My neighbor always let's their grand-daughter enter my back yard without permission: How should I handle this?

Maybe she doesn’t get attention at home just bless her

Lock the gate so she has to ask you. You can make an excuse then if you’re busy! Or lose the key :rofl:

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Install a lock on the gate if possible, if not possible when she comes over tell her that you guys can’t have company over right now and she needs to go back home and she can come over some other time.

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Simple tell the child it’s not a good time and excort her out … Tell her u will let her know whn a good time is … You can also put a padlock on gate … I had this problem before no one cared so I had to be a bitch about it after awhile and would tell kids go inside and tell the child go home … Sometimes u gotta put ur foot down

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I was just going to say… lock the gate. I had to get a lock on my gate because I have a baby and the next door neighbor kids are like 3 and 4. So I leave the water in my little pool but They have become very comfortable which is okay but I don’t need them to come in my yard and then drown in my pool. I also just put a swing set up and it’s not anchored. I don’t want them to get hurt using my swing set either. So I just got a lock so they can’t open the gate

Talk to the grandparents let them know you’re to be compensated for babysitting if they keep letting her come over without an invite


I agree with the comment about getting a lock on the gate. And just explain that your little one has started trying to escape so just notify or ask before coming over.

I’d put a lock on the gate so they have to ask permission.

Talk to the grandparents and get a lock!

I would go ahead and buy a lock for the gate. Or replace with a lockable gate. For the safety of my children. It doesnt seem like this is something that will go away on it own. So take it into your own hands

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Install a lock on the gate and keep it locked 24/7


Put a lock on your gate hands down and then you won’t have to say one word

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Put a lock on your side that she can’t reach

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Lock the gate. Problem solved. We have locks on all gates…safety of kids and dogs.

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Kids need boundries and its perfectly ok to tell her and her grandparents that she needs to ask before entering your yard and don’t feel bad about telling her its not a good time. I have a niece that goes back and forth with her older brother and they terrorize each other and she likes to come over and spends a few nights a week. I tell her anytime she tries to act with my son the way she does with her brother that that is not allowed here and when I don’t feel up to more kids I tell them no :woman_shrugging:

Put a lock on the gate?


Girl get a lock on the inside of the gate see I must be mean cuz I’d be like ya better ya ass back to ya grandparents!!! Hate to say it but I hate watching anyone’s kids I feel like I have my hands full with my own


That little one needs to be taught to knock and ask before entering. Those granparents need to be confronted and told that occasional playdates are okay but this isnt her backyard.


I would put a lock on the gate so that when she wants to play she must nock on your front door and ask if she can play.


A simple hook and eye lock will put a stop to this.

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You absolutely need to just walked over and tell them she isn’t welcome unless they ask you first because unfortunately you are responsible if something happens to her if she comes over even if it’s uninvited. Or may e put a lock on the inside of the gate.


Get a lock on the gate and keep it locked. Should have one on there anyway as it won’t be long before your own kids will be opening the gate, and for security reasons as well.


Is this a troll question or is everyone turning into milquetoast? Lock the gate, inform the grandparents, and try to get ahold of the parents to let them know what is happening. Tell the girl “No,” and be firm.

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Put a lock on the gate so she can’t just open it.


Lock your gate.
Talk to the grandparents.


Nicely explain to the grandparents what you wrote here. You have every right to say something.

Childproof lock. If they ask, it’s for your child’s safety so they don’t escape. She will have to ask to come in.

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Its your house. Be firm! Tell her to leave if you don’t want her there. Why are you letting a child tell you what’s gonna happen? Lock your gate.

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Keep in mind that she may be looking for connection. I once was that little girl. The grandmother should know better though.


Lock the gate like everyone else is saying and when she plays rough with your kids, send her packing


Put a lock on it. You don’t have to explain anything it’s YOUR property.


Time to put a lock on the gate

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Put a lock on the gate

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This exact same thing is posted on another group that I am in …

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I would give your number to the neighbor and ask of the little girl wants to play that the neighbor calls before letting the child come over


Long gone are the days where kids could just hang at whomevers house. I’d love for kids to feel safe at your place. If one day it’s not convenient just say
Oh sorry not today & I’ll walk you back. Have a chat to grandparents & say today doesn’t work.
Your kids will probably always remember playing with the neighbour when they grow up.
It also depends on age too.


Similar situation right here… I have a almost 2 year old little girl, we live in an open complex (no private gardens), so my front door opens to a communal lawn and alot of the time, older kids want to come and play with her, pick her up and pinch her cheeks, take her Toys if we’re playing outside… It’s rude to tell them to go away and I feel bad, but I also feel a certain responsibility for them if they playing by my flat, so I simply say “oh no, it’s time now for Layla (my baby) to nap”… Or I’ll say “isn’t your mom /nanny /whoever looking for you? Did u tell them that you came here?” and they go to tell the mom or who ever and I then close the door and the curtain… It did happen once that a 6 year old girl was threatened by a older boy that he’s going to take her away and sell her while she was playing outside near my flat, and it was a terrible feeling having to tell her parents what happened… So now I don’t entertain them anymore…

Get a lock for your gate, and speak up. People need to respect boundaries. Tell the grandmother, they need to ask first before she comes over, that youre not always able to just drop what youre doing to watch the little girl. Shes not your child, you didnt agree to watch her, shes not your responsibility. She needs to have permission first.

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Put a better lock on your gate and ignore her. If they make a stink then ask for compensation for babysitting her.

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Put a lock on the gate and then you won’t have to worry about it.


Put your foot down and tell her the kids can’t play right now and to go home.

Put a lock on. Talk with grandparent, only if u want because, u don’t need to Discuss it because it’s for everyone’s safety, Period.

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Yep lock the gate. She won’t be able to get in, she’ll tell her grandma and then Grandma can come have an adult conversation.


Put a special lock on your side of the gate that she cannot access for the safety of your own children.

Bit nervous writing this, as I seem to have a different opinion. For me I would love that a wee girl felt that safe and comfortable to come and play. Her grandparents are from a time where that’s what kids did.
If she is there a lot she is missing out on so much family interaction. She is just trying to share a little of that from you guys.
If she is in your garden its your rules, don’t be afraid to give her boundaries. However do it gently. I would speak to the grandparent when she isn’t there and explain your concerns, and that you don’t mind her playing, but please ask as sometimes it’s not a good time.
She is just a little girl looking for someone to play with.


Put a lock on the gate.

Install a lock because that is very dangerous! Having someone just open the lock just feels like invading my privacy and not to mention the safety concerns of your children! And go and talk to the grandparents! It’s great for your kids to have a play date but sometimes watching your own kids is a job itself!

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Why is it difficult to just send her home, speak to her grandparents and ask them to check with you before she comes over. She isn’t your responsibility. They are being rude and you are being a needless victim. Why would you let strangers disrespect you and your family? If she is a little bully she needs to go home and stay there.


If the grandparents have her a lot, depending on her age, it’s probably hard on the grandparents. Also going on that no other children are mentioned when the girl is, it’s a good chance shes an only child. She could very much be lonely. You could try inviting the grandparent(s)over for coffee or tea, and see if you can come to a solution that works for the both of you. Maybe set up times that she can come over and play. Also, if she is an only child that could explain why shes sometimes too rough. Showing her how to be with the smaller children with baby dolls works with mine, it could work with her as well. It definitely takes a village to raise a child, so be patient, and good luck!

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Deadbolt on the gate

Put a lock on the gate

Put a lock on gate and if the little girl keeps coming over walk her back over and talk to the grandparents

Id put a lock on the gate on the inside and when she is there ask her to say when she is leaving and to make sure she locks the gate… maybe even put a little sign saying ‘please keep shut’. I wouldn’t stop her coming in as now shes used to it thats just mean shes only a child wanting to play and its good interaction for your kids too. If shes too rough you have a right to tell her to be abit more gentle but this is how they learn and make friends. While shes playing in your garden I wouldn’t treat her like a burden but talk to her like you would your own kids.

Just simply say come back later or say that your children can’t play at the moment .

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wow i think alot of parents have experienced this… well i know i have

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Put a lock on the gate! Then explain to the grandparent how you feel about the situation.


Like lacy said put a lock on your gate. Than you won’t have to worry about her not asking. Or her coming into your yard while you guys aren’t home/outside and her get hurt and the grandma try to blame you.


Go over to the grandparents and explain this. It’s your home your kids and it’s your life. You are not responsible for her and they need to understand you have kids and understand that she wants to play but at the same time she needs to ask before welcoming herself. It’s not ride it’s not mean it’s simply telling the grandparents so they understand.

I would talk to the grandparents. Tell them you need a heads up before she comes over. And if you don’t want her there, politely tell her now is not the time and she needs to go home. If all else fails, put a lock on the gate

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I would put on a different lock on my gate. Something she cant open. And speak with her parents/grandparents about how ur smaller kids can easily slip out without u noticing. This happened with us for a little. Except with our dogs. We have a duplex property, my cousins lived in the back house and they would use our front gate to leave(although they had a gate of their own) sometimes leaving my door and gate open and my dogs would get out. We had to change the locks and I spoke to them about it. Sorry but it just b done for ur own safety.


Pop another latch on your side of the gate that cant be reached by smaller kids


When I was a kid (70s and 80s) this was normal and expected in my neighborhood. Every kid had free roam of every yard in the neighborhood lol! As a parent now I get it, it’s a different world now. We’re all much more uptight than our parents were.


Tell her you are having family time and she can come play later or tomorrow.

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Perhaps they are having a tough time watching her as well? Do they watch her daily or does she live with them? I would simply talk to them and explain that it is a safety issue (her playing rough and not listening to redirection from you & also leaving the gate open). I would let them know that like others, it is necessary to make play dates because someone at your home might be ill and you’d hate to pass it on to them (hello, pandemic??). Also, please ask for them to accompany her for the times she is too rough and for general supervision because you’d feel awful if SHE were to get hurt.


Lock the gate and go over and explain to the grand parents


Get a lock and if speaking with the grandparents doesn’t pan out have the convo with the actual parents


Give the grandma your phone number & ask her to call you if the little girl wants to play & get a higher lock on your fence.


Put a lock on your gate, then she’ll have to ask.

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Lock the gate, then they will have to ask you to unlock it or not.

Put a lock on the gate. When you notice her coming over kindly let her know todays not a good day and maybe she can come over another time. Keep this up and they will eventually realize that they should ask before just walking in your yard.


I’m sorry mama’s I’m a bitch straight up I’d be like look this snatch goblin didn’t come out of my hoohah so get her out of my yard if you can’t take care of your snatch goblin then maybe there’s adoption in line. I know im a bitch and it’s mean to say


Put a lock on ur gate


Put a lock on the gate


Talk to the grandparent. If nothing gets resolved, lock it up.

When she gets rough with your child ,warn her,once,if she.refuses to stop send her home.I sent a friend of one of my children home because she didn’t listen and stop something she was told to.Your home ,your rules and if she can’t obey them then send her home ,over and over if you have to.If she really wants to play with your kids , she’ll get the point .


I would put a lock on the gate. I know people are commenting that maybe her grandparents need help but that’s not your responsibility. If they can’t handle her then obviously a different situation needs to be figured out with her parents. It’s not your job to watch a neighbor’s granddaughter. Your responsibility is to protect your children.


Lock the gate and if she asks to come in, you can tell her you don’t have time today or you can let her in! Mix it up depending on how you feel that particular day! Good luck!


Why can’t you just be honest, it seems simple enough

She’s not you’re responsibility go over and talk to her grandparents and address you’re concerns say she needs to ask to come over they can call you if she wants to and put a lock on you’re gate u can get one for as low as a doller

I was definitely that little kid when I was little. My parents were divorced so on my dads weekends I would literally spend every minute I could at the neighbors house. Not because I was a rude or a mean kid but because when I was at my neighbors house It felt more like my moms house & they were always warm & nice to me. Now there were plenty of times they told me not today or they had plans. I totally understand you’re side being a mama myself. But maybe that little girl needs some sense of home in her life like I did. I also no longer speak with my Dad & still see the neighbors & still am appreciative & thankful they’ve always been there for me. :heart:


Put a lock on your gate and than tell the grandmother you’ve put it on because her granddaughter keeps leaving the gate open and your youngest escapes and its not safe to have her coming and going. Also point out you need to know beforehand if she comes over because you need to know who is on your property and when for safety purposes. Personally I wouldn’t have them over without being asked first and having a time limit as you said you and up having to watch her and that’s not your job to mind her for hours on end.


I dealt with this situation before I explained that they can’t see their child in my yard so they can’t come in my yard that I can not be responsible for other people’s children! You are gonna have to be straightforward unless you want to continue to be a free babysitter!

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Lock the gate. Then they have to ask.


Put a lock on ur side where she can’t come or talk to the gma

Talk to the grandparents and if need be, maybe get a lock or latch of some kind for the gate.

Put a lock on the gate ASAP


Tell them you and your kids have covid and are self quarantined. :joy:


Put a latch or lock on your side so she can’t get over. I’d also write her a letter listing your concerns.


Maybe you could talk to the grandparents and genuinely make some kind of arrangement where she only comes over like once or twice a week or something like that. Bottom line it’s not your responsibility to take care of this kid at all so if you don’t want her around just be honest with them. You should explain to the grandparents how uncomfortable it makes you feeling like you’re responsible for this child. I mean can you imagine if something bad happened to her and you were the one that had to take care of that mess? Lock the gate, talk to the grandparents. Tell them you have Corona lmao

Start coughing like crazy :joy::grin:

Tell her to go back to grandma’s. Use your big girl voice.


Then put a lock on the gate


A frank discussion with the grandparents and a lock on your side. Your property and your kids simple as that. You obviously don’t have to be belligerent or rude but don’t shirk from honesty here or it’ll keep on or get worse.

I definitely get why it’s an uncomfortable situation. Sometimes there is no right way to address something with some people and the last thing you want to do is start some kind of insane drama with your elderly neighbors. Sometimes it’s easier said than done when it comes to attempting to handle a situation like this. I would definitely put a lock on the gate and when you don’t want her there just say oh sorry sweetie not right now/today, maybe later/tomorrow. Honestly my first thought was like a lot of the ones on here, to just send her packing and tell the grandparents, but then all the times I’ve seen people end up in crazy situations, drama, and war with their neighbors over the smallest pettiest things came mind… sometimes it’s just best to be as settle as possible.


At our old house, a neighbor boy would come down anytime he saw us outside. I have 4 girls. He’s in between their ages. For awhile he was coming every day! Some days my girls were being especially crazy and I just couldn’t handle another. Got to the point where I had to tell him no the girls were not being good so no friends can come over today. He’d be all pouty about it and act kinda stalker like the rest of the day. I feel your pain.

Put a lock on your gate

Lock the yard up tight. No explanation really necessary.

Why is their a gate between neighbors…never heard of it…but i would shut that gate down an problem solved

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Put a lock on your side of the gate…

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Put another lock on the gate that you use when you are outside. A simple hook and eye is all that’s needed. That will force her to ask. I might check with grandma too, but not as a confrontation. Something like, I noticed (kid) is letting herself into my yard more. Is everything ok? She has to address it, or say she’s having problems taking care of kid.