My mother in law told my daughter she should NOT have a dinosaur themed bedroom: Advice?

Let that baby have her dinosaurs!


I would be furious and her room would be Jurassic Park by close of business tomorrow! Eff that Karen!


I think she shod have a say so in it

Yes that’s so wrong explain to your daughter that she can have what she wants you don’t have to make a dinosaur room that more for a boy you can make a dinosaur room that’s more for a girl and put some pinks and purples and stuff in it I’ve seen Dino rooms both ways and even if she wants one that looks boyish who cares she’s just figuring out who she is

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Tell her to f#ck off, my daughter loves dinosaurs and I buy her dinosaur everything. Also there is plenty of “girlie” Dino stuff

Nothing wrong with dinos…go for it…your MIL will just have to get a grip…no need to say anything to her…just talk to your child.

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Tell your daughter she may choose what she likes and do to her room what she wishes. Explain to child everyone is entitled to an opinion and that’s just life. You can’t please 100% of everyone 100% of the time. Although the MIL shouldn’t have said anything, don’t expect her to stop announcing her opinion! You can’t change a leopards spots and unfortunately you’ll need to focus on how you teach your children respectful boundaries w/grandma!

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It makes me mad that some people think this way. Just because it wouldn’t have been like that when you had kids, but whatever my child is interested in, I’m all in


Do it anyways. Show her she can like whatever she wants and her mom supports her regardleas

You have to remember that perhaps she lived in the time where girls only wore pink and boys wore blue. Just explain that to your daughter if her grandmother’s words have upset her–it just might be that it is upsetting to you more than it is your daughter. I don’t think you should even bother talking with your MIL about it–you and your daughter can decorate her room any way you want to. Let your daughter have dinosaurs–let her decide if she wants the more typically “girly” colored dinosaurs or the more typically colored “boys” colored dinosaurs. After it is done and your MIL is coming to visit, beforehand let her know that your daughter chose the decor and loves it so to please not make comments that are not supportive of her choices.


I’d tell ur MIL to mind her own business she isn’t her daughter she has no say on what theme ur daughter’s room is. I’d make UR daughter the most amazing awesome dinosaur bedroom ever

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None of her business


NO NO NO toys and interests are NOT gendered. Thats crap. Girls who like dinosaurs grow up to be scientists or even doctors ffs. Boys who like play kitchens grow up to be on food network. Girls don’t need to like pink or purple either. By stifling children to fit in litttle boxes, you are helping pre-determine their future. Let them like what they want!


I would explain to your daughter that grandma is just old fashioned and that if she like dino’ she can have it because you and daddy are paying for it, grandma can see the theme once it done to know how wrong she was I would point out it not her concern and if she can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all


Tell her my son loves Jojo Siwa and was her for 3 halloweens. That’ll probably piss her off. Lol

I would be so pissed too. My 6 year old told us recently she loves dinosaurs so we went and bought he all new dinosaur school supplies and backpack plus some t-shirts. Nothing wrong with a girl liking dinosaurs


I’d be petty and go overboard with the dino theme


Your house, your daughters room. None of your MIL’s business!!!


My 2 and 3 year old daughters absolutely love dinosaurs. I would do it.

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Don’t worry about your mother n law
Take your daughter out and have fun looking for stuff she wants to put in HER ROOM
There’s pink dino material for curtains and blankets
Mix up, what ever she likes
Put a dino rug in corner of the room
Large and small pillows for a reading corner
Leave the mother n law out of it


Your choice with your daughter… go for it!!! :blush::wilted_flower:

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Don’t. She’s wrong and you can’t change her. Talk to your daughter, it’s her room. She can do whatever she wants.

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Stick to your guns, pleased to hear your daughter wants Dino instead of princess, you obviously taught her well unlike your MIL who obviously has no respect for you or your daughter,we don’t need anymore repressed women in this world

Tell her that it’s your daughters choice and to mind her own business, I had a mother in law like that and if you don’t stop her now it will only get worse

Do it anyways and next time she comes over and says something tell her to shove it where the sun don’t shine

What I tell my daughter is she need to listen to her grandma but she don’t have to do everything the way grandma says.

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You can’t change people, but you can tell your daughter that some people just don’t understand how the real World works, give her a dino room anyway and tell her she can like whatever she wants despite what anyone else says :blush:


Tell your daughter that grandma is old and back in her day there were no girl dinosaurs and that it is ok now to have whatever kind of bedroom she wants. As for you I would tell MIL it’s not her place to decide how the rooms in your home are decorated and leave it at that.


You ignore the MIL and fix the damage she’s done with your daughter - then give her the room she wants. We’ve had so many people tell our kids “that’s for boys/girls” and we always jump right in and follow it up with “anyone can like what they like. Things aren’t just for boys or just for girls. You like what you like and that’s that.”


My daughters room would be completely dinosaur themed by the time amazon could deliver it all.

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My 3 1/2 daughter is Obsessed with Dinosaurs. She has every back pack, every stuffed animal, every small toy that’s a dinosaur. Her cake was even a dinosaur. Let her do it. You MIL sounds like a piece of work :melting_face: Let your daughter have what she wants.

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I didn’t know dinosaurs were just for boys🤦🏻‍♀️

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Uhm my seven year old has a pink dinosaur backpack for school this year and she is SO EXCITED about it. Rude MIL aside, here are some adorable dinosaur bedroom things that my daughter loves, for inspiration:

I could have seen all kinds of reasons for being against a dinosaur room.
Primarily that your daughter may be “over” dinosaurs in 6 months to a year…or less depending on the child. That would be a practical reason to me.
(I’ve got two kids. They’ve cycled through lots of interests pretty quickly. Our “rule” has been the interest has to have existed for a year or more before we start doing any redecorating with that particular theme)

But disagreeing on the basis that she’s a girl is ridiculous! I don’t really adhere to the this is a girl thing and this is a boy thing, especially at her age.
Everyone is different. They have different interests.

The best thing you can do is be age-appropriately honest with your daughter:
When your Mil was growing up (and before), society thought that interests/toys/colors should be divided up between boy stuff and girl stuff. However society as a whole has realized that is very wrong.
But because it was so ingrained in children some people have had a hard time adjusting to the idea it’s ok for girls to like dinosaurs and boys to like (for example) mermaids.

Tell your daughter my daughter loves dinosaurs too

Tell mother in law to butt out. Your house, your daughter, your decision. You

They totally make girly dinosaur things?

Don’t you love it when people destroy you with their beliefs? That’s sad. I’m sorry that it happened.

If her bedroom is in your house that would be for you and your daughter to decide how the room is decorated not her grandmother. Simple as that!

I’m sorry, but dinosaurs came in both male and female… lots of kids love dinosaurs. Not to mention, I’ve seen girly dinosaur decor. My 5 year old girl likes dinos, too. Why can’t she have the best of both girly and dinosaurs? Grandma doesn’t have to like it as long as your girl is happy with her room. After all, who’s going to be spending the time in there?

My daughter is an only granddaughter and when her grandma would say things like “Kenidi don’t you want this pink dress, instead of shorts”, l”why is she playing baseball, instead of softball”, “ I wish I had a granddaughter that like girlie stuff and not superhero’s” I had her dad, tell his mom that she was overstepping and if she wanted to see her happy, as she liked what she liked then she needed to step back. Give your daughter that Dino room and let her pick anything she wants. I feel like grandma’s, especially if she’s the only granddaughter feels like they are losing out on the tea party perception or the doing girlie things. My daughter isn’t girlie. She tried softball for her grandma and hated it and now doesn’t play either. She wears hoodies, with her hair down and not dresses. Her grandma now doesn’t say those things and sees her way more.


Don’t blame the MIL she’s old school… Ignore her comment and talk to your daughter. That it is her choice and go shopping!! Let her know that everyone has an opinion, carry on like it never happened. When MIL starts up again simply ignore and Walk away. Hopefully she’ll get the point.

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"Respectfully, unless you are going to engage positively with my child on their interests and likes, do not comment on them. Whether it’s dinosaurs, princesses, cars, frilly tutus, monster trucks, barbie,etc, if you can not positively interact with them without degrading their likes and interests. You keep your mouth shut. You will not discourage them where health self-esteem lives. "


Stuepssss, yr mil needs to mind her own business, dinosaur DO NOT belong to 1 gender smh

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I’ve always been blunt and brutally honest and quite frankly can’t stand my MIL to the point I don’t even claim her as that. I act like idk who she is. Anyways, I’d tell you MIL to fuck off and it’s not her room to decorate. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Do it anyways! Screw what mother in law thinks :ok_hand:


She should have whatever she wants. Maybe she will be an archeologist!


Id ask the MIL if there was female dinosaurs right in front of my kid. Or just straight up say thanks for your opinion but this is my house, my kid, etc. Idk maybe I’m just being rude but that could change her feelings for the rest of her life & hurt her self esteem. This isn’t the same world the MIL raised her kids in anymore.

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Tell that toxic bitch to stay away I would.

It is not gra d mom’s house so tell her politely that she has no say in the matter and what your daughter wants is the only thing that matters! I had a cowboy theme when I was little, because I liked cowboys!

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Send her this with a mind ur business message


Give the kid a Dino room and if it’s a giant deal with anyone then they can :wave:t2: :wave:t2:

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It’s not her house tell her to shut up!

My 3 year old daughter loves dinosaurs! She calls them “Big Rawrs” lol there’s nothing wrong with being a girl and liking dinosaurs :t_rex::sauropod:

Omg wow do dino n tell ur lil one th3 world say dino are cool

I don’t think mother in law should have a say in the matter. Reassure your daughters heart and move forward in what is best in your home.


When our oldest was 4 she was dinosaur obsessed. We took her to the Houston Museum of Natural Science and she came home with a stuffed dinosaur she named “Friend”. She wanted a dinosaur themed room so Friend would feel at home. We did the dinosaur room, complete with the twin sized “tent” that went over the bed. When she outgrew her dino-phase, we put the bedding into a closet. 25 years later, she still had the comforter from that bed and her kids used to lay on it when they were playing on the floor. Do the room the way your daughter wants. Creativity is important and is not gender-dependent.


Tell her to mind her fcking business and to never assume dinosaurs that were actually living creatures at one point are a boy theme or girl theme - it’s fcking history smh


I Would explain to her that dinosaurs are what your daughter wants and it’s her choice. Tell her nicely to keep here outdated opinions to herself and if she has nothing positive to say to keep it to herself!

My daughter is 7 and loves dinosaurs, farm animals and sharks. No type of animal belongs to only one gender. I say do her room as your daughter likes and respectfully tell your MIL to mind her business.

My 7 year old wanted her room done in Pokémon so that’s what’s we did and she loves it! It can still be girly. Your mother in law needs to mind her own business. It’s not her room or her child.

It’s not even her decision :woman_shrugging:

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Your mother in law has no right my daughter loved dinosaurs when she was younger and now 16 and loves all animals and creatures

I guess I understand stand we are old school.
But I see nothing wrong with dinosaur
Their was a series out with dinosaur it was cute which was cute . Made for children
For kids .they go on advantages.
Nothing wrong with that.
But with all this grender crap I understand.
You need to make your own mind .no body else

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I personally would have checked her the moment she said that nonsense out of her mouth. By time I finished my daughter would have been looking forward to her new room even more.


Tell her to mind her own business :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
It’s your turn to be a mother !!!

Tell the MIL to mind her business. Your daughter can like what ever she wants. I didn’t know dinosaurs were only for boys… pretty sure the are girl dinosaurs… your MIL sounds toxic… my kids both dislike there fathers mom because she always tried to be controlling with them… give you daughter the room she wants…

I’m 43 and have a dinosaur sleeve. Dinosaurs aren’t a gender thing, they are various species of animals that lived on the planet. They are something many scientists revel in because there is still so much unknown, it’s quite amazing to think we share water with such amazing creatures then and now.

She is YOUR child. MIL has ZERO say, unless your child is in danger or you ask for her input, period!

You give your daughter the best dino themed room ever and then buy her AND crazy grandma matching dinosaur t-shirts


Dino the room and the door going in. Then send MIL dino cards for birthday, Christmas etc. Get some dino plates and invite her for dinner etc.


Tell her to mind her business or walk. It’s not her say and who even cares what she thinks. She’s going to hate everything you do. Eff that controlling biatch.

MIL need to mind her business and support her grandma by whether she likes her idea or not. There are plenty of girly dinosaur patterns- my daughter was obsessed and wanted girl dinos too.

Your mother in law was most likely raised in a very time when societal norms were very different. Perhaps it was a time when men and women has different expectations. Girls wore pink. Boys wore blue. Talk to your husband about the best way to talk to her.


That will be such a cute room mil doesn’t get a say your house your baby your rules simple

You don’t even need to approach her. Give your daughter the room she wants, and if/when your MIL says anything, you can politely remind her that she’s your daughter and it’s your home and you’ll make the decisions as you see fit. If she doesn’t like it, she can leave :woman_shrugging: Your daughter gets the room she wants, nothing can get turned around on you and MIL ends up looking like the a-hole. It’s a triple win! Good luck, Mama - get decorating!! xx

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Not her room, not her decision. Ignore her

Give her the :sauropod: theme!

Make it dinosaur themed!

One of my sisters friends just had a dinosaur graduation theme and she’s a girl. Tell her she already raised her kids and to go fly a kite. Smh


Our daughter had a dinosaur themed room when she was small… she loved it. Then she had a flower themed room… it’s her space. What’s grandma’s problem. I’d do it and do it big :grimacing:


Dinosaur are my favorite :heart_eyes: tell your daughter that all the smart and beautiful girls love dinosaurs :heart: and tell your mil to keep her opinions to herself, it’s not necessary to speak like that in front of children!

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Tell her the gran is a coffin dodging fuckwit and she’s going to fuck off back to hell where she belongs! As a 25 year old with a dinosaur themed room myself! The MIL can suck a rotten syphilis infested cock 

Hell no.
My grandma is 80 and wouldn’t dare say anything like that.
Peoples giving old people leeway like they can’t learn, have new opinions, be respectful.
That is never a a n excuse.
“Mil, it was not only disrespectful to downplay my ability to raise my child, but it was downright mean to make my daughter feel like she can’t like the things she does or that there is anything wrong with her interests. You can not put those LIMITATIONS onto my child. She can reach for the stars (literally an astronaut) plan to be president, want to grow up to be a football player, or anything she damn well pleases bc in my house we encourage our kids to be who they are, we are raising good children to become successful members of society, not robots to fit into your narrative, not someone who we would crush their interests.
You owe my daughter an apology.

Tell ur mother in law to mind her business

I don’t know if my comment will get red since there’s so many but first of all you should have a talk with your mother-in-law, and include your spouse. Tell her that her opinions thoughts and feelings can stay in her head if they contradict the way you do things in your house. You are the parent and you decide what’s appropriate. You can’t really convince people that are set in their ways like that sometimes but she does not have the right to undermine you in your home.
Next I would flat out tell my daughter that her grandmother is wrong. A thousand percent wrong. There were male and female dinosaurs. They sell dresses covered in dinosaurs. There’s just no reason I can’t even think of that would make them exclusive to boys.
Why don’t the two of you look up Mary anning, she was one of the first paleontologist in a pioneer in her field and she was a female born in 1799. The movie Jurassic Park has a lead female paleontologist. All kinds of women work in that field. Dinosaurs are prehistoric creature. They’re just like any animal. They can be enjoyed by any agenda. I will tell your daughter that unfortunately your mother-in-law pirates a strange way of thinking. She thinks that the things you like or wear or do to define your gender. Tell your daughter that she could dress up like a firefighter or a dinosaur play with the dinosaur toy read a dinosaur book and then stop and look at herself and see if she changed. What a dumb idea. Additionally they have tons of “girl” dinosaur themed items from bedding to wall art.

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Well…That’s sure news to me, I had no idea dinosaurs were only boys😆 what a Weird lady! These kind of mind frames are just scary.

Were there not female dinos? I feel like this is a gender neutral choice lol.

Dinos are awesome! It’s her room and she can have whatever theme she wants. My daughter’s is stars, unicorns & rainbows

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Give her the dinosaur theme! If you Google pictures, there are sooooo many cute decorations for a girl! Who cares what your mil thinks. Not her room or her child!

Let her have the dinosaur theme. One day she may grow up to be a paleontologist. Let her love her room and enjoy life. Nobody was thrilled when my son wanted his bedroom walls black, but it made him happy. My besties little girl who is a total diva loves my husband’s race car so we bought her a helmet for test drives with all bedazzled…not everything has to be considered gender specific. If she loves dinos let her love dinos.


My daughter had a monster truck theme birthday party. My ex mother in law likes to put her 2 sense in and I twll her straight up whats the problem with it girls can like things boys do. Ill tell her it’s your house and if thats what you child chooses then she needs to keep any opinion she has to herself and if she feels the need to tell your child what she can and can’t like due to gender stereotypes then shes more than welcome to not come over.

Don’t make a big deal simply say some people have opinions and we don’t have to listen. Then say do you really want a dinosaur theme and give her a Dino theme

She can have girlie Dino’s. She’s 5. Let her be a child.

F that… since when can’t girls like dinosaurs?! I love dinosaurs! Always have… maybe she will become a palaeontologist

A woman I went to Elementary with is now a Paleontologist. Let her have that dinosaur room. It’s not your MIL’s safe space to grow and learn.

So why can’t you do girlie dinosaurs. I mean we have to figure at least half the dinosaur population was female or there would have been no baby dinosaurs. There is nothing wrong with dinos. I had a Land Before Time bedroom as a kid.

Give her the dinosaur theme. It’s her bedroom. Make it a place she wants to be. It’s her space. And she’s 5. There’s absolutely no reason to make her feel like she can’t like dinosaurs.

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