinosaur bedroom and toys.


My 4 year old daughter LIVES FOR DINOS!!! This is her backpack for her first year of school…. (The pink one) if your daughter wants girly and Dino’s please know that it exists. If she just wants Dino’s it’s ok. She’s 5! She liking Dino’s is awesome :purple_heart::t_rex::sauropod:


Tell her to eat shit.

Dinos are for anyone that wants them. Your MIL needs to mind her own business and keep her opinions to herself. Love dinosaurs!

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I know plenty of little girls whom also love dinosaurs! No reason to not have them - they can also be girl colors such as pink/purple! Mind your own business grandma! :gift_heart::sauropod::t_rex:


WHY?? Isn’t everyone entitled to their own opinion? You are friends? Not good friends if that was your response. And, why aren’t dinosaurs for girls too??

It’s your Daughter room! Her choice not Grandmas!


Not your MIL’s business, I would give your daughter the great lesson about “you be you” and you don’t have to make everyone happy. :blush:


Do the :sauropod: theme in pink purple yellow and teal
Put some butterflies
It’s not the mil room

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Good thing she’s YOUR daughter :woman_shrugging:t2:


tell her moyb, how dare she…

My husband and I just had a conversation the other day about how annoying it is that dinosaurs have become a “boy thing” to people. They’re literally animals. That’s like saying “you can’t like lions because you’re a girl.”


Tell her she is a child and can have what she likes, for all she knows you’ve got the next palaeontologist.

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My girl loves dinosaurs. We have a Dino bike, Dino scooter, Dino bed Dino shoes lol she wants Dino every thing. Do it

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I’m not sure why dinosaurs would be equated to a gender interest. That is wild to me.

Your poor daughter. Her poor feelings :broken_heart:


Women in paleontology

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My daughter just bought a red stuffed Dino from a thrift shop and she loves it. I think it’s cute to lol dinosaurs were living things. Can she not have gators or crocodiles either? That’s just ridiculous. You can totally make a Dino room girly anyway. :sauropod::t_rex::sauropod::t_rex:

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Give that baby an extra Dino room!

Tell your mother in law to stick it
And make her a “girly” room at her house.

Let kids be kids.


It’s your daughters room it’s her choice


Make sure the 5 year old knows that adults CAN be wrong. Don’t let her feel bad over this.


I would forget MIL for now comfort your daughter and get some women you know she looks up to like your friends and stuff to talk to her about how much they would love a dinosaur bedroom and how cool it will be, get her excited for it again and then maybe ask your partner to speak to MIL or you can in a calm way and just explain she upset your child and you would prefer it if she expressed negative opinions away from your child but ultimately its yours and your partners choice


Give your child the room she wants. MIL doesn’t get to lord over you or her. Dinosaurs are cool and Not just for boys. Tell her adults aren’t always right and she is allowed to have her choice on this one.


What an UNACCEPTABLE ole’ b1atch !!! Hate those old pompous attitudes. I am an adult collector of 1/6 dolls & furniture bits and I happily let my little boys arrange things. It’s fun & educational inspiring to their creativity. MIL can go get fkd. I would be more determined to do it. Just do it. Don’t consult the old b1tch, discuss it…anything. JUST DO IT :white_check_mark::white_check_mark: :t_rex::dragon_face::sauropod:

Girls can like dinosaurs. It’s not just a boy thing. They even make girl themed dino stuff for parties. Show her pictures of female dino diggers and all the cool girl don’t stuff there is and have fun with it.


Do the bedroom then invite her round and have your daughter show her, her new bedroom… dont say anything else or approach her till it’s done…


Tell her to MHOB​:woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: until they’re responsible for paying for what happens under your roof then :fu:t3:


I was her age when I was over the moon for dinos!!!

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My daughter loves cars and dinos and I would tell the daughter that it is ok to like whatever you like granny was just taught wrong


Do your daughters room as Your daughter likes…
And explain to your mil that dinosaurs were living animals and you find it totally acceptable.
She sounds like a older person, be gentle with your explanation.

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I loved dinosaurs as a child. I’m also a girl. My parents and grandparents never had an issue with my obsession. Then again, I never had a weirdo grandma like your child. I’d say deck her room out with dinosaurs - she would be the happiest child. Don’t let other opinions affect your child’s passions or interests. Do what is best for your child and tell the weirdo she’s not allowed in your home until she’s a supportive family member.


How are dinosaurs gender exclusive :woman_facepalming: Give that baby her dinos! I would if mine asked for it! And that lady needs to mind her business!


My then 5 yr old now 15 loved dinosaurs and ninja turtles. I swear she’s seen every episode and every Disney movie that had little foot in it. It’s not just a “boy” thing. Tell her to stop living in the old Era and get with the new age lol


If I was you I’d let your husband tell his mom to back off… This is stepping over her boundaries! If she wants the dinos let your daughter have the dinos. She’s a child while ruin it for her because it’s for “boys” makes no sense :woman_facepalming:t2:

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She’s not paying for it. It’s not her business. She could be paleontologist when she grows up or archaeologist when she grows up. Foster it adapt it get her books start doing research and let that baby have her dinosaurs!

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Decorate your daughters room in a theme she likes. That’s a very antiquated way of looking at things. My youngest daughter loved dinosaurs …… not that it matters, but my youngest is the girliest girl. Amazon has some really cute themed dinosaur decor. More importantly it’s not ok for her to make your daughter feel bad over something she prefers.

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Ummmmm Idea here, your house, do what makes You two happy

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So sounds like to me MIL won’t be coming over for awhile while my 5yr old daughter gets the ultimate dinosaur room!
These types of things have NO GENDER ON THEM! The fact we stigmatize these things to genders & to me if I was that little girl I would of felt punished or shamed in my grandma did that…

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Tell her that there’s female palaeontologists and that dinosaurs don’t need to have a gender :pleading_face: Tiffany the T-Rex would love all the children :heart_eyes::sweat_smile:


Wait dinosaurs are a boys thing? That makes no sense. Give her the dinosaur room.


Oh, it would definitely be an awesome dinosaur themed bedroom! Sad your MIL isn’t fun & makes your daughter feel wrong for liking something. She needs a little chat about being your child’s cheerleader instead of “negative Nancy”.

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Give her the dinosaur room of her dreams :heart::heart:

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Wtf dinosaurs are cool dude Id tell her you are the parent and that is not her place … Unless of course she’s gonna pay for said room makeover!

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Tell your MIL she is being a dinosaur & your daughter can have whatever theme she wants. It’s not the 1950s & girls can like dinosaurs, superheroes & everything else that’s supposed to be “just for boys”.


Elk her your daughter will have what she wants

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MIL is toxic. Putting gender on toys. Is very toxic. Let her have her dinosaur theme room.

It will not hurt anything, that’s like demanding girls like Barbie dolls cause she a girl.


My 3 year old daughter loves dinosaurs. I wish someone would tell her she couldn’t…:facepunch::facepunch:


Shoot may aswell tell her to get in the kitchen while she’s at it. That’s horrible. Sorry you have that for a mil

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Your mil is sexist and horrible

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She’s 5 let her have it done

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She’s an idiot, I’d much prefer my daughter to love dinosaurs and trucks and stuff over this bullshit pretend kitchen and barbie doll stuff. Barbies give a bad idea of self image and unrealistic expectations you don’t get that with dinos. Sorry for the French but God that made me mad tell her to GTFO!

You should have told her on the spot to mind her business and not implement those kinds of standards on your daughter. Girls can like dinosaurs and boys can like Barbie’s WHO CARES

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I would let your MIL know that for one she is NOT her child and doesn’t have a say in what you do with her! Then I would also let her know that your daughter likes what she likes and there is no gender specifics on dinosaurs! Let that baby have a Dino room if that’s what she wants and just support her. :heart:


They have pink/purple Dino to decorate too nothing wrong to have dinosaurs in girls room.
First of all, mother in law don’t live in your house, she doesn’t pay the bills in your house. Second of all, she isn’t the mother of this child you’re are her mom you do it with her don’t listen to the mother in law. Third, go for it and decorate the dinosaurs. If I was close by I would help you to decorate and put huge smile on your daughter face. Last, if my mother in law see that room is dinosaurs and flipped I would tell her get out and go home til she change her attitude and apologize first.


I’d explode on her. That’s just me tho…

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Wow she is insane. My daughter has always loved dinosaurs, it’s not for just one gender. She needs to mind her own business, let your daughter have the dinosaur room.

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Hell no mil is wrong poor baby give her the Dino room

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All my kids, 2b 2g, love dinos if she wants a dino themed room then go for it and if u can make her bed into some kind of mountain for the dinos then even cooler. You could tell her grandma that there were girl dinos and kids that little don’t start to differentiate between girl and boy things yet.

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Since when did liking extinct animals become a gender thing? Dinosaurs are awesome!

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Who cares what she thinks! Do the room in dinosaurs and please post pictures when you do! I’m a 33 year old woman and I collect all sorts of dinosaur things from little figures to hair brushes with dinosaurs on them, to clothes, and even my cell phone case has dinosaurs on it! Dinosaurs are the freakin best!


Awh that’s sad I only painted a Dino in my daughter’s room as a surprise for her birthday she’s turning 4 she shares a room with her sister who is 11 it was her sisters idea to do it for her… I would go ahead and do it she’s your child not mils

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Your mother in law has zero say you just tell your daughter she is old fashioned they don’t understand . Do a regular room with Dinasour pillows, pictures and stuffed animals they change their mind so much it’s easy to switch out .

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Tell her to keep her opinions to herself, especially when it comes to your children, and that you’ll be the judge of what is and isn’t acceptable wherever they’re concerned! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: what’s wrong with dinosaurs anyway?!

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I’m a 41yr old woman and I love dinosaurs… she’s off her rocker. Grandma needs to get over it

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I would be absolutely LIVID! Give that baby girl her dinosaur bedroom. And you need to have a very important talk with MIL. About minding her own fking business.


I would do the dinosaur room, that is what she wanted, there is no right and wrong and you the mom.

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Your house your child.


Haha. Oh mother in laws. :roll_eyes:
My 4 year old daughter (now) had a dinosaur from 1.5 years old until about 6 months ago. Now she’s obsessed with JoJo Siwa so now that’s her room decor. But we kept all her Dino stuff because she loves dinosaurs.


Tell her to take a hike


Dinosaurs are awesome I would let her do dinosaurs

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Just do her room dinosaur your mil has zero say in how you decorate your home


It’s your daughter’s room you let her choose.


I wouldn’t approach her. I’d talk to my daughter an tell her that there is nothing wrong with what she likes an that it is acceptable to like dinos. The only one you can get through to is going to be your daughter at the end of the day so just talk to her and let her know that what her grandma said is wrong and not her liking an wanting dinos. Then I would proceed to show my kid the different versions of dino designs such as like what others have already commented above and allow her to choose what she likes best. Then redo the room with out saying a word to your mother in law that way when she comes over she can be surprised by it especially if your daughter chooses any of the above dino themes. Bc not only will you prove her wrong but you’ll also show her that you will not support her lack of understanding that not everything has to gender specific.


The only thing I would say is she might grow out of dinosaurs more quickly than another theme…But that is it…your mil needs to hold her tongue and realize we are not living in her timezone anymore.


Dinos are wrong because they don’t exist :relieved:
Stay at Home Moms :fire:


You do it Dino! Then when she says something you say “you had an opportunity to raise your kids, I’m raising mine now and if Dino theme is what they want, thats what they get”


So do pink and purple dinos . My daughter is 4 and loves dinosaurs. She also very much a girly girly.


Do the dinosaur room and tell your MIL that she may become a Paleontologist who studies dinosaurs when she grows up. And there is nothing wrong with that. I never was a girly girl… I liked snakes and playing in the creek as a kid.


Let your hubby take care of it he should say something to her. There isn’t anything wrong with Dinos my 1 yr old loves them too


So girls can’t like dinosaurs? That’s crazy! What’s the difference in that and any other animal theme? Not to mention that you can always make it more girly!


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Read all about it here…

I’d tell that mother in law to shut the frick up. Have your opinion but do not voice it in front of my child making them feel bad for what they like. Shame on her.


My 8 year old can name them off like her ABC s there’s nothing wrong with a girl loving her dinosaurs :sauropod: I’ve got one myself she also plays Dinkies


Tell her to mind her own business . Let her know her opinion wasn’t wanted or needed.


I may be wrong, but I think there are pink Dino party favors and room decor for the simple fact that lots of girls like girlie stuff & dinosaurs. It’s not as common, and you may have to order online, but it it’s out there.

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Oh please, there is nothing wrong with Dinosaurs! You do whatever your daughter likes! It does not matter what your MIL’S opinion is on this. Look how cute some of these things are and they can still be girly too!


Tell her that if your daughter likes it that is all that matters because it is HER room and if mother in law doesn’t like it she can stay home in HER own room where things are more to HER liking.


Let the husband say something to her about it- then remember she don’t pay your bills and that’s your child- give her a Dino room and don’t say anything else about it to the MIL. Not her house.

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Susannah Catherine Rose Maidment is a British palaeontologist at the Natural History Museum, London Susannah Maidment - Wikipedia

I will help you do dinosaurs :sauropod: :blush: let me know when. :wink:

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