Then let her stay home!
Let her stay home. Your wedding not hers.
It is YOUR wedding. DO what mks YOU happy!!
Invite your future MIL, if she chooses not to go, so be it. Ball is in her court.
You invite who you want invited, not who the MIL wants invited. If MIL doesn’t come, maybe that would be best.
You guys could just elope.
Pass on the emotional blackmail, or you will set an expectation of caving to her demands.
Tell her she will be missed!
Get in you car and go get married by a justice of the peace and forget about all of them!
Your wedding. Don’t invite her. Mil will come call her bluff
Tell MIL you’ll send her a picture if she’d like !
If it’s that bad invite her, she will more than likely decline. For your sake I hope so!
Her choice she can stay home. Enjoy your day
It’s your day. Have o my those that love and support you!!! Period
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Her loss
Do you really need a wedding after this time. Go to the court house by yourselves and stop the drama.
You’re being bullied,she’ll continue this behavior. Stop her now. Tell her don’t come.
MIL taught her daughter well. This is a learned behavior. Dont fall for it
Mom: “I’m not coming if your sister doesn’t get invited”
You: “so is it chicken or fish you want for your dinner option?”
Mom: “I’m not coming!”
You: “ok great so fish! Btw We aren’t serving fish!” Click
It’s your wedding. If you don’t want the sister there don’t invite her.
Explain to your M I L why you’re not inviting her and tell your M I L it’s your wedding not hers.
Just elope! Save your money and avoid all the drama.
Life is short patch up relationship while u can
Elope. No wedding to attend. Have a party post elopement. Good luck
Elope. Go to Reno. Save
Money and family feuds
Sorry, mom out if that’s what she wants!
Don’t invite her. Parents will still come
Your wedding your choice. Cut out toxic people best feeling in the world
YOUR WEDDING! Invite the mil. If she doesn’t come it’s up to her.
Tell MIL you will miss her presence but she isn’t going to blackmail you.
Invite her. She probably won’t come. Be the bigger person.
Elope, save yourself a ton of money and headache!
It’s your wedding!!! Invite who ya want to celebrate your special day.
Elope. Problem solved. Good luck. And be happy.
You are inviting MIL, she said she isn’t coming. You did your part.
Have the wedding without them. They sound ridiculous and exhausting.
Tell MIL you will gladly show her pictures of the event. Sounds like she is a blackmailing bully. Don’t give in to her tactics.
Tell your MIL to stay home then. That is exactly what I would tell her.
Remove anything toxic from your life. You’ll be much happier
It’s yr wedding invite who YOU want!
I would say to my mother in law good riddance
Sounds like a power play by your MIL. If they don’t come, it’s on them
MIL’s loss…even if you didn’t invite the future SIL, MIL may still drag the woman along…
Invite them ,and hope they decline,least you can say you did
Never make a decision based on a threat.
Elope!! End of drama!!
Enjoy your day. Sorry mom it’s not your day.
Don’t invite SIL, MIL doesn’t come,that’s her problem
Invite the people you want. Don’t invite people you don’t want. It’s your day.
Tell her to keep her old ass at home .
That’s her choice. It’s your wedding
Elope and later, have a party to celebrate the union.
Do not ever let anyone hold you hostage!
So your MIL chooses one child over the other !
I was kinda in the same situation, so I just went to Las Vegas and got married. I had a great time and it didn’t really bother me that my parents weren’t there because all they ever did is cause drama in my life . And still to this day have had very little contact with them . My father has passed (they were divorced) and we had an ok relationship, my mother and I have been fighting since I was about 12 ! I can honestly say I am VERY glad she wasn’t there because I am sure she would have had a snide remark about the choice of husband I chose. So do what you think is best for your relationship with your fiancé . I am sure that it won’t matter as long as you have each other .
I have been very happily married for 26 years . And don’t regret my mother not being there AT ALL !!!
It’s your wedding, not theirs.
If mil does not go that is on her
Just get married by a justice with a few people. I did it with just me and hubby.
Do whatever your fiancee says.
It’s your wedding! Invite who you want and if people don’t like that the. They don’t have to come! I have been married over 11 years I have absolutely nothing to do with my husbands family but just his mom only. The rest of them are not allowed on my property ever! Don’t let someone tell you what to do! And plz do not listen to the crap that you marry the family!! This is not true and will do nothing but cause you issues. Also if you do what she wants to please her then you have opened the door to be controlled and walked on!
Go about your business. Thats their decision, they can live with the consequences.
Don’t send MIL one either. Problem solved!!! If his family can’t respect you then don’t deal with them. Your husband should NEVER let anyone disrespect you or your wishes!!!
I would invite them for your husband but I would ignore them.
It is YOUR WEDDING NOT HERS. Invite whom you want.
Invite her. She probably won’t go.
If you and your husband don’t want his sister there don’t invite her. If his mother doesn’t show up that’s on her not you. Sounds like she is trying to bully. Personally I would not want the sister there either for fear something may erupt and ruin my wedding. It’s your wedding don’t risk it being ruined. It’s supposed to be a happy day.
Tell your mother in law to stay home lol
Invite the parents who else you invite is up to you!
As much as it’ll suck for him that’s his mother’s choice. Invite those that you want there and only that. And I’d hire security to keep the sister out cuz mom might bring her anyways.
It’s your wedding,do as you feel.
Your wedding m guest list, MIL wants to control your wedding, nip it now or you are in for all kinds of trouble !!!
Unfortunately, ask him what HE wants. It’s his family. And regardless of how you feel I believe this one should be left up to him.
It’s a y’all decision
Make it about y’all and enjoy
I totally agree. Invite whoever you want and your fiance.
Don’t let your MIL bully you.
Save time and problems…ELOPE…
On the ole biddie if she won’t go
Your wedding, if your fiancee agrees, leave the sister out and leave it up to the MIL if she wants to come. Your wedding, your rules. MIL has a choice, it’s up to her.
Go on with the wedding. It is the mothers loss.
It’s YOUR DAY not theirs…ENJOY
Get along till after the wedding
Kinda sounds like u guys r all drama
Don’t be blacked mailed. Just say we’ll miss you
Nope. Shame on your mil. Its your dag
Step back and let your partner decide…
Make a choice you won’t fret over. What’s your fiancé’s opinion. He should get a vote as well though lots of the women commenting here don’t seem to think so.
Extend the invite most likely they won’t come anyways
Just send her in invitation and your MIL will shut up.
Who the he’ll cares . Why is this crap on Facebook
Don’t invite her stand your ground they’ll get the udeay
Elope. It’s cheaper and less stress
ELOPE! Cheaper and no drama or stress!
Just leave it be and dont bother.
Invite them if they show they show if they start to act up throw them out point blank
Guess his mama just ain’t coming
Who’s paying for your wedding ? No paying into. No decision input.
MIL I am so sorry you will miss everything. There will be lots of photos.
That’s her choice. You have your list and she is not on it. Volunteer to have her view it on zoom!
So then she doesnt come thats her childish ass decision
Run off and get married