My mother in law told my daughter she should NOT have a dinosaur themed bedroom: Advice?

YOU’RE the mother. Not her.

You make it dinosaur theme and if she has something to say let her know you are not raising narrow minded children :woman_shrugging:t2: PSA both my girls love dinosaurs :t_rex:


What the heck?! Dude, I would go all-out dinosaur!! Mural on walls and everything!! Do it up big and make that little girl happy!!

I love dinosaurs!!!

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Go buy yourself a cute Dino themed outfit u can get matching ones for u and her on patpat most likely

Holy moly, well dinosaurs were females too!!

Forreal tho, they do make dinosaur bed sheets and stuff in “girl colors” if thats the issue? Sounds like this MIL has a control stick up her butt.

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Dinosaurs are cool. MIL should back off. We had dinosaur theme year with all the dinosaur attractions in town. It lead to my daughter wanting to look for fossils.

I’d tell my mother in law she has no say so and if she wants to tell my children crap like that then she will not be welcome in my home or around my children


I’m a huge dinosaur fan! Nothing wrong with girls having a dinosaur room! I would of lost in too, it’s none of her business.

Do,it girls and boys all like dinosaurs.

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F**k that!! Let her have a dinosaur theme room. Nothing wrong with it. My niece loves dinosaurs as well. Who cares what others think. Your MIL is in the wrong for putting that in your daughters head.

Oh f*CK I’d be makin it action man themed now after that for badness :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Honestly, you will literally have her in y’alls life forever at this point. It may not be option number one, but I’d approach it calmly, in a MATURE manner, not tell her to “mind her business” etc. Pull her aside and tell her you don’t appreciate her playing gender roles with decorations under your roof. Not sure how 95% of this comment section got to the point of dismissing communication and finding a rude response as the only response. They’re saying your mother in law is toxic, but theres alot more toxic females here than I’ve ever seen. There is no “thats for boys and thats for girls” there is simply" I like that". There’s no need to be rude with her. Y’all can have a disagreement and still communicate in a grown way. It sounds like it’s just how your MIL grew up, and you can’t blame her for absorbing toxic traits taught to her, especially as a kid. But you can find a calm way to change them. A simple conversation is all it takes sometimes, and I’m sure you MIL didn’t mean to upset your daughter that bad. Seems like you really need to calm down too. All she said was dinasours are for boys and you’re almost on a rampage, the other moms in this group following suit. It really isn’t that serious. Don’t turn a sparkler into a bonfire girl. This generation of moms is really missing its patience, and the input from other moms who think literally everything someone does wrong should be blasted and she should be crucified are unfortunately wrong. Not everything needs to be attacked. Sometimes, it just needs to be approached.

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What’s to discuss? Your house your child. Mil doesn’t need to like it.


You tell your MIL that she of not the one that will be staying in that room! It is not her choice how it should be! If your daughter wants her room to be dinosaur themed then so be it!

Your child. HER ROOM. Put the maker over in whatever YOUR DAUGHTER WANTS. Down the road she might change her mind. She’s only 5 for heavens sake.

I would’ve said something right there andcthen that Dinosaurs aren’t gender oriented and she can have whatever theme room she wants, even if it’s all blue and full of race cars. But I would bring up to her that you don’t want her discussing the room with your daughter anymore as she upset her last time it was brought up. If she starts up again shut it down, she shouldn’t be causing confusion and a 5 ur old, and things like that can add up to anxious kids as they’re older.


Do whatever your daughter wants and either you or your husband should put your MIL in her place.

I know a girl who loves dinosaurs she has a room full and loves her room.

Dinosaurs can also be very girly with pinks purples yellows it can be beautiful


Confront her asap! Dinosaur the is cool…show her pics of dino theme! Then do it and explained n that mil was wrong


Oh no! You need to explode! Tell your mil she crossed a line and you will not tolerate it. Your kid your rules. If she can’t respect the choice your daughter made she doesn’t have the right to snuff her light… I’d fight her and I’d do it in front of my kid so they know you I got their back.

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LOOK WHOS GETTING A DINO GIRL ROOM! haha just go for it!


My daughter is 4yo and loves dinosaurs atm. I don’t understand people that talk down about a subject someone is genuinely excited about… I would just calmly tell her that she can have an opinion but to not bully MY daughter. You both love her so escalating won’t be the best for your family… unless she is a monster in law… if she is then tell her she needs to ask a therapist if what she said was wrong because I don’t got time for explaining everything to a monster in law.


Tell her to raise her kids her way and you raise your kids the way you want! There is nothing wrong with dinosaurs!
Tell her to MYOB!

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Everyone here should calm down.

I wouldn’t be too bothered.

No one died… sheeeeesh…

MIL should be told kindly and calmly to please consider the impact of her words.

Explain to MIL that you want your child to explore and to be open to all kinds of things in her life and not to be restricted by gender.

Explain to your daughter that she is not restricted by her gender to her preferences.

Explain that she is not limited by her gender to try, to explore, to determine her likes and dislikes.

It is up to you to raise an independent, resilient child whether it is a girl or a boy.

You can not shelter your child from the opinions of others.

You must teach your child to be discerning, to think independently, regardless of the opinions of others.

Though considering ideas and opinions of others is a good thing in order to form a good decision, ultimately, one’s own opinion must prevail.

Your MIL is entitled to her thoughts and her opinions.

Your daughter will be exposed to these different ways of thinking.

She can’t be protected from them.

She needs to learn to be strong. Just talk with your child.


None of her business

There’s no such thing as girl or boy theme rooms in my opinion. If the kid likes it, then that’s it! Smfh your MIL is an ass hole. Sorry not sorry

We have a dinosaur theme in the nursery for our daughter currently.


My daughter is 7 and is in love with dinosaurs. She’s having a jurassic park theme for her birthday party. My mother in law supports her 100% now if she didn’t I would tell her that it’s not your spot to say anything. Just because she’s a girls don’t mean she can’t like dinosaurs. 

Wow, your MIL needs to stay in her damn place :rage: there’s not a damn thing wrong with a little girl loving dinosaurs! I loved them when I was little and now my youngest is obsessed! She’s only 4 and she can name most of them and tell you whether they were carnivores or herbivores, so not only is it something she loves, she’s learning things! I’m so sick of people trying to gatekeep what kids can enjoy based on their gender. I truly hope that you’re able to cheer up your little girl and she gets the room she wants because Dino’s are awesome :heart::heart:

My daughter is 5 as well. You are her mother no one else. MIL does not live in your house. Yes we take the advise from our MIL’s but we do not have to listen to what they say. Thankfully my MIL is amazing so when she tells me something I do listen and most of the time I follow her advice. But for someone to flip out like that I would have asked her to leave. My daughter absolutely loves Jurassic World she has her own dinosaurs and has outfits too. Her room is unicorns but that’s because she asked for that. If she turned around and asked me for a Jurassic world bedroom, you bet your ass I would give her just that. No one lives in that little girls room but her. She should feel amazing in her room. Just because she is 5 does not mean she shouldn’t have a say in certain things. She is her own little person and she knows what she likes. Do what’s best for your daughter not what’s best for other people. We have to make our children happy first before we can please the people around us. A happy home is the most important thing to have.

Girl! I would put my MIL in her place, respectfully. Her views on this world may be her own but the rest of us have moved on in life! Your daughter deserves to have whatever she likes! Dinosaurs can be VERY girly, too! Oh my goodness. You’re in my thoughts! This is such a difficult yet needed conversation.

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Shame on your MIL for smoldering her flame. Imagine saying to a little boy he can’t like horses bc it’s a ‘girl thing’. What does that even mean?!?! Girls can love dinosaurs. Picture of me and my daughters hospital outfits for context :nerd_face:


I wouldn’t confront the MIL on anything… and deff wouldn’t start talking to a 5 year old about “gender preferences”. Just go ahead and create the dinosaur room with your daughter. Who gives a shit what anyone thinks, it’s her room.

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Their are actually girlie dinosaur bedding and stuff you can buy on Amazon. Show your daughter them. NO ONE has and business telling her she can’t have what she likes. My almost three year old loves dinosaurs and Pokémon. Her birthday theme will be dinosaurs. There is no gender specific things. I know boys who loves Barbie’s and babies, and girls who love trucks and cars. No one needs to be telling her what she can and can’t like. I’d tell Mother in law she can respect yours and your daughters decisions or not come over at all.

My uncle has a granddaughter that adores Dino’s even going into her adult life. He was skeptical but researched it & he said as much as she knows about dinosaurs just shows him how intelligent she is. There’s so much she’s known since a child & still enjoys learning about them!! He realized how smart she really is with this animal subject & encourages her to excel & never give up!
It’s no one’s place to tell your daughter she shouldn’t have a certain type of theme in her room especially about such awesome creatures!!

Dinosaurs are not just for boys… that’s like saying farm animals are just for boys… or a sports theme is just for boys…

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Tell her to .ind her own business and give 5he child her dinosaurs. MIN doesn’t have to like it or go in HER bedroom.

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Do it anyways, and make it EPIC

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The MIL is WRONG and it is NONE OF HER BUSINESS how you decorate your daughter’s bedroom. Is she paying for it?? Give your daughter a DINO room!

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Sasha-Lee Le Roux lees hier

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Dinos are a good room theme!


My 3 yr old girl is about to also get a Dino room makeover I’d like to share the comforter set she is getting.

I’d have a nice firm chat with your mother in law reminding her to stfu, dinosaurs are not just for boys. They are magical extinct creatures that bring a natural curiosity and enthusiasm and your mother in law should not be saying ANYTHING negative about your daughters room choice. It’s not her bedroom and not her buisness

On that note my 3 year old daughter chose a “boys” Jurassic park backpack for school.

To give a little more description of her room… we do love girly. She has a teal dresser with frilly white curtains and a dark pink large throw rug from target to match this set. Do what your girl wants this is just what we are choosing for her bed set. Also, target has sheets with green dinosaurs on it and hobby lobby has some dinosaur decor :wink:

I’d discuss with MIL that dinosaurs are not a gender specific theme. :roll_eyes: Even if that were the case, your baby should be able to like whatever and express herself however she wants. If she wants dinosaurs, give her dinosaurs and tell your husband to shut your MIL up. I’d also fully explain to your little girl that not everyone will always like what she likes and that it’s okay. My daughter is 5 too and I’ve noticed that if someone tells her they do or don’t like something she will change her opinion on it and I hate that. I want her to know it’s okay to be her own person and have her own likes and feelings. Also, I thank God my MIL is respectful enough to stay out of where she doesn’t belong. She definitely doesn’t agree with everything I do but she sits it aside and goes on as people with opposing opinions should do. :woman_shrugging: I mean, my FIL used to be a preacher and I’m a witch. My bonus kid said something and she asked about it to my s/o once and hasn’t mentioned it again nor has she treated me any type of way about it. People can be so ridiculous.


Tell that bitch to shut the fuck up!!! It aint her business :100:

I would talk to your daughter first and just explain that some people have different options and they aren’t always right even when it’s people we love :pleading_face: and if you want Dinosaurs :sauropod: then let’s do dinosaurs :t_rex: I thing it’s a great idea snd grandma will probably love it to once she see it when you get a chance text grandma about how that made your daughter feel

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tell her to keep her mouth shut and look in stores they are now making DINOSAURS theme clothes for girls.
My bathroom is dinosaur theme

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No your MIL can eff off


I would have lost my ever loving mind. What an idiotic thing to say. Lots of audacity!!

My niece is 2, and OBSESSED with dinosaurs. We got her a whole bunch for her birthday, and it was the first present she opened. She didn’t want to open others after. :sweat_smile::face_with_peeking_eye: let her enjoy what she enjoys! Sheesh!!

I’d tske your daughter shopping and encourage her to get dinosaur stuff. Screw mil.

Ohhh ok this is what you do. You buy the mother in law a dinosaur themed bedroom set and while she’s away you put it all up. Then you tell her to crack open that sealed shut mind of hers and stfu. I also think anytime your child sees this woman she should be greeted with a throaty roar of a T. rex. I would also like pictures of your daughters rad ass dinosaur themed bedroom as I am jealous and wish they have it all in adult sizes.

Please teach your daughter not to tell others about her decisions until after she has implemented them, if at all. Why? Because it’s as if people think you’re asking for their opinion and/or permission, and there will always be those people who will put a cloud over you and dull your shine.

My daughter told us when she was 4 she wanted to be a paleontologist. My only girl wanted her pink room to be dinosaurs. If you can’t beat em join em! It was the best dinosaur room ever!

Tell her grandma is wrong.

Anyone who “flipped” on my child would not be allowed around my child. If she has such deeply ingrained gender- issues that she’s angry at a little girl for liking dinosaurs, she’s not a safe person for kids.

I’d tell my little girl that grandma was really scared of dinosaurs (Clearly she is :roll_eyes:) and sometimes people do silly things when they’re scared. We’d talk about being scared, that we don’t need to be, and what we like about dinosaurs, and then I’d help her decorate her room.

My mother in law is the polar opposite of this and a healthy influence on my kids. She’s a safe person who modelled the willingness to lose relationships to protect her children, and I will carry that forward so help me God.

They have pink dinosaurs bedding and things for little girls. My daughter loves :sauropod: too and I would have exploded on her

Don’t get me started. Let her have what she wants. She’s at the age she can decide.

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There are lots of ways to have a Dino themed bedroom and still make it feminine

So do girl dinosaurs… I still love dinosaurs :sauropod: :heart:

Ask her if she knows who Mary Anning is. She discovered the first plesiosaur and is famously known paleontologist in the 1800’s. If she says no tell her “do your research and mind your business” :rofl:

Make a pink Dino room I think it will be cute seen this online

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If she wants a dinosaur bedroom u give her a dinosaur bedroom but make it a girly dinosaur theme

My daughter wanted a Minecraft themed party and she’s getting it who cares what anybody else thinks

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make all the dinasours pink with tiaras woola a girls room make over and dinasours

My soon to be 16 yr old daughter has a Dino themed room and bathroom Buy the Dino stuff

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Dinosaurs are a great theme for her room! You daughter’s desire to have a dinosaur themed shows that at the young age she has an interest in the history of this country! Dinosaur Park, Glen Rose, Texas has actual visible dinosaurs tracks in river bed you can see, put your hands in and feel in low water areas of river! I actually have beautiful arrangement my daughter made for my dining room table with two fossils dug out of creek bed near my home in Ovilla, TX! Proud of your smart daughter!

Dinosaurs are for everyone. Check this out, when I was a girl, I was very tomboyish. I had dolls n barbies I’d play with sometimes but I liked boy toys more. Not gonna lie boy toys were cooler than lame barbies. My mom didn’t care. As I grew older, I became less tomboyish. I’m super girly now. Kids need to be allowed to have their own personalities and not be put in a box. I was a girly girl by the time I was 17 but my bedroom still looked like a boys room with nothing but pics of rappers and football hanging on the wall, all colors were blue, black lights etc.

Explain to your daughter that it is perfectly normal for a girl to have a dinosaur room :woman_facepalming:t3: there’s a lot of cute girly dinosaurs themes too. Some people just have different opinions that’s okay too but it shouldn’t change hers. As for the mother in law explain and show her there is cute girly dinosaurs themes even if there wasn’t she should fully support her granddaughter and keep her negative options away from little ones ears atleast. Times have changed

Tell her if she says things like that again she won’t be able to be around your daughter without you present. It’s your child and it’s your job to protect her from harmful adults that are going to tell her harmful things like this. I’d have a talk with your daughter and say that everyone has their own opinions on how boys and girls should act and what they should like but we are allowed to like whatever we want. She doesn’t have to be feminine or like only “girl” things.

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There’s no reason you can’t have a girlier themed dinosaur room. So for instance softer greens use of purple or something. Show your daughter some ideas I’m sure there’s many on Pinterest. And see if that helps her.
Dinosaurs are not for boys. Dinosaurs would be of interest to anyone with interest in animals archeological discovery paleontology I mean come on.

Explode on her. She obviously thinks that she should have a bigger say in your daughter’s life than you. If she’s not helping pay the bills, it’s not her house, she can get bent. Obviously is going to trigger her more than your daughter because a girly room doesn’t change that your daughter loves dinos and will continue to love them. How terrible of a mother in law.

I wouldn’t approach her at all, it’s none of her business.
I would approach your daughter and tell her people her whole life will be like this!! If you and your daughter are ok with it, she wants it and it’s not hurting anyone then GO FOR IT you only live once!

OK, she is 5. If you are not planning on painting for the next 5 yrs. use pink walls and pictures of dinosaurs in psychedelic colors to decorate her room and a jungle patterned bedspread. Now all you have to change out are the pics and bedspread when she gets tired of them.

Why are you entertaining her ridiculous self…I would go full out Dinosaur…shirts…shoes…backpack…toothbrush etc

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Get your daughter what she likes and tell your MIL that dinosaurs/animals can be liked by anyone. My daughter loves sharks and all things sea creatures, but she doesn’t like the “typical” mermaids. She likes the real sea creatures and prefers to watch documentaries on them over cartoons

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Do NOT make it pink if that’s not what she wants. Explain that boys and girls can both like dinosaurs, and that it’s okay to say so to others that think otherwise. She should not be forced to think she has to be girly to be a girl. If she wants it green blue and brown give it to her,please. Dinosaurs weren’t all pink and purple with tiaras and tutus :roll_eyes:

It’s your daughters bedroom .not your M I L … girls love dinossurs too …

My daughter loves Dinosaurs too! Nothing wrong with that. I would have responded to my MIL in front of my daughter that she can pick any room theme she wishes. Thay Dinosaurs are cool and maybe she doesn’t like them because she is one lol!!!

Apparently she doesn’t know that many paleontologists are females! Maybe you should explain that to her.

Wow that’s awful. My now 9 year old has had that theme she’s has also had minecraft. I see absolutely nothing wrong with her wanting that.

I’d say explode on her. Let your daughter have whatever theme she wants- how she wants!

Last I checked dino Dana was a girl nothing wrong with girls liking g dinos if having a dino room is gonna make her happy do it maybe gma is jealous and wants a dino room too

I’m surprised you haven’t exploded on her yet. I would have. Tell her it’s none of her damn business. Get your daughter what she wants. Simple as that.

My little girl used to be obsessed with dinosaurs at that age, I’m girlie girl and wanted her to have everything princess and pink which she also loved sooo I made tutu’s for all her toy dinosaurs and painted their nails and put lip stick and blush on them … point is, dinosaurs can be girlie as welll, MIL needs to chill out and let your baby have whatever she wants.

Personally if it were my daughter I would have flipped out right then and there however I would have a sit down with her on neutral ground like in public and say there is absolutely nothing wrong with my daughter wanting dinosaurs :sauropod: as her room theme. Both men and women today are paleontologist and her telling my daughter out right that it was wrong for her to have a dinosaur themed bedroom because she was a girl is completely inappropriate and I will NOT tolerate her outburst like that ever again I would also include my husband in the discussion that way you have back up

Put bows on the dinosaurs if it matters but let her choose what she wants

Tell your MIL she does not get a vote.


Don’t even say anything to MIL. Do baby girls room how SHE wants it. My 4yr old niece LOVES dinos and we get her dino stuff all the time. Toys, clothes etc.

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Your the mom Not the mil . You do whatever your little girls wants. My kids love dinosaurs :sauropod:.
I definitely would tell your mil that you think she’s overstepping

I am so glad my in laws aren’t in the picture . My husband and children are so much better off .

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Screw all the “make it girly dinosaurs” get her whatever dinosaurs she wants is not your MIL house is it? If she wants pink dinos cool if she wants bones and realistic dinos saying “well we’re get these nice pink ones instead” is just as bad as saying “girls can’t have dinosaurs” being into dinosaurs early is a sign of intelligence anyway.


Show the amount of female archeologists there are.

My daughter is 3 and loves Dino’s as well. Who cares what your MIL thinks make your daughter happy! Just because it’s Dino doesn’t mean it’s boyish. They sell girls clothes with dinosaurs on them as well!

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First of all, there’s no such thing as “girl” or “boy” themed things, which clearly you understand. As for your MIL, either you say something to her about how unacceptable that was, or have your husband do it. Also, I was just at kohls and they literally have what some would consider “girly” Dino bedding. Probably so those kids who are made to believe blue is for boys have access to Dinos as well.

Anyway, I’ll list the item below. But truly it shouldn’t matter what she likes for her room. No need to overcomplicate things.

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My granddaughters 3rd birthday party was dino themed… they were cute and she was happy… ur mil needs not worry about it household… let that baby have what she wants and let her know it’s ok to like whatever she wants

Get the dinosaurs. I’m a girl mom all day but our house is filled with just as many dinosaurs, cars, ans super heros as it is with princesses, rainbows and butterflies lol.
*I might be lying about the butterflies lol

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How is that a problem SMH. Does she think your daughter will grow balls or something?

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Dinosaurs is a girl theme. Do a Google search.

This is 2022. Does your mother in law realize there are girly Dino themes and even IF she wanted a regular Dino theme. She is a child?

Let your baby live. Your MIL had her chance to raise her children and make final decisions…… this is YOUR child at the end of the day. Who cares what her grandma thinks of her bedroom theme?? Good grief.


I wouldn’t be compromising with the room, if she wants Dinosaurs give her dinosaurs! Variations and colorations don’t matter! It doesn’t have to be girly or pink or whatever, tell you in law that she is not allowed to say things like that in your house and if she disrespects it again she cannot come over. Explain to your daughter that not everyone likes the same ideas and just because grandma says she should do it doesn’t mean she can’t, encourage her to do the dino room!

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