Nothing. Let her can the landlord and waste his time.
I’d be like why you always coming out here to complain when I’m out here or I go inside. Sounds miserable.
Put her right back in her grimy little Karen place. Landlord won’t do anything for a piece of chalk:joy:
l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19345 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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tell her to get a life
I’d get cameras and tell her to go ahead with the landlord and watch how stupid she looks. It was a piece of chalk on a somewhat public area between the two of you, there is going to be some crossover. One thing she won’t do is insult me. Also, maybe tell her that while a piece of chalk rolled over to her side, you now have to deal with a pos at your doorstep.
Your landlord if reasonable would laugh in her face
Uppercuts solve a lot of my problems
I would keep a photo of the crime scene just in the landlord decides to investigate and I suggest you nicely give her your email address and ask her to forward her future complaints there
l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14297 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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I would call the landlord and let them know how petty your neighbor is being and give them a heads up they may get some complaints that are ridiculous. I would also tell her not to come onto ur side of the porch. And also document it all
Laugh at her tell her to get a life
Call the landlord and find her the phone help her make herself look dumb
She need to live in a private island by herself then🙄. She such a bitter person. Pray for her soul
Ignore her … she obviously a grouchy person
Surely, the landlord knows the tenant is an unreasonable nut job. I would just ignore her and if your landlord has more rental units, I would request to move when one is available.
Ignore her ignorant behind! But I would watch my daughter and I would be outside with her. Just Make sure that don’t happen again.
What a grouchy old bag
Did you punch her in the nose? That’s probably an appropriate response. She sounds insane.
Let her call the landlord. They will get sick of itm
Neighbors suck! You know that State Farm commercial? My husband always sings it and says, like a good neighbor, stay over there instead of State Farm is there LOL ! It’s stuck in my head!!
Yeah what might not be a big deal for me n u might be a big deal to someone else …time to have that talk with ur child …and teach her boundaries because she will have a rocky start in life if she unknowingly starts pissing ppl off …and yeah ur landlord will probably eventually get pissed off with u …how do I know that because i had one of those type of landlords that wouldn’t allow chalk all over the property
leave this, then tell her well at least it wasn’t chalk!!
Next time she walks up to your door tell her she’s on your porch and to F off with a big smile on your face! Stupid Karens
Record all conversations you have with her
Install cameras and record it so you can show the landlord what’s really happening! Some people are just asshats and don’t like kids
Tell her to kiss it.
So sorry you have a neighbor like that…not sure how your porch is made but I would try and find a way to put up some sort of divider…talk to your landlord…but even with a divider I doubt it’s going to stop there…neighbors like that are just true nightmares…
Lol I would take the chalk and on your side write “Beweare of grouch!” With an arrow pointing towards her door. Then she would actually have something good to complain about
Randomly…1am, 4am…beat on her door
Yes she shows up record everyword
Let her call. When she call to complain about one piece of chalk the landlord will think she has lost her ever-loving mind.
Clean the chalk Gand let it go. Pick your battles your neighbor is not worth it
I would request to move to another unit saying you
Laugh in her face. Put some items as a divider for the future. Plant pots, etc
If this is normal for this neighbor the best advice when dealing with people like that is to kill them with kindness.
Put up some type of barrier between your sides…make sure it’s super tacky too. Eff that ole bitty!
See if the landlord could put up some type of a divider and then ignore the crazy.
This is what’s wrong with the world.
Ignore her?
That’s the advice being given?
How about apologize, pick up the freaking chalk and watch your child.
It’s her side of the porch.
I raised kids and sometimes they annoyed others.
We apologized and made sure it never happened again.
My children were taught to be considerate.
If she’s admitting to this happening once, I can guarantee incidents like this and most probably more are happening often.
A piece of chalk may not seem like a big deal to the mom but to the neighbor, obviously, it is.
Maybe the neighbor is clumsy, or elderly, or has an problem where a stepping in a piece of chalk could cause her to turn her ankle and fall?
Or maybe the neighbor is just persnickety and wants to keep her side neat?
Why isn’t that her right?
Mom should put up a barrier so the toddler who, by the way, should not be in a porch unattended stays on their side
This solution keeps the child’s playthings and artwork on her side.
Simple solution, no hard feelings.
And she should apologize, for Pete’s sake.
Use the kid. Make a big ol batch of cookies and have your daughter deliver them saying she make them just for her favorite neighbor in all the world. Watch the neighbor soften towards your kid after that.
I would apologize and Let it roll off and I bet the landlord would laugh or snap on her over 1 piece of chalk. They have way more important shit to worry about. I would also find up a way to stop it from happening In the future maybe go to Home Depot and seee what they can suggest for a little bumper when things roll. We just lost 5-6 of our daughters caps cuz a friend let them roll under our decking that we can’t get under. So now we use a box to block the area. Things happen but solutions need to be found. We don’t get a long with a few of our neighbors and finding a solution that works for all is definitely needed to live happy.
I’d laugh in her face and tell her to let the landlord know I said hi .
Get an extendable baby gate or something for separation and I’d also get a video bell or something…
You pray for her, she needs it.
You need to write a letter to your landlord mail it certified or return receipt requested…explain the situation…ask for a divider. Letter serves 2 purposes…get her harrassmenr on record…letter will show you are being proactive for a solution…the other purpose…you can bet money the bitty is building a case against you…at some point she will call child protective services in you. And if your landlord has that letter…it will show she is harrassing you. And anytime she comes to your door…turn your video recorder on your phone and shove it in her face…if she knows you aren’t going to take her bs…she may back off. But at some point she will break the lease with her harrassment of another tenant…and if your landlord is worth anything…they will eventually evict her. You can also call the cops any time she knocks on your door…dont answer it…let the cops go find out what she wanted. Lol…and if she brings baked goods as a peace offering…theow them away…even if you like pie…I wouldnt eat thst one.
Secure your area so your baby can enjoy herself…you probably can buy some mesh and put around bottom of railing and chalk won’t roll thru
Tell her where to shove it
well, I can understand this, because on can slip & fall from a piece of chalk, So maybe if she said it that way instead of what she did, would have made more sense, plus whether she was worried for her safety or anyone else’s, again she did have a point, if she worded it this way. I am sure this mother would be beyond devastated if her toddler, slipped & fell off the porch & severely hurt herself if it happened !!!
I would speak with the landlord and ask what she suggests? See if their is another unit available and you can get away from that crazy bat
Ask her why she’s jealous of you and your daughter and then roll morecambe her way
Have you ever heard of Frank the Christmas Gargoyle ?
Laugh. The landlord will probably laugh as well. Bless it.
Call your landlord and tell them what happened
Put bricks dividing your porch and while your at it see what you can do for additional privacy maybe some plants ?
Move as soon as you can
l Get paid over $114 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19220 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Reach out to your landlord and keep a better eye on your child’s things. She sounds unnecessary but you know she’s like that if it’s her side make sure your child stays away.
Get a ring door bell and than every time she acts ignorant show her a video of herself show her how Ridiculous she looks
I would keep records of every interaction you have so that if your landlord does get involved, you have proof.
Get a go pro…do I day in the life video, and put the thing on every time you interact with her. Or record her on your phone, being sure to tell her to smile for the camera/video or else it can be illegal in some states. We had neighbors from hell a few years back, he did have a video camera on our yard (which showed exactly our side of things, btw) but I filmed the toxic interactions with him, so when the HOA came to investigate, I had a portfolio. I also told them to get look at His video camera pointed at MY house….he kept saying my pet was loose in his yard. It wasn’t my dog….also, it was deer….LOL!
Tell her to get a life, and remind her that children are allowed to play, and that she was young once… Everybody’s shit smells at some point implying she is far from perfect as we all are
Sounds like your neighbour needs to get a life
You call the landlord and discuss how awful she is. Be one step ahead. Maybe get a ring camera so it’s recorded. But also make sure you pick up after your kid. While I think she’s a mean dramatic lady…she could accidentally step on it and drag the dust etc into her home.
She is being ridiculous. I’d do nothing. Apologize and move on . Children are children !
l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14297 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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I agree put some kind of divider between her side and urs ,it’s worth the effort.Maybe a couple plastic gates. Or we have an orange gate that we put up around our garden to keep the animals out .It comes in a roll .Look at ur local hardware store.
Complain to your landlord first then MOVE
tell her to go fuck herself
Sounds like there is more to this…
She’s complaining about CHALK?! Tell her to get herself a life…
Maybe she should use the chalk herself & calm the hell down
Get a baby date to divide the two porches and she what she bitches about next
Since she’s a nightmare, I’d make certain that nothing is on her side of the porch. After my child is done playing I would double check. I would also be asking to be let out of my lease and finding a new place as soon as possible.
I cant comment or i will be back in fb jail , lol. Gosh it would be a shame if YOU accidently dropped a whole box of it
But something in between
Flip the script. Tell your landlord she’s harassing you.
Tell her to fuck off. That’s ignorant and petty.
Cover her side with balloons filled with shaving cream.
Just teach your kid about over people’s things and no to invade other people’s privacy. Not all people like chaulk on their porch . You have to respect others. And teach respect to your kids. That’s ìscwhats wrong with America today people have lost all respect for others
Tell her get a real hobby
I had neighbors from hell who saw nothing wrong w the bs they did. Prob more to it for her to call you lazy.
Oh no! It’s another episode of Fear Thy Neighbor Be careful and try to avoid her so it doesn’t escalate
l Get paid over $114 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19220 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Tell her to get a job
l Get paid over $114 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19220 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Maybe talk to your landlord about putting up a small barrier to divide the porch in half.
Just keep the child on your side…easy fix
You should have just laughed in her face
There is nothing you can do with miserable people like that. They hate everything. Complain to the landlord or move
I would do exactly the same thing to her - bang on her door, tell her you picked up the chalk (make a huge deal of it and add that the deck is slanted and you’ll probably have other things roll this way), tell her to stop being a b*tch about it, and that you’re going to make a complaint about her harassing you - and actually DO make the complaint
Put up a baby gate to separate the porches.
I’d tell her to kiss my ass!
Build a wall between porches buy a little foldable separating wall and put it out during the day. Then if she has a problem tell her to stay off your property
Its chalk…let her tell the landlord about a piece of chalk lol
Pretty sure the landlord knows that neighbor is a witch and complains about everything
Take a picture of said chalk and then tell her to fuck off, go back inside and continue with your day.
I’d of threatened to shove the peace of chalk up her piss hole sideways
Tell her to file a police report and to be prepared to prove she didn’t steal the chalk! Tell her you believe that the chalk was stolen by her and you will not tolerate living next door to a thief.
Tell her to get a life.
If she has no children, May be she is envious of you and that is what this is really about!!! So she has no patience for children, make her some cookies and have your little one take them to her
2 wrongs don’t make a right, neighbors need to be friends if possible. Or invite her to coffee and she can see you are really not as the said dirty!!! Hugs. Have great neighbors, we help each other. Hope your will also. God bless