Bless you. I’m so sorry. Sounds like your mom put you down to cover what a worthless parent she was and is. I’m sorry but it’s time for you to cut the strings. You are right. She’s very toxic and will not change. She gets attention for it. The people who truly know her knows she’s full of lies. They just tolerate her. She sounds like a miserable excuse for a mother. All she is is a egg donor. Animals treat their babies better than this evil sorry excuse for a mother stay strong. Your too good to allow her into your families life. Especially your children’s life. Prayers for you
I have an old alley cat that is a better mother, sorry, just my opinion, cut those ties, you don’t actually want that around your children?
Toxic is toxic whether it’s family or not.
Just cause she’s family doesn’t mean you have to deal with her. Cut ties. I don’t talk to half my family. They are toxic