My neighbor always let's their grand-daughter enter my back yard without permission: How should I handle this?

Can’t you have a adult conversation with your neighbour. Smh

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Is not her fault its the grandparents u need to talk to them instead of being rude to the little girl

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Easy, talk to grandma. You’re both adults

Tell her If she dont follow your rules to go home!

Put a lock on your gate. And tell your neighbirs to please come and ask if ok she comes… Cause their kid is very rough qnd knocks your kid down qnd HAS to be supervised. Tell the truth to the adults.


U just send her home period and put lock on gate


You can always get a lock put on your gate.

Lock on gate. She will be forced to ask. And then you can say its for my childrens safety. Sometimes it is okay for to be here. Sometimes it is family time.


Lock on the gate. When she tries to come over say no and talk to the grandparents.


Put a lock on your gate & keep her out. You’re not a free nanny! Got to protect your kid’s first & always.


Put a lock on that gate!


Get an electrical gate. That’ll teach her. :rofl:


Put a lock on your gate so she cannot open it. I wouldnt be okay with that period


Tell them your getting a dog and it’s not safe for her to let herself in your yard. And put a lock on the gate. Hang a beware of dog sign. Lol

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Put a lock on the gate!

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Get a lock for your gate.

I’d put a lock on my gate …I’d also tell the little girl when you don’t want her there that ita not a good time she will meed to go home depending on her age…also let the grandparents know. Could even just say with the covid19 I don’t feel comfortable…if you feel mean just telling them you dont want her over


Talk to the grandparents. You can get a spring hinge for the gate to help it close on its own. A lock or even a carabeaner to keep the gate closed.

Put a green circle on fence when she is allowed in and a red one when she isn’t she should understand that


Definitely a lock and then just explain casually that your kids can’t play today when you don’t want her over. Your house your rules. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable but you have to lay the rules down


I would certainly have a lock on your gate! If anything happened to this child while in your yard, the parents or grandparents could try holding you responsible!

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Talk to her family and explain the situation just like you did here. Tell them you think it’s best she doesn’t come over unless invited.

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Definitely a conversation for the grandparents not the child. The fact that the child doesnt see anything wrong goes to show that she isnt being taught what she needs to be taught. Are the grandparents her legal guardians? I would start with them letting them know it’s not okay and youd like to be asked if she can come over. And if that conversation doesnt work and the parents are in her life I would speak to them afterwards.

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Put a lock on your fence.

I would put a lock on the gate and also tell her your kids can’t play and have a conversation with the grandparents

Put a lock on your gate . And say you’d like to keep it safe around your children because of coviď 19 .

Oh by the way how old is this child ?

We have 4 gates and they’re all locked to keep people out and for the safety of my animals. Nobody enters unless they ring the doorbell.

Your letting a child in, that’s your problem. Lock the gate!

I used to sit em down with a few fluffernutters and that kept them at bay lol

Well I for one will come right out and say they can’t play today sorry but u have to go home sweetie… And if that doesn’t work for u then I would point blank tell the grandmother that she’s disrespectful and isn’t ur responsibility and to keep her out of ur yard unless u invite her over. I totally get not wanting to be rude or hurt someone’s feelings. But there comes a point that I get so annoyed I say to hell with it.


Sounds like she probably controls her grandparents. Put a lock on the gate and tell both (her and grandparents) that unless she has asked for permission to come over, she is not to enter the yard. Now days, you have to stay your ground, or people will walk all over you.

I’m pretty sure all you gotta day is get out of my yard and if she goes and tells you tell the grandparents the same thing I don’t want your kids on my yard or in it duh

If some little girl was inviting herself over and pushing my little ones and not listening to me in my own home or yard then she just wouldn’t be coming over anymore to be honest lol


put a lock on the gate.

Still tell grandparents
Still put lock on the gate. If you have side entrance put a lock on that too

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Good thing you don’t have a pool. If your gate won’t keep a small child out, perhaps get a more secure one or a better latch. And grow up and talk to her guardian, your son getting pushed around seems hereditary as you are being a pushover to a first grader


Tell the grand parents. Or lock the gate

My so called used to be “best friend” would send her kids over to my house every day she had them so she could sleep. Finally I had enough and went off on her. Before I went off, I had told them several times today wasnt a good day I will call them when they could come. I would tell the mom and she wouldnt do anything bout it. She never cared. And like u said, sometimes was ok, but they would show up at my house at like 9 in the am and wouldnt leave until 9 that night. So because of that, we r no longer friends because I finally went off on her. Talk to the grandmother and c what she says, but other than that, keep the gate locked and let her know today isnt a good day, that u will call when she can come play. It used to piss me off so bad. And our kids used to play so well together. But she used me. And she never has her kids, when she did they were at my house.

Are the grandparents raising her?sounds like she just wants to play. Tell her if she wants to play stop pushing your child around. Days you don’t want her to play tell her it’s not a good time for her to come over. And fix gate so she can’t leave it open.

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Lock the gate. If it’s a regular hinge there’s a whole specifically made for a padlock. All you need is the lock.

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i would go talk to the grandmother. because eventually that little girl will waltz into the wrong persons backyard and may not come back. that’s the scary reality.


I should talk to her grandparents and get a lock for your gate

Lock that gate girl!


Nope … lock that gate so nobody can let themselves in… n do not feel bad for sayin “hey, she need ask before just coming over” … this is your life too

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Treat her like one if your and tell her and her grandparents if she can’t follow the rules to find another neighbor but she will close the gate after herself and keep her hands for playing not hurting plain and simple and if anything put a latch on your fence so it’s not so easy to get in

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Get a lock for your gate :joy:


I watched a documentary where the neighborhood had flags they would put up, green for good to play, red for not a good time for visits. They said it has worked out great because it gives kids the visual cues they need to learn space boundaries.


Tell that girl to go home ! And let her grandparents know you are not their babysitter in the most tactful way you can


I’ve always had kids that just pop over to play with my children. I personally love it for my kids but there have been a couple that were just downright annoying and I just tell them, kids can’t play today and send them home.

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Watch Dennis the menace and see how Mr Wilson handled it.


Put locks on your gate(s)!

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Talk to the grandparents say the same shit you said to the baby

Put a lock on the gate :person_shrugging:t3:


Next time she is over tell her she needs to ask first if rules are not followed she will have to leave also tell grandparents you need heads up do to she leaves gate open

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I would put a lock on gate, for your safety and others. I’d let the grandma know you are worried about her safety and its important for the grandma to call so that you can be looking for her to make sure she makes it over.
Id tell little girl if she continues to misbehave that she will not be allowed to come over and play.


I have sister inlaw that brings her grandkids here for us to watch while she dont watch and. They get everything out my kids own and never clean up and play rough with my kids. She lets them in my pool and she will sleep in her car. We have watch them. She even came one day when i was going work and my oldest i pay her watch my 2 kids that are 7 and 8 years old kids. The oldest 16. But I tell her Im leaving to go work. She says Lori is hear and says anyways. Makes me angry.

Put a lock on ur side of the gate. She shouldn’t be ur responsibility unless she is invited over by u.


Put a lock on the gate. My friend nephew just opened the gate recently and walked down to the freeway and was hit by a semi truck. Put a lock on the gate


Put a lock on the inside of the gate as well


Put a little lock on your gate


Put a lock on the gate.


Yep lock the gate! Then she will HAVE to ask but the last thing you need is your kid wandering out anyway from her example


Tell her the girl that it’s not a good time to play at your house and tell the grandparents it is not okay for them to let her just come over without asking you


Hmm, this doesn’t state approximate ages so when the mom says “I tried to explain but she doesn’t listen.” Does she not listen or is the explanation beyond her comprehension? Not blaming the mom at all just hard to know if the mom is beating around the bush and the child isn’t getting the hint, because children usually don’t or if the mom is being very clear and the girl is being disrespectful to your rules.

So the first thing I would do on days you are okay with her to play is be clear about your rules, your children know your rules but she may not. “The gate must always stay closed, or you can’t play here.”

“You can’t push around (name of 2 year old) or you can’t play here.”

Be very clear with your boundaries and rules and deal with it as it happens. So girl enters yard. “Now isn’t a good time to play, go back in your yard.” “You can’t play here today (or right now). Maybe tomorrow (or a day you think will be better)” I think just putting this into practice will set up a future for asking. So just respond to her entering as if she is asking. You provide the answer regardless. Your house, your rules.

Depending on her age, 4,5,6 year olds needs lots of reminding and prompting, it’s not that they don’t listen, it’s just what some of them are developmentally capable of.

So then the question is: after you practice and remind her of your boundaries each day- Does she go home when you are clear about it or doesn’t listen and stay? If she doesn’t listen to you when you are clear about it then I would say “my boys like it when you come over to play but if you can’t respect my rules, then you’re not going to be able to come over anymore and I’ll have to talk to your grandparents.” And follow through.

I think a lock on the gate is also a good idea if she really isn’t listening.


Put a lock on the gate and talk to the grandparents


Have a talk with her grandparents. I’m sure shes just bored and likes kids to play with. If you’re uncomfortable get a lock


I’d put a lock on the gate! Then open it for her IF I want her to come play.


Lock the gate. Problem solved.


You don’t have hardware stores where you live? Can’t Amazon or something? This is the stupidest complaint I’ve ever seen. It’s called a lock. Case closed. Next!


Put a lock on your gate! Problem solved.


Lock the backgate so she cant open it herself anymore and if she says let her in just say no,not today.


Tell the kid she has to ask to come over. Everytime she doesn’t tell her she needs to go home. We had a Similar situation and this worked.


Lock the gate! Good fences(boundaries) make great neighbors!!!


Tell her grandparents that you guys have to be called first to see if you guys are busy , put another lock on the gate that she can’t open


Put a lock on that gate


I guess it’s good that she will come to you if anything happens to the grandparents. At least she has someone she trusts. Try to sit her down with a drawn visual. Explain to her if grandma or grandpa gets sick or won’t wake up that it’s called an emergency and okay to come see you. However, that in order to come to someone’s house, permission (or the okay) is needed by the person who lives in the house. That it can be dangerous for her to come over and you happen to not be home. Walk her home and let the grandparent(s) know you set some boundary rules for her and explain them to the grandparents. You taking that time with her is probably what she is looking for. Depending on grandparents age, she may need that nurturing understanding. Hopefully you can get her to understand and see if you can make play dates which will also teach her to only come over on that day. :slight_smile: Good luck


next time call the police n say random kid in ur yard. grandparents will learn

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Talk to grandma and put a lock on the gate. Try talking to grandma first, she may think you have no problem with it since it’s been aloud already.


I would put a combination lock on my gate. I mention combination, because it will keep your youngest from getting out, later on! I blame the grandparents, because they don’t seem to be concerned about her safety. If something were to happen to her, while she’s in yard, you will get the blame.

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Put a lock on the gate from the inside . Only let her in if you want to have her over. Just simply say that you are having family time right now , the kids will play another day .


First you talk to the grandparents and if you ever see the parents speak to them as well. Then put a lock on your gate.

Install a lock so she has to ask

Talk to the grandparents and tell them what you stated in the post. Maybe the grandparents think that bc you haven’t said anything that you don’t mind.

Just tell her to stay in her yard. She wants to play. If you don’t want her there then just say so.

Why not talk to the little girl. Teach her what nobody else is.

“Next time ask before you come on someone’s property. It’s not nice just to walk in… Knock on fence or as the kids if you can play”

Set up plays dates and they can only come those days

very simple. take duct-tape off your pie-hole–knock on neighbor’s door–and use it to talk to the shit-kids parents. Say your kid’s never again allowed too visit our place.

I say do all of what everyone else told I know I raised kids and a gramother to seven u got do something

Lock your gate and talk to the grandparents. How hard is it to do that lol

Put it on the adults watching her. You’re being too nice. If that were me I would have no problem telling them my rules. Especially if youre doing them the favor by watching her when she’s over. Look into your lease agreement as well. So that there are clear rules to abide by for BOTH sides, if this ever becomes a problem again.

Put a lock on gate take of only when you feel like allowing her over