My mother in law wants to take my son on the weekends:Advice?

My mother in law wants to take my son, who is 15 months every month for the weekend. Don’t get me wrong I love a weekend with him, but the weekends are the only time we get to spend as a family because my husband is a truck driver. We have tried to explain to her that she can have him all the time he has other grandparents and aunts and uncles who would like to take him to. But she always gets mad and starts an argument that she doesn’t see him ever because she lives an hour away. Also, she then wants to come over all the time to see him, and I mean 1_2 time a week. I don’t know what to get anymore.


Why not just for one weekend a month? She gets her time and you guys can have some time to just be a couple.


You’re the parent. You can say no.
However one weekend a month would be a nice break for you and your husband to reconnect and have some one on one time.

As long as MIL would respect how you parent, I think it would be good.


What’s wrong with her coming over once a week to see him? Also there is nothing wrong with a weekend a month. Many would be greatful


You are seriously mad she wants to spend time with him. Wow. You will one day wish she was here to spend time with him


All you can do is draw boundaries. Don’t let her guilt trip you into anything. Every once in awhile would be nice, but her son needs to visit his baby too. You can’t really argue with a parent spending time with their child lol. Other than that, let her know that either you or the baby is busy that day/weekend, but you’d love to schedule another day with her.


An hour is not that far. My mom lives an hour away and she doesn’t drive so we go spend the weekends with her or bring her to our house at least 2 weekends a month


Put your foot down …she’s not his mother…she will run all over you if you let her…maybe when your child is older she can have him for overnight visits


He needs to spend time with grandma!! It’s so important. I wish my kids would of had this. It also gets them use to being without you


Ohhh lord no!!! That is way to much! I mean great she wants to be an active grandparent but I’m not sending my baby anywhere for an entire wkend and once a wk is more than enough for her to be over! I’d set boundaries and if she gets mad O well! I’m sure you don’t want her there that much either


If you aren’t comfortable having her take him overnight, maybe she can come to your house once a month and spend the weekend instead?


No flipping way. 1 or 2 weekends a month is plenty unless everyone has the flu or something & can’t manAge.

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I never leave my kid with anyone so I understand. (15 month old). She has never not been with mommy. It’s absolutely your choice. Maybe set a weekend a month she can come to your home, or go out with your family??


Do a routine and explain to her that others would like to spend time with the grand kid as well

If there’s some issue with him being an hour away then let her come over. “We tried to explain to her she can have him all the time” so then why is it a problem that she wants him


I wish my son had a grandparent that was still here to spend time with him😔 he is 3 doesn’t even know what a grandparent is.


You’re allowed to say no. Period. No-one is entitled to shit. You don’t owe anyone anything. You don’t have to compromise or accommodate someone who is ignorant, expects, is misunderstanding, or gets angry if they don’t get their way.

As the parent, you get to decide. Its nice she wants to spend time with her grandbaby. However if you are not comfortable with him being away from you overnight or an hour away, maybe suggest she come over every 2-3 weeks. Set boundaries that you are comfortable with. Its important to spend timr with grandparents. Its also important to not feel like MIL is intruding or just wanting some space and time with their kid. Set boundaries and be firm, if she is unhappy that is on her. You can’t bend over backward to please her and make yourself miserable and harm your relationship with her.

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I hate when grandparents love their grandchildren and want to spend time with them…wait


Why is this even an issue. No means no. She’ll get over it.


Lol sounds like the parent has separation issues. A weekend away is okay. My husband is a truck driver also otr. Trust me by the time he gets home. He wants to have a little grown up time also. Obviously the MIL did something right. She did raise the man you married.


Wow at least she wants to be around. You have issues lady


I wouldnt mind her stopping by whenever but I wouldn’t let my child spend the weekend let alone one night anywhere at that age. I waited until my child was 4. But im a weirdo haha

I would tell her sorry but no.

It’s your kid :woman_shrugging: say no. A day a month for you and hubby to spend time together though mightnt be a bad idea but if you dont want him going say so. Same if shes coming around too much say sorry you are busy that day. You have plans, visitors, mammy baby group whatever.


Grandparents are very important in a child’s life. They aren’t here very long. Let her make memories with her grandchild!!!


Sooooo she wants to take him for a weekend every month…OR stop by 1 or 2 times a week. Why the nerve! Hell where she at. I got 3 shrug


I mean if you’re not comfortable then dont.


Maybe y’all can go over there for a saturday or sunday on every other weekend. I wouldn’t like the every weekend thing either. My children usually stay friday or saturday night at their grandparents every other weekend.

She wants to see him once or twice a week? What did that poor woman do to deserve you as a daughter in law


Be glad you have grandparents that care and want him…you push them away to much and they won’t be there at all and you will be wishing they were


I wish my mother or mother in law wanted to take my kids, my mom sees them everyday, but this is the first time in 8 years she’s taken only 2 for the weekend and my mother in law saw them every weekend before she moved to Texas but there was a period of time my mother in law went months without seeing them and has only taken them once … Be grateful for what you have and don’t burn your bridges by being stubborn.


I don’t know one single grandparent. I wish I got wisdom from a granddaddy recipes from a grandma. There will be a time when she won’t be able to spend the time. Maybe all sit down like grown ups with her son around and come to a reasonable agreement.

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Your so lucky to have a grandmother that wants to be in his life, mine had none and what’s so wrong with her wanting to be apart of your family life??? I go to my daughter 2, 3 times a week and if she ever stopped me, it’d break my heart.


I would love if my in-laws were even involved with my children let alone take them for a weekend.


My family had a trucking company when I grew up. Plus we had a farm. My father was gone during the week driving truck. I understand what you’re saying. I can see her point also. Your stuck in the middle. Have you considered allowing her to take him over a long weekend once or twice a month. That would allow you to have date night! Let her take him a weeknight if your schedules work. Than you can have some self care time. Perhaps, allow her to visit during the week while hubby is gone in the truck. Than you and MIL could bond.

Don’t even. No way would I expect my children (who have kids!!) to let me just keep my grandkids like that. Yes, they come visit. Sometimes they stay the night. That’s up to my kids, their parents. Not me


You dont have that hun ,just say no ,I mind my grandkids all the time.,I love it :sparkling_heart:,gives my daughter and her partner time to go out ,or just chill at home ,but as.a grandmother its fantastic to have them ,but I leave it up to my daughter ,and she knows I here :heart_eyes:xxxx


Just remember, she raised a great man that was good enough for you to marry. It takes a village to raise a child.


Must just be me but I think 3x a week is too much.


Just keep saying no. Keep telling her that exact same thing, weekends are for daddy. There are seven days in a week and daddy only gets two of them, ask her to pick another day. Tell her a day or two that would work for you and that’s it, take it or leave it.


Maybe negotiate and have her take him 1 weekend day or every other weekend. Honestly you should feel good that your MIL wamts to spend time n bond with your baby.


Put your foot down. If you aren’t comfortable with it then that’s that :woman_shrugging:t2:
You’re the parent.


Recommend starting with some visits with you there and see how you feel about it. Maybe, in time, you may feel comfortable with letting him go with her for a few hours, etc. Take it at your pace though, he is your child.

One weekend a month can be beneficial to you and your husband’s relationship. If it is always the three of you when he is off, you guys could end up suffering in your relationship. I think a weekend every month is reasonable and should be a welcomed break. Every mother needs a break every now and then; for themselves or relationship.


I wish my mine would come over more

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I get it can be frustrating but be great full you have a good support system & someone fighting to spend time with your child. I’m a single mom (my sons father is deceased) and the only time I really get a break is when I’m working. I’m sure you can come to an agreement where you are all happy.

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Since joining this group I have realized something I’ve been guilty of. I’m the grandma but I think and feel like the mother! That grandbaby who looks so much like my own, my maternal instincts the are overwhelmingly my senses! I need to be reminded that mommy and daddy are taking good care of THEIR baby! I’m sorry for all the anger and stress I have caused, trying to relive my life through you! Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for allowing me to be a big part of your lives.
Don’t be afraid to assert yourself when I go too far. I’ll be hurt but I’ll come around to your way of doing thins. I love you and trust your judgement.


Not everybody wants extended family up in their business all the time. I know I sure as hell don’t. I enjoy being able to go about my day in peace and privacy without having to answer to anyone as to where I’m going/what I’m doing/etc. Grandparents shouldn’t act entitled to their grandkids. The only people who have an absolute right to a child are his or her parents. Everyone else in the kid’s life is there by privelage, not divine right.


She wants to see her grand child. That’s not bad. If ur not comfortable with a whole weekend, maybe say saturday around noon, until sunday around noon. So it’s only 1 over night but lots of quality time too.
I get u want family time, but so does she. Just throwing that out there. Have her over for an early dinner, and then let her take him back to her place until the next day around dinner time. Again, only 1 overnight but theres family time. Gives you and ur guy a date night too, which is super important as well.

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I would let her take him all she’s asking is time with him

Put your foot down and dont leave it up for discussion. If she brings it up again just say your answer hasn’t changed.

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I’m sorry but none of my kids are spending an entire weekend an hour away from me, especially a young toddler. Clearly I’m in the minority but whatevs.


Omg same with my in law she guilts us and says I guess I’m not part of the family smh when I always include her. She made me look like the bad guy to her whole side of the family! Kasim Lac sound familiar ? & my in law is just ten blocks always i cannot catch a break . Weekend are for us as a family me n my husband

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Lol I wish my mil asked to see my kids. She’s only 15-20 minutes away. :sweat_smile: my parents are active in my kids lives and its the best blessing for the kids and them.

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Maybe one weekend amonth

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She can take him other days. Don’t feel guilty about saying no, and do what is best for you guys.

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You need to enjoy babyfree time. You will need it later. I dont see the issue.:woman_shrugging: baby wont remember any family time right now anyway.

That’s a bit much to want them the whole weekend. I remember growing up barely seeing my grandparents. Tell her visits are plenty! Kids need their parents

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Agree to let her have him like one weekend out of the month.:woman_shrugging:

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As someone whose children don’t have grandparents that want to be involved in their lives… be grateful. I cry thinking about the thought that if me and my husband pass away, my kids won’t have anyone else. I wish so much my kids had grandparents that put some sort of interest in getting to know them.


YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO ALLOW ANYONE TO TAKE YOUR CHILD FOR A WEEKEND. He is your child, you are the mother. If you are not comfortable with it, that is up to you and your husband. No one is entitled to a visit, an overnight stay, or a weekend.
If she really wants to see him she will make the trip to visit.


Can I send my kids once a month to your mother in laws?


So just tell her no? She has no rights or custody over your kid. I understand she wants to visit but you guys have a life and things to do besides pass your child around and entertain family 24/7. Dont let them pester you until you submit. Stand up for yourself. If that means you hurt someone’s feelings, so be it. She can make the trip every now and then to visit if she really wants to.


That’s too much, she wants to take the kid out on her own once a week and visits twice a week? Oh hell no, You are that Childs Mother so whatever you say goes end of story. That being said she is entitled to ask you but if you say no she shouldnt be mad!:100:


So much judgement! :roll_eyes:

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Why don’t you use the time for you guys, I mean eventually you will want this.

Shoot. My mom and dad always used to take grandkids for weekends. My oldest two were with them every weekend. We’d meet every Friday evening and Sunday evening. They’d also take them two weeks in the summers for vacation. Some of their most memorable moments with my parents are on those weekends or summers. The only reason they don’t still do this is because they’re getting older, and my kids way outnumber them now. :joy:

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I would try to get some alone time in with your husband and nurture your marriage. Once a month is definitely not bad at all…

For grandparents, their grandchildren are typically their pride and joy and they want nothing more than to be a huge part of their lives. I get that it can be inconvenient for the parents sometimes, but that is what the purpose of boundaries is for.

One weekend out of the month for a one year old child will probably do him, her, and your marriage some good. maybe you can talk to her about setting up a schedule for when she can visit him and if she doesn’t like the schedule then that’s too bad she can just deal with it.


Honestly, i think you are missing the point. There are a million parents that wish a grandparent wanted to be so involved. You should feel blessed! Welcome the interaction and love that she is willing to give your child. Now, as far as taking your child for a whole weekend… I, myself, feel that your child is too young to go for a whole weekend. I would say to wait until your child is older. But as far as the grandmother goes, give her your blessings to come down anytime and be genuinely happy about it!


I would say no to every weekend. Let him stay maybe one or two nights a month


Let me get this right you’re upset because the grandmother wants to spend time with her grandchild one or two times a week or have him overnight or for a weekend once a month and that’s too much for you? Seriously as a grandmother I see my grandson oh at least four times a week and if I don’t spend time with him four times a week then we’re on the phone FaceTime whatever I have him overnight every Saturday night that’s our night don’t have to plan it because it’s a standing sleep over every Saturday night and he is three years old. we live in the same city but we are 45 minutes away from each other on transit but the fact that she wants to do this and you think that that’s too much shows that your motives are not for your child if they were you would have no problem with allowing her to love on that child 1 or 2 times a week :woman_facepalming:t2: seriously count your damn blessings! Grandparents ARE IMPORTANT for a well developed child!

People asking to have your child is a blessing. It shows they enjoy them and want to spend time with them. Be gratefull for it.
A lot of children and parents dont get it!


It’s up to you since youre the mother but I’m sure the kid would like it. If it’s a loving environment then I don’t see what the problem is. They can make some great memories for the child as a lot of grandparents are not like that. And you and your husband can have bonding time. I love my daughter to death but a break is always good for mental health and recooperation because you can’t get so caught up in being their mother that your forget to take care of yourself :blush::heart::heart:

My in-laws were already gone by the time I met my husband. Be grateful

some parents don’t want their little kids gone for a whole weekend and i support her side right now, i feel i’m in the same position. yeah MAYBE one day she’ll wish she was around to offer to take her kid for a weekend but getting angry because the mom said no? that’s ridiculous. it’s HER child. my dad passed before he could meet my son and i wouldn’t even let my own parents take my son for a whole weekend that young. to each their own. but some of y’all don’t need to drag her for her decisions lmao yikes.


My parents had 6 grandkids that ALL stayed almost EVERY WEEKEND of their childhoods…seriously EVERY SINGLE ONE I’m sure and now there are 7 great grandchildren and they still do it! My kids had an amazing childhood and the memories they have with their grandparents and cousins is EXACTLY what I strive for as a grandmother… I only have 1 grandson here to work with YET but my plans are as big as my heart :heart: we actually discuss this often :blush:

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I love that my mum enjoys having my son here and there. He loves her and she loves him. His fathers side are useless and my dad isn’t in the picture. And it’s nice to have a break. Maybe you can say take it down to once a week visit and one weekend just say ok, we take our kid friday night through to (depending on age) when they wake from their lunch time nap and she can take them sat arvo/night and sunday.

I spent weekends with my grandparents all the time and I loved it. I say just let her do it so you and your husband can have some personal time together. She doesn’t need to have him every single weekend, so you guys will have that family time that you want. Be glad your mother in law wants to be a part of your child’s life. Mine drives right by my house to go see her other grandkids. My sister in law lives two hours away one way and she goes to see her and all her other grandkids yet lives 20 minutes from us. She has never came to visit them. Maybe once a year she gets all her grandkids together for one night so they can spend time together.

Tell her no.(simple)

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My nephews are 6 and 7 and I still haven’t had them for a weekend. Tell her she can have him for a weekend when he’s 10 years old.

She might be your mother in law but shes the childs grandmother and wants to bond one day you will really need her and i hope she says no ,not good enough then so not good enough now


And another thing, She is going to be very old 1 day and she won’t be able to do things with them… Let her have them because is won’t be long before she is unable to do so. There comes a time when Your kids don’t come around much anymore, you don’t get visitors or even calls. So you sit around day after day, week after week, month after month and you’re all alone with nothing but your memories. I bet if it was YOUR Mother, you wouldn’t have the same energy…


My mother in law has my son every 2nd weekend…He has no realationship with his biological father,so she has stepped up and takes him.She has done this since he was around 2 years old (his father has bounced in and out but she has been constant)
They have the most amazing bond and she drives a 4 hour round trip every Friday and Sunday just to have him.
She also has him half of all school holidays.He spends time with my mum at least twice a week and again has since birth…
I love that he has that love and connections with them and I believe it has helped mould him into the sweet young guy he is today.


This is your life, your family, your child. In my family, our time is extremely limited during the week. It feels like I never see my kids except for weekends. Yes, your child’s relationship with your MIL is important, but your child’s relationship with you and your husband is more important. Prioritize time with her, but her wants and her POV is not more important than your’s. Yes, having an involved grandparent is something to be thankful for. So thankful. But all these people who say suck it up and be thankful aren’t looking at the big picture or can’t relate imo.


Your mother in law is not more important than your husband. Your husband is out all week working and when he comes home he deserves to enjoy the very thing he’s working for- his house, his family, etc. no way should he miss out on more time with his child bc your husbands mother wants to be in her feelings. Dad first. It’s not like she doesn’t see her grand baby she’s there already 2 days a week.


Pick a weekend that can be rotated among the grandparents. It’s just as important to have a weekend with hubby uninterrupted to have bed picnics in front of the tv and stuff.

Your cutting the grandparents out and that’s not fair to them. Also, if there is a time that you need them to watch your son for whatever reason they won’t feel used.

This is about respect and compromise!


Shit she can come hangout with my kids lmao

MIL feel so entitled. She can video chat. Does she not know how? Don’t let him go with her.

Thank your lucky stars .


Oh Lord… I am 76 ,I have only one grandson , I adore him , when he was born I retired to watch him. He is seven ,my son drop him up in the morning , I take him to school, I pick him up from school… but I agree with you mamma , I wouldn’t let my child been without me far away .No way . I ask my grandson to stay with me once in a while and he says , no grandma but I love you. I want to be with mama , even that she wants him to stay overnight ,he doesn’t want to. … But If is me , I couldn’t leave my children anywhere I don’t care who. I never did.


Send her my way…just saying


She is a grandparent and will hold a special spot in her grandchildrens lives but her role is to support the parents who are trying to manage their family.Her demands for the time are unreasonable and if the other grandparents,aunts,uncles all played the same game then the poor parents and kids.Stand your ground momma and tell grandma to quit acting like a spoiled child-you need to set the boundaries that work for your family.She should be setting an example not creating more stress for her family.

My children have three sets of grandparents and we’ve had to set up a schedule so they all get even time with my kids. But we didn’t start doing this until my kids were about 3 or 4 years old. If she wants to take him overnight, just one night, i dont see that being a problem, maybe like… twice a month? but for an entire weekend every weekend? that’s excessive and she needs to be told that it’s unreasonable and that he’s your child, you’d like to decide how to manage his time and not be bullied by your husband’s mother.

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Be happy that she wants a bond with your child an she is still alive. Some of us aren’t that blessed


Be thankful that your baby has a loving grandma that WANTS to spend time with him. Please don’t shut your baby’s grandma out. Compromise with her a little.


Think about what works for you and your family. If once a week is too much then what about once every two weeks? Call her and say “we’re not ready to let baby go spend weekend away from us yet but what about if you come by every other week for a few hours?” If that doesn’t work for her or if she pushes back then say “I’m sorry you feel that way, but I can’t offer anything else right now” and stick to it. I’m learning to stick to the boundaries my husband and I are setting for our family as well. It’s hard. But whether it’s your side or his side, they need to respect boundaries. It may take time but good luck!


Invite her to spend the weekend at your house once a month.


Screw all these ladies saying that u should just let her monopolize your child’s time
Your child does have other family and should visit everyone not just her and she needs to be an adult and understand that.


Id love granny to give me few nyts of each mth. Trust me as they get der and more kids arrive you will treasure those weekends at grannys. Plus builds a strong bond.

My brothers ex didnt get on with my mum. She didnt hardly get to see my bros kids first 5 yrs Unfortunatly their mum died of cancer when niece and nephew was 10 & 5 yrs old. After this granny was needed every weekend so my bro could still work. It took a while for kids to adapt to us. But thank god for grannys etc, you never know when you need them, so dont write her off with wanting to spend time with your baby. Kids def need a strong village to raise them xx

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